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八年级英语Unit 1 Topic 3 学案年级:八年级 学科:英语 执笔:李佰娟 审核:英语组Period 1 Section A (1a-4)课型:听说课I.学习目标: 1.学习和掌握相关词汇用法:exciting, relay race, shall, message, theater, line2. 理解Section A内容 。 3. 学习一些常用的宾语从句结构表达。4. 学会表达鼓励。(德育渗透)II. 重点:1.听力训练;2.宾语从句结构口语表达 难点:2.宾语从句结构口语表达 III. 预习任务:1. 利用P131的单词表和P112的课文注释或词典,通读并理解P17上1a 课文的文意, 并把自己不熟练的翻译写到书本上。2. 在书本上划出下列单词、短语或句子,并翻译:谈论_ 校运会_在操场上_ the boys 800-meter race_跳高_ 跳远 _I believe you will win. _Im sure the sports meet will be exciting._I hope so._这是我第一次_Im preparing for_I think Ill have lots of fun._交许多朋友_the teachers relay race_a pair of_IV新授一、词汇学习。 二、听力完成1b,3,4。三、学习2a, 2b。 四、小结与作业布置。 【达标测试】( )1. This is an _ movie, so people are very _.A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excitingC. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited ( )2. The book is _. I am very _ in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interesting; interested C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested( )3. She is from England. She is _ girl. A. an 18-year-old B. 18 years oldC. 18-years-oldD. a 18-year-old( )4. How old is she? She is_.A. an 18-year-old B. 18 years oldC. 18-years-oldD. a 18-year-old ( )5. Is it going to be fine tomorrow? _ A. Im afraid so. B. I hope so. C. I hope not. D. Of course I will.教学反思:Period 2 Section B 课型:听说课I.学习目标: 1. 学会打电话约会,读懂电话留言。 2学习部分辅音音标。 3. 训练学生的信息听取能力。4. 通过建议句型的操练,培养学生的礼貌意识。(德育渗透)II. 重点:学会打电话约会。 难点:辅音音标III. 预习任务:1. 翻译下列短语:1) be in_ 2) let sb. do_3) make it half past six_ 4) 在校门口_5) 在戏剧院_ 6) 在公共汽车站_7) 运动服和运动鞋_IV新授 一、复习:1.听写。 2.检查作业和预习任务。二、单词学习,shall 与will的区别与使用。 三、完成P1a, 1b与 2。四、小结与作业布置。 【达标测试】翻译句子: 1. 让我们一起去吧。_2. 让他走吧。_3. 让小明唱给我们唱首歌吧。_4. 让我们把它定在今晚七点半吧。_5. 我们将要带些什么?_6. 我们将要在哪儿见面?_7. 我要带我的照相机吗?_教学反思:Period 3 Section C 课型:阅读课I.学习目标: 1. 学习掌握P21-22相关新单词及短语.2学习Section C课文,了解现在奥运会一些相关知识。3. 引导学生明白奥运精神,培养自强不息、团结协作的精神。(德育渗透)4. 回顾被动语态的表达。II. 重点:阅读并理解1a的全文大意,并掌握相关表达的运用。 难点:如何提高学生的信息快速获取能力。III. 预习任务:1. 利用P132的单词表和P112的课文注释或词典,通读并理解P21上1a课文的文意, 并把自己不熟练的翻译写到书本上。2. 在书本P21-22上划出下列单词或短语并翻译:1) 起源于_ 2) 一种的象征_3)代表;象征_ 4) 至少_5) 来自全国各地_ 6) 变得越来越流行_7) 拥有做的机会_8) 夏季奥运会_9) 冬季奥运会_10) 举行奥运会_IV.新授一、词汇学习。 二、问题导入新课三自主探究:阅读并完成书本上的阅读任务。四、重要语言点学习。 五、小结与作业布置。【达标测试】( )1. I bought a pair of running shoes because I want to _ the teachers relay race. A. joinB. join inC. take partD. have part in( )2. The motto of the modern Olympics is “_. ”A. Fast, High, strongB. Faster, Higher, StrongerC. Faster, High, strongD. Faster, High, Stronger( )3. The first Olympics started in_. A. AtlantaB. LondonC. AthensD. Sydney( )4. Li Lei is the first _ the finishing line. How great he is!A. passB. passingC. to passD. past( )5. Li Ming will take part in the boys _. A. 800-meter raceB. 800-meter racesC. 800 meter raceD. 800-meter-races教学反思:Period 4 Section D 课型:阅读与复习I.学习目标: 1理解Section D文章大意。2复习本单元重点句型与will/shall的使用。II. 重点:上述目标2 难点:will/shall的区别。III. 预习任务:1.利用P132的单词表和P112的课文注释或词典,通读并理解P23-24上1a课文的文意, 并把自己不熟练的翻译写到书本上。2. 背诵P23Grammar的句子与完成Functions的句子。IV.新授一、 复习:1. 检查核对练习册答案。2、带读单词二、游戏与问题导入 三、阅读与探究. 四、小结与作业布置。【达标测试】 ( )1. Would you like to climb mountains with me this Sunday?Id love to. But I _ play table tennis against Class Three. A. am goingB. am going to C. amD. going to( )2. Do you like swimming?Yes, swimming is a good way _ fit. A. keepB. to keepC. keepingD. keeps( )3. Would you please _ so much noise?Oh, sorry, I wont. A. not makeB. dont makeC. not to makeD. making( )4. When and where _ we meet?Lets make it 3:00 at my home. A. doB. mustC. shallD. did( )5. I talked with a foreigner for a long time yesterday. Great! Its a good _ to practice English. A. habitB. chanceC. skillD. exercise( )6. The shirt looks very nice. I guess it is _ 100 yuan. A. at firstB. at mostC. at leastD. at last( )7. Would you mind _here?Im sorry about that. Ill go somewhere else. A. no smokingB. not smokingC. no smokeD. not smoke( )8. _ do you play computer games?Every night. A. How longB. WhenC. How muchD. How often( )9. I think _ a foreign language is not easy. You should _ it often. A. to learn; to practiceB. learning; practiceC. learn; practicingD. learns; to practice( )10. There _ a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it?A. will haveB. hasC. haveD. will be ( )11. Dont be late next time!_A. Sorry, I wont. B. Sorry, I dont. C. All right, I wont. D. OK, I wont. ( )12. When did your school hold the sports meet?Last week. And I _ the girls 400-metre race. A. joinedB. took part inC. will joinD. will take part in( )13. Dont shout at him. He _. A. will do his bestB. did well inC. is good atD. did his best( )14. We should _ the school rules as students. A. breakB. catchC. tellD. follow( )15. Kangkang won the first place in the _ in the school sports meet last week. A. boys 100-meter raceB. boys 100-meter raceC. boys 100-meters raceD. boys 100-meters race教学反思:Period 5-6 句法复习句子成分与简单句的五种类型(一)I.学习目标: 1复习句子成分与简单句的五种类型。2明白一分耕耘一分收获的含义,培养学生学习的自觉性和耐心。II. 重点:上述目标1 难点:宾语与表语的区别。III. 教学过程。Dear boys and girls, 在英文当中,我们要写出一个正确的句子,必须牢牢掌握简单句的五种类型。这是我们掌握一切语法结构的基础哦!首先,什么叫句子?一个英文句子是由不同的句子成分构成的,英文句子的成分包括主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语(主语补足语和宾语补足语)、同位语(主语同位语和宾语同位语)和句子独立成分。简单而言,句子= 主语 + 谓语 + (宾语/表语)。由公式可见,一个英文句子必须包含主语和谓语两个必要成分(省略句除外),通常包含主语、谓语和宾语或表语三部分,这是句子的主干部分;其余的成分属于修饰成分,按使用需要添加。现在我们先了解一些所涉及的必要成分:主语 动作的发出者,是句子主要叙述的人和物,是句子的主体。谓语 用来说明主语所作的动作或所处的状态,必须由动词或动词短语来充当。宾语 动作的承受者,一般放在及物动词(或介词)的后面。表语 是跟在连系动词后面的成分。下面,让我们来全面学习简单句的五种类型:1、 主语 + 谓语 (俗称主谓句)The sun rises. 太阳升。主语 谓语He smiled. 他微笑。主语 谓语2、 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语I love you. 我爱你。主 谓 宾语He doesnt like her. 他不喜欢她。主语 谓语 宾语He looked at her. 他看着她。3、 主语 + 谓语 + 表语I am a teacher. 我是一名老师。主 谓 表语We are junior high school students. 我们是初中生。主 谓语 表语The music sounds beautiful. 这音乐听起来很优美。主语 谓语 表语4、 主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语My mother told me a story. 我妈妈告诉我一个故事。主语 谓语 间宾 直宾He gave me a present. 他给我一份礼物。主 谓 间宾 直宾The kind boy showed me the way to the post office. 那善良的男孩给我带路到邮局主语 谓语 间宾 直宾 记住一句话“物植(直)人间”: 表示人的是间接宾语,表示物的是直接宾语 5、 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 I saw him (playing basketball). 我看见他打篮球。主 谓 宾语 宾语补足语Our teachers expect us (to work harder). 我们的老师期待我们更加努力。 主 谓 宾语 宾语补足语注意:一个简单句只有一套主谓。1)I am a student. You are a student. He is a student. You and I are students. You, he and I are students. You are a student, and I am a student. You and I are students, but he is not a student.2) I came into the classroom. I came into the classroom, and sat down at my desk. I came into the classroom, sat down at my desk and began to read English. I came into the classroom and sat down at my desk, and then I began to read English.练习:一、 你能判断下列句子分别属于哪一类型吗?1. He laughed at the little girl. ( )2. He laughed. ( )3. He looks unhappy today. ( )4. He told me not to smoke. ( )5. He told me the truth. ( )二、 连词成句:1. volunteer, want, to, I,a, be_2. She, chairwoman, a, became_3. The grandpa and grandma, their grandsons and granddaughters, love_4. should, We, give, teenagers, good, a, education_5. The, boss, child laborers, made, work, day and night_成分详解:一、主语:观察下列句子,看看那些词或结构可以作主语?1. The computer has solved the problem. 电脑已经解决这个问题。(名词)2. She remained silent. 她保持沉默。3. Two and two is four. 二加二等于四。4. Smoking is harmful to our health. 抽烟危害我们的健康。5. To learn English is not so difficult. 学英语不是那么难。6. How to learn English well is my biggest problem.如何学好英语是我最大的问题。7. How you learn English interests us all. 你如何学好英语的让我们所有人感兴趣。8. The old lead a happy life now. 现在老人们过着幸福的生活。自我总结:_词、_词、_词、_词、动词不定式、特殊疑问词加不定式、_句及the+ _等,可以作主语。【练习】翻译下列句子:1. 人们喜欢打篮球。_2. 来自全世界的人们都喜欢打篮球。 _3. 运动有益于身体健康。 _二、宾语:观察下列句子,看看那些词或结构可以作宾语?1The computer has solved the problem. 电脑已经解决这个问题。(名词)2. She loves him. 她爱他。3. Two and two makes four. 二加二等于四。4. We enjoy singing. 我们喜欢唱歌。5. I want to learn English well. 我想要学好英语。6. I dont know how to learn English well. 我不知道如何学好英语。7. I want to know how you learn English. 我想知道你是如何学英语的。8. The young should respect the old. 年轻人应该尊重老人。自我总结:_词、_词、_词、_词、动词不定式、特殊疑问词加不定式、_句及the+ _等,可以作宾语。练习:一、翻译下列句子1. 我不知道如何记好英语单词。_2. 我不知道去哪里找一个笔友。_3. 她想知道下一步该怎么办。_4. 他把球传给一个队友。_5. 你能借我一直笔吗?_三、表语:观察下列句子,看看那些词或结构可以作表语?1We are students. 我们是学生。2. He is polite. 他很有礼貌。3. Two and two is four. 二加二等于四。4. Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。5. To see is to believe. 眼见为实。6. My biggest problem is how to learn English well. 我最大的问题是如何学好英语。7. What I want to know is how you learn English. 我想知道的是你如何学英语。8. What I want to help is the wounded. 我想帮助的是伤员们。自我总结:_词、_词、_词、_词、动词不定式、特殊疑问词加不定式、_句及the+ _等,可以作表语。再看:8. You look so beautiful. 你们看起来是如此的漂亮。9. That sounds interesting. 那听起来真有趣。10. The food taste delicious. 这事物尝起来真美味。11. The air smells fresh. 空气闻起来真新鲜。12. The desk feels smooth. 这书桌摸起来很光滑。13. The leaves will turn red. 这树叶会变好。9. She seems sad. 她好像很伤心。14. She appears sad. 她好像很伤心。15. Your dream will come true. 你的梦想会实现。16. The milk went sour. 牛奶变酸了。17. The noise grew louder. 噪音渐渐大起来了。自我总结:常见的连系动词有:be, look, _, _, _, _, _, _,_, _,_, _等。思考:如何判定一个动词是否连系动词?He looked sadly at her. 他伤心地看着她。He looked sad. 他看起来很伤心。Please come soon. 请快点来。Our dream will come true one day. 我们的梦想有一天会实现的。谨记:一般而言,动词要用_ 来修饰;能被形容词修饰的动词便是_词。练习:选用适当的单词或词组填空(注意动词的使用要考虑语态、时态或第三人的变化:look, look at, see1. I am _ the picture carefully, but I cant _ anything special.2. You _pale today. Whats the matter?3. _!There is a beautiful picture on the wall.listen, hear, sound4. I enjoy _ to music.5. Can you _ the beautiful music. It _ so wonderful!voice, sound, noise6. She has a sweet _.仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 1 导学案Section A 一、学习目标 Aims and Demands学习如何用should / shouldnt 给他人提建议。重点: have a cold, have a fever, have a cough, have a headache等短语的理解及运用。难点 :就日常小病用英语提建议。二、学法指导 How to study1、预习Unit 2 Topic 1 Section,并对语言点、难点做出标记;三、 自主探究 Preparation英汉互译下列单词。1.toothache _2. 牙医 _ 3.cough _ 4. 举起 _ 5.backache _6. 发烧 _7.hear _ 8. 胃痛_ 9.headache _10. 咖啡 _ 11.tea _ 12. 沸腾 _四、合作探究 Work in pairs :分组做调查,调查日常生活中常见病产生的原因,我们应该怎样做,不应该怎样做!五 课堂检测1. -_ -I have a terrible cough.A. Whats the wrong? B. Whats wrong? C. Whats matter? D. What matter is?2. You shouldnt read _. Its bad for your eyes. A. to too long B. for too long C. at too long D. about too long3. I cant sleep well _ night. A. in B. on C. at D. to 4. Its raining now. You should _ with you. A. take a umbrella B. to take an umbrella C. take an umbrella D. to take a umbrella5. -Do you like drinking _ water? -Yes, I think its good for health. A. boil B. boils C. boiling D. boiled6. -Do you like drinking _ water? -Yes, I think its good for health. A. boil B. boils C. boiling D. boiled 7. Xiao Jun has a toothache, so he should see a _. A. film B. dentist C. movie D. blackboard 8. I have _ flu. I should see a doctor at once. A. a B. / C. the D. an 六 课堂反思 :七 课后练习 :Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B一、学习目标 Aims and Demands1、学习情态动词should 和shouldnt以及had better和 had better not 表示劝告和建议的用法。重点: feel terrible, have the flu, take some medicine, have a good rest等短语的理解及运用。 难点 :理解How long have you been like this ?二、学法指导 How to study1、 预习Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2、 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。三、 自主预习 Preparation.英汉互译下列单词。 1. sore _ 2. 药_ 3. lie down_ 4.糟糕的;可怕的 _ 5.day and night _ 6. 刷;擦 _ 7.candy_ 8. 牙齿_ 9. feel_ 10. 建议_ 四、合作探究创设情境, 俩俩做对话.五 课堂检测I. 试试看,你能选出最佳答案吗?( ) 1. Some old people think they have got _ gifts. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( ) 2. How is your grandmother? - Shes _. A. very well B. over there C. a doctor D. fifty( )3. Im sorry I broke your coffee cup. - _. A. It doesnt matter. B. Never mind. C. Its OK with me. D. A and B.( ) 4. Mom, I have a stomachache. - _ A. Youd better eat hot food. B. Youd better not eat hot food. C. Youd better to eat hot food. D. Youd better not to eat hot food.( )5. Its a hot day. What about _ swimming? Good idea. Lets go. A. go B. goes C. going D. wentII. 句型转换 1. Jim has a stomachache.(对划线部分提问)_ _ with Jim? 2. You should drink lots of water.(改为否定句)You _ _ lots of water. 3. Why not go to see a doctor? (改为同义句)_ _ _ _ a doctor? 4. Youd better eat hot food. (改为否定句) You _ _ _ _ food. 六 课堂反思:七 课后练习 :Unit 2 Topic 1 Section C一、 学习目标 Aims and Demands 1能利用图片和文字信息,按照时间顺序,用简单的语言描述事情经过。重点:hurt his leg, fall down, call a taxi, give some pills, feel terrible, see a doctor, take sb to, 难点 :(1) while从句的出现: (2) need提建议:二、学法指导 How to study预习Unit 2 Topic 1 SectionC,并对语言点、难点做出标记;三、 自主预习 Preparation.英汉互译下列单词。 1.X 射线_ 2.严重的,严肃的_ 3. while_ 4. 出租车 _ 5. cry_ 6. 照顾_II知识链接 (在文中找到以下知识点,同时在书上标出并批注在书本空白处。)1. ask for one weeks leave 请一周假【链接】two weeks leave = two-week leave 两周假期 two weeks away 如:_我得请三天假。四、合作探究假设你是Dennis, 合作写一张请假条向黄老师请假。五、课堂检测 Practice 、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Each of us _(feel) sorry for Mike.2. There _(be) no water left. Would you like some orange juice instead?3. Mr. Liu is a _ (seriously) teacher, but we all love him.4. My left arm _(hurt) when I move it.5. Yesterday John _(have) an accident. He hurt his foot.II、单选( )1. Yu Ming is ill. She _ every day. A. takes photos B. takes care of C. takes medicines D. takes pills( )2. Are you free now? I have _to tell you.A. important anything B. important somethingC. anything important D. something important( )3. Kangkang, _ are you feeling now? Much better . A. What B. When C. How D. Why ( )4. Y ou should take _ on time, _ each time, and two times a day. A. the medicines; three pills B. the medicine; three pills C. the medicine; three pill D. the medicines; three pill 六 课堂反思:七 课后练习 :Unit 2 Topic 1 Section D一、学习目标 Aims and Demands 1. 学习新单词及短语。2. 复习如何给别人提供建议。3. 复习电子邮件的写法及格式。重点:学生能用以下结构提建议:1. should/ shouldnt 2. had better/ had better not 3. Please do sth./ Please dont do sth.难点 :1. hurt 在写作中的正确应用。 2. 针对疾病或事故提建议及短语动词的正确运用。二、学法指导 How to study 1. 预习Unit 2 Topic 1 Section D,并对语言点、难点做出标记;三、自主预习 Preparation 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Perhaps you have the (流感).2. She coughs (日日夜夜).3. You should stay in bed and (好好休息).4. She is a nurse, so she sometimes is on duty (在晚上).5. I am feeling bad today. You should (看医生).四、合作探究小组活动, 讨论生活中各种健康和不健康的生活习惯。五、课堂检测 Practice ( ) 1. There is _ with Tom. He is very strong.A. anything wrong B. something wrong C. nothing wrong D. wrong nothing( ) 2. Youd better _ late for class.A. not areB. areC. not beD. not is ( ) 3. I cant sleep _ at night. There is too much noise near here.A. goodB. wellC. fineD. nice( ) 4. I _ go to bed _ I finished my homework last night.A. do; until idnt; until C. dont; untilD. did; until ( ) 5. The boy has to take the pills _.A. every five hoursB. for five hoursC. every five-hoursD. for five-hours( ) 6. My foot hurts when I move it. You must stay in bed and dont move _.A. much manyB. many muchC. too muchD. much too( ) 7. Dont _ me. Ill be well and return to school soon. A. look after B. shout at C.worry about D. check over六 课堂反思:七 课后练习 :仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 2 导学案Section A 一、学习目标1. 学习并掌握本课单词及词组。2. 学习情态动词should/shouldnt,must/mustnt。3. 重难点 情态动词must/mustnt的用法二、学法指导 How to study 1. 预习Unit 2 Topic 2 Section A ,并对语言点、难点做出标记;三、自主探究1.在文中找出并翻译下列习语。看上去累


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