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AN ENGLISH TEST FOR SENIOR TWO (UNIT 11, MODULE 4)Class _ Number _ Name _ Scores _I. Multiple Choice: 15%1. Can I use your dictionary? _A. Yes, you could. B. Go ahead. Help yourself, please.C. With pleasure. D. It doesnt matter.2. Are you sure we can pick him out from the crowd easily? Sure, his unique hairstyle makes him _. A. stand by B. stand outC. stand for D. stand up3. As is known to all, society _ a variety of people; some are good, some are bad, and still others are in between. A. consists of B. consists in C. makes up of D. makes into4. The hotel porter _ anybody who wasnt wearing a suit and tie. A. turned to B. turned away C. turned up D. turned off 5. Eventually our choice of hotel will _ how much we can afford. A. look down on B. get down to C. come down to D. put down to 6. The first textbooks that were written for teaching English as a foreign language _ in the 16th century. A. came about B. came across C. came round D. came out 7. Henry doesnt seem like the same person as before. _ so much in the war has made him more thoughtful. A. For him to see B. Having seen C. To be seeing D. His seeing 8. The headmaster demanded that all the teachers _ at the meeting. A. be present B. would be present C. were to present D. must be present 9. Waste water must be prevented _ into the river. We must find ways. A. to be sent B. from being sent C. from sending D. to be sending 10. I found that some sentences in the text _ smoothly.A. didnt read B. werent read C. werent reading D. arent read 11. Tom pretended _ it but in fact, he knew it very well. A. not listen to B. not to hear about C. not to have heard about D. not to be listening to 12. _ we know, another hurricane is _ to come. A. As soon as; possible B. As long as; probable C. As far as; likely D. As well as; perhaps13. After school, the students often discuss different _ to the study of maths. A. means B. approaches C. methods D. ways 14. I think Tom, rather than you, _ for the accident.A. is to be blamed B. is to blame C. are to blame D. are to be blamed 15. The meeting will probably _ without any solution to this problem. A. conclude B. process C. reform D. announce II. Cloze Test: 30% “Ive been writing a book, John. Do you think anyone would be interested in 16 it?” said the old lady.John took 17 the papers from her shaking hand and 18 her in a chair. He remembered her rich 19 in the early days of the Old West. He looked through the papers. “Its good, Grandma.” he said gently. Then realizing that she couldnt 20 him, he shouted into her ears. “I think its very good. Ill 21 it to a publisher.”Ten days later, he reported that the publisher had had time to read only a few pages. But he was so impressed that he had sent 100 for an option(版权). 22 money would be given as an advance. Every month John 23 100 for her with a letter from the publisher telling about the 24 of the book.One morning, three months after her 100th birthday, Grandma didnt get up. The doctor told her that she couldnt 25 more than a few days. She was 26 to go, but she first wanted her book to be in 27 . John promised that she would get it very soon.Grandma 28 on until the day the book came into her hands with the title and her name on the cover. Though she couldnt see it, she could touch it. She 29 felt her name with her fingers, tears in her eyes. Two hours later, she died peacefully, still holding her book.Her granddaughter took up the book and opened it. “Why its just blank pages!” She cried in 30 . Johns face turned red. Then the girl understood. There 31 was a book. Grandma couldnt hear the little bell when the typewriter came to the 32 of the line. She would keep on writing, not 33 the whole sentences and sometimes the paragraphs were 34 . John did not tell her, for he couldnt take away her only 35 . It was John who had written the letters and sold his car to pay the advance. 16. A. buying B. publishing C. reading D. borrowing 17. A. away B. over C. on D. off18. A. sat B. put C. placed D. seated 19. A. sufferings B. experiences C. thoughts D. family20. A. hear B. see C. understand D. listen to 21. A. sell B. tell C. send D. bring 22. A. Some B. Much C. Enough D. More23. A. brought B. took C. sent D. carried 24. A. title B. progress C. writer D. cover 25. A. die B. stay C. last D. remain26. A. sure B. anxious C. ready D. eager27. A. time B. publish C. sale D. print 28. A. went B. kept C. carried D. held 29. A. proudly B. quickly C. carefully D. slowly30. A. anger B. joy C. surprise D. tears31. A. indeed B. certainly C. hardly D. never 32. A. middle B. last C. end D. beginning33. A. writing B. knowing C. thinking D. wanting 34. A. missing B. improved C. completed D. losing35. A. hope B. book C. life D. papers III. Reading Comprehension: 32% A Believe it or not, optical illusion(视力错觉) can cut highway crashes.Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent stripes, called chevrons(人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down. Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japans success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes. Too high speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will carry out its tests in areas where speed-related dangers are the greatest-curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges. Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bar(水平障碍物) painted across roads can initially(最初) cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars. Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are, but also make a lane(车道) appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents. 36. On roads painted with chevrons, drivers tend to feel that _. A. they should avoid speed-related dangersB. they are driving in the wrong laneC. they should slow down their speedD. they are driving near the speed limit37. The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bar is that the former _.A. can keep the drivers awakeB. can cut road accidents in halfC. will have a longer effect on driversD. will look more attractive38. The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to _.A. try out the Japanese method in certain areasB. change the road signs across the countryC. replace straight, horizontal bars with chevronsD. repeat the Japanese road patterns39. What does the author say about straight, horizontal bars painted across roadsA. They are falling out of use in the United States.B. Drivers will take little notice of the bars in a short period of time. C. They are used only on broad roads. D. They tend to increase highway crashes. BThis is supposedly a true story, which happened in a small town of the province of Quebec, Canada, in October 2006. They showed the video surveillance(监视) tape on the news, and even the anchorman(现场报道员) was laughing through it. A robber came into a convenience store wearing a ski mask and a gun wanting to empty the cash register. He took the clerk to the back store and locked her up in the fridge. Unfortunately, when he came back to the front of the store, a customer had come in. So he took off the ski mask and the gloves, and pretended to be filling in for the clerk. The customer wanted a lottery ticket, so he tried to help her out, by pressing a whole bunch of buttons on the machine (thus leaving fingerprints everywhere), but the machine was not cooperating. At the same time, another customer walks in. Finally, he tells the first customer (after about 5 minutes of close-up shots from the camera) that the machine is not working and that he wont be able to help her. The robber makes the sale to the second customer and he leaves as well. The robber then puts back on his gloves to take the money, and hides his face with the palm of his hands as he is leaving. This scene lasted well over 10 minutes, during which, you see and hear the robber as well as in a movie.The day after excerpts(节选) of the tape were aired, the phones at the police station were ringing off the hook. Apparently, even though no reward had been offered, people thought he was too foolish to deserve what he had done!He had to turn himself in some day.40. Why did the TV station probably broadcast the video surveillance tape?A. To entertain the viewers. B. To find the robber.C. To introduce a kind of crime. D. To introduce a plot of a film.41. Which is the right order about what the robber did in the store?a. He served the second customer.b. He put back on his gloves and took the money away.c. He operated the machine for a lottery ticket.d. He locked the clerk into the fridge.e. He came into the store with a ski mask and a gun.A. e-d-a-b-c B. e-d-c-a-b C. e-c-a-b-d D. d-c-a-b-e42. According to the text, after watching TV most people probably thought _.A. there would be rich reward B. the robber should be forgiven C. the robber should be pitied D. the robber should be punished 43. Which would be the best title for the text?A. A video surveillance tape B. A true story C. A kind robber D. A stupid robber CA situation in which a student is troubled by his parents pressuring him to go into a job area that makes good money but he doesnt want to go into, is a bad situation. The question is whether he should go into this job or not. To start with, you need to go for what is best for you, even if there would be some negative consequences. You cant be happy unless you make decisions that are right for you. If you do not make your own decisions and make decisions that will benefit you, your life would be a big lie to yourself. Living a lie would not be a very good life. The truth is much better than living a lie or some fantasy world. If your whole life is a lie, then it is not a very beautiful life at all. In the song Lyin Eyes, the woman is living a lie by pretending she loves the old man, while in reality she is just in it for money. As a result, her life is miserable and a big lie. Money cannot buy happiness. A good example of this is also from the song Lyin Eyes. The only reason why the woman married the old man was for the money and gifts she would receive. This results in her life being not at all happy. This just goes to show that no matter how much money you have, your life still might not be happy. It takes a lot more than a bunch of green paper to make your life a good one. In conclusion, doing what you want is best. If you dont do what you want to, you wont be happy with your life. 44. What is the passage mainly about?A. There is something more important than money in life. B. Young people should make their own career decisions. C. Parents should not pressure their children to live a lie. D. Young people are happy to make their own decisions. 45. The song Lyins Eyes tells people to _.A. be honest with lifeB. live a simple life C. be a responsible citizen D. face difficulties bravely 46. The underlined part “a bunch of green paper” in paragraph 4 refers to “_”.A. money B. imagination C. gifts D. dreams 47. Which of the following arguments is NOT used to support the authors conclusion?A. You need to make your own decisions. B. Living a lie would not be good.C. Wealth doesnt mean happiness.D. Its best to do what you want. D The general objective of public interest advertising is to inform, persuade, or remind people about the particular idea, cause, or philosophy (哲学) being advertised. This kind of advertising is often used by non-business institutions, such as schools, hospitals and charitable (慈善的) organizations. We also see advertising by associations. In addition, we witness millions of dollars worth of advertising placed by government organizations. Much government advertising announces the availability of such valuable government services as consumer assistance, welfare aid, or career guidance. However, with the resource available to it, government can also use advertising techniques for propaganda purposes. Many state governments use advertising to attract new businesses, tourists, or workers to aid their economy. Because of the fact that public interest advertising is non-profit, the words it uses are much more different from other kinds of advertising. Its purpose is not to urge readers to spend their money, but to disseminate(散布) a kind of concept. The headline of public interest advertising also acts as a role of attraction. The average words of them are 10.6, and most of them are curiosity headlines (60%) and emotional headlines (30%). We can know from the statistics (数据) that attracting readers is still a main task for the headlines of public interest advertising, because only when the readers feel the advertising will benefit them, should they have the patience to read it further thats the rule of all the advertisements. I also notice that only 10% of those advertisements include their advertisers brand, which shows that the public interest advertisements do not aim to propagandize any company or organization. Straight-line body copy is the most frequently used form, which is 50% of the 20 ads. 75% of those ads have used imperative sentences (祈使句). Most of these sentences are urging readers to take action immediately for others or social ethics (道德规范). All these data shows the fact that public interest advertising does not please readers by beautiful words or original ideas, but touch them through true feelings. 48. The government spends millions of dollars on advertisements mainly to _.A. promote special produce or businesses of the citiesB. show mercy on the less developed organizations C. tell people some policies, aims, organizations, etc. D. give away money to the charities and schools 49. What public interest advertisements have in common with other advertisements is that they are _. A. interesting B. expensive C. attractive D. tiring 50. The underlined word “propaganda” in paragraph 1 probably means “_”.A. promotion B. culture C. politics D. education 51. What can we know from the passage?A. Public interest advertising encourages people to buy goods.B. Public interest advertising sometimes forces concepts on the public. C. We cannot see any advertisers brand in public interest advertisements.D. The words of public advertisements are simple but emotional. AN ENGLISH TEST FOR SENIOR TWO (UNIT 11, MODULE 4)Class _ Number _ Name _ Scores _IV. Fill in the blanks to complete the text:10% Some people have difficulty staying 1 (雇佣). They usually blame everybody 1. else 2 this fact when the problem actually2. lies with them. If they were w 3 to3. listen, I would tell them that a 4 they4. need to do is change their 5 (态度). 5 In fact, they need to 6 (分析) their behavior6. honestly, and admit that their problems a 7 7. from their own actions, but not from the actions of others.They are l 8 to get into too many arguments. 8. They may also defend their behavior by sayingthat they dislike their boss. But if they want to stayin the company, these people have to 9 (尝试) 9. to be more positive, even if they have to p 10 10. to like people that they really cant stand!V. Words Filling: 6%1. Their play enjoyed great success and brought in a large p to the theatre.2. Its impolite to i when two people are having a conversation.3. 他对项目的成功做出很大的贡献。 He made a very positive _ to the success of the project.4. He didnt do anything wrong, and he shouldnt have been punished. I think hes i . 5. You must think about everything carefully when you are expected to do a difficult task.In other words, if you are supposed to do a difficult task, you must _ everything _ _.6. I think that rule cant be _ _ (应用于) this particular case. VI. Fill in the blanks according to the texts: 7%1. Its going to be remembered as a _ meeting this year, as the topic of Africa will be discussed _ _.2. Because of the advertising _, people are used to seeing high standards of _ design. Modern advertisements must stand out in a world full of competition by _ the highest standards of design with ideas _ to the products to make them more attractive. 3. People were asked to _ _ scenes from films like Pulp Fiction, TV series like Channel 4s Brookside and cartoons like South Park. Leeds University _ that people _ a _ between bad language used in programmes for adults, and those _ _ children. I. 1-5 BBABC 6-10 DDABA 11-15 CCBBAII. 16-20 BBDBA 21-25 CDABC 26-30 CDDAC31-35 DCBAAIII. 36-39 CCAB40-43 BBDD44-47 BAAD48-51 CCADIV.1. employed/hired 2. for 3. willing4. all5. attitude(s)6. analyze 7. arise8. likely9. attempt/try10. pretendV.1. profit 2. interrupt 3. made; contribution 4. innocent 5. take; into consideration6. applied toVI.1. historical; in detail 2. boom; visual; combining; linked 3. comment on; concluded; made; distinction; meant for


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