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xx职业技术学院课程授课计划 2008 2009 学年第1 学期 授课时间:第 5 周至第 15 周讲授46 学时 课堂讨论11学时实验课 学时 习 题 课 11 学时实训课 周 一体化课 学时(周) 总计 _68_学时 主管教学系主任签名: 年 月 日授课教师姓名 职称 课程名称 商务秘书实务 授课专业班级 06 应用英语 4 班 采用教材名称 商务秘书实务(薛宁地主编讲义) 周次星期其 中(在对应栏目中打)教学内容摘要(章节名称、讲述的内容提要,实训的名称内容,课堂讨论的题目等)习题作业讲 授实验课一体化课实训课习题课课堂讨论第 5周12Chapter 1:The Role and Scope of the Secretarial ProfessionChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 1:The major role and tasks of a secretaryThe changing status of a secretarys roleThe personal qualities and skills required of a competent secretaryThe importance of forming a good working relationship with your bossThe need to acquaint yourself with the business of your company(见讲义)32Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Business EtiquetteChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 2:The good manners at employer receptions and cocktail partiesTable manners at formal banquetsCell phone etiquetteEmail etiquetteSome tips about use of makeup(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第6周12Chapter 3 Corporate Secretarial EthicsChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 3:An awareness of the 8 guiding principles of secretarial professional ethicsAn awareness of certain tips on how to become a successful secretary(见讲义)32Chapter 4 An Overview of Business WritingChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 4:The importance of identifying your readerAn understanding of document formattingHow to make a good introduction and conclusionHow to correctly structure paragraphs with generalization and supportHow to utilize transitionsHow to write effective sentencesThe correct use of words and expressions(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第7周12Chapter 5 Creating Business Letters in EnglishChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 5:The importance of business letter writingThe basics of formatting business lettersThe common components of a business letterThe basic formats of business lettersHow to address business envelopesGuidelines for writing good business letters(见讲义)32(同上)(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第8周12Chapter 6Writing Memos in EnglishChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 6:What constitutes a memoThe difference between a memo and a business letterThe formats of memosGuidelines for writing good memos(见讲义)32(同上)(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第 9周12Chapter 7 Telephone EtiquetteChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 7:How to get organized to work with telephoneHow to answer a business phone callHow to take a phone call messageHow to make a business phone callHow to handle difficult telephonic situation(见讲义)32Chapter 8Meeting OrganizationChapter learning objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 9:Different types of meetingsHow to prepare for a formal meetingHow to organize a formal meetingHow to write a meeting agendaHow to write minutes of a meeting(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第10周12Chapter 9 Presentation DevelopmentChapter learning objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 10:How to organize a presentationThe mechanics of speechHow to arrange texts on slidesHow to use PowerPoint for illustrations(见讲义)32(同上)(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第11周12Chapter 10 Travel and Accommodation ArrangementsChapter learning objectivesYou should learn the following from Chapter 11:Initial preparation for travelingHow to make an itineraryHow to lessen the effects of jet lag through scheduling strategiesHow to prepare traveling documentsHow to prepare foreign currencies for travelersHow to book hotels and tickets(见讲义)32Chapter 11Business EntertainingChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 12:The differences between informal and formal business entertainingHow to organize a business entertaining eventConsiderations in choosing the location, food and drinkThe secretarys role during the eventThe importance of exercising tact in conversationHow to make invitation cards(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第12周12Chapter 12 Balance Sheet CompositionChapter learning objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 13:The purpose and use of a balance sheetThe format of a balance sheetCommon classifications of balance sheet entries(见讲义)32Chapter 13Payroll Sheet CompositionChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 14:How to calculate personal income taxAn awareness of the different personal income tax ratesAn understanding of why the Quick Deduction figure is necessary?How to calculate retirement insuranceHow to calculate Accommodation Accumulation fund savingsHow to make a payroll sheet with Excel(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第13周12(同上周3)Chapter 13 Payroll Sheet CompositionChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 14:How to calculate personal income taxAn awareness of the different personal income tax ratesAn understanding of why the Quick Deduction figure is necessary?How to calculate retirement insuranceHow to calculate Accommodation Accumulation fund savingsHow to make a payroll sheet with Excel(见讲义)32Chapter 14Petty Cash ManagementChapter learning objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 15:An understanding of what petty cash isHow to properly store petty cashWhat the imprest system is and how it functionsAn understanding of a petty cash fundHow petty cash vouchers are usedHow reimbursements from a petty cash fund are made(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第14周12Chapter 15 Foundations of Human Resource ManagementChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 17:The need for human resource managementThe basic practices and policies of human resource managementHow to conduct a job interviewThe fundamental tasks of employee orientation and trainingThe basics of employee performance managementThe basics of employee compensation(见讲义)32Chapter 16 Public RelationsChapter Learning Objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 18:A conceptualization of the scope and purpose of public relationsAn understanding of the activities and tasks related to PRAn understanding of the goals of public relationsAn understanding of press releasesAn understanding of press conferences(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第15周12Chapter 17 Writing Resumes in English Chapter learning objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 19:An understanding of the various types of resumesAn understanding of how to prepare for writing a chronological resumeThe ability to write resumes in EnglishAn understanding of resume formatsAn understanding of the differences between curriculum vitae (CVs), chronological and functional resumes(见讲义)32Chapter 18 Writing Job Search Cover Letters in EnglishChapter learning objectiveslearn the following from Chapter 20:An understanding of the types of resume cover lettersThe elements that should be addressed in a cover letterHow to tailor your cover letter to the needs of the potential employerA specific understanding of the format of cover letters (samples)(见讲义)511(讨论和练习本周学习的内容)(见讲义)第 16周12(复习)(见讲义)备注说明:、本课程授课计划由授课教师负责填写,于每学期开学第二周内送交教师所在系主任审定、签字后备查。、此表一式三份,其中,任课教师留一份,教师所在系留一份,教务处留一份。


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