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Unit 1 第2课时Reading .单项填空 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(原创)To_my point, let us consider the case of Mary.Aillustrate Bsuggest Cexpress Drecognize答案:A本题题意:为用实例阐明我的论点,我们来考虑一下玛丽的情况。illustrate表示“举例说明”, illustrate the point表示“说明观点”。 2(原创)This is distinct_what was discussed above.Ain BfromCwith Don答案:B本题题意:这与上面所讨论的是不同的。be distinct from. 表示“与不同”。3(原创)In answer to the final question about the importance of rainforest conservation,_ of children simply said that we need rainforests to survive.Anor Bthe mostCthe majority Dall答案:C本题题意:在回答最后一个关于保护热带雨林的重要性问题时,大多数孩子简单回答我们需要雨林生存。“a/the majority of复数名词”,表示“大多数”。most of/all of与复数名词连用时,复数名词前必须加限定词。4(原创)How does a country become a country? When the Colonies_their independence from Britain, they had a flag and an army. What they lacked was a government.Apublished BannouncedCdeclared Dreported答案:C本题题意:一个国家是如何形成的?当殖民地宣布脱离英国独立时,他们已经有自己的国家跟军队。他们所缺少的,是一个政府。declare the independence 表示“宣布独立”。5(原创)So Mrs. Shi made up her mind to_and open up more of the waste land.Adepend on Brely onClive on Dinsist on答案:C本题题意:石夫人决心活下去。 她把一些荒起的土地也完全开垦出来,扩大种植范围。live on表示“继续活着;继续存在”。6(原创)_spiritual dialogue, the IIt relationship becomes IYou relationship.ABy means of BIn spite ofCIn face of DApart from答案:A本题题意:通过心灵的对话,“我它”的关系就会变成“我你”的关系。by means of 表示“借助手段;依靠方法”。7_a large collection of scientific works in Chinese,our library contains many scientific books in foreign languages.AAccording to BRegardless of CIn addition to DIn terms of答案:C本题题意:我们图书馆除了藏有大批中文科技书籍之外,还有许多外文科技书籍。in addition(to sb/sth) 表示“除以外(还)”。8(原创)Never, never forget one thing. The girl you marry, and the woman you must make a_with, are two different people.Alife BlivingCfortunate Ddifference答案:A本题题意:千万不要忘记这样一个真理:你要与之结婚的姑娘和你必须与之共同生活的女人,是两个完全不同的人。make a life with sb表示“和某人一起生活”。9(原创)Her spirits have_very well, despite all her bad luck.Acaught up Btaken upCstayed upDkept up答案:D本题题意:尽管她遭到厄运,她的情绪一直很高。keep up表示“使处于高水平;使不低落”。10(原创)After all, it was because of his work with them_he had begun his search for a way to reproduce the human voice electrically.Athat Bwhat Cwhy Dhow答案:A本题题意:毕竟,正是由于他的工作与聋人有关才促使他开始寻找一种能通过电线再现人说话的方式。强调句型强调了原因状语 because of his work with them.完成句子根据相关的汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1我借助报纸上的一则广告找到了我的自行车。I found my bike_ _ _a notice in the newspaper.2科学家们说, 他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。Scientists say they are beginning to_ _in the fight_cancer.3德国已对俄国宣战的消息一大早就传来了。_ _ _ _came the news that Gemany had_ _ _Russia.4我们七月初要去日本。Were going to Japan_ _ _ _July.5他当演员的梦想终于实现了。He finally_ _ _of becoming an actor. His dream of becoming an actor finally_ _.6环境对儿童有着重大意义。Environment means_ _a child.7保育员尽量让孩子在室外活动。The nurses keep children out of doors_ _ _.8我有一些困难,但是比起你的就算不了什么。Ive had some difficulties but they were nothing_ _yours.9该岛人口约78,000。The island_ _ _ _about 78,000.10会长被迫辞了职。The president was forced_ _.答案:1by means of2break through;against3Early in the day; declared war on4at the beginning of5realized/achieved his dream; came true6much to7as much as possible8compared to(be nothing compared to sb/sth 表示“比起算不了什么”)9has a population of10into resigning/to resign.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(东北三校2010年高三第一次模拟测试)If your father never says to you“I love you”when you are a child, it_1_to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows_2_.I do not_3_hearing the words from my father when I was growing up._4_, I could not recall(回忆)when I had_5_said those words to him either.One day, I decided to_6_the ice and make the first_7_. So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my_8_and let out the words in a low voice,“Dad.I love you!”There was a_9_at the other end and he awkwardly_10_,“Well, same back at ya!”I was unexpectedly_11_and my voice was raised,“Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say what you want to say.”Fifteen minutes later my mother called and_12_asked,“Paul, is everything okay?”A few weeks later, Dad_13_our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.”I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally“_14_”the love.As I sat there in tears I realized that this_15_moment had taken our fatherandson relationship to a new_16_. Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly_17_death following heart surgery(外科手术). Many times_18_, I have_19_if I had not taken the first step and Dad not_20_the surgery, I would have never“heard”the love.文章大意:多年来,父子二人从未用语言表达过心中的爱。最终,作者鼓起勇气,在电话中向父亲倾诉了自己的心声。父亲同样道出了内心深处的爱。作者听后潸然泪下。1A.works out Bbreaks outCcomes out Dturns out答案:D句意为:想让父亲说出“我爱你”将更加困难。2A.wiser BbusierCweaker Dolder答案:D此处与前面的when you are a child相呼应,表示的是“随着父亲年龄的增长”。3A.remember BenjoyCmind Dregret答案:A上一段是作者的亲身体会和感情,再结合下文的“make the first(move)”可推断作者不“记得”自己成长过程中听到父亲说过这样的话。4A.Truthfully BFortunatelyCNaturally DObviously答案:A作者的父亲从未对作者说过“我爱你”,而作者也不曾向自己的父亲表白过,所以用A项,表示“说实话,如实地”;B、C、D三项分别表示“幸运地”;“自然地”;“明显地”,均不符合语境。5A.only BlastConce Dfirst答案:C作者也无法回忆自己曾向父亲说过那些话。once表示“曾经”。6A.melt BbreakCstrike Dbuild答案:Bbreak the ice表示“打破沉默,打破僵局,着手做事”。作者打算打破僵局,首先向父亲表达自己心中的爱。7A.complaint BpromiseCmove Dimpression答案:C由本段第二句内容可知,由于作者和父亲都从未向对方说过“我爱你”,所以作者决定先采取“行动”,主动向父亲表达。文章结尾处“taken the first step”也有暗示。move表示“行动;步骤”。8A.strength BideasCwords Dattention答案:A多年来作者和父亲之间从未向对方表达过自己的爱意,而作者又决定首先打破僵局,由此可推知作者需要鼓足所有的“勇气”说出那些话。此外,句中的in a low voice以及引号中的省略号也是线索提示。9A.sigh BsilenceCvoice Dcry答案:B作者的父亲多年来从未向孩子表达过心中的爱,而孩子突然间倾诉了自己的心声,作为长辈的他自然一时难以反应过来,所以是“沉默”。D项在文章中没有信息支持。10A.refused BshoutedCreplied Dexplained答案:C双方通过电话交谈,既然孩子表达了自己的心声,父亲自然要进行“回答”。本句的意思是他笨拙地回答。其余选项在文章中没有信息支持。11A.touched BfrightenedCshocked Dannoyed答案:A作者鼓足勇气向父亲说出“我爱你”后,想不到父亲竟然笨拙地说出了“same back at ya”,因此意想不到地“感动”。后三项分别表示“恐惧的”;“震惊的”;“烦恼的”,都不符合语境。12A.excitedly BnervouslyCwillingly Dsadly答案:B根据本句后半部分引号中的内容可知,作者的母亲担心发生了什么事情,所以“紧张地”询问。13A.continued BcheckedCconcluded Dinterrupted答案:C在几周以后的电话交谈中,作者的父亲对作者说出“我爱你”后“结束”了交谈。conclude.with.表示“以结束”。14A.accepted BexpectedClearned Dheard答案:D作者终于在电话中“听”到了父亲对自己的爱,无比感动,泪水滚滚滑落。文章最后一句也是线索提示。15A.quiet BdifficultCspecial Ddifferent答案:C多年来父子之间从未向对方表露过爱意,如今埋在心底多年的话终于得以表达,对作者而言,显然是“一个特殊”的时刻。16A.level BideaCworld Dend答案:A在彼此表达过心中的爱后,父子之间的关系上升到了一个新的“水平”。17A.managed BescapedCavoided Dfaced答案:B此后不久,作者的父亲在做了心脏手术后九死一生,“摆脱”了死神的魔掌。18A.then BagoCbefore Dsince答案:D本句的时态是现在完成时,由此可判断用since,意思是“自从”那以后,作者思想翻腾了许多次。19A.realized BfoundCdoubted Dwondered答案:D从那以后,作者不止一次地“琢磨”,如果自己当时不主动表达感情,并且父亲没有从手术中活下来,自己将永远无法听到父亲的爱。前两项的意思基本相同,可排除。doubt用于肯定句时,与if/whether连用表示对后面的内容的怀疑,显然不符合所给语境。realize表示“意识到”。20A.challenged BexperiencedCsurvived Dreceived答案:C上一句提到作者的父亲在心脏手术中幸存下来。此句是虚拟语气,意思是假如当时他没有在手术中“幸存”下来,作者将永远听不到父亲的爱。.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(2010天津卷)WELCOMEWelcome to Windsor Castle, the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world.Windsor is one of the official residences(住所)of the Queen, who sometimes stays here.Audio toursFree audio tours are available on leaving the Admission Centre at the start of your visit.There is a descriptive audio tour for blind and poorsighted visitors.Guided toursVisitors can explore the history of the Castle through a tour of the Precinets with an expert guide.Tours depart at regular intervals throughout the day from the Courtyard and finish at the entrance to the State Apartments.Visitors with childrenFor those visiting with children,a special family tour and various activities are offered druing school holidays and at weekends.Please note that,for safety reasons,pushchairs are not permitted in the State Apartments. However,baby carriers are available to borrow.St Georges ChapelVisitors arriving at the Castle after 1500 from March to October are advised to visit St Georges Chapel first, before it closes.ShoppingShops offer a wide range of souvenirs designed for the Royal Collection, including books,postcards,china,jewellery,and childrens toys. Please ask at the Middle Ward shop about our home delivery service.RefreshmentsBottled water can be purchased from the Courtyard and Middle Ward shops.From April to September ice cream is also available.Visitors wishing to leave the Castle for refreshments in the town may obtain reentry permits from the castle shops.Eating and drinking are not permitted in the State Apartments or St Georges Chapel!Photography and mobile phonesNoncommercial photography and filming are welcomed in the Castle.Photography,video recording and filming are not permitted inside the State Apartments or St Georges Chapel.Mobile phones must be switched off inside the State Apartments and St Georges Chapel in consideration of other visitors.SecurityAs Windsor Castle is a working_royal_palace,visitors and their belongings should get through airportstyle security checks.For safety and security reasons a oneway system operates along the visitor route.1.A visitor can apply for a free audio tour_.Ain the CourtyardBin the State ApartmentsCat the Admission CenterDat St Georges Chapel答案:C细节理解题。根据Audio tours部分第一句可知。2What is specially offered to visitors with kids?AA security guard. BA pushchair.CA free toy. DA baby carrier.答案:D细节理解题。根据visitors with children部分最后两句可知,婴儿携带者可借推椅。3Who can get reentry permits?AVisitors wishing to eat outside the Castle.BVisitors buying gifts in the castle shops.CVisitors buying water from the Coutryard.DVisitors eating outside St Georges Chapel.答案:A细节理解题。根据Refreshment部分第三句话可知。4Why are visitors required to turn off their mobile phones?ATo ensure the safety of others.BTo ensure the security of the Castle.CTo prevent them from disturbing others.DTo prevent the use of the builtin cameras.答案:C细节理解题。根据photography and mobile phones一段中的最后一句话可知。5In the last part,a“working royal palace”refers to one_.Astill being constructedBstill used by the royal familyCwhere the Queen usually worksDwhere works of art are on show答案:B词义猜测题。句意:因为温沙城堡仍是一个工作中的皇家城堡,故名思义,本城堡仍由英国皇室使用。


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