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八年级期末复习资料重点句型Unit1 Will people have robots?1. Will people use money in 100years? 一百年后人们还会使用钱币吗?2. There will be less leisure time空闲时间会更少。3. I think there will be more pollution 我认为将会有更多的污染产生。4. What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你认为萨莉5年之后将会是什么样子?5. I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我去年去了上海,并且喜欢上了这座城市。6. I cant have any pets because my mother hates them. 我不能养宠物,因为我妈不喜欢他们7. Ill probably go skating and swimming every day. 我会每天都去滑冰和游泳。8. Ill go to Hong Kong on vacation 我会去香港度假。9. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? 你认为明天的天气怎样?Unit 2 what should I do? 1. What should I do? You could write him a letter 2. What should he do? Maybe he should say sorry to him 3. What should they do? They shouldnt argue4. She has the same haircut as I do. 她和我有相同的发型。5、Everyone else in my class was invited except me.除了我以外,我们班其他别的人都接到了邀请6、I cant think what I did wrong.我真想不出我做错了什么。7、Im very upset and dont know what to do.我很沮丧,不知该干什么。8、There are a lot of things you could do. 有许多你能做的事。9、You left your homework at home.你把你的作业落在家里了。10、You should try to be funny. 你应该试着幽默一些。11、Their school days are busy enough. 他们的学校生活是够忙的。Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?1. You can imagine how strange it was!你可以想象这事有多惊奇! 2. I followed it to see where it was going 我跟随它想看看它将要去哪里。 3. She didnt think about looking outside the station. 她根本没有考虑到站外去寻找。4. It was difficult for me to get out of bed. 对于我来说从床爬起来很难。 5. Not all events in history are as terrible as this. 并不是所有历史事件都如此糟糕。6. His flight around the Earth Lasted about 22 hours. 他的环绕地球的飞行持续了22个小时。 7. Do you think something good can come out of something terrible? 你认为坏事能变为好事吗? Unit 4He said I was hard-working1. What are some soap operas you know?你所知道的有哪些肥皂剧? 2. What are some things that happen on soap operas? 肥皂剧里发生了些什么事? 3. Lana said she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore. 拉娜说她不再生玛西娅的气了。 4.You want to know why C didnt return it and where it is.你想知道为什么C未将它还回来并想知道它在哪里。 5You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it. 你应该今早上在车站去见面并把它还给人家。 6. In English, Im better at reading than listening. 在英语方面,我的阅读比听力更好。 7. I can do better in math.在数学方面我能做得更好。 8. I finished my end of year exams last week. 我上周结束了期末考试。 9. I had a really hard time with science this semester. 这学期我的科学学科学得的确不好。 10. Its not right to copy others homework. 抄袭别人的作业是不对的。 11. I said I didnt think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework. 我说我认为对她来说抄我的作业不是个好办法。 12. She said it was much better if she did her own work. 她说如果她自己做作业就会好多了。 13. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you. 在甘肃省一个贫困的山村里教中学学生在你听起来可能不算什么有趣的事。 14. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in Chinas rural areas. 每年他们都往中国的乡村地区派100名志愿者去教书。 15. Her village was 2000 meters above sea level. 她的村庄位于海拔2千米。 16. the thin air made her feel sick. 稀薄的空气使她病了 17.There often isnt money for education. 经常没有钱来受教育。 18. I can open up my students eyes to the outside world. 我能开阔学生们的视野,把他们带到外部世界。 19. She said she likes being a good influence in the childrens lives. 她说她愿意给孩子们的生活中起一个好的影响。 Unit 5If you go to the party,youll have a great time!1. I want you to remember the rules for school parties.我想让你记住参加学校聚会的规则。2. If we have it today, half the class wont come.如果我们今天开聚会,全班有一半的同学将不来参加。3. Youll be able to make a living doing something you love.你能做你喜欢的事来谋生。4. People all over the world will know you.全世界的人将会认识你。5. Watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.一直看着你,你走到哪都跟着你。6. Youll have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.你将很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。7.I cant remember how to get to your house.我记不起来怎样去你家了。Unit 6How long have you been collecting shells?基本句型:1. How long have you been doing? 2. Ive been doingsince3. How long did sb. do? 4. He / She did sth. for5. What do you collect? 6. When did you start?7. How many do you have? 8. What do you like to collect in the future?9. What is the most common/unusual hobby?重点句型:1. Alison was the first one to start艾丽森是第一个开始(滑)的。2Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster 非常感谢您送我怪兽雪花球形玻璃器。3. By the way,whats your hobby? 顺便提一下,你的个人爱好是什么?4It made me think about differences in food cultures between China and western countries它使我想起了中国和西方国家在饮食文化方面的差异。Unit 7Would you mind turning down the music? 目标句型:1. Would you mind (not) doing? 2. Do you mind (not) doing?3. Could/Can/Will / May you please (not) do? 4. How/What about (not) doing?5. Not at all. Ill do it right away. 6. Sorry,Ill do it right away.7. Youd better doUnit 8Why dont you get her a scarf? 1. What should I get for sb?2. How about sth./doing sth.?3. How do you like sth.? 4. What about sth./doing sth.?5. Why dont you buy/get?6. Why not buy/get?7. Theyre too expensive/cheap/personal8. Great!/Good idea!/OK. Ill get/buy9. My best gift is 10. Its good for sb. to11. It can make sb.重难点分析1. Why dont you do sth.? 这是给别人提建议建议某人做什么事情的句型。Why dont we come more often? 咱们为什么不经常来这里呢? 这个句子还可以写成Why not do? Why not get her a camera? 为什么不给她买个相机呢? 这个句型还有发出礼貌地邀请的用法。Why dont you have a drink of tea? 请喝茶。= Why not have a drink of tea?2. How/What about? 表示“怎么样好吗?”这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的看法或者意见。about是个介词,它后面要接名词或者doing。How about his playing football? 他足球踢得怎么样?3. (1)on ones birthday表示“在某人的岁生日时”,要用序数词。On his tenth birthday,his parents gave him a new bike as birthday present. 在他10岁生日那天,他的父母给他买了一辆新的自行车作为生日礼物。(2)介词on表示“在具体的某一天或某一天的上、下午”。We will have a party on Christmas Day. 圣诞节那天,我们将要举行一个晚会。4. The movie was boring,I fell asleep half way through it.这部电影令人厌烦。在放映了一半时我就睡着了。(1)boring表示“令人厌烦的”,bored表示“厌烦的”(2)fall asleep意为“睡着了”,fall是连系动词,asleep是形容词,作表语。5. People dont need to spend too much money. 人们不需要花费太多的钱。6. Later,the same gift may be given away to someone else后来,同样的礼品可能被赠送给别人。7. Twenty-four singers from across China recently competed by singing a number of popular English songs来自全中国的24名歌手最近通过唱若干首流行英语歌曲来比赛。8. If there were new words in a song,I looked them up in the dictionary. 如果在歌曲里有生词,我就查字典。9. spend,cost,take,pay表“花费” (1)spend的主语必须是“人”,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等。He spends much money on books 他平时将很多钱用在买书上。He spent a lot of money(in)buying a new car.他花很多钱买了一辆新车。(2)cost的主语必须是“物”或“事”,表示“费用”、“耗费”,后接life,money,health,time等,侧重于“花费”的代价。The book cost him one dollar 这本书用了他一美元。(3)take表示“花费”时,其主语一般是“一件事”,有时主语也可以是人,它说明事情完成“花费了”。 It took me ten minutes to go to the post office到邮局用用了我十分钟时间。(4)pay的基本意思是“支付”,作为及物动词,宾语可以是“人”、“钱”,He paid the taxi and hurried to the station 他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。(5)pay for的宾语为“物”、“事”,for表示支付的原因。Youll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals 你得每周付给我十美元饭钱。 Unit 9Have you ever been to an amusement park? 目标句型:1. Have you ever been to? Yes,I have. /No,I havent.2. I/He/She has / have never been to3. Where have you been?4. Where do you want to go?5. How long have you been doing?6. What do you like best about doing sth.?7. What kind of job do you want?8. How do/did you do sth.?9. How do you spell your name?重点句型:1. All the houses look like houses in Holland. 所有的房子看起来像荷兰的房子。句子look是系动词,后跟介词短语作表语。look like表示“像,与相似”是一动词短语。2. I want to study in an English-speaking country.我想到一个说英语的国家深造。3. Ive never been to an amusement park like it before. 我以前从未去过那样的露天游乐场。4. Heres what two of our students said about our school. 这里就是两个我们的学生所说的关于我们学校的情况。5. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. 正是因为我会讲英语我才得到了这份工作。这是一个强调结构,强调原因状语从句。强调结构的句式是“It+be+被强调成分+that”。被强调的是简单句的主语、宾语、宾补或状语,不能强调谓语、定语或表语。强调对象是人作主语时可用who,作宾语时用whom,其余一律用that。 It was my father whothat did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. 正是父亲昨天晚上在实验室作实验。It was at the gate of the school I met Tom. 正是在校门口我见到汤姆。It was last week that l attended an art exhibition for the first time. 是上周我才第一次参观一个艺术展览。It was not until he broke my favorite vase that l flew into rages.我是在他打碎了我的花瓶时才生气的。 It was because he was ill that he didnt come to the school yesterday.正是因为他病了昨天才没来上学。Unit 10Its a nice day,isnt it?目标句型:1. Its a nice day,isnt it?2. What a nice day,isnt it?3. It looks like rain,doesnt?4. I hope so / not.5. So do I.重点句型:1. He sure is! 他确实很好!2. It looks like rain,doesnt it? 看起来要下雨了,不是吗?3. Do you think itll stop by noon? 你认为到中午雨会停吗?4. I hope the bus comes soon. 我希望公共汽车很快就来。5. Thank you so much for inviting me. 非常感谢你邀请我。6. Im going to ask my cousin,Tommy,to go with me.我打算要我的表兄汤米和我一起去。7. He said hed help me with my math project他说他将帮助我做数学作业。8. Paul and I are good friends. We get along well because we both like sports. 我和保罗是好朋友,我们相处得很好,因为我们俩都喜欢运动。(1)both表示“(两者)都”,在句中常用在系/助/情态动词之后,行为动词之前。We are both tall. 我们俩都很高。We both have short hair 我们俩都留短发。(2)both常与and连用,意为“不但而且;既又”,用于连接两个并列成分。若连接两个主语时,谓语动词须用复数形式。Both New York and London have traffic problems.纽约和?


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