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Translation for International BusinessBrief Introduction to Business English1. What is business English ? 2. Features of Business English?Business English 商务英语是指以服务于商务活动内容为目标,集实用性、专业性和明确的目的性于一身,为广大从事国际商务活动的人们所认同和接受,并具备较强社会功能的一种英语变体。它包括语言知识、交际技能、专业知识、管理技能和文化意识等核心内容。Features of Business English Features on lexical level:词汇方面1. 措辞倾向于专业化1)专业词汇数量可观 反倾销措施:anti-dumping measures非配额产品:quota-free products还盘:counter- offer2) 专业词汇与准专业词汇并存kitty: 通常指“小猫”,财政金融上指“凑集的资本,共同资金” kite: 通常指“风筝”,商务上指“空头支票” marine bill of lading :海运提单insurance policy: 保险单 delivery order: 提货单expiry date: 到期日期amount due: 到期金额约定俗成的表达方法,翻译时应直接套用。n meet each other half way: n 双方作同等的让步n can see many years service: n 可使用很多年n should not be regarded as a precedentn 下不为例n unless otherwise agreed: n 除非另有约定n C. 很多词汇是通过隐喻等修辞手法从普通用语中引申而来,词义具有半专业化特点。n We shall write and ask for their ceiling for the advertising project and then we can budget accordingly.n The syndicate tried to corner the market in silver.n The prices are relatively low, and many goods are attractive buys.2. 用语简洁n freight forwardn 运费到付n in your favorn 以你方为受益人n All sales are final.n 货物售出,概不退换。(1) 广泛使用缩略语n L/C,FOB,CIF;n WTO,IMF;n CEO,CFO,MNCs;n 有时常常使用一些并非约定俗成或已被广为人知的缩略语。n World Trade Organization High-level Meeting for Less Developed Countriesn WTO High-level Meeting for LDCs:n HLM(在意义明确的背景下,或前面已经提到或注明的情况下)n 世界贸易组织欠发达国家高级别会议n (2)词汇前缀、后缀出现频率高,生成大量派生名词和形容词。n 否定前缀: dis- ,in-,il-, ir-,non-,un-;n 表错误意思的前缀:male-, mis-;n 表反动作意思的前缀:de-, dis-,un-;n 后缀: -ance, -ity, -ment, -ness, -tion;n 汉译时,要根据汉语的表达习惯调整措辞,不可生搬硬套原文词性。3. 用语正式n 商务英语多选用典雅庄重的字眼和名词化结构来表现文体的正式。n We have pleasure in forwarding you our new catalog.n We are now awaiting the arrival of your L/C, upon receipt of which we shall make the necessary arrangements for the delivery.Features on syntax: 句法n 1. 长难句多n 1)长难简单句n We would like you to send us details of your various products, including sizes, colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used.n 请将你们各种产品的具体情况告诉我们,包括尺码、颜色和价格,并寄来所用的不同料子的样品。n 2) 长难并列句n To be fair, we are prepared to pay for the air freight, while you should responsible for the other expenses, such as shifting the goods from the dock to the airport.n 为公平起见,我们愿意支付空运费。而其他的费用,如货物从码头运往机场的费用,由你方支付。n 商务英语的长句也不乏有四五个语法层次的,这些句子往往内部错综复杂,尤其是在合同等法律文书中常会出现。n If damages of the goods are found, or the specifications and/or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations in this Contract, except when the responsibilities lie with Insurance Company or Shipping Company, the Buyer shall, within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, claim against the Seller, or reject the goods according to the inspection certificate issued by CCIB.n 如发现货物残损或规格、数量与合同规定不符,除保险公司或轮船公司的责任外,买方须在货物到达目的港30天内凭商检局出具的检验证书向卖方索赔或拒收货物。2. 本着明了的原则,大量使用被动语态。n If,on the expiry of a contract, the term for patent relating to the imported technology has yet to expire, the case shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions.n 合同期满时,如引进技术所涉及的专利尚未期满,应当按照有关规定办理。3. 常使用后置定语n 常见的后置定语结构主要有介词短语、形容词和形容词短语及定语从句。n We trust you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid damage in transit.n 我们相信你们会特别注意包装,以免路上受损。n In this factory the only fuel available is coal.n 该厂唯一可用的燃料是煤。Rhetorical features: 修辞特点n 1. 时态运用有限n 5/16n 叙述过去的,常用过去时,偶尔也用现在完成时;讨论某一计划,用将来时,叙述部分用现在时。另外也用进行时态,偶尔用过去完成时。n 2. 修辞手法简单n 商务英语很少用夸张、明喻、隐喻、借喻、拟人、对照等修辞手法(广告英语除外)。n 因为商务英语注重事实和逻辑,所以用图表、公式和数字的时候多。n 商务英语中只有“叙述、推理和结论”等过程,这就决定了商务英语“修辞单调”的特点。References n 商业周刊 http:/www.businessweek.com/ (有助于商务英语学习)商业周刊中文版 http:/www.businessweekchina.com 经济学家 http:/www.economist.com (有助于商务英语学习)金融时报 http:/www.ft.com (英国最受欢迎的商业报纸)金融时报中文版:http:/www.ftchinese.com n 企业家 http:/www.entrepreneur.com (美国最受欢迎的业杂志) 财富 http:/www.fortune.com/ 哈佛商业评论 http:/www.hbr.com 福布斯 http:/www.forbes.com Practice n The so-called economic globalization refers to the continuous increase in the scale and form of the transnational flow of commodities, services, production elements and information, improving the efficiency of the allocation of resources within the scope of the world market through international division of labor, thereby increasingly deepening the trend of the degree of interdependence between various economies.n 所谓经济全球化是指商品、服务、生产要素与信息的跨国界流动的规模和形式不断增加,通过国际分工,在世界市场范围内提高资源配置的效率,从而使各国间经济相互依赖程度日益加深的趋势。n The stock market, as a stock exchange is sometimes called, is attractive to many people and companies because investors make money by investing in it, while companies raise capital in it.n 证券市场,有时被称为股票交易所,吸引了众多个人和公司,这是因为投资者可以在这里投资获利,而公司则可以在这里筹集到资金。n The Rolls-Royce is guaranteed for three years. With a new network of dealers and parts-depots from coast-to-coast, service is no problem.n 劳斯莱斯保修期3年,新型经销商和备件仓库间网络的建立使得两岸间的服务不成问题。n After all, only a few years earlier the company had successfully opened a Disney theme park in Japan, bridging the enormous differences between Japanese and American cultures. EuroDisney, at least initially, proved to be another story entirely.n 几年前, 公司弥合了日美文化的巨大差异,在日本成功建立了一家迪斯尼主题乐园。但在欧洲建立迪斯尼乐园却完全是另一番情景,至少先期阶段并不成功。Discussion and debate有些经济学家说,温和的通货膨胀对一个国家的经济是好的,甚至是必需的;但也有一些经济学家认为,通货膨胀的意义不能过分估计。译文1: Some economists say that warm inflation is a good thing, or even a necessity, for a countrys economy; but there are also some economists who think the significance of inflation cannot be overestimated.译文2:Some economists say that mild inflation is good, or even necessary, for a countrys economy; but some others think the significance of inflation should not be overestimated.n 我们获悉你方生产纯羊毛衫供出口,由于本地对该类型的产品有稳定的需求,请即寄来价目单、产品目录、以及一些样品,我们收到后将立即通知你方。n 译文1:We have learned that you are producing sweaters in pure wool for export purposes. Because there is a firm demand here for goods of this type, please send us your price list, catalog, and some samples. We will inform you immediately after we accept them.n 译文2:We have learned that you are producing wool sweaters in pure materials for export. As there is a steady demand here for goods of this type, please send us your price list, catalog, and some samples. We will inform you immediately after we receive them.Comment on Homeworkn homework 1.docn 1.经济全球化给每个国家带来的不仅有机遇,还有挑战。 n The economic globalization brings to every country not only chances, but also challenges. n Economic globalization brings not only opportunities but also challenges to every country. n Economic globalization brings opportunities to and imposes challenges on each country. n 2. 。一个国家或地区能否在经济全球化进程中趋利避害,关键要有一个既充分发挥其比较优势,又能防范和控制风险的开放战略。n Whether a country or a region can take advantage of the opportunities while avoiding latent risks lies crucially in the existence of an open strategy that can put its comparative advantages into full play and prevent and control risks. n Any country or region, if he who wants to pursue opportunities and avoid challenges in the process of economic globalization, must have a open strategy that can fully utilize its comparative advantage and prevent and control risks. n The key for a country or a region to avoid harms and get benefits through the economic globalization is having an open strategy which can not only give full play to its advantages but also prevent and control risks. n Whether or not a country or region can pursue benefit and avoid harm in the process of economic globalization lies in an open strategy which can both give full play to comparative superiority and prevent and control risk. n 3.过去20年里,在邓小平理论的指导下,我国实施了正确的对外开放战略,国际贸易的规模在此期间扩大了16倍。n Over the past twenty years, under the guidance of Dengs Theory, China has been implementing a correct open strategy with the volume of foreign trade being increased by 16 times in the interim. n Under the guide of Deng Xiaoping Theory, we have carried out an opening-up strategy with correct principles in the past 20 years, which expand the scope of our international trade for 16 times. n Over the past 20 years, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, China has implemented a correct strategy of opening up to the outside world. As a result, the scale of Chinas international trade has expanded for about 16 times during that period. n 4.中国积极参与国际分工和合作有力促进了国内产业结构升级,创造了大量新的就业机会,提高了国民经济运行效率,增强了综合国力,中国在国际经济和政治舞台上得以发挥更大的作用。 n Our efforts to engage ourselves in international division of labor as well as cooperation have strongly promoted the enhancement of domestic industry structure, created lots of new jobs and impelled the national economic efficiency, which greatly improve our overall national strength and impact in the international economic and politic areanas.n Chinas active participation in the international division of labor and collaboration powerfully facilitates the upgrading of its internal industrial structure, creates numerous new employment opportunities, enhances the operational efficiency of national economy, and reinforces the overall national strength. Therefore, China is able to play an even greater role in the world arena in terms of economy and politics.n Active participation in international division of labor and co-operation has forcefully boosted the upgrading of the domestic industrial structure, created numerous new employment opportunities, raised the operational efficiency of the national economy, and enhanced overall national strength, thus enabling China to play a still greater role in international economic and political affairs.汉译英思路法则四句话n 1. 汉译英以段落为单位构思,分析汉语句子中思想点之间的逻辑关系,调动自己的英语知识,设计恰好表达愿意的英语句子结构,把原文翻译出来。(不拘泥原文句型)n 2. 设计英语句子关键是句子结构,句子结构决定遣词造句。n 3. 英语句子落笔时注意四点:基本句子结构;选词搭配;动词时态;名词、代词及动词的单复数。n 4. 译完一个段落,读四五遍,检查英译文语言是否地道,上下句是否贯通,是否切实反映原文本意,不妥出做适当调整修改。Homework n 1. 中国加入世界贸易组织对中国以至世界其他地方意味着什么?对中国来说,它目前是全球第九大贸易实体,入世后对外贸易自然会增加,质素亦会有所提升。中国现有贸易伙伴会大幅削减关税,中国也可以与更多经济体系建立贸易伙伴关系。同时,中国亦会削减农产品以至工业制品等多种产品的关税。削减关税令相对优势在全球贸易中能发挥更大作用,有助消除干扰贸易的因素,有利于贸易伙伴间更有效的资源分配,进一步推动全球经济增长。(197)2. 经济全球化给每个国家带来的不仅有机遇,还有挑战。一个国家或地区能否在经济全球化进程中趋利避害,关键要有一个既充分发挥其比较优势,又能防范和控制风险的开放战略。过去20年里,在邓小平理论的指导下,我国实施了正确的对外开放战略,国际贸易的规模在此期间扩大了16倍。中国积极参与国际分工和合作有力促进了国内产业结构升级,创造了大量新的就业机会,提高了国民经济运行效率,增强了综合国力,中国在国际经济和政治舞台上得以发挥更大的作用。(210)Dear Julie,称呼 Thank you for sending me the report so quickly. I have read through it carefully, and before I pass it on to regional office, I just need you to clarify the following things which are not yet clear enough in the report:段落间空行1. Let me know exactly what your growth estimates for the next year are. I need some figures here;2. Explain in more detail the stages of the project and how these stages are to be implemented;3. Tell me who in your view is suitable to lead the project.段落间空行I would like the whole team at regional office to see this, so could you please make 15 copies? Please see to it that the copies are bound professionally with some nice covers, to make a good impression. And would it also be possible for you to have the report translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish? Ill need the copies and the translations by the end of next week.段落间空行Many thanks for your hard work.结尾礼词Tim签名

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