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鲁教版初中英语八年级(下)教学案Unit 2 How do you study for a test?Section A第一课时一、 课前预习1 翻译下列句子或短语。How do you study for a test? _I study by making vocabulary lists _ I study by asking the teacher for help _What about reading aloud to _What about keeping a diary in English?_Its too hard to understand the voices. _2 查出下列单词的中文意思,并抄写五遍。flashcard (_)_vocabulary (_) _aloud ( ) _pronunciation (_)_二、重要单词、词组1) pronunciation n. : pronounce(v. 发音) + -ation (名词后缀)2) practice sth./ doing sth. 练习、实践某事;去做某事 (注意)practice 后面接的动词要用ing 形式。3) look up 查(字典)4) get mad 生气、发怒三、重点句型1) I study by making flashcards. (我通过制作抽认卡来学习。)by是介词,“通过;用方法”之意,后接名词,代词的宾格以及动词的ing 形式2) Its too hard to understand the voices.正确理解及运用tooto 结构:tooto 表否定。too 是副词,后接形容词或副词,to 后接动词原型构成不定式。3) What about listening to tapes?what about =how about, 意为“(你认为)怎么样?”about 是介词,后接名词,代词的宾格或动词的ing 形式。四、自我测评( ) 1 .Lucy, you should pay attention to your _.A pronounce B pronounces C pronunciation D pronouncing( ) 2 .Lucy practices _ English everyday.A to speak B speaks C speaking D spoke( ) 3 .What about _ fishing tomorrow?A go B to go C will go D going( ) 4 .Miss Lee said she was too tired _ me.A to help B helping C helps D helped( ) 5 . I made great progress _ working hard.A of B to C by D in五、课后复习题 (家庭作业)( ) 1 .We often write _ our pens.A with B in C by D on( ) 2 .The old man asked the policeman _ help.A to B for C by D with ( ) 3 .She found the room _ dirty _ live in.A so , that B too, to C to, too D too, that( ) 4. If you dont understand the words, you can _in a dictionary.A look them up B look up them C look them for D look at them( ) 5 .Paul _ when he saw his son swimming in that dirty river.A get mad B got mad C gets mad D got madly( ) 6 . -_ do you improve your listening?-I improve it _ listening to tapes.A How , with B What , with C How , by D What, by 第二课时一、 课前预习1. 查出下列单词的中文意思,并抄写五遍。specific (_) _memorize (_) _grammar (_) _differently (_) _frustrate (_) _quickly (_) _add (_) _2. 完成句子1) 听到这个消息他感到很沮丧。He _ when he heard the news.2) 看到他的作业我觉得很不同。I feel very _ when I see his homework.3) 我需要一些更明确、更具体的建议。I need some _ suggestions.4) 每天早上我都操练说英语。I practice _ every morning.5) 记单词对学英语来说很重要。_ is very important to learn English.二、 重点讲解及课堂练习 词组、短语1) end up sth. doing sth. 结束做某事,以做某事而告终(后面还可以接介词with)例: We ended up talking. 我们结束了谈话。 The headmaster ended up speaking to the students.校长结束了对学生们的谈话。 He ended up the meeting with a word. 他用一句话结束了会议。2) get excited about sth. doing sth. 对感到兴奋例: The scientists got excited about the result of the experiment. 科学家们对实验的结果感到很兴奋。 Do you get excited about going to Beijing? 你对去北京感到兴奋吗? 疑难句子 He finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. find + it sth. dong sth. + adj +(to do sth.) 发现做某事很 例:I found it hard to understand them. 我发现理解他们很困难。 You can find studying English very useful in your life. 你会发现学英语对你的生活很有用。 自我测评: ( ) 1 . The students ended up _ the game. A to play B play C playing D plays ( ) 2 I learnd English by _ aloud. A reading B read C to read D have read ( ) 3 You may find it interesting _ with him. A to talk B to take C takes D talks ( ) 4 I want to join the English club, because I want to practice _ English. A speak B to speak C speaking D saying ( ) 5 I found our classroom _ this morning. A cleaning B to clean C clean D cleans三、 课后复习题(家庭作业)( ) 1 .My brother got _ playing computer games.A exciting B excited C excited about D excited to( ) 2 . If you dont know the word, _ in a dictionary.A look it up B look up it C look at it D look them up( ) 3 . I have ever been to Shanghai _.A sometime B sometimes C some time D some times( ) 4 .They ended up _ in Chinese.A speak B to speak C with speak D speaking( ) 5 .The book is very _, so many people are _ in it.A interesting interesting B interested interestingC interested interested D interesting interested( ) 6 .She enjoys _stamps. And now he has 226 of them.A to collect B collected C collects D collecting Section B一、 课前预习1. 从课本中查出下列单词的中文意思并抄写spoken _ _mistake _ _realize _ _complete _ _secret _ _slowly _ _impress _ _词组、短语1) make a mistake make mistakes 出错,犯错误 (拓展) make mistakes in sth. doing sth. 例:He often makes mistakes in spelling English words.2) be afraid to do sth. 害怕去做某事 例:Tommy was afraid to touch the dog. 托米害怕摸狗。3) later on 以后,随后 (then 然后, after 在以后) 例:Later on, I realized that it doesnt matter. 后来,我认识到那没什么关系。 Then , you can ask police for help. 然后,你可以向警察寻求帮助。 After supper, I often go for a walk. 晚饭后,我常常散散步。4) laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 例:Its impolite to laugh at others. 嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。疑难句子1) I dont have a partner to practice English with. 我没有一起练习英语的伙伴。句中partner 是practice with 的宾语,所以不能省略with.例:I want a pen to write with. They are looking for a hotel to live in.2) I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. 我也不一定总是造出完整的句子。either 副词,用与否定句的句末,表示“也(不)”(肯定句用too)not always “不一定总是.,未必”表示部分否定。 3) My teacher is very impressed. 我的老师很感动。impress 动词,表示“使感动,印象深刻” 常用be impressed 形式。例:I was deeply impressed by his speech.他的演讲给我留下深刻印象。 自我测评( ) 1 .The student is _ see the teacher.A afraid of B afraid to C afraid D afraid for( ) 2 .Tom did best in this exam, so his parents were _.A impress B impressing C to impress D impressed( ) 3 . You are very _, arent you?-Yes. Our team has won the game. A frustrated B sorry C worried D excited( ) 4 . My brother cant work out that problem, _.A too B either C neither D both( ) 5 .We shouldnt be afraid to _(犯错) when we learn a language.( ) 6 . _, he found the right exit and got away.A Late on B Later on C Latest on D After 二、 课后复习题(家庭作业)( ) 1 . I found _ hard to get to sleep at night.A that B this C it D ( ) 2 . He spoke in a high _.A voice B sound C noise D voices( ) 3 .On her way home Lucy watched a thief _ in a shop. She stopped _ 110 at once.A steal call B to steal call C stealing to call D stealing calling Reading 1) 翻译下列词组、短语deal with _ be angry with _ go by _try ones best _ break off _make up _2) 查出下列单词的中文意思并抄写deal (_) _unless (_) _unfair (_) _affect (_) _solve (_) _regard (_) _smart (_) _instead (_) _ 重点句型:regard as By regarding problems as challenges 将问题看做挑战例: He usually regards his classmates as friends. Mr. Hawking regards his many physical problems as unimportant.第一单元综合复习题(家庭作业)( ) 1、Im new at the party and I dont have a friend _.A to talk with B talking to C to talk D speaking to( )2. She was afraid _ out at night, because she was afraid _ the dark.A of going, to B to go , of C going , of D to go, to( ) 3 I cant always make complete sentences, _.A too B also C either D neither( )4 Jackson studied Chinese by _ tapes.A listening B to listen C listening to D to listening to( )5 The party _ with a beautiful song.A ended up B end up C is ended up D ending up( ) 6 The drink is _ delicious _ I enjoy it very much.A too, to B so , that C such , that D to , too


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