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原版英语口语情景对话第0033集:公路旅行Tim和他的同伴一起旅行过好多次,我们一起看看他去了哪些地方遇到哪些人和事。Road Trip 公车之旅Todd: Tim, you want to talk about road trips!Tim: Yeah, I wanna talk about road trips. Ah, me and my friends, when we were in high school we took a lot of road trips to lots of different places.Todd: OK.Tim: We would go down to California, ah, sometimes Mexico. One time when I was living in Wyoming, in one weekend we drove from Wyoming, through Colorado, New Mexico, and Mexico and back in the same weekend.Todd: Wow! Well, actually for people who are not familiar with the United States how far is that?Tim: Its a long way. I dont know. It took, I dont know, it took probably about 15 hours one way.Todd: Wow!Tim: So, thirty hours all together. But it was fun. We drove down to Mexico, had a good night, a good meal, a little bit of drinks and drove back the next day.Todd: So you went to Tijuana?Tim: No, we went to, ah, Ciudad Juarez.Todd: OK. Nice.Tim: That was really fun and a lot of other trips we took, ah, when I lived in Oregon, when wed go down to California, and wed surf.Todd: Oh, really!Tim: Yeah!Todd: Oh, youre a surfer?Tim: A little bit, a little bit of surfer.Todd: OK, What, what kind of car do you drive? What do you use for this road trip?Tim: Well, typical American, uh, a four-wheel drive vehicle, big vehicle.lots of gas but a lot of fun.Todd: Oh man, youre from Oregon, youre supposed to be a tree hugger!Tim: I know. I know. But therere good. One rule we had on our road trips was any lake or big body of water we had to stop and swim in. It was a good thing to do.Todd: Well, you live in Japan now. Do you ever do road trips in Japan?Tim: I took a road trip from Niigata up around Hokkaido and back, so it was a long road trip actually.Todd: OK. Wow! Whats the difference between a road trip in Japan and a road trip in America?Tim: Well, a road trip in Japan.its a little bit more dificult to get around, its a little bit more expensive, uh, in America road tripping is sort of, something a lot of people do.Todd: Yeah!Tim: And in Japan, when we do that it is a little bit strange, a little bit different, not not very normal.Todd: Yeah, thats true. OK. Great, thanks a lot Tim.Tim: Alright.


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