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Unit1 Making friends 单元测试题 笔试部分 80 分 I 单词辨音 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 1 dream A dri m B dr m C drem 2 flat A fl t B flet C fleit 3 sound A s und B saund C s nd 4 hobby A h bi B h bi C h ubi 5 yourself A j s lf B j self C j self II 词汇 根据汉语或首字母提示写单词 补全句子 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 6 My friend comes from J His home is in Tokyo 7 I think g is the most difficult part in my English study 8 The little boy is at the a of twelve 9 My mother is a teacher and my father is an 工程师 10 China is an old 国家 with a long history III 单项选择 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 A 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项 11 I believe everyone will like you because you are so kind A few people B all the peoplen C some people D a few people 12 We should complete our homework before we go to school A finish B give C ask D stop 13 My new home is close to my school so I can go to school on foot A far from B near C behind D in front of 14 Mary is good at speaking English A is good for B likes C does well in D learns about 15 My father would like to go traveling with me during the summer holidays A has to B agrees to C needs to D wants to B 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 16 Is Mary English girl No she is Canadian A a an B an a C the an D an the 17 I know there is big tree in your garden Yes and I water tree once a week A a the B a a C the a D the the 18 people are there in your family There are four My father my mother my brother and I A How much elder B How many older C How much older D How many elder 19 do you want to be a doctor I hope a doctor because I want to help sick people A Why to be B Why being C How to be D How being 20 Are your friends Yes they are from A Germans Germany B Germany German C Germans German D Germany Germany 21 did you travel from Shenzhen to Guangzhou train A How On B How By C When On D When By 22 is the student in red She is my cousin She is America A Who of B What of C Who from D What from 23 My dream is a tourist and travel all over world A to be a B being a C to be the D being the 24 is your hobby My hobby is listening to music I think everyone it A What like B Which like C What likes D Which likes 25 Welcome my house A to Thanks B in Thanks C to Of course D in Of course IV 完形填空 共 10 小题 每小题 1 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后每小题的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最 佳选项 Many students have hobbies Some students like reading or painting Some like growing vegetables in the gardens or 26 pets Others like watching stars at night Good hobbies can 27 a lot of fun to us Anna is a senior high school student Her hobby is 28 In the junior high school she wrote a book and it came out in 2011 Many students 29 her book and she is a successful young writer now Anna is lucky 30 she gets fun and success from her hobby But she thinks it is only one of her hobbies She is also 31 in many things I love basketball too she said Actually 事实上 there are many 32 things to do in our daily lives Why not try 33 new and different They will give us 34 fun and knowledge But remember that we 35 spend all our time on our favorite hobbies It is not good for our study 26 A keeping B selling C killing D catching 27 A take B bring C carry D go 28 A painting B reading C writing D traveling 29 A write B throw C like D give 30 A or B but C so D because 31 A surprised B angry C interested D famous 32 A terrible B fun C hard D boring 33 A nothing B anything C something D everything 34 A little B more C less D no 35 A shouldn t B needn t C couldn t D won t V 阅读理解 共 25 分 A 阅读下列短文 从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳选项 共 1 5 小题 每小题 1 分 A Dear friends My name is Mandy I live in Ottawa Canada and I want a pen friend from China I think China is a very interesting country Some of my classmates have pen friends in China too They tell me a lot about China They say Chinese people are very friendly and nice So I hope I can have a Chinese pen friend I am fourteen years old now and my birthday is in July I can speak French English and a little Chinese I have a brother Paul and a sister Nancy They have pen friends in America and England My father works in a factory and my mother is a nurse I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports I m good at swimming My favorite subject at school is PE It is interesting But I don t like Maths It is too hard for me I like Chinese food very much My mother can t cook Chinese food so we often go to the Chinese restaurant for dinner The food there is very delicious We all love the food there Can you write to me soon I am waiting for your letter Yours Mandy 36 Where does Mandy come from A China B Canada C England D America 37 Mandy wants to have a pen friend in China Because A Chinese people are friendly B most of her classmates have pen friends in China C she wants to study in China D many of her friends are Chinese 38 There are people in Mandy s family A three B four C five D six 39 Which of the following languages can NOT Mandy speak A French B Spanish C English D Chinese 40 Mandy s birthday is in A spring B summer C autumn D winter B In many European countries it is usual to have a long break in the middle of the day All the family members will return to their houses to eat together It is not very common in Britain because it is a long way from the place of work or school to the home The British people often have a big breakfast before they go to work They have the meal in the middle of the day without family members but with workmates or schoolmates Lunch is eaten between 12 30 and 13 30 Most people finish their work at 5 30 p m It often takes at least an hour to get home from the school or the workplace so people will eat their dinner between 6 30 p m and 8 00 p m On Sundays people don t have to work so they eat together with their family Sunday lunch is usually the best meal of the week They often eat typical 典型的 British food at Sunday lunch for example roast beef and Yorkshire pudding 41 British people often have a big on working days A breakfast B Lunch C afternoon tea D dinner 42 British people have their lunch with their between 12 30 and 13 30 0n Mondays A family B children C workmates or schoolmates D friends 43 is usually the best meal of the week A Monday breakfast B Wednesday lunch C Saturday dinner D Sunday lunch 44 Which of the following is TRUE A It is common for British people to have lunch at home B Most British people spend only an hour getting home from the school or workplace C British people eat with their family on Sundays D British people don t cat roast beef and Yorkshire pudding on Sundays 45 What is the main idea of the passage A How do British people stay with their family B How do British people eat their meals on working days C What is the typical British food D How do British people eat their meals C Each of us rich or poor should at least have one or two good friends Your friends will listen to you when you speak will take care of you when you are sick and will be together with you in your journey through life How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other Here are some suggestions Put you in touch It s hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time Get out of the house and do things that will put with people you in touch with people Look at people in the eye Look at people in the eye when you talk to them In that way people will find it easier to talk to you If you don t look at them people may think you re not interested in them and may stop trying to talk to you Be a good listener Be a good listener Let people talk about themselves before talking about me me me Ask lots of questions Show your interest in their answers Make friends with people you really like Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like and respect 尊敬 not just with those who are easy to meet Help and believe 相信 in each other Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble Friends should always be ready to help each other Believe in each other This is the most important thing in a friendship Try to make up soon Even the best friends may have a quarrel 争吵 sometimes If this happens don t let your quarrel last too long Try to make up with 和好 your friends soon 46 According to the passage what will NOT your friends do with you A They will listen to you when you speak B They will look after you when you are sick C They will cry with you when you are sad D They will be with you through your life 47 How can we have more friends A Stay at home all the time B Talk about yourselves all the time C Just make friends with the people who are easy to meet D Try to do things that help you get in touch with people 48 When you talk with people what should NOT you do A Look at people in the eye B Let people talk about themselves C Ask people questions and show your interest in their answers D Always talk about yourself 49 Which of the following is the most important thing in a friendship A Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble B Try to make up with your friends soon if you have a quarrel C Believe in each other D Be a good listener 50 The writer wrote this passage to tell us A how to be a good listener B how to talk with people C how to make up with your friends D how to find a good friend and get on well with each other B 从所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 A tall B many C speak D subject E old F name A Do you have a pen friend Tom B Yes she is an Australian girl and she can 51 Chinese A What s her 52 B Annie She is very nice and beautiful A What is her favorite 53 B History She loves it very much A How 54 is she B Eleven years old But she is 170cm 55 C 从所给的六个句子中选出五个补全对话 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 A What class is your sister in B No she likes romantic movies C She can sing A Better Day and Jingle Bells D No I don t I like singing and dancing at home E What do you often do on Sundays F What kind of movies do you like Rick Hello Jim 56 Jim I often go to the movies with my mother Rick 57 Jim I like action movies Rick Does your mother like action movies too Jim 58 What about you Rick Do you often go to the movies on Sundays Rick 59 Jim Oh my sister Sally also likes singing She can sing English songs Rick Oh 60 Jim Ha she is only five years old She doesn t go to school VI 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 61 My teacher is always friend to us 62 She is not only good at speaking English but also good at speaking Germany 63 Boys and girls help you to some fish 64 Listen care when I read the text 65 The students are studying Japan in the classroom VII 句子 根据汉语提示 补全句子 每空一词 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 66 我希望不久能收到你的来信 I hope to you soon 67 她喜欢与各种各样的人交朋友 She likes all kinds of people 68 我每天都坐公交车上学 I by bus every day 69 她和父母一起住在乡村里 She her parents in the village 70 你在空闲时间喜欢做什么 What do you like to do VIII 书面表达 共 10 分 假如你叫 Kate 想和 Jane 交笔友 请根据下列提示 写一封电子邮件向 Jane 介 绍你自己 60 词左右 可以适当发挥 提示 1 是一名活泼 lively 快乐的中学生 喜欢交朋友 2 擅长画画 最喜欢的运动是踢足球和打排球 课后常参加各种各样的活动 activity 3 最喜欢的科目是英语和数学 梦想成为一名英语老师 因此学习很努力 4 询问 Jane 的兴趣爱好 Dear Jane My name is Kate and I want to be your pen friend Best wishes Kate 笔试部分 I 1 5AABBC II 6 Japan 7 grammar 8 age 9 engineer 10 country III 11 15 BABCD 16 20 BADAA 21 25 BCCCA IV 26 30 ABCCD 31 35CBCBA V 36 40 BACBB 41 45 ACDCD 46 50 CDDCD 51 55 CFDEA 56 60 EFBDA VI 61 friendly 62 German 63 yourselves 64 carefully 65 Japanese VII 66 hear from 67 making friends with 68 go to school 69 lives with 70 in your free time VIII Dear Jane My name is Kate and I want to be your pen friend I am a lively and happy middle school student I like making friends with others My favorite sports are football and volleyball I am good at drawing I often take part in all kinds of activities after class I like English and Maths best My dream is to be an English teacher so I study hard How about you What are your hobbies Hope to hear from you soon Best wishes Kate 书面表达写作指导 本次书面表达要求写一封介绍自己的电子邮件 写作时要注意以下几点 1 确定时态 应使用一般现在时进行写作 2 根据提示内容逐一介绍 并注意电子邮件的格式 3 邮件完成之后 要通读邮件 检查语法是否正确 要点是否齐全


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