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高二下学期期末测试题 单词拼写:1S _ does he go to the hall. You cant find him there.2 Whenever he begins to work, he puts all his heart and s _ into it.3 Your hands are shaking. Dont be so n _.4 Disabled people can a _ great success even though it is difficult.5 I couldnt hear what they were talking about because they were w _ 6 Stick out your _(舌头)Let me examine it.7The _ 音乐家) is planning to start a school8He had a little _ (钱财) in the bank with which to help his brother.9After the sound waves are _ (加强) , you can hear clearly10 We had _ (频繁的) calls all morning from customers who were eager to get it.选择题:1 Not only _ below sea level, but also _ very salty. Ais the Dead Sea, it is Bis the Dead Sea, is itCthe Dead Sea is, it is Dthe Dead Sea is, is it2 The cloth you bought _ . Afeels soft Bfeels softlyCtouches soft Dtouches softly3All the people in China were looking forward _ Hongkong _ . Ato having, returned Bto having, returningCto get, returned Dto get, returning4The captain showed them the fact _ he sailed around the earth. Athat Bwhich Cby which Dby that5 _ you need to improve your spoken English is more practice. AWhat BThat CWhich DHow6The possibility _ we wont produce enough goods troubles everyone here. Awhich Bthat Cwho Dwhere7His answer _ out on a computer _ into sounds. Awas typed, was translatedBtyped, translatedCwas typed, translatedDtyped, was translated8Here _ from Frankfort Adoes the train come Bcomes the trainCcomes it Dthe train comes9- Whats the matter with him?- _ , he is out of _ work AAs a matter of fact, / BIn my opinion, /CThe fact is , the DBecause , the10She was so _ that she _ need of a rest Atired , was in Btired , inCtiring, was in Dtiring, in11 The unexpected weather _ them going out for a picnic. Apersuaded BpermittedCprevented Dforbidden12 We insist _ tonight. Aon their not coming Bon them not to comeCon they should not come Dthat them not come13- What do you do to _ your living?- My job is _ the table and I also do some other things in the restaurant. Aearn, laying Bmake, lyingCearn , to lie Dmake , lay14- Martin Luther King went on struggling.- His life _ in great danger. Amight be Bmust have beenCcant have been Dcouldnt have been15I could hear them _ each other _ . Ahope , success Bwish , successCexpect, successful Dwish, successful16 _ , the letter was posted AHaving folded BHaving been foldedCBeing folding DHaving been folding17They stayed in the classroom _ in the lecture hall. Ainstead Binstead ofCinstead to go Dwithout18It _ that the jewels had been in the bank all the time Aturned out Bturned onCworked out Dcarried out19 Jim never thought he would _ the first prize in the competition. Abe trusted Bbe recognizedCmake an effort Dend up with20I have always _ coming to China, and now my dream has Adreamt of, realizedBdreamt of, come trueCdreamt, been realizedDdreamt, been come true 完形填空:There is a small island, which is part of New Zealand, named Boarland. It was named Boarland because a lot of boars, large wild pigs, live on the island.These boars 1 to be a big problemThey often ran through the village and 2 farmsSometimes they attacked peopleFinally , the government sent a letter to a famous 3 , Peter ThomassenThe government said that they would pay $ 10, 000 if he could 4 the boars.Thomassen 5 the offer and came to Boarland the following weekHe saidthat he would solve the problem of the boars within two 6 . He didnt carry a gun with himHe spent the first whole week 7 watching the boars very carefully.After that he made a 8 that the boars liked to eat a special kind of cornThey seemed to prefer eating the corn 9 all other foods. During the second week Thomassen got several large bags of the corn and carried them into the forest.He put several pieces of corn in an open field where the boars lived. At first 10 of the boars would eat the corn. However, after a few days, some of the 11 boars began to go near it. A few of them ran to the corn, ate a few pieces and then ran back into the forest. 12 more and more boars began to eat the corn.After a month most of the boars were eating the food Thomassen had 13 Only a few were still attacking the village farms.At the end of five weeks Thomassen went to the village and asked the people for 14 to build a fence. The people gave him wood and wire in order to build a fenceThey wanted to go with him , but he told them not to follow himDuring the sixth week, he started to build a very 15 fence around the open field. Of course, each day he brought more corn to the field. The pigs didnt seem to 16 that he was building a fence and they were happy because every day they received their favorite food 17 having to work for itLittle by little the fence became higher and higher, and then one day he built a 18 and slowly closed itIn the middle of the eighth week , he went to tell the the villagers he had solved the problem. This time the villagers followed him to the woods. They saw a fence one metre high, and the pigs were 19 , and they didnt seem to be 20 at all.Thomassen explained, “Please feed them some corn every day and theyll never disturb you again.” He received his money because he had solved the problem.1Aused Bhoped Ctried Dintended2Aburnt Bdestroyed Cattacked Dstopped3 Akiller Bleader Cscientist Dhunter4Akill Bcatch Cgive up Dget rid of5Aaccepted Breceived Cmade Dhelped6 Aweeks Bdays Cmonths Dyears7Ajust Balmost Ceven Dever8Adecision Bdiscovery Cplan Dfact9Ato Bthan Cfor Dexcept10Asome Ball Cnone Dseveral11Asmall Byoung Cold Dbig12ALittle by littleBNow and thenCFrom time to timeDHere and there13Aeaten Bcooked Cplanted Dprepared14Awood Bwires Chelp Dmaterials15Ahigh Blow Cstrong Dlong16Aknow Brecognize Cnotice Dsee17 Awithout Bwith Cfor Dbecause of18Agate Bfence Cwindow Dvillage19Aeating Binside Cwild Deverywhere20 Ahappy Beasy Canimals Dwild根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出五个能填入空白处的最佳答案;选项中有两项为多余选项。- Its a bit rainy today.- 1 What shall we do today?- I feel like going to the museum.- 2 - Id prefer them not to charge too much money. 3 - Go ahead. 4 - 5 - Since we have different plans, wed better part.- Have a good day!- The same to you.AOtherwise you wont get together.BI hope so.CHopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.DId rather walk round a free park.E Its too wet to do so.F But Im determined to enjoy myself as much as possible.G So far as I know, its not free to get into it nowadays.书面表达根据下面的中文提示,写一篇在海边玩耍的叙述文。1起初沿海滩走,看到海上很多鱼船。2从岩石上跳水,在海里游泳,还在沙滩上做游戏,练习在水里憋气。3渡过了愉快的一天。注意:不要逐字翻译,要按意思写成通顺的文段;字数大约60-80;文段的第一句已经给出。Last Sunday we went to the seaside 【答案提示】1 Seldom 2 soul 3 nervous 4 achieve5 whispering 6 tongue 7 musician 8 fortune 9 strengthened 10 frequent1-5 A A A A A 6-10 B D B A A11-15 C A A B B 16-20 B B A D B1-5A B D D A 6-10 C A B A C11-15B A D D B 16-20 C A A B D1-5 C G F D E When we first walked along the beach, we saw there were lots of fishing boatsout at sea. Then we climbed a big rock and dived off the rock into the sea, where we swam very happily. We also played various games on the sand and practised holding our breath underwater over and over again. What a good day we spent at the seaside !


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