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人教新目标中考英语词汇专项练习中考英语词汇训练11. Lets go to_(一家) Chinese restaurant. 2. My elder brother is _ (一个) university student.3. The poor old man is _ (一个) honest person.4. The foreign visitors will be _(能) to come tomorrow. 5. Later a neighbour told me _ (关于) him.6. Today there are _(大约) 900,000 people in this city.7. The planes were flying _ (在上) the clouds.8. _ _ (据说) Peter, shes a really good teacher.9. Mr Li is going to swim _ (横渡) the Changjiang River next week.10. _(行动) are more important than words. 11. If you _ 4 to 3 you get 7.12. Do you know his home _(住址).13. I am _(恐怕) you are wrong about that.14. Dont be _ _ (怕) the dog.15. The students in the school are not allowed to go out _(以后) dark.16. Ill call him _(以后) I get to the school. 17. There will be a meeting _ _ (今天下午).18. The singer sang the song _ _ _(一遍又一遍).19. Please put the ladder _(靠在) the wall.20. I havent seen her for a_ (很长时间). 11. add 12. address 13. afraid 14. afraid of 15. after 16. after 17. this afternoon 18. again and again 19. against 20. ages21. A short while _(之前), my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. 22. The engineer _ _ (同意) the workers idea. 23. The engineer _ _ (同意) the worker. 24. Birds fly in the _ (空中). 25. My parents bought three _ (空调机).26. The road is_(全) covered with snow. 27. Hurry up! Its_(差不多) time for school. 28. The old lady was _ (独自) in the house.29. We went for a walk _(沿着) the river.30. She had _(已经) gone when I arrived. 31. _(虽然) they are poor the children are happy. 32. The United States of A_ is a big country.33. Can you lend me 2,000 _ _ (美元)?34. They live _(在之中) the mountains. 35. She read for an hour _(然后) went to bed. 36. I came home late and my mother was _(生气).37. The forest is full of wild _(动物).38. I dont like this book, give me _ (另外) one.39. I telephoned this morning, but nobody _(接).40. He is taller than _ (任何) other boys in his class.41. Is there _(人) in the room?41. Is there _ (什么东西) in that box? 在那盒子里有吗?42. You can go_ (任何地方) you like.43. I have come to _ _(道歉) you.44. _ _(苹果) a day keeps the doctor away.45. _ the first is Fools Day.46. There must be something wrong with my left _ (臂).47. They look _ (四周) but Mary is already gone. 48. The plane _ _ (到达) New York at last.49. The girl is an _ (学美术的) student.50. The children are reading an _(文章) about a famous doctor.51. She works in the same building _ my sister. 52. He works _ a driver. 53. Then the secretary _(问) the lady if she was a relative of the manager.54. A red bus is stopping _(在) the bus stop. 55. Give your whole _ _(注意力) what you are doing. 56. The eighth month of the year is _.57. _(姨母) Lena has just left for America. 58. The season of the year between summer and winter is _.59. The city is miles _(以外).60. Some _ (婴儿) cry during the night. 61. She sat at the _(后面) of the hall and couldnt hear clearly. 62. Smoking is _(有害) for your health. 63. Where is my school _(包).64. The earth looks like a _ (球) from space.65. Do you like _(香蕉)?66. Some people on the _ (河岸) called out to the man in the boat.67. There is a Peoples _ (银行) of China near my home.68. The young man likes singing in the _ (浴室).69. Dont _ late for school again.70. In the end, I could not _(忍受) it. 71. We are now living in a _ (美丽) new house in the country. 72. _(因为) he is tired, he does not want to go with us. 73. His youngest daughter _ _ (已成为) a doctor.74. You should make your _ (床) before you go to school. 75. They have a large _ (卧室).76. _(在前) they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.77. After running half a kilometer, I_(开始) to feel tired. 78. A young man and a young woman were sitting _ (在后面) me.79. You cant _ (相信) anything she says.80. The _(铃) has just rung. 81. The house _ _ (属于) our family for a long time.82. The thief needs a _ (腰带) to keep up his trousers. 83. The coach is sitting on a _ (长凳).84. The ladies rode in the carriage and we ran along _ (在旁边) it.85. I like this film _ (最).86. The police arrived _ (之间) 6 and 7 last night. 87. How _(大) is the school you go to?88. The students often go to school _ _ (骑自行车).89. Can you kill 2 _(鸟) with one stone?90. Let me wish you a happy _(生日).91. The dog has _(咬) a hole in my trousers. 92. The boy had a _(青黑色) eye after the fight.。93. There is a national flag above the _(黑板).94. _ (血) is thicker than water.95. The wind has _(吹) my hat off. 96. The woman _ _ (穿蓝色衣服) is my mother.97. Are you going _ _ (搭船) or by air? 98. Peter _ (烧开了) the kettle.。99. The hotel is fully _ (预定) up.100. He lost his book and _ (借) one from another boy.101. _ New York and London have traffic problems. 中考英语词汇训练2用括号中的短语的适当形式完成下列句子。第一组-keep on , keep out of, keep from doing , keep in touch with, keep sb. waitingkeep ones promise , knock on/at , knock over , know about , know each other- 1. Its raining outside. You had better _ the rain _ the window.2. I am sorry to _ you_ for a long time.3. I dont know Mr. Brown, but I _ something _ him.4. Who is _ the door?5. We _ since we were children.6. You can telephone me every week, and in this way we can _each other.7. The heavy rain _ him _(go) to school that day.8. Though it was dark, they _ working in the field.9. Tom _ the bottle of ink and there was ink all over him.10. Once( 一旦) you make a promise, you should _.第二组-look like, be like , feel like, laugh at , leave for, live a happy life, look outlook after, look up , , lose the game, lose ones way, like doing, lift up- 1. What does your school _ _? It looks like a beautiful garden.What_ your school _? It is like a beautiful garden.2. Would you _ _ taking a walk after supper?3. Dont _ _ the people who are in trouble.4. He wants to visit his uncle in Beijing, so he will _ _ Beijing tomorrow.5. We are _ _ _ _ now.6. Would you _ _ my baby this evening, for I have to attend a meeting.7. If you meet a new word, you can _ _ the dictionary.8. Our team was beaten by them, so we _ _ _.9. The girl was crying in the street because she _ _ _.10. -What do you _? -I like reading.11. Ken _ his foot and found there was a nasty cut in it.12. _! Here comes a bus.第三组-look well, be made of, be made from, be made into , make a fool of, make sure, make up ones mind, get married, be married to , never mind, mix.into, make sb. do make a mistake - 1. The furniture(家具) _ bamboo.2. The wine _ grapes.3. Glass can _ bottles and glasses.4. Please _ when the train leaves.5. I _ to study hard.6. He _ the sugar _ the flour.7. Dont _ me. I am not good at skating.8. When did you _(结婚)?9. His mother _ him _ (join) the sing group.10. He _(结婚)Rose for twenty years. 11. _, I can do it by myself.12. What is the matter with you? You dont _ now.13. He is so careless that he _ yesterday again.第四组-nod ones head, pick up, pay for, promise to do, break ones promise, point at, put up ones hand, prevent sb. from doing, present sb. with, pay attention to, put out, put on- 1. If you want to say “yes”, you can _.2. Our class _ our school _ a clock before we left the school.3. The illness _ him _(go) to the party last week.4. He _(buy) a bike for me on my birthday.5. Dont believe in him. He always _.6. If you have any questions, please _.7. I have already _ the book.8. If you _ what the teacher says in class, you will make better progress.9. The bus stops to _ the passengers at the corner.10. What is he _?11. The fireman _ the fire before we arrived there.13. He _ his coat and hat and went out.第五组-ring up, receive a letter from, rush out of, go to sleep, fall asleep, feel sleepy,shout for help, stay awake, stay away from, stay up late, send for a doctor,save for , shake hands with, set.free, be on show - 1. I will _ you _ as soon as I arrive in Beijing.2. Have you _ your parents recently? Yes, I heard from them yesterday.3. If you are in danger, you can _.4. When he heard the words, he _ the meeting room angrily.5. I was too excited _ last night.6. He didnt go to bed until midnight, so he _ now.7. He was so tired because he _(熬夜)last night. 8. Why do you _ school today? Because it is Sunday today.9. Please _(别睡觉)in class or you will not know how to do the homework. 10. My mother is seriously ill and we should _ at once.11. You have eaten many apples. Will you _ one _ your sister?12. People usually _ each other when they meet in China.13. The old man asked the little boy to _ the bird _.14. The pictures painted by the artist will _ (展览) in the museum. 15. He felt very tired last night and only one minute he _(入睡).第六组-talk about, talk to /with , take care of, take pride in, take part in, take place,take caretie to, tearinto pieces, tell the truth, , think of , think out , -1. My mother is _(交谈)our English teacher over there. Do you know what are they _(谈论)?2. The children _(受到照顾)in the kindergarten.3. Will you _(参加) the sports meet next week? 4. Liming won the first prize in the competition and his parents _ him.5. Great changes _(发生) in China in the recent twenty years. 6. He was so angry that he _ the letter _(把撕成碎片).7. The picture let me _(想起)my childhood. 8. Can you _ a method to solve the problem.? 9. Dont _ the dog _the young tree or the tree will fall. 10. Dont tell lies again. Please _us _ _.11. _, the road is very slippery.II: Finish the following sentences1. Dont lose your heart. We will _(尽全力帮助)with your English.2. I like the skirt. Can I _ it _ (试穿)?3. I am sorry to have _(让你久等)4. Tomorrow we will visit a farm. Will you _me _(吵醒) at six oclock? 5. She _(获一等奖) in the swimming race, but his class _ (输掉了) in the basketball match.6. Today he does not have to _(为担心)making a living. 7. Have you _ (写信) your mother?8. I cant _ (算出) the problem in five minutes. 9. Though he _ (努力学习) English, he failed again. 10. Can you wait me for a moment? I want to _ (与他说句话) him.11. I _ (想知道) if you are free this afternoon. 12. _ (代我向问好) to your parents. 13. _(你想去) go swimming with us after school? 14.Would you mind _(别抽烟) in the room?15.I _ (宁愿呆) at home than _(外出).16.His mother _(干工作) a street cleaner. 17.You _(随时欢迎你) in our home. 18. He _(减轻体重) a lot because he did a lot of exercises. 19. _,(顺便问)I wonder if we could discuss my salary. 20. Dont _ so much time _ (别浪费) such a thing. 21. Lets _ (散步)around the lake. 23. I _(拜访) Mr. Hunter yesterday afternoon. 24. The airplane _(用于) international flight. 25. Can you _ the knife _ (用做) a kite? 26. He _ (与结婚) a teacher. 27. When did you _ (认识)? 28. He _(试着爬上) the tree. 29. _(说实话), I dont like him 30. If you study hard, you will_(赶上) your classmates. 31. We want to _ (访问) the factory. 32. He always _(保持联系) his old friends. 33. He _ me _ (碰我的手臂) arm. 34. Dont _stone _the river and _ the dog.(扔) 35. Please _ (思考) what I have said. 36. What do you _ _(认为)the football match? -Wonderful. 37. Can you _ her _(辨认,分辨)her twin sister? 38. How can we _the good _(区分)the bad? 39. Who can _(取下)the old pictures? I want to put up a new one. 40. The dentist _(拔掉)two of my teeth. 41. Dont _ (下车)until the bus stops. 42. Can you _ the children _ (阻止看) TV? 43. She was playing something. It _ (听起来像) Beethoven. 44. He _(送我回家) after the meeting. 45. His son is seriously ill. He should _ (请) a doctor. 46. They _the forest _ (在搜寻) the missing child. 47. Tomorrow will be a holiday. We can _ (不用上学) school. 48. Dont _ (熬夜). It is bad for your health. 49. She is _ money _ (储钱度假) a holiday. 50. He was _(被抢了) a lot of money. 51. I _ (感到骄傲)to be a member of this club. 52. You must promise me _(好好休息). 53. He prefers doing something to _(什么都不做). 54. He cant afford _ (买) such big house. 55. I dont know how to _(使你们高兴). 56. We should _ (向学习) Lei Feng. 57. Dont _ (别把生活弄得一塌糊涂) of your life. 58. You can do something _(使生活丰富多彩). 59. Please _(铺好床) after you get up. 60. Can you _(对作出建议) for our picnic? 61. I want to _ (扮演角色) the teacher. 62. The man _ (携带逃走) with my coat. 63. The doctor _ the boys _(挽救的命). 64. It is impolite _(盯着)others. 65. The doctor asked me _(卧床休息) for several days. 66. Mr Li is not in now. Shall I _ (给留个口信) for him? 67.Have you _(量体温)? 68.Here are some sweets. It helps to _(转移你的注意力). 69.The plane _(起飞)safely. 70._ (沿着街道走) the street, and you will see the school. 中考英语词汇训练3I. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Anne is good at making things _ (grow). She _ (have) a green thumb.2. We _ (have) a party for Toms birthday. Its in two weeks time.3. The story was _ (bore) and we were _ (bore) with it.4. She tried her best to _ (please) the manager and this time the manager was _ (please) with her good work.5. I hate _ (write) compositions even if in Chinese.6. It was very cold. Id like _ (have) a drink.7. You look _ ( worry). What _ you _(worry) about?8. If you are _ (feed) up with fish, you can have anything else for dinner.9. Everything _ (fall) out as we had hoped. 10. He _(fall) out with the girl he is going to marry.11. _ you _ (have)a good time at the party?12. This game is _ (tire) and he is _ (tire) of _(play) it.13. To his _ (surprise) the little girl didnt obey her mother. Instead she looked at her in _ ( surprise) and then she said that she was _ (surprise) at her mothers words.14. He will return the book to me as soon as he _ ( get ) back. II. 用短语动词的适当形式完成下列句子:15. We like _ (去划船) better than _ (去野营).16. If you dont have sports for a long time, you _ (觉得无力).17. He _ (朝着过来) his car with t


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