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南竹柏顺小学英语四年级下册Unit1-Unit4练习题Name_ Class_No._Mark_听力部分一、 听朗读,选出你听到的单词。(15分)( )1.A. put B. but C.pull ( )2.A.these B.this C.sheep( )3.A.sit B.it C.six ( )4.huge cage orange ( )5.A .ink B.think C.thank ( )6. A bag B.bed C. dig( )7. A. hug B.mug C.egg ( )8. A check B. neck C. black( )9. A. cake B.lake C. bake ( )10. A old B. fold C. go 二、 听朗读,选出正确的答语。(15分)1.A. Hello, Jenny ! B. Goodbye, Jenny !2.A. This is a rabbit . B. Its a rabbit .3.A. He can draw . B. Hes drawing .4.A. This is Tony . B. Its Tonys book .5.A. They are toes . B. Those are teeth .6.A. OK . B. No,I dont .7.A. No,Im not . B. No, I cant .8.A. No, you cant . B. Yes , you do .9.A. Yes , they are . B. No, we arent .10.A.They are eating . B. They can read .三、 看图根据图意回答听到的问题。(10分)1._2._3._4._5._笔试部分一、看图写单词。(10分)二、写出下面动词的现在分词。(15分)1.check_2.back_3.do_4.clean_5.let_6.jog_7.hug_8.dig_9.think_10.wear_11.put_12.wave_13.move_14.practice_15.cut_三、单项选择。(10分)( )1.Lets _ . OK.A. play B.playing C. are playing( )2._ Saturday .A.This is B. Thats C. Its ( )3.Tony _ today . Hes busy .A.cant play B. wash C.is washing ( )4.Look! He_ the car .A. is wash B.wash C.is washing( )5.Hello, Gogo ! What _ you _?A.are do B.dodo C.aredoing( )6._they _ the window ? Yes, they are .A.Doclean B. Are cleaning C.can clean( )7.中国人的头发是_.A.brown B.yellow C.black ( )8.当你向别人道歉时,应该说:_A.Im OK . B.Im sorry . C.Thank you .( )9.Its cold today ._the window ,please .A.Close B.Open C.Touch( )10.A rabbit _four legs.A.have B.has C.is 四、用现在进行时句子完成下列句子。(10分)1.What _you _ (do) ? I _ ( draw ).2.He _ (put ) his book on the desk .3.Jenny and Lisa _ ( jump ).4.They _ ( exercise ) there .5.What _ they _ ( do )? They _ ( ptactice )soccer .6.Wheres Lily ? She _( eat ) there .五、看图写五个英语句子。(10分)1._2._3._4._5._六、改错。圈出错的地方,改正在线上。(5分)1.I sleeping ._2.They are work._3.Hes looking TV._4.You are dustting the furniture ._5.They are not danceing .They are singing ._开心英语四年级下册Unit5-Unit8练习题Name_ Class_No._Mark_听力部分一、 听朗读,选出你听到的单词。(10分)( )1.A. swinging B. swimming C.sweeping ( )2.A. stopping B. skating C.shopping( )3.A. spilling B. smiling C. snoring ( )4.A. tea B. sea C. pea ( )5.A. star B. car C. farm ( )6.A. bug B. mug C. pig( )7.A. dog B. mug C. hug( )8.A. dog B. jog C. clock( )9.A. bank B. thank C.think ( )10.A. eating B. reading C.riding 二、 听朗读,用数字给下面的短语标号,(10分)( ) watching TV ( ) reading comic books( ) playing cards ( ) riding my scooter( ) making models ( ) playing video games( ) visiting my friend ( ) listening to music( ) eating dinner ( ) painting a card 三、 听朗读,选出正确的答语。(10分)( )1.A. My hobby is eating . B. My hobby is reading .( )2.A. Im painting . B. I like painting .( )3.A. Yes, they are . B. No, they arent.( )4.A. I get up at 6:30 . B. I get up in 6:30 .( )5.A. I like teas . B. I like peas .( )6.A. Its 8:00 . B. They are 8:30 .( )7.A. She likes playing cards . B.She like playing games.( )8.A. They like listen to music. B.They like cooking .( )9.A. Yes , she does . B. Yes , she likes .( )10.A. Hs smileing . B. Hes snoring .四、 听朗读,画出钟面的时间。(10分)笔试部分一、 变一个字母使它变成另一个单词。(10分)1. finger_ 2.wake_ 3.think _4.shout_5.beach_ 6. match _7.stop_8.sleep_9.hug_10.dig_二、 按要求写单词。(10分)1. paint_同义词) 2.hobby_(复数)2. no_(同音词) 4.see_(同义词)5.see_ (同音词) 6.get_(现在分词)7.teeth_ (单数形式) 8.child_(复数)9.party_(复数)10.heres_(分写形式)三、 选择题。(10分)( )1.The girl likes _.A. sing and dance B. singing and dancing C.sing and dancing( )2.We cant ice skate _ the beach .A.in B.isnt C.at ( )3.Eating _hobby.A. is B. isnt C. isnt a ( )4.Come and play _ me , Gogo .A. with B. and C.to ( )5.What do you like ? I like _music .A. listening B. liaten to C.listening to ( )6.Get up ,Gogo !Its time _.A. to getting up B. get up C.to get up ( )7.What _ she _ ? I dont know .A. is like B. doeslike C. dolike( )8.I go to bed _ 10:00.A.in B. at C.on ( )9._you _comic book ? Yes.A. Dolike B. Dolike read C. Arelike reading( )10.What_she _?A.does.likes B. isdoing C.doeslike do 四、 用所给的动词的正确形式填空。(15分)1.My hobby is _ (read) comic books.2.He_ (like ) _(play) cards .3.What _ (do) you _ (like ) _ (do )?4._(do) she like _ (sing ) and _(dance)?5.Its time _ (eat) breakfast .6.He _ (wash)his hands before(在之前) breakfast .7._ (brush)your teeth,Tony .8.Hello,Jenny!Where_you_(go)? I_(go)to the bank .五、 看图完成句子。(10分)例子: I like watching TV.1. Tony _.2. Gogo_.3. Ben_.4. Lisa_.5.Jenny_.六、 改错。圈出错的改在线上。(5分)1. Do you like watch TV?_2. Look!The children is singing ._3. What are you going ?To the bank ._4. Shes going to the shopping mall .She want to go shopping._5.Tony and his father likes swimmimg._开心英语四年级下册Unit9-Unit12练习题Name_ Class_No._Mark_听力部分一、 听朗读,选出你听到的单词。(10分)( )1.A. brother B. baker C. butcher ( )2.A. bus B. but C. box ( )3.A. floor B. pour C. four( )4.A. drum B. room C. broom ( )5.A. map B. nap C.cap( )6.A. fork B. for C. fold( )7.A. star B. car C. scarf( )8.A. arm B. farm C. farmer( )9.A. swim B. sleep C. sweep( )10.A. watching B. shopping C. washing二、听朗读,用数字标号。(15分)二、 听朗读,用数字给句子标号。(15分)( )What do you want to do ?( ) What do you want to be ?( ) What are you doing ?( ) She wants to be a nurse .( ) He wants to do a puzzle .( ) She is going to the shopping mall .( ) Where are you going ? ( ) What time do you go to bed ?( ) I want to go home .( ) I want to be a businessman .笔试部分一、 从左到右找单词写6个在横线上。(6分)businessman_二、 按要求填写表格的内容。(7分)主格Isheyou形容词性物主代词yourourtheir名词性物主代词his三、 选择题。(10分)( )1.What do you _? I am a teacher .A. do B.doing C.be ( )2.What do you _? I want to be a teacher .A. do B. want to be C.want to do ( )3.What_she _? Shes a nurse .A. is .doing B. does.do C.( )4.Hes _office worker .A. an B. a C. ( )5.Bob _to be a businessman .A. want B. wants C.is wants ( )6.The baby _ five teeth .A. has B. have C. is ( )7.The _brother wants to play basketball.A. babers B. barbers C.babors( )8._Dads pajamas ?A. These are B.Are these C.Is there ( )9.This is Tonys _.A. handkorchief B. handkerchief C. handkercheef ( )10.In the room _two windows . A. have B. there are C. has 四、 回答下列问题。(12分)1. What are you doing ?_.2. What does your mother do ?_.3. Whata do you want to be ?_.4. Do you want to go home ?_.5. What do you like doing ?_.6.Is your hobby watching TV ? _.7.Does your friend want to be a teacher ?_.8.Do you want to be a doctor?_.五、 用英语填空。(15分)1._does your sister _ to _ ? A worker .2._your brother _ to _a farmer ? Yes.3.His grandma is _ old farmer .4.A doctor works in a _.5.Tony _to _a businessman .6.The key is not mine .Its _.7.Tony is good student._English is very good .The English book is _.8._these blue pants your sisters ? Yes,they are _.六、在表格里圈出10个表示职业的单词,(10分)barberfcnbfdrivereuaiworkerdrkgmifgowesehdoctercertyzodoctoreteacherrmrnxbutchersecretarye


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