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动词类解题技巧知识点讲解:动词类解题技巧一、找准时间状语要确定一个句子的时态,首先要看句中有无明显的时间状语或其它能表示动作发生时间的词、短语和句子,如果有,要确定该句的时态是比较容易的。如:every day(week, month, year),often, sometimes, always等时间状语表示动作经常发生,常用一般现在时:句中有now或句首有look, listen这样提醒别人注意的词、句子的谓语动词常用现在进行时;有:just now, yesterday, last week, in 1983, a year ago等,谓语动词常用一般过去时;有ever, never, yet , already, for a long time , in the past five years, since短语或从句等,谓语动词就用现在完成时;有by the end of , when(before, after)从句,谓语动词常用过去完成时。二、注意时态呼应在复合句中,某些从句中谓语动词的时态要和主句中谓语动词的时态相适应,这种相适应的关系叫做时态呼应。1、在含有宾语从句的复合句中有下列三条规则。主句中谓语动词如果是现在时或将来时,从句中的谓语动词可以用任何所需要的时态。例如: he wants to speak to the headmaster. He says that he will not be free until tomorrow.he came back last night.主句中的谓语动词如果是过去时态,从句中的谓语动词一般情况下要用过去时态的某种形式。例如: he was working hard on his Chinese.He said that he had a very good journey home. he hadnt bought any yet.he would stop in Moscow on the way.如果从句中说的是客观真理,谓语动词总是用一般现在时态,而不受主句中谓语动词时态的影响。例如: the earth moves round the sun.The teacher told us that the sun rises in the east.2、在含有状语从句的复合句中,主要应掌握以if,when, as soon as引导的状语从句。在这类复合句中,主句是一般将来时,从句谓语动词要用一般现在时代替将来时;若主语是第三人称单数,还要注意动词末尾加“s”的变化。Ill go to the cinema with you if the rain . (stop)Ill give it to him when he back.(come)She will write to you as soon as she there. (get)三、看清上下文有时句子没有明显的时间状语,也不能用时态呼应规则来对照,这时就可以根据上下文内容来判断时间关系,确定正确时态。例如:Be quiet! He to the radio. (listen)Wheres Kate? She an English book.(read)While Mary was playing in the garden, her brother in the room.(write)I have bought a new dictionary. When you it?(buy)Mr. White often comes to China. He here ten times.(be)四、确定动词形式尽管时间概念记住了,谓语动词的时态也确定了,但在答题时仍会出现差错,问题在于动词的形式未能把握住。1、要弄清动词的各种形式的构成。 I_(lend)a bike to him yesterday. 2、切莫忘记语态。 The doctor told us that the hospital_(build)in 1968.3、注意情态动词和非谓语动词。情态动词后要跟动词原形;must, may的否定回答用neednt, cant; let, make, hear, see等动词后要跟不带to的不定式;在某些固定结构中要用动名词。It may be wrong.-Must we hand in our exercisebooks now? -No, you neednt .Let us read the text together.I heard her sing just now.Jack enjoys watching TV.The students are busy preparing for the test. 中考真题:1.(2010荆州中考) Are you going to Tibet for vacation? Yes. I want you to _ me with some information about it. Aoffer BgiveCshow Dprovide2.(2010黄冈中考)Do you know Tsering Danzhou, a Tibetan ten-year-old boy in Yushu? -Yes. He _the people his great help as a translator after the earthquake.A. providedB. supportedC. offeredD. afforded3.(2010扬州中考)Angela, you are going to buy a flat here, are you? -Yes, but I cant _an expensive one.A. spendB. costC. payD. afford4.(2010山西中考)David_ his friends invitation to the picnic in order to stay at home and have a good rest.A. expeted B.refused C.received5.(2010武汉中考)How about the exhibition that day? -It was very noisy, but that didnt _ me. A. hurt B. impress C. change D. bother6.(2010河南中考)Rebuilding in Yushu began soon after the earthquake,and it will long into the future A . reach B keep C stop D last7.(2010.盐城中考)We are all looking forward to_ more than HK $6,500 for the Oxfarm.A. raiseB. raisingC. be raisedD. being raised8.(2010.内江中考)She saw some boys _soccer on the playground when she was on the way to the classroom.A. playedB. to playC. playing9.(2010.南京中考)World Expo 2010 Shanghai China _ people from all over the world to the theme “Better City, Better Life.”A. attendsB. attractsC. allowsD. advises10.(2010十堰中考)Why not go on a vacation with us?-I cant _to take the trip because I put all my money into my company.A. preferB. impressC. achieveD. afford11. (2009沈阳中考) Its _ rather cold. I shall put my jacket on.A. starting B. looking C. getting D. feeling12. (2009朝阳中考) Sorry, sir, I must leave for the airport. The plane will _ off at 7:30.-OK. You can go first.A. take B. set C. put D. get13. (2009河北中考) This silk dress _ so smooth. Its made in China.A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels14. (2009襄樊中考) The library assistant says I can the magazine for two weeks.A. borrow B. lend C. buy D. keep 15. (2009龙岩中考) The stones are so heavy. How _ they _ to the top of the building without modern machines?A. do; lift B. did; lift C. were; lifted16. (2009江西中考) Can I help you?-I bought this watch here yesterday, but it _ work.A. wont B. didnt C. doesnt D. wouldnt 17. (2009漳州中考) The Earth Buildings of Nanjing are so fantastic that they _ lots of tourists every year.A. attract B. allow C. attack D. attend18. (2009成都中考) Doing exercise every day can make you stay healthy. (词语释义)_A. live B. keep C. become 19. (2009芜湖中考) Do you like the song You and Me?-Of course! It _ really beautiful.A. listens B. sounds C. thinks D. what 20. (2009德州中考) Rose _ her chocolate bar with a friend. Both of them were happy.A. started B. worked C. shared D. compared 21. (2009绵阳中考) The small child was not old enough to _ himself.A. have B. wear C. dress D. put22. (2009德州中考) I asked Danny to _ me my book, but he brought me his book.A. take B. fetch C. carryD. match23. (2009天津中考) The football team played well, but they didnt _ the competition.A. score B. do C. succeed D. win24. (2009枣庄中考) Could you please _ the floor? Its dirty.A. make B. sweep C. do D. fold25. (2009绍兴中考) Yao Ming is getting a lot better than expected.-But his doctor _ he shouldnt be in a hurry to return to training.A. imagines B. notices C. wonders D. warns26. (2009宁夏中考) Could you _ these books to the classroom?A. put B. take C. bring D. make27. (2009江西中考) Go along the street. The museum is just on your right. You cant _ it.A. make B. find C. miss D. fail28. (2009沈阳中考) What do you know about Walt Disney?-He _ cartoons for newspapers.A. sent B. wrote C. read D. drew29. (2009安徽中考) Long time no see!-Oh, it _ like years since I last saw you.A. looks B. seems C. feels D. sounds30. (2009安徽中考) What a day! Its raining again. Im afraid we cant fly a kite.-Dont worry. It wont _ long. A. live B. last C. wait D. go31. (2009济南中考) Dont forget to _ “Thank you” when someone opens the door for you.A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk32. (2009山东中考) What a beautiful watch! Is it new?-No, I have _ it for 2 years.A. had B. sold C. borrowed D. bought33. (2009宿迁中考) Would you please _ your storybook _ me?Sure, But you must return it to me before Wednesday.A. borrow; to B. keep; for C. lend; to D. buy; for34. (2009宜昌中考) -Whatabouttakingataxi tothe FriendshipStore?-Icannot _ it. Lets take the subwayinstead.A. choose B. pay C. regard D. afford35. (2009无锡中考) It will _ us several years to learn a foreign language well.A. cost B. take C. spend D. use36. (2009山西中考) When did your uncle _ in Shanghai?-The day before yesterday.A. arrive B. get C. reach 37. (2009扬州中考) What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?-Fish, I guess. How nice it _!A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. smells38. (2008苏州中考) -Did you wash your clothes?-No, I was going to wash my clothes but I _ visitors.A. have had B. have C. had D. will have

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