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49中初二(上)英语半期考试知识点复习1、see sb do sth 看见某人做某事,表示看见某人/某动作经常性、习惯性发生或者看见全过程发生。see sb doing sth 表示看见某人正在做某事。(感官动词watch,hear,notice等用法一样)我经常看见你在暑假打篮球。 I often saw you basketball the summer holiday.刚才我们看见他正在街上骑车。We saw him a bike on the street just now.2、prefer 更喜欢,相当于 like- ,常用prefer+动名词。 -Do you like swimming? -Yes, but I prefer _ _.喜欢,但我更喜欢划船。 Its my favorite clothes. = I like the clothes .3、join,一般指参加某一组织、团体或某群人;take part in 表示“参加/出席某个活动”. (1 ) Will you them? (2) the team / club (3) the baseball game 4、(1)(sb) spend some money/some time on sth. 某人在某事上花多少钱、时间(sb) spend some money/some time(in)doing sth. 某人在做某事上花多少钱、时间(2)It takes sb. some time / money to do sth. 某人做某事花多少钱、时间I spent fifty yuan _ the coat. = I spent fifty yuan the coat.= It me fifty yuan the coat. 买这件外套我花了50元。5、(1)be good at = ,意思是擅长,其反义短语是 do in或者 be weak in, ,意思是在某方面差 / 弱,全部后接动词 。 她以前擅长画画,写字不太好。She _ _ well in before., but she did in writing.6、 be good / bad 对-有益处 / 害处,擅长be good 。7、There will be- = There is /are going to -意思是“将有-”There going to two soccer games next week.= There two-8、到达重庆:arrive Chongqing = get Chongqing = reach Chongqing 到家: home/ here/ there= home/ here/ there,因为在此处home/ here/ there是副词。9、(1) leave 离开( 过去式为 ) ;(2)leave sw.“动身前往某地”; (3) leave sw. for sw.,意思是“ ”。明天他们将动身去北京。They are Beijing tomorrow.(4)留言: a ;(5)请假三天:ask for a three- day leave = ask for three 10、交际用语:(1)Could you please do? = Will/Would you please do ? May I -?“表示客气、委婉地提要求,可以用Sure, go head /Certainly/ Of course/ No problem 回答。(2)Would you mind + doing + 其它?听从对方的提议,常用 Certainly not. / Of course not. / not at all,never mind 等,如介意常用Youd better not.;Would you mind not doing sth.=Do you mind not doing sth ,意思是不要做某事好吗?如听从对方的提议,常用Sorry, I wont do it again。(3) Shall we / Why not / You had better / what about -,表示客气、委婉地提出建议,常用Good idea./ That sounds good / -(4)Thank you for helping me ?回答可用:Youre welcome/ Not at all / Thats all right / Thats OK.-(5) Im sorry for what I did. 回答可用:Never mind / It doesnt matter./ Its nothing.(6)打电话:-Hello, who is that /it/this? 你是谁?-This is Tom speaking.我是-11、one of + (最高级)+ 可数名词复数,中心语是单数 。 One of the most popular basketball. 篮球是最受欢迎的运动之一。12、带双宾语结构: kick / pass / throw / give -sb. sth. = kick/ pass/ throw/give sth. sb. buy / bring / make - sb. sth. = buy/ bring/make sth. sb13、祈使句: at me like that.不要那样像我嚷嚷。禁止吸烟 He shouldnt work too late into the night. = too late into the night.14、do ones best to do sth. = ones best to do sth. 尽力把-做好 他们将尽力把物理学好。Theyll / learn physics well.15、enjoy sth, 意思是喜欢做某事。类似的表示爱好的还有like / love sth.16、more and more + 多音节形容词,表示越来越- 越来越有趣 interesting17、具体数字+ hundred 单数,表示具体的数量;hundreds of+名词的复数,意思是“数以百计的-”.数词:千 ,million ,billion 用法与hundred一样。In our school ,there are four (千)students. There are (数以千计)birds in the trees.18、make sb与某人交朋友;拍照 ;淋浴 take a shower = 19、复合形容词:她是一个15岁的女孩。She is a girl; 我妹妹15岁。My sister is . 一封300字的信:a letter21、第二次 the time; 一直 ;按时 ;及时 22、exciting 兴奋,excited 兴奋、激动。词根surprise, tire等用法一样。某人感到很兴奋:Sb. be / feel ; 某事让人很激动Sth. be 我们为下周的运动会感动兴奋。We are _ _for the sports meet next week.下周的运动会一定很让人激动。The sports meet next week will be .23、你最好别过多看电视。 You had better watch TV .24、他以前会画画。He could draw well . = He draw well .25、a number of 意思是 the number of-意思是 许多人喜欢篮球。A people enjoy basketball. = many,修饰可数名词的复数。一班的数量是53人。 Class 1 53. 26、别生我的气好吗? be angry me , OK?27、They will work hard from now on. 否定句:They hard from now on.28、good 、well:作为形容词时, 通常指品质好, 常指身体好、天气好。只有 可以作为副词,修饰动词。(1)Tony plays the drum very . (2)I hope he will get soon. (3)Tony is a boy.29、Whats wrong with you? = Whats with you?30、He should drink enough boiled water. should是情态动词,后接动词 。 否定句:He enough boiled water. 划线提问: he ?31、呆在床上: 生病卧床: be ill 有一只猫早床上:There is a cat .32、(1)enough用作形容词作定语时,可放在被修饰的名词前或后。 (2)enough用作副同,充当形容词或副词修饰语,但必须后置。 I have enough time(time enough)to finish the work. The desk isnt to hold school things.(足够大)33、feel like sth.= want sth.= would like sth.想要做某事34、too much /much too / too many(1)The car is dear for me to buy.(2)Tom has books in his study.(3)Watching TV is bad for your eyes.(4)Dont drink coke .35、(1)你躺下好好的休息一会。You should lie down and have a rest.=Why dont you / lie down and have a rest?=What/ How about down and a rest?=Youd down and a rest? 回答:Good idea./ That sounds good-同义句:Will you please down and a rest?回答:Sure./ Of course./ Certainly.=Would you mind down and a rest? 回答:Not at all./ Never mind./ It doesnt matter.(2)你最好别睡觉太晚。Youd better to bed too late.=Will you please to bed too late? =Would you mind to bed too late?回答:Sorry , I do that again.36、常用不定代词12个,被形容词修饰时,形容词要放在其 。练习:I have to tell you.我有一些有趣的事情告诉你。37、照顾 look = take 38、(1)return to sw. = come/ go to sw.,意思是 (2)return还有“归还”的意思。You had better my bike on time.39、Thank sb. for + 名词 / 代词 / 动名词 练习:Thank you for me. = Thank you for your 。(帮助)40、Dont worry. 意思是 ,worry的形容词是 。 点拨:担心某人/某事 worry sb./sth. = be about sb./sth.40、follow ones advice,意思是 某人的建议,可以用take 替换。41、要求某人(别)做某事 ask sb. ( ) to do sth.,相类似tell sb. (not) to do sth.请告诉我爸爸别忘了讲座哦。Please tell my father the talk.42、当动词作主语时,用动名词或动词不定式,谓语动词用_形式。(1) Watching TV too much (be)bad for your eyes. (2) Doing sports _(make) a man healthy.43、-I must have a good rest. 否定句:I a good rest. - Must he finish his work ? 肯定回答 :Yes, he .否定回答:No, he / 44、Give up doing sth.= doing sth as. as possible = as .as one can 译为:尽可能.地 They must give up smoking as soon as possible. = They must smoking can.45、1)keep + adj. 保持某种状态 保持安静!_ _! 2) keep sb./sth +adj. 让某人/某物处于某种状态 请让门开着。_ the door _. 46、当心不要吃太多的糖和盐。Be careful too much salt sugar.47、熬夜对你(身体)不好。不要熬夜。 Up. Up late bad for your .= bad you up late.48、玩的开心 have a good time = have = 例: They had fun swimming in the pool. = They in the pool. teach oneself sth .意思是 ;do sth (by)oneself = do sth 意思是 ;伤着自己 ;help yourself / yourselves sth, 意思是 49、Its + 形容词+ for sb. to do sth. 意思是:对某人来说做-是- 对我们来说每天锻炼很重要。 important us do some exercise every day.50、Ill .(给她打电话)


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