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L4 WHO has been actively participating in the development of principles and recommendation for the safety assessment of GM foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO).世界卫生组织现已积极的参与到评价对转基因食品安全的原则和建议中。世界卫生组织现已积极的参与到对转基因食品的安全评估的原则和建议的发展中。The result developed in the course of various expert consultations from the basis for guidelines on national levels and are presently being incorporated into internationally recognized standards. 不同专家基于本国的技术水平而商讨的结果目前已被作为公认的权威标准。这个结果在各种专家磋商会议中得以发展并形成了国家水平指导方针的基础,目前正编入国际公认的标准中。The next generation of genetically modified foods will be crops with improved nutritional value, thus crossing the borderline to “functional foods” and “nutraceuticals”.我方准备把高蛋白玉米作为下一代的转基因食品,并将打破功能食品与螺旋杆菌间定义上的灰色界限 下一代转基因食品将是营养价值得到提高的作物,因此它跨越了功能食品和营养食品的界限。Evaluations will increasingly have to consider the impact of a GM food on the overall nutritional status taking into account the different needs in developed and developing countries .评估机构必将倾向于考虑转基因食品对人体蛋白比率的影响以确保其符合发展中与发达国家的不同需求考虑到发展国家和发展中国家的不同需求,评估将越加考虑转基因食品在总营养状况方面的影响。So far there is no report on any adverse effects on humans resulting from the consumption of foods produced by application of recombinant DNA techniques .到目前为止,人类消费转基因食品的危害还未见报道。 到目前为止,还没有文献报道有关人类因为消费应用重组DNA技术所生产的食品而产生不良影响。However , the benefits expected from the next generation of GM crops (improved nutritional value , functional foods ) will result in new issues (complex metabolic changes , significant impact om ocerall nutritional status ) and thus will pose new challenges in terms of food safety assessment .然而,我们期望在下一代基因作物(如营养价值的提高,功能性作物)得到好处的同时也会带来一些新的问题(如复杂的代谢变化,对总营养状况的明显影响),因此会对食品安全评估带来新的挑战This paper describes the role of WHO in the development of principles , recommendations and guidelines for the safety assessment of foods produced by means of recombinant DNA techniques and outlines the challenges to be met in future activities .本文描述了世界卫生组在以下几个方面的作用:评估由DNA重组技术生产的食品安全性的发展原则,建议与指导方针,以及评估未来的挑战纲要。本文描述了WHO在关于DNA重组技术生产的食品的安全评估的原则,推荐和指导方针的建立发展中的重要作用,同时概述将来的活动中可能的困难和挑战。WHO/FAO were among the first organizations to elaborate the general principles underlying the safety assessment of foods produced by using recombinant DNA techniques . WHO和FAO是首批进行详述评估应用DNA重组技术生产的食品安全性的一般原则的组织机构。WHO和FAO是首批对应用DNA重组技术生产食品安全评估的总的原则作审批的组织。This concept is used to identify similarities and differences between the GM food and a comparator with a history of safe use which subsequently guides the safety assessment process该实质等同的概念被用于鉴定转基因食品和一般食品的相同和区别之处,指导此后评估的程序。这个概念(“物质平衡”)用来鉴定在转基因食品和有安全使用历史的参照食品间的相似和不同及其将会进一步指导安全评估的进程。There are different philosophies worldwide regarding the need for additional regulatory oversight on GM foods going beyond the requirements of laws wxisting for traditional foods 世界各国关于超出现行传统食品法规所要求的转基因食品额外的监管有不同的观点。Nevertheless, a general consensus has been developed on the major scientific principles underlying the safety assessment of GM foods.尽管这样,构成转基因食品的安全评估的基础的科学原则已达成一致。WHO plays a central role in the Codex Alimentarius Commission , an intergovernmental body set up to establish international standards on foods .WHO 在食品法典委员会起中心作用,一个由政府间建立的用来制定国际间食品水平的机构。 It must be differentiated between labeling base on potential safety issues (e. g. substantial differences in composition, presence of an allergenic protein) and labeling based on the sole “right of the consumer on information”. 应该标注“潜在安全问题”(如,存在成分实质区别,含有致敏蛋白),还是标注“正常消费信息之间”,这之间存在分歧。我们必须把这两类标准区分开来,一类是潜在安全问题的标准(如物质组成的不同,引起的过敏性蛋白),一类是建立在消费者知情权的标准上。The concept of “substantial equivalence”, one of the key elements, proved to be suitable for the safety assessment of the first generation of genetically modified crops. 物质平衡的概念,作为主要因素之一,被证实适用于对第一代转基因作物作出安全评估The next generation of GM foods will not be limited to plants with agronomic advantage (i.e. Increased yield due to herbicide-tolerance or insect-resistance) but will focus on improvements of the nutritional properties of a crop.下一代转基因食品不会局限在那些具有农业优势的作物(比如说依靠除草剂耐受性或者抗虫的产量提高),而是聚焦在作物营养特性的提高 The broad spectrum of fermentation processes applied in food production and the important role of microorganisms in functional foods (e. g. probiotics) demonstrate the enormous potential of GM microorganisms in food industry.利用微生物发酵已在食品生产中得以广泛应用,并且在功能食品中发挥着重要作用(如益生菌);这些作用说明了转基因微生物在食品工业中存在极大的潜能。In addition to microorganisms, plants and animals will be increasing seen as “bioreactor” enabling the production of broad spectrum food ingredients, food additives or food contact materials.除微生物之外,植物和动物也越来越多的被视作 “生物反应器”,它能生产的一系列食品成分,食品添加剂和与食品相关的原料。Expert consultations are useful tools to gather and evaluate the data available on an interdisciplinary basis and to transform then into generally accepted recommendation.开展专家研讨会是有效的行使责任的方式,以便来收集和评估科学间的有效数据,并且将其转化成可接受的建议。Regional workshops involving the legislators of the respective countries should then be held in order to convey the recommendations and to assist to in transforming the essential principles into a regulatory framework.为了传达该建议并有助于核心原则到规章制度的转化,应当召开包括各国立法委的区域专题讨论会。Considering the potential of GM microorganisms and the expected developments in the field of GM animals, these GMO should be subject to special evaluation. 鉴于考虑到转基因微生物的潜能和转基因动物领域的预期发展方向,这些转基因生物应该受到特殊的评估。However, labeling requirements in conjunction with traceability strategies can be used as tools to increase the transparency of food production processes and thus to contribute indirectly to food safety in general.然而,与可追溯性策略相关的必要标签可被作为一种工具,来加大食品生产加工的通明度;总的来说,这样间接有助于评价食品的安全。The discussion on the application of recombinant DNA techniques should be actively used for education of consumers on traditional procedures applied in the production of foods. 应用DNA重组技术的讨论会应积极应用于培训消费者了解食品生产中的传统程序。Transparency in traditional food processing as well as in the application of modern techniques would help to increase the understanding and contribute to food safety.传统食品的加工过程以及现代技术应用的透明度将会有助于增加人们的理解和有助于食品安全。L5Carboxyl groups of cell-wall peptides confer important flocculating characteristics on brewing yeasts , facilitating post-fermentation solid-liquid separation .位于酿造酵母细胞壁上肽的羧基集团具有重要的凝聚特性,这有利于发酵后物质的固液分离。The yeast-cell envelope contains a plasma membrane , a periplasmic space and a cell wall consisting mainly of polysaccharides with a small amount of peptide material .酵母细胞外膜包括质膜,周质空间以及由多聚糖为主和少量肽物质所构成的细胞壁。The wall component is a semi-rigid but solute permeable structure which provides considerably compressional and tensile strength to yeasts .细胞壁是一种半钢性的但溶质可透过的结构,这些结构提供给酵母一定的抗压缩和抗拉伸的强度。Sugars are transported across the cell membrane by either active or passive transport , mediated by inducible or constitutibely-produced permeases .糖通过主动或被动运输进出细胞膜,可以通过诱变型或组成型的透性酶来调节。Kluyveromyces fragilis and kulyveromyces lactis , which unlikes S . Cerevisiae can ferment lactose , contain a lactose permease system for lactose transport into the cell where it is hydrolyzed to glucose and galactose which enter glycolysis .Kluyveromyces fragilis和kulyveromyces lactis 与S . Cerevisiae酵母不同,它不能发酵乳糖,但他们具有可以使乳糖运输到细胞内的乳糖透性酶系统,在细胞内乳糖被水解成葡萄糖和半乳糖而进入糖酵解循环。Interest has developed in the use of high alcohol tolerant yeasts in high-gravity brewing processes and in alcohol production for distillation whit a view to increasing plant productivety and decreasing distillation cost .考虑到降低蒸馏成本和增加产量,在高比重酿造过程和酒精蒸馏中,人们对耐酒精能力强的酵母的利用产生越来越强的兴趣。Since most bacteria , with the exception of acetic acid and lactic acid bacteria , prefer more neutral pH values the susceptibility of wine musts to infection is greatly reduced.除了乙酸和乳酸菌以外。大多数的细菌都喜欢较中性的pH,从而使葡萄汁对细菌感染的敏感性大为降低。L6Amino acids are produced using a range of technologies including direct fermentation , biotransformation of precursors using cells or enzymes , extraction of protein hydrolysates and chemical synthesis .氨基酸的生产是利用许多技术包括直接发酵,细胞或酶作用于前体的生物转化,蛋白水解产物的萃取以及化学合成法。Because of cell metabolic regulatory mechanisms , particularly end-product repression and inhibition, substantial levels of amino acids are rarely excreted by wild-type isolates.因为细胞的代谢调节机制,特别是终产物的抑制作用,野生的种群很少分泌大量水平的氨基酸。Auxotrophic mutants , which lack the enzyme needed to form the regulatory effector metabolite (often the end-product), may accumulate and excrete the metabolic intermediate which is the substrate for the eliminated enzyme .营养缺陷突变株,它缺失了形成调控效应代谢物(通常是终产物) 所需的酶,因此可以积累和分泌大量,即缺失酶的底物的。End-product inhibition by the amino acid product of an unbranched biosynthetic pathway may be avoided by the development of regulatory mutants , having an altered feedback-insensitive key enzyme , thus allowing accumulation of the particular amino acid .没有支路的生物合成途径生产的氨基酸终产物的抑制作用也许可以通过调控突变体的发展而避免,该调控突变体具有对反馈抑制不敏感的关键酶,从而可以积累某些特殊的氨基酸。L7Depending on the system of manufacture and the coagulum , yogurts may be classified as being of two main types , set or stirred .根据生产的工艺和产品凝固的特性,酸奶可以分为两种类型,凝固性和搅拌型。Tow lactose-fermenting bacteria , lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus , are used as the starter culture to make yogurt . 2种束状乳糖发酵菌:保加利亚乳酸杆菌和嗜热链球菌被用作酸奶制作的培养菌种。Equal numbers of L.bulgaricus and S.thermophilus are desirable for flavor and texture production .等量的保加利亚乳酸杆菌和嗜热链球菌(生产出的)产品风味和质感是最佳的The production of the characteristic flavor by the aforementioned cultures is a function of time as well as the sugar content of the starting yogurt material .由上述菌种产生的独特风味是时间与酸奶发酵物质含糖量的函数。Additives of several kinds are also permitted in commercially produced yogurt , such as nutritive carbohydrate sweeteners , coloring , stabilizers ( for smooth texture and longer shelf life ) ,and fruit preparations for flavoring .几种添加剂允许在商品化的酸奶中使用,例如碳水化合物营养甜味剂、色素、稳定剂(使组织结构光滑细腻及延长货架寿命),以及增加酸奶风味的水果。The product is prepared either by reducing the water content of either whole or skim milk by at least one fourth (may be done in a vacuum pan following sterilization of milk ), or by adding about 5%milk solids followed by water reduction (condensing)产品要么是降低全脂或脱脂牛奶水含量的四分之一(将灭菌后的牛奶放入真空盘中浓缩),要么是加入5%的乳固体后通过浓缩降低水分(浓缩变稠)The yogurt starter is now added at a level of around 2% by volume and incubated at 45C for 3-5 hours followed by cooling to 5C加入的菌种占总体积的2%并在45C下培养3-5小时,然后冷却到5CThe titratable acidity of a good finished product is around 0.85-0.9% , and to get this amount of acidity the fermenting product should be removed from 45C when the titratable acidity is around 0.65-0.70%好的产品的滴定酸性约为0.85-0.9%,要获得这个数量的酸性发酵产物应当在45C时滴定酸性为0.65-0.70%时候撤走 The coccus grows first during the fermentation followed by the rod , so that after around 3 hours , the numbers of the two organisms should be approximately equal.在发酵过程中球菌先生长而后是杆菌,那样约3小时后,两菌种的数量会大致相等。Yogurt and other cultured dairy foods are excellent sources of high-quality protein and certain B-complex vitamins and minerals . In addition to the nutritional importance of yogurt , it has been found to be of value in maintaining a balance in the intestinal microbial flora .酸奶和其他培养乳制品是高品质蛋白和B族维生素及矿物质的很好的来源 。酸奶除了其营养价值,还发现了其在维持肠道菌群平衡的重要性。绪论:This is particularly important for a food engineer since the commercial advantages of an optimal controlled process include it can provide better product quality and lower costs compared with an uncontrolled process.这点对于食品工程师来说是非常重要的,因为商品化生产中,优化控制的加工过程与一个非控制的加工过程而言,具有产品品质高,生产费用少的优点。The food technologist can usually recognize fats when he sees them because they are quite different both in their physical properties and in their chemical composition from the other two main food constituents, carbohydrate and protein.当食品科学工作者看到脂肪时,通常可以确认他们,因为不论在物理性质和化学组成上,脂肪都与另外两种主要食品组成成分(碳水化合物和蛋白质)不同。Computer control is the current by-word in fermentation technology and will soon reach the point where you dare not admit that your fermenters are not coupled to a computer; unfortunately, amidst the improvements this brings, we are beginning to see cases of the old dogma instruments prevent creative thinking计算机控制是现代发酵技术中的常用语,并且很快你就不能容忍你的发酵罐没有被连接到计算机。不幸的是,在这过程中我们将开始看到旧的教条主义“仪器阻碍看创造性思维”It is possible,particularly in the case of an empty fermenter,that a vessel under vaccum could be deformed by the external air pressure,but the main reason for avoiding pressure below atmospheric within the fermenter is that the non-sterile(未经灭菌的)air of environment could be drawn through any small leak in the welded seams of the vessel or pipeline,or through joints or valves.在真空状态下的发酵罐,尤其是空罐,在罐外气压作用下,可能发生形变,但是避免罐压低于空气压力的原因,还是环境中未经灭菌的空气可能会从发酵罐及其管件焊缝的任何细微缝隙或通过连接件以及阀门吸入罐内。


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