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六年级英语下册期中检测题 听力部分一. 听录音,选出你听到的单词。(10) ( )1. A. picnic B. pencil C. past( )2. A. dollar B. falling C. where(). . hot dog B. hamburger C. drink().hungry B. thirsty C. thirty()A. soon B. balloon C. cool二.听录音,判断。(10)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 三. 听录音,根据所听内容给句子标序号。(10)( ) We are going to have a picnic on Thursday.( ) It is going to snow in Haikou tomorrow.( ) what about this evening?( ) Lets go under the tree.( ) When are we going to eat?四. 听录音,根据所听问句选择正确的答语。(10)( ) 1. A. It is red. B. Its half past twelve. C. It is five cents.( ) 2. A. I live in Liaoning. B. I go to school by bike C. I get up at six.( ) 3. A. Go swimming B. It is going to snow C. At eight thirty( ) A. You are in GuangzhouB. You are a teacherC. You want a cola( ) A. It is warm. It is MondayIt is going to rain tomorrow.五.听录音,选择合适的单词,补全对话。(6)time eat tree picnic raining whenA: _ are you going to _, Mum?B: At half past twelve.A: What _ is it now?B: It is ten o clock now.A: Look! it is _ now.B: Hurry! Lets go under that_.A: The ducks are eating our _.读写部分一.连词成句。(6)1. do / you / want to / what /eat (?) _2. a / are going to / we / picnic / have ( .) 1 2 3 4 5_3. Simon / making / is / a card / but / Mum / calling / is / his (.) _4. the of out window am looking I ( .)_5. away are balloons the flying ( . ) _6. are / the /falling down / apples / the stairs ( . )_二根据句义选词填空:(5)eat about for around drink at to1. She wants some hot dogs and some colas _ her Mum .2. -What do you want to _? -Orange juice, please.3. We are going to have lunch _ about half past eleven.4. I like walking _ the lake at weekends. 5. I want some rice. What _ you, mum?三、看图,选择合适的词或短语填空。(5)1. It is going to _( snow / rain ) in Beijing. 2. We are going to _(play football / play basketball)tomorrow.3. There is a _( duck/ fish ) in the lake. 4. It is _ ( windy/ sunny )today.5. Sam wants to eat _ ( hamburger / hot dog ). 四、单项选择。(10)( )1.-What do you want? -_.A.I want to a hot dog. B.I want two hot dog. C.I want a hot dog.( ) 2.-_?-Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. A. How old is it? B. How long is it? C. How much is it? ( ) 3. .-_? -Its twelve. A. What time it is? B. Whats time? C. What time is it?( ) 4. Shes trying to_ the bus.A. get off B. go off C. go down( ) 5. Look! The ducks _ our picnic. A. are going to eat. B. are eating C. eats( ) 6. He is starting to cross, _a car is coming. A. and B. but C. with( ) 7. Its going to _ in Harbin. A.be rain B.be snow C.be cold ( ) 8.The birds are singing _the trees.A. on B.in C.at( ) 9.The ducks are swimming _ the waterA. on B.in C.at( ) 10.I am _ some photos . A. sending B. send C.sent( ) 11.-Who can help me? -_A. Sorry, I cant. B. Yes, I cant. C. No, I can.( ) 12. Shes buying things_ your birthday. A. to B. for C.in( ) 13. The sun is _.A. shineing B. shine C. shining( ) 14. It is going to snow _ Beijing.A. in B. of C. on ( ) 15. _old man under the tree is _teacher. A. An, a B. A, a C. The ,a ( ) 16. He likes playing_ basketball after school. A. the B. / C. a( ) 17. Do you often get up _ six_ Sunday morning?A. on, at B. at, on C. in, on ( ) 18. Look! The children _ in the playground.A. is playing B. are playing C. are play ( ) 19. Were going to have a party_.A. yesterday B. this evening C.last week( ) 20. Daming is playing _ trumpet, but the phone is _.A. the, ring B. the, ringing C. /, ringing 五、给问句选出正确答语。(5)( ) 1. What are you going to do? A. I am going to watch TV.( ) 2. When are we going to eat ? B. It is going to be sunny.( ) 3. What is the weather going C. Yes, I am. to be like tomorrow?( ) 4. What time is it ? D. At half past six.( ) 5. Are you from England? E. It is one o clock .六、给下列句子编号使它们成为一个完整的对话。(8)( ) What do you want to drink?( ) Hello!what do you want to eat?( ) Here you are.( ) Yes.How much is it?( ) I want a hanburger,please.( ) Thank you!Enjoy your meal!( ) I want a cola,please.( ) It is sixteen yuan.七.阅读理解。(10)(一)根据表格内容,判断句子对错。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。DamingLinglingSamAmyFoodDrink( )1.Daming wants a hamburger and a cola.( )2.Lingling wants noodles and milk.( )3. Sam wants a hamburger and a cola.( )4.Amy wants biscuits and milk.( )5. Both Daming and Sam like colas.(二)根据对话内容选出正确的答案。 It is Sunday tomorrow. I am going to watch a basketball match. It is between an American team and an English team. The basketball match begins at four oclock in the afternoon. Our friends Milk and Lucy are going to watch the match with me. We are going there by bus. We think we will come back at eight in evening.( )1.What day is today?A. Monday. B. Sunday C. Saturday.( )2.We are going to watch_. A.a baseball match. B.a basketball match. C.a football match.( )3.The match is between_. A. a Japanese team and an American team. B. an English team and an American team. C. a Chinese team and an American team.( )4.What time is the match going to begin? A. At seven oclock. B. At eight oclock. C. At four oclock.( )5.Who is going to watch the match?A.The write(作者). B. Mike and Lucy. C. Milk,Lucy and the write(作者)听力部分原文一. 听录音,选出你听到的单词。 1. picnic 2. dollar . hamburger 4.thirsty.balloon二.听录音,判断。1. What do you want? I want a hot dog and one cola.2. Daming is playing the trumpet on his birthday.3. He is talking on the phone.4. They are get on the bus.5. Its going to snow in Zhucheng.6. I get up at eight oclock.7. Its getting too hot.8. My newspaper are flying away. Who can help me?9. This old woman is cleaning the stairs.10. He is swimming in the sea.三. 听录音,根据所听内容给句子标序号。1.Lets go under the tree. 2.what about this evening?3.It is going to snow in Haikou tomorrow. 4.We are going to have a picnic on Thursday.5.When are we going to eat?四.听录音,根据所听问句选择正确的答语。1.How much is it?2. How do you go to school?3. When do you get up?4. Where am I?5. What is the weather like tomorrow?五.听录音,选择合适的单词,补全对话。A: When are you going to eat, Mum?B: At half past twelve.A: What time is it now?B: It is ten o clock now.A: Look! it is raining now.B: Hurry! Lets go under that tree.A: The ducks are eating our picnic.


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