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M6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you? 复习讲义(二) 制卷人:顾婷 审核人:高二英语组Step1 Review (单词见检测讲义)本单元短语复习:在方面获得成功 achieve success in 实现目标 accomplish goals 体操锦标赛 gymnastics tournament 以防万一 in case 与不住在一起 live apart from 献身于,专注于 be devoted/ dedicated to 使她失去幸福 cost her her happines 被紧急送往医院be rushed to a hospital 使某人振奋 cheer sb. up 情绪好 be in good spirits 幸福的秘诀 the secret to happiness住院be in hospital 克服失落感overcome disappointment 适应adapt to 保持乐观stay optimistic 对生活持有积极的态度 have a positive attitude towards life 对感到生气恼怒 be annoyed at/ by 对满意 be content/ satisfied with 认为-重要attach importance to sth.左右两难 be caught between 想要做某事 feel like doing 安排某人做某事 arrange for sb. to do 对厌倦be tired of 担心落后be worried about falling behind匆忙in a rush 在周末on/ at weekends 保证做某事 guarantee to do 帮助某人做某事 assist sb. with sth. 简化生活 simplify ones life 陪伴,和在一起 keep sb. company/ in company with sb. 作出一个决定 make a decision 有稳定的工作 have a stable job 为而斗争 struggle for 辍学/辞职 quit school/ quit ones job 在任何情况下都不;决不 under no circumstances 以为代价 at the cost/ price of 在指导下 under the guidance of 对有益 benefit sb./sth.= be beneficial to sb./sth.=be of benefit to sb.占有,拥有 take possession of / in possession of有做某事的潜力 have the potential to do sth. 令某人吃惊的是 to ones astonishment 反对(做)某事 oppose doing sth / be opposed to (doing) sth.Step2. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the given phrases: in case reach smaller goals due to be proud of in good spiritscompete in in difficult times cheer up describeas devote oneself to 1. ! The news isnt too bad. 2. Most car accidents are driving at a high speed. 3. When he retires, he will gardening. 4. I think we can realize our dreams by . 5. The example of Sang Lan shows that people can find happiness . 6. Youd better take something to read when you go to the doctor you have to wait a long time. 7. Her teammates all like her and her energetic, happy and hard-working. 8. We the things she had accomplished. 9. Liu Xiang mens 110-metre hurdle at the 2008 Olympic Games. 10. She remains no matter what happens to her. Step3 Consolidation exercises: 1.It will take time for these children to themselves to their new families. A. adopted; adopt B. adapted; adopt C. adopted; adapt D. adapted; adapt 2.At a very young age, Professor Field used to books on radio. A. devote to tranlating B. devote himself to translate C. be devoted to translate D. be devoted to translating 3. The young lady was proud of the things she and she was happy to be alive. A. had accomplished B. has accomplished C. will accomplish D. has been accomplishing 4. Im terribly sorry for being late, but I the wrong bus. A. catch B. had caught C. caught D. catching 5. By the end of this month, we surely a satisfactory solution to the problem. A. have found B. will be found C. will have found D. are finding 6. -Did the girl see the traffic accident? -No, hardly when it . A. had she gone; happened B. she had gone; happened C. has she gone; had happened D. she has gone; had happened 7. We were busily preparing for the party, which the next week. A. was being held B. will be held C. was to be held D. was held 8. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your belts. The plane . A. takes off B. is taking off C. took off D. has taken off 9. The harder you , the greater progress you . A.will study; will make B.will study; make C.study; make D.study; will make10.If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it all day. A. is raining B. rains C. rained D. has rained 11. The telephone , but by the time I got indoors, it stopped. A. had rung B. was ringing C. rings D. has rung 12. Ive with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away. A. asked B. planned C. arranged D. changed 13. I wish I a chance to talk with you about my writing before you left. A. have B. had C. had had D. will have 14. The father thought his son was a genius, but the boy proved to be an child, neither very quick nor very slow to learn. A. unusual B. usual C. energetic D. average 15. every freshman in a university lay four years of hard work. A. Among B. Beyond C. Ahead of D. behind 16. I have been playing tennis the whole day, so I am tired now. A. not a bit B. not a little C. a little bit D. a bit little Step4 Paraphrase: 1. No matter when his mother is unhappy, he tells some funny stories to make her cheerful. his mother is unhappy, he tells some funny stories to her . 2. After the accident, she was taken to the best hospital in the city quickly. After the accident, she a hospital in the city. 3. She was able to defeat her disappointment and take pride in the things she had achieved. She was able to _ her disappointment and the things she had accomplished. 4. To realize your dream, you should first get used to the hard life here. To realize your dream, you should first the hard life here. 5. He can speak several other foreign languages besides English. He can speak several other foreign languages English. Step5. Translation:假如你是学生李明,请根据以下要点,写一篇短文。词数:150左右要点:(1) 随着电脑的普及,因特网受到越来越多的人的青睐。网络改变着人们的生活方式和思维方式。但是,就像其他任何东西一样,因特网有利有弊。(2) 它能便利快捷地给需要信息的人提供各种各样的信息,同时,人们可以通过它建立友谊或建构其他社会纽带。(3) 但是,因特网所提供的信息有时真假难辨,而且,如果花太多的时间在因特网上,势必会影响人们的正常生活。(4) 其实,只要我们科学地使用网络,控制上网时间,网络会成为我们美好生活的好助手。 答案:1. simply 2. unbearable 3. disappointment 4. disabled 5. inspire 6. struggle 7. injury/ injuries 8. journalism 9. energetic 10. sympathy 11. courage 12. dedicated 13. rebuilt 14. optimistic 15. hopeless 1. Cheer up 2. due to 3. devote himself to 4. reaching smaller goals 5. in difficult times 6. in case 7. describe as 8. were proud of 9. competed in 10. in good spirits 1. came 2. is going to rain 3. making 4. waiting 5. were saying 6. lent 7. had stayed 8. wrote 9. rained 10. joined 11. dedicating 12. will be flying 13. knew 14. hadnt scolded 15. picked 16. had attended 17. surrounded 18. Thinking; gives 19. study; will make 20. has been working/ has worked 选择题: CDACC/ ACBDC/ BCCDCB 1. Whenever; cheerup 2. was rushed to; top 3. overcome; be proud of 4. adapt (yourself) to 5. apart from/ in addition to 1. guarantee to satisfy 2. to look back on 3. in case of the rain/ in case it rains 4. cost her the chance 5. All I have to do is to focus (my attention) on 6. Whenever/ No matter when; difficulties; keep/ be in good spirits


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