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2011 届高考英语易错题归类及解析 一 形容词与副词类 1 We don t care if a hunting dog smells but we really don t want him to smell A well well B bad bad C well badly D badly bad 陷阱 容易误选 B 认为两个 smell 均为连系动词 后接形容词作表语 分析 最佳答案为 D 句中的第一个 smell 为实义动词 意为 闻气味 嗅觉 s mell badly 意为 嗅觉差 第二个 smell 为连系动词 意为 闻起来 有某种气味 smell bad 意为 闻起来气味难闻 全句意为 我们并不介意一条猎狗的嗅觉不好 但我们的确不 希望它的气味难闻 2 do you think of your English teacher Oh he is an ma n A What interesting B What interested C How interesting D How interested 陷阱 容易误选 D 认为第一空应填 how 表示 如何 第二空应填 interested 因为有的书上说 ing 形容词主要说明事物 ed 形容词主要说明人 分析 其实最佳答案应是 A 英语中表示汉语的 你觉得 如何 时 可用 How do you like 或 What do you think of 注意两者搭配不同 即 like 与 how 搭配 think of 与 what 搭配 另一方面 有的书认为 ing 形容词说明事 ed 形容词说明人 此说法在很多情况下是可行的 但表述欠严谨 严谨的表述应该是 表示使 别 人感到 如何 用 ing 形容词 表示人自己本身感到如何 用 ed 形容词 比较 All the children are interested 所有的孩子都很感兴趣 All the children are interesting 所有的孩子都很有趣 I read an interested expression on his face 我看到他脸上露出一种感兴趣的表情 I read an interesting expression on his face 我看到他脸上露出一种有趣的表情 再比较 He is frightened 他很害怕 He is frightening 他很吓人 He has a frightened look on his face 他脸上带有惊恐的神情 He has a frightening look on his face 他脸上带有吓人的神情 3 I think he is to tell us the secret but I m not sure A possible B likely C impossible D certain 陷阱 A B C 三项均有可能被选择 分析 根据句意首先排除 D 再根据上面一题的分析 排除 A 和 C 也就是说 此 题最佳答案为 B 注意 likely 的用法 它与 possible 所用句型不同 请看实例 Are we likely to arrive in time 我们会及时赶到吗 It s very likely that he will ring me tonight 今晚他很可能会给我来电话 They will very likely come by car 他们很可能会坐汽车来 该句中的 likely 为副词 而前两句中的 likely 为形容词 4 Let s make it at seven o clock on Tuesday morning at my office if A you re convenient B it is convenient for you C you feel convenient D it is convenient with you 陷阱 容易误选 A 或 C 因为许多同学将汉语中的 如果你方便的话 直译为 if you are convenient 或 if you feel convenient 分析 最佳答案为 B 因为英语中的 convenient 不是表示 感到方便的 而是表示 使人感到方便的 所以 be convenient 的主语通常不能是 人 要表示 如果你方便的话 英语通常 if it is convenient for to you 其中的介词可用 for 或 to 但一般不用 with 顺便说一句 偶尔也可见到用人或物作 be convenient 的主语 但此时的句子必须具备这 样的特点 句子主语是其后不定式的逻辑宾语 如 Mary is convenient to see on Sunday It is convenient to see Mary on Sunday 星 期天去见玛丽较为方便 The furniture is convenient to move It is convenient to move the furniture 这家具 搬起来很方便 5 We were two hours late that day which was due to the A crowded traffic B crowded traffics C busy traffic D busy traffics 陷阱 容易误选 A 因为许多同学将汉语中的 拥挤的交通 直译为 crowded traffic s 由于 traffic 不可数 排除含 traffics 的选项 所以许多考生便选定答案 A 分析 其实 此题的最佳答案是 C 因为英语的 traffic 习惯上不用 crowded 修饰 而用 busy 或 heavy 修饰 以说明 交通 的 拥挤 类似这样的在修饰语方面需特别注 意的还有 1 汉语的 绿茶 说成英语是 green tea 但相应的 红茶 却是 black tea 而不是 red te a 2 可说 thick soup 浓汤 但不说 thick coffee tea 要表示 浓咖啡 茶 可用 stron g coffee tea 3 可说 thin soup 稀汤 但不说 thin coffee tea 要表示 淡咖啡 茶 可用 weak coffee tea 6 Mary is very clever and worth teaching but her brother is not Look he is n ow asleep in class A very very B much very C well very D well fast 陷阱 容易误选 A 因为许多学生往往将汉语中的 很 与英语中的 very 等同 分析 但是 许多汉语中的 很 是不能用英语中的 very 来直译的 如汉语 我很喜 欢英语 在英语中就不能说成 I very like English 而应说成 I like English very much 因为副词 very 在英语中习惯上不用来修饰动词 上面一题不能选 A 是因为形容词 wort h 和 asleep 习惯上不能用副词 very 来修饰 而是分别用 well 和 fast 修饰 即说成 be well worth doing sth 很值得做某事 be fast 或 sound asleep 熟睡 所以此题的最佳答案 应选 D 7 Entering the house we found him lying on the bed with his mouth and e yes A open close B opened closed C opened close D open closed 陷阱 此题很容易误选 A 分析 答案应选 D open 和 close 均可用作动词 前者表示 开 后者表示 关 是 一对反义词 如 Please open your mouth and close your eyes 请张开嘴 闭上眼 但是 open 和 close 也可用作形容词 此时前者意为 开着的 后者意为 接近的 亲近的 等 而并不表示 关着的 要表示 关着的 英语用 closed 即用作形容词时 op en 与 close 不是一对反义词 而与 closed 才是反义词 8 A road goes from one place to another A straight straight B straightly straightly C straight straightly D straightly stra ight 陷阱 容易误选 C 认为 straightly 是 straight 的副词形式 分析 在现代英语中 straight 既可用作形容词 也可用作副词 而 straightly 这个 副词在现代英语中已被废弃 许多词典均不再收录此词 所以此题最佳答案应选 A 介词类 1 You went late the stadium yesterday evening didn t you Yes my wife was a little late the supper A to with B for with C for for D at for 陷阱 容易误选 B 或 D 分析 答案应选 A 第一空填 to 比较好理解 因为此处的 late 为副词 用以修饰 go to the stadium 中的动词 go 而第二句的 with 则是许多同学不容易想到的 相反 更多 地可能是想到 for 现将两者区别如下 be late for 表示做某事迟到 而 be late with 表示 做某事做晚了 be late in doing sth 比较 We were late for dinner 我们吃饭迟到了 We were late with dinner in having dinner 我们吃饭吃得迟 句中 my wife was a little late with the supper 的意思是 我妻子准备晚饭稍迟了一点 2 Sometimes our opinions differ what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we ve observed A which B since C because D because of 陷阱 容易误选 C 因为按英语语法习惯 because 是连词 其后接句子 而 becaus e of 是复合介词 其后接名词 代词或动名词等 分析 此题答案选 D because 作为从属连词 主要用于引导原因状语从句 既然 是引导一个从句 也就是说它的后面不能再连用 引导词 如 He was angry because we were late 他很生气因为我们迟到了 They can t have gone out because the light is on 他们不可能出去了 因为灯还亮着 Bread is cheap in this supermarket because they bake it themselves 这家超市的面包 是自制的 所以便宜 假若 一个从句已经有了自己的 引导词 那么它前面就不宜再用 because 这个连词 了 如 She got angry because of what you said 她哭是因为你说的话 句中的 what 相当于 the thing that 也就是说 what you said 相当于 the thing that y ou said 其中 the thing 用作 because of 的宾语 而 that you said 为修饰 the thing 的定 语从句 He lost his job because of how he treated his boss 他因为对老板的态度 不好 而丢 了工作 句中的 how 相当于 the way in which 也就是说 how he treated his boss 相当于 th e way in which he treated his boss 其中 the way 用作 because of 的宾语 而 in which h e treated his boss 为修饰 the way 的定语从句 3 How long have you been an actor 1995 when I graduated from col lege A After B In C From D Since 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案为 D 若仅从答句来看 四个答案都说得过去 但若结合问句的语 境以答案应选 D 因为其余三选项填入空格均不能回答问句所提出的问题 比较 When did you became an actor 1995 when I graduated from college A After B In C From D Since 此题选 B 因为问句问的是 when 何时 所以用 in 1995 来回答便顺理成章 请再看两题 1 How long have you worked on the farm the end of last year A In B By C At D Since 答案选 D 用 since the end of last year 回答 how long 即问句问 工作了多久 答 句说 自去年年底至今 2 How long will you work on the farm the end of next year A In B By C At D Since 答案选 B 问句问 将工作多久 答句说 工作明年明底 3 When did you leave the farm the end of last year A In B By C At D Since 答案选 C 问句问 何时离开 答句说 去年明底离开 4 Don t be angry me for not having written I was really too busy A about B with C to D for 陷阱 容易误选 B 根据汉语的 对某人生气 将其中的 对 直译为 to 分析 最佳答案为 B 按英语习惯 要表示对某人生气 通常用 be angry with at sb 要表示对某事生气 通常用 be angry at about sth 在美国英语中也用 be angry with sth 但不说 be angry with sb 比较以下表达 其中的 对 也不用 to 来翻译 你对这些安排感到满意吗 误 Did you feel satisfied to the arrangements 正 Did you feel satisfied with the arrangements 老师应该对他的学生严格要求 误 Teachers should be strict to their students 正 Teachers should be strict with their students 5 In those days we had no phones so we have to keep in touch writin g often A with B of C on D by 陷阱 容易误选 A 根据 keep in touch with 与 保持联系 这一常用搭配推出 分析 正确答案是 D by 在这里表示方式 by writing 意为 通过写信 全句意为 我们通过经常写信保持联系 请再看几例 均与介词搭配有关 1 We ve talked a lot films How television now A of with B with towards C about about D for about 此题不要受 a lot of 的影响而误选 A 若第一空选 of a lot of cars 即为动词 talk 的宾 语 但实际上动词 talk 是不及物动词 不能后接宾语 最佳答案应是 C 句中的 a lot 是 修饰动词 talked 的状语 talk about 才是一个动词短语 全句意为 我们对电影已谈了不少 现在谈谈电视怎么样 Wh at about 意为 怎么样 用于征求意见 2 We all regarded the poor old man sympathy A as B with C of D by 有的同学一看到句中的 regard 和选项中的 as 马上就联想到 regard as 把 当作 这一搭配 从而断定此题应选 A 但是错了 原因是将此搭配套入原句 句子 意思不通 正确答案是 B 句意为 我们大家都很同情这位老人 It 类 1 Everyone knows that is dangerous to play with fire but is difficult is to prevent children from playing with fire A it it B what what C it what D what it 陷阱 很容易误选 B 认为两空均考查形式主语 分析 最佳答案是 D 第一空填形式主语 真正的主语是其后的不定式 to play wit h fire 第二空填 what what is difficult 是主语从句 注意 what is difficult 后的谓语动 词 is 请做以下类似试题 1 I know is important to know my own limitations but is diff icult is to help others to know their own limitations A it it B what what C it what D what it 2 Yes is difficult to find a job nowadays but is more difficul t is try to find such a job with a high salary but little things to do A it it B what what C it what D what it 2 I dislike when others laugh at me in public or think poorly of me beh ind A that B those C it D them 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案是 C 因为在通常情况下 dislike 是及物动词 其后应有宾语 句 中 it 即为其宾语 句中的 when 从句不是宾语从句 而是时间状语从句 其中的 when 的意思是 当 的时候 其实 也有的词典将 I don t like it when if 作为一个句 型来处理 能这样用的动词不多 主要的有 enjoy like dislike love hate prefer appreciate 等表示喜好的动词 She won t like it if you arrive late 她不喜欢你迟到 He hates it when people use his bike 他讨厌别人用他的自行车 请做以下类似试题 答案均选 it 1 I hate if people say such things in public A that B those C it D them 2 I d prefer if I didn t have to get up early on Sundays A that B such C it D which 3 I would appreciate very much if you could give me some suggestions A this B that C it D you 3 I ve no idea I just pretended nobody was at home so I didn t ask who was A he B that C she D it 陷阱 容易误选 A 或 C 分析 最佳答案是 D it 用以指身份不明的人 若指身份明确的人 则不宜用 it 比较 1 Mr Smith is at the door wants to see you 2 Someone is at the door must be Mr Smith A He B It C This D That 第 1 题选 A 因为来者身份明确 第 2 选 B 因为来者身份不明确 4 Excuse me I want to have my watch fixed but I can t find a repair shop I k now nearby Come on I ll show you A one B it C some D that 陷阱 容易误选 B 分析 最佳答案是 A it 和 one 的区别可简单地概括为 it the 名词 one a 名词 如 I haven t got any pens and I want to borrow one 我没有钢笔 我想借一支 one a pen I have two pens and I can lend one to you 我有两本支钢笔 我可以借一支 one a pen I have a pen and I can lend it to you 我有一本钢笔 我可以把它借给你 it the pen 在上面一题中 one 相当于 one 相当于 a repair shop 请做下面一题 答案选 A There is only one English Chinese dictionary in that book shop I wonder if you still want to buy A it B one C another D any 5 Will you see to that my children are taken good care of while I am a way A it B me C yourself D them 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案是 A it 为形式宾语 真正的宾语是空格后 that 引导的宾语从句 see to 意为 负责 注意 其中的 to 为介词 不宜直接跟 that 引导的宾语从句 遇此 情况可借助代词 it 请做下面两题 答案也是选 it 1 I ll see to that all these letters will be sent to the post before twelve A it B me C which D them 2 Will you see to that the luggage is brought back as soon as possible A me B yourself C it D them 类似以上 see to 用法的短语还有 depend on answer for 等 如下面两题答案也选 it 1 You may depend on that he will turn up in time A it B me C which D them 2 I can t answer for that the boy is honest A it B me C which D them 名词类 1 Her father works as a in a hotel and her mother a in a pri vate company A cooker typewriter B cook typist C cooker typist D cook typewriter 陷阱 误选 A 许多同学想当然地认为 cook 用作动词 表示 煮饭 所以 cooke r 应是其相应的名词 表示 煮饭的人 即 厨师 type 用作动词 表示 打字 所以 typ ewriter 应表示 打字员 分析 而事实是 cook 厨师 cooker 炊具 typist 打字员 typewriter 打字机 即 此题正确答案为 B 2 Why couldn t they meet us at five o clock Because they were delayed by A heavy traffic B heavy traffics C crowded traffic D crowded traffics 陷阱 B C D 三项均容易误选 分析 对于此题 首先要明确 traffic 为不可数名词 没有复数形式 故排除 B 和 D 另外 汉语习惯说 交通拥挤 而英语习惯上却不能用 crowded 来修饰 traffic 要表示 汉语的 交通拥挤 英语通常说 heavy traffic 即选 A 如下面一题也是选 A She is not a competent driver and can t cope with driving in A heavy traffic B heavy traffics C crowded traffic D crowded traffics 3 By all you must try every to help him A mean mean B means means C means mean D mean means 陷阱 误选 C 认为第一空前有 all 修饰 故用 means 而第二空前有 every 修饰 故用 mean 分析 其实 means 是一个单复数同形的名词 并且永远带有尾 s 换句话说 在 表示 方式 方法 时 不存在 mean 这一形式 mean 主要用作动词 表示 意思是 也可 用作名词 表示 中间 中庸 此题正确答案为 C by all means 为习语 意为 一定 尽一切办法 顺便说一句 means 用作主语时 其谓语的数需根据句意来确定 比较 All possible means have been tried 所有可能的办法都已经试过了 Every possible means has been tried 每种可能的办法都已经试过了 若句意不能明确地表明主语的单复数 其谓语则用单数或复数均可 如 Is Are there any other means of getting more money 还有其他什么办法可弄到更 多钱吗 4 Jim is person and everyone is willing to be with him A so kind a friend B so a kind friends C so kind a friend D so a kind fri end 陷阱 误选 C 或 D 认为 friend 要用单数 分析 其实此题最佳答案为 A so kind a person 相当于 such a kind person 注意 两者中冠词的位置不同 be friends with 是习语 意为 与 友好 跟 做朋友 与之同义的 类似地还有 make friends with 值得说明的是 这类短语中的名词总是用复数 即使句子 主语为单数也是如此 如 He is friends with me 他与我是朋友 He has made friends with everyone here 他与这儿的每个人交上了朋友 5 She raised her finger to her lips as for silence A an idea B a mark C a sign D a word 陷阱 容易误选 B 分析 应选 C sign 与 mark 的区别是 sign 的意思是 迹象 征兆 gesture or mo vement made with the hand head etc used to give information a command etc 用手或 头等做出示意动作以传递信息或命令等 mark 的意思是 written or printed symbol or fig ure line etc made as signor an indication of sth 书写与印刷的符号或图 线等记号 根 据此二词的语义区别以及常识可知答案为 C 类似地 下面两题的答案也是 C 1 Those black clouds are a sure that it s going to rain A thing B mark C sign D one 2 Just as a famous Chinese saying goes a timely heavy snow is a of goo d harvest next year A mark B track C sign D appearance 但是 下面一题却不能选 sign 也不能选 mark 而选 symbol 象征 The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a n of courage and power A example B sign C mark D symbol 顺便说一句 在近几年的高考中像这类结合词义区别以及语境和生活常识进行考查的 试题经常出现 同学们需引起注意 6 May I take your order now We d like three black and two green A coffee cups of teas B coffees teas C cups of coffee tea D cup of coffees teas 陷阱 误选 C 认为 coffee 和 tea 均为不可数名词 不能后加复数词尾 s 从而排除 选项 A B D 分析 选 B 有的同学认为 coffee 和 tea 是物质名词 不可数 不能用 three coffe es two teas 这样的表达 其实 coffee 既可用作不可数名词 表示 咖啡 这种物质 也可 用作可数名词 表示 一杯咖啡 即在口语中 three coffees 就等于 three cups of coffee 同样 三杯茶 既可说成 three cups of tea 也可说成 three teas 三杯啤酒 既可说成 th ree glasses of beer 也可说成 three beers 冠词类 1 Do you know English for 美女 I m afraid I don t I m not intere sted in English language A the the B the 不填 C 不填 the D 不填 不填 陷阱 容易误选 D 因为表示语言的名词前通常不用冠词 分析 最佳答案为 A 在英语中 表示语言的名词前通常不用冠词 但在某些特殊 情况下可用冠词 如 1 当语言名词表特指意义 其前可用定冠词 如 The English spoken in America and Canada is a little different from that spoken in England 美国和加拿大讲的英语与英国讲的英语有点不同 2 当语言名词表示某一语言中的对应词时 其前要用定冠词 如 What s the English for this 这个东西用英语怎么说 3 当在语言名词后加上 language 一词时 也要用冠词 如 There have been many changes in the history of the English language 英语发展过程 中有很多变革 2 I couldn t remember the exact date of the storm but I knew it was S unday because everybody was at church A a the B a 不填 C 不填 a D 不填 不填 陷阱 容易误选 D 因为星期名词前不加冠词 而 at church 表示在教堂里做礼拜 其中也不用冠词 分析 最佳答案为 B 确实 在通常情况下星期名词前不用冠词 但在某些特殊情 况下还是可以用冠词的 如表示特指 其前可用定冠词 表示 某一个 或受描绘性定语修 饰表示 某种 这样的意义等 其前可用不定冠词 如 He came on the Sunday and went away on the Monday 他星期日来 星期一就走了 My birthday happened to be on a Saturday 我的生日碰巧是星期六 3 Which person do you refer to the one with long hair or the one with long beard A a a B 不填 不填 C a 不填 D 不填 a 陷阱 误选 A 或 B 认为 hair 头发 和 beard 胡须 性质和用法应该差不多 要么都 可数 要么都不可数 或者说要么都用不定冠词 要么都不用 分析 最佳答案选 D hair 和 beard 在用法上并不完全相同 hair 可用作可数或不 可数名词 用作可数名词时 指一根一根的毛发或头发 如说 There s a hair in my soup 我的汤里有根头发 用作不可数名词 集合名词 时 则是整体地指一个人的头发 比 较 He has gray hairs 他有几根白发了 He has gray hair 他满头白发了 而 beard 则通常只用作可数名词 且指的是一个人所有的胡须 而不是指一根胡须 它的复数形式 通常是指多个人的胡须 而不是指多根胡须 如 He no longer wears a beard 他不再留胡须 Not all men grow beards 并不是所有的男人都留胡须 4 I once watched one act play which was played by 11 year old boy A a a B an an C a an D an a 陷阱 几个干扰均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案填 C 第一空填 a 因为 one act 的第一个音是辅音不是元音 第 二空填 an 是因为 11 的英文是 eleven 的第一个音是元音不是辅音 类似以下各题的答案 是 C 不是其他 1 Before he was arrested he had taken one month holiday and stayed i n the country with 18 year old girl one of his students A a a B an an C a an D an a 2 We hired one eyed man to play in our film and we gave him 100 pound check for just one minute A a an B an a C a a D an an 5 Have you seen pen I left it here this morning Is it blac k one I think I saw it somewhere A a the B the the C a a D the a 陷阱 误选 A 生搬硬套冠词用法规则 第一次提到某人或某事物用不定冠词 第 二次再提到该人或该事物时用定冠词 分析 最佳答案为 C 第一空填 a 比较好理解 而第二空填 a 是因为此句中的 one 并非指前面提到的 pen 即这里的 one 与前面的 pen 并非同一事物 这从后面一句的 I t hink I saw it somewhere 可以清楚地知道 请比较下面一题 Have you seen pen I left it here this morning Is it black one I found it in the corner A a the B the the C a a D the a 此题的最佳答案是 A 不是 C 请注意其后 I found it in the corner 这一信息 它表明 说明者是拿着笔在与对方说话 请再看一个类似的例子 Have you seen new bike I put it here just now Is it whit e one A boy has ridden it away A a a B a the C the the D the a 此题答案选 A 注意其后的 A boy has ridden it away 表明自行车已不在说话者身旁 6 My friend Mary is beautiful girl and girl everyone likes to work with A a a B a the C the a D the the 陷阱 很容易误选 B 认为第一次提到 girl 用不定冠词 第二次提到就应该用定冠 词 分析 最佳答案为 A 句中第二次提到 girl 时并不是特指的 此句实为一省略句 补充完整为 My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and she is a girl everyone likes to work with 请再做以下试题 答案选 A 1 Jim is brave boy and boy never fearing anything A a a B a the C the a D the the 2 It is really useful dictionary and dictionary every one of u s needs A a a B a the C the a D the the 状语从句类 1 May I go and play with Dick this afternoon Mum No you can t go out your work is being done A before B until C as D the moment 陷阱 容易误选 B 误认为这是考查 not until 结构 分析 最佳答案选 C 句中的 your work is being done 表明 你正在做作业 选 as 表原因 2 I m going to the post office you re there can you get me some st amps A As B While C Because D If 陷阱 容易误选 A 分析 最佳答案选 B 尽管 as 和 while 均可用作从属连词引导时间状语从句 表 示 当 的时候 但两者有一个重要区别 就是这样用的 as 从句的谓语不能是状态动 词 当然 如果 as 不是表示 当 的时候 其谓语是完全可以用状态动词的 如 I went to bed early as I was exhausted 我很累了 所以很早就上床睡了 此句中的 as 表示原因 意为 因为 由于 请做以下两题 答案均选 while 不选 as 1 you are at home alone please don t leave the door open A While B As C Before D How 2 you are alone with her tell her that you like her A While B As C After D How 3 After the war a new school building was put up there had once been a theatre A that B when C which D where 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案选 D where 在此引导地点状语从句 其意为 在 的地方 请做以下类似试题 答案均选 where 1 The famous scientist grew up he was born and in 1930 he came to S hanghai A when B whenever C where D wherever 2 She found her calculator she lost it A where B while C in which D that 3 You should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again A when B where C then D which 4 When you read the book you d better make a mark you have any qu estions A at which B at where C the place where D where 5 You should let your children play you can see them A where B when C in which D that 6 Now he works in the factory his father used to work A where B when C in which D that 4 The visitor asked to have his picture taken stood the famous tower A that B at which C when D where 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案选 D 此题与上面一题有些相似 但又有所不同 相似的是 wher e 均表示 在 的地方 均用以引导地点状语从句 不同的是 此题还涉及倒装 即此 句的主语是 the famous tower 谓语是 stood 正常词序为 where the famous tower stood 使用倒装是为了保持句子平衡 避免头重脚轻 5 They kept trying they must have known it was hopeless A if B because C when D where 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案选 C when 在此的意思不是 当 的时候 而是 尽管 虽然 的意思 又如 He walks when he might take a taxi 尽管他可以坐出租车 但他却走路 He stopped trying when he might have succeeded next time 尽管他本来下次就可以 成功的了 但他却停止努力了 The boy was restless when he should have listened to the teacher carefully 这男孩子 本来应该专心听老师讲的 但他却坐立不安 有许多同学只知道 when 表示 当 的时候 而不知道它还有其他许多意思 除上 面提到的表示 尽管 虽然 外 when 还可表示 既然 考虑到 请做下面的试题 答案 选 D Why do you want a new job you ve got such a good one already A that B where C which D when 6 He was about to tell me the secret someone patted him on the shoulder A as B until C when D while 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案选 C when 意为 这时 突然 主要用于某一动作突然发生于另一 动作正在进行或刚要发生之时 此时的 when 可以连用副词 suddenly 也可以不连用它 但值得注意的是 同学们不能单独用 suddenly 来代替 when 如下面各题的答案选 A 不 选 B 1 I was about to go out the telephone rang A when B suddenly C as soon as D directly 2 We were swimming in the lake the storm started A when B suddenly C until D before 3 She was walking down the road she heard someone shouting for help A when B suddenly C until D before 7 The fire went on for quite some time it was brought under control A when B since C after D before 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案选 D before 意为 在 之前 句意是 大火在得到控制之前燃 烧了相当一段时间 类似地 以下两题也选 before 1 He made a mistake but then he corrected the situation it got worse A until B when C before D as 2 Someone called me up in the middle of the night but they hung up I c ould answer the phone A as B since C until D before 3 She is getting better by degrees but it will be some time she is com pletely well A that B since C when D before 4 They sat down opposite each other but it was some moments they sp oke A after B before C since D when 8 Mother asked me to take more money something unexpected should hap pen A in case B so that C in order that D when 陷阱 几个干扰项均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案选 A in case 起连词作用 用以引导状语从句 主要有两种意思 一是表示条件 意为 如果 万一 二是表示 目的 意为 以防 免得 如以下各 题也都选 in case 1 I forget please remind me about it A In case B So that C In order that D When 2 Take your umbrella just it rains A in case B so that C in order that D when 3 Be quiet you should wake the baby A in case B so that C in order that D when 4 Take a hat with you in case the sun is


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