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Hi, how are you getting along with your winter holiday?Maybe you are happy but tired. Why not sit down and relax yourself? Follow me, Ill lead you into an ocean of English. You are sure to enjoy yourself !First, fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. OK?一. 完成句子.(每空0.5分,共50 分)1. 我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐.I like music that I can _ _ .2. Rosa喜欢她能跟着唱歌的音乐.Rosa likes music that she can _ _ _. .3.你觉得这张唱片怎么样?_do you _ _ this CD?4.你不喜欢这张唱片的哪个方面?_ do you _ _ this CD?5. 无论你做什么,千万别错过了这次展览._ _ _, dont miss this exhibition.6. 这场音乐会恰好适合我。The concert _ _ _ _.7. 老实说,春节期间吃太多垃圾食品对健康是没有好处的._ _ _, its not good for our health to eat _ _ junk food during the Spring Festival.8. 你想要去哪里参观?Where would you _ _ _?.9.我希望有朝一日去法国.I _ _ go to France _ _.10. 总的来说, 巴黎是个高消费的地方._ _,Paris is _ _ expensive place.11. 其他学生希望毕业后继续学习并去上大学. Other students hope_ _ _ after finishing school and to go to college.12. 我将帮忙打扫城市公园.Ill help _ _ the city parks.13. 我不但对帮助他人感觉良好,而且开始花时间做我爱做的事情._ _ _ I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.14. 你已帮我有可能拥有Lucky成为可能, Lucky使我的生活充满了快乐.You have helped make it possible _ me _have “Lucky”, who has _ my life _ pleasure.15. 电灯是谁发明的?Who _ the light bulb _ _?16.许多年轻人梦想成为出名的篮球运动员.Many young people _ _ _ famous basketball players.17 与运动员相撞和摔倒是很危险的._ _ players and_ _would be dangerous.18.人们相信历史上第一次篮球赛是在1891年12月21日._ _ _ that on December 21th, 1891, the first basketball game was played.19. 到我出来时, 汽车已经走了._ _ _ I got outside, the bus had already left.20 到人们意识到这是个骗局时, 全国所有意大利细面条已销售一空.By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the country _ _ _ _.21. 请问你能告诉我公共厕所在哪里吗?_ _ _ _ where the public restrooms are?22. 请问拧您能告诉我怎样去邮局?吗Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ the post office?23. 你知道这儿附近是否有公共厕所?吗Do you know _ _ _ any public restrooms around here?24. 那是个闲逛的好地方吗?Is that a good place _ _ _?25. 那里总是有事情发生.There are always something _.26. 你能告诉我哪里有吃东西的好地方吗?Can you tell me _ _ _ a good place to eat?27. 水城是个一家人度假的好地方.Watertown is a good place for the family _ _ _ vacation.28. 全体员工打扮成小丑.The staff _ _ _ clowns.29.在英语中,就像在汉语中一样,当和不同的人说话时,我们改变说话的方式.In English, just like in Chinese, we change the way we speak _ _ _ different people.30.为了不得罪人, 了解语言礼节就像学语法和词汇一样重要._ _ _ _ offend people, learning about language etiquiette is just _ _ _ learning grammar and vocabulary.Thank you for you hard work! You are so great!Now, open your book and check your answers. And then read them aloud and try your best to learn them by heart. Remember, the more you read, the better your English will be.OK, next, please fill in the blanks with the correct word given.Change the form of the word if necessary.选词填空(每小题1分,共5分)prefer dislike remind clearly important1. He _ music to art.What about you ?2. He said he _ the music because it was too loud.3. Please _ me to answer that letter.4. Some of the singers dont sing the songs _.5. Thats not really _ to me


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