陕旅版小学英语三年级下册Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B同步练习A卷

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陕旅版小学英语三年级下册Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B同步练习A卷_第1页
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第 1 页 共 4 页 陕旅版小学英语三年级下册 Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long Part B同步练习 A卷 姓名 班级 成绩 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 选择 共 5题 共 10分 1 2 分 你与小伙伴见面 向他问好时可以说 A Nice to meet you B Hello Tom C Hello I m Tom 2 2 分 你想让大家画一幅画 你应该说 A Let s draw a picture B Let s colour a panda 3 2 分 What s your name A My name is Lele B Hello C I m ten 4 2 分 你想问天气怎么样 可以说 A What colour is it B How is the weather 5 2 分 你不确定那顶帽子是不是 Peter的 你可以问 A It is your cap Peter B Is it your cap Peter 二 选择合适的答语 共 1题 共 1分 第 2 页 共 4 页 6 1 分 Is your father old 三 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 7 10 分 阅读短文 选择最佳选项 Bob has summer holidays He is going to visit his grandparents in Shanghai He wants to give some presents to them Yesterday he went to shopping with his mother and father In the shop he bought a blue shorts and black pants for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother Bob was very happy 1 Where are Bob s grandparents A In Beijing B In Shanghai C In Nanjing 2 What does Bob do in the summer holidays A Bob is going to visit his grandparents B Bob went shopping with his friends C He went shopping with his mother 3 What did he buy for his grandmother A a shirt B Some apples C Some books 第 3 页 共 4 页 4 What did he buy for his grandfather A a sweater B Some apples C a blue shorts and black pants 5 How does Bob feel A He feels happy B He feels busy C He feels sad 四 连词成句 共 5题 共 25分 8 5 分 he likes Children s day 连词成句 9 5 分 an how is book much English 连词成句 10 5 分 don t I know 连词成句 11 5 分 2019四下 新会期末 bathrooms are many how there 连词成句 12 5 分 An for orange you 连词成句 第 4 页 共 4 页 参考答案 一 选择 共 5题 共 10分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 二 选择合适的答语 共 1题 共 1分 6 答案 略 三 阅读理解 共 1题 共 10分 7 答案 略 四 连词成句 共 5题 共 25分 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略


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