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Section BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Being a normal, healthy nineteen-year-old, Rhona was in the habit of falling asleep the moment her head touched her pillow and not wakening up again until her mother called her at seven-thirty. When she awoke that morning in the grey light of early dawn, she had no idea what had disturbed her. Then she imagined, or thought she imagined, a faint smell of smoke around her nostrils (鼻孔). What was strange, though, was the very fact that she was wide awake and, according to her bedside clock, it was only a quarter to four.She sat up, listening, alert. There was definitely a smell of burning. Rising quickly, she crossed to the window and opened it quietly, thinking it would be the remains of some garden bonfire. But it wasnt. She saw smoke and flames billowing out of a downstairs window next door.Barefoot and in pyjamas, she ran first to her parents room, opening their door to call, Mum! Dad! Theres a fire next door!Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialled 999 and gave her name and address in clear, brief tones. By the time she had finished, Graeme, her elder brother, was coming running downstairs.You go to their front doorIll go to the back, she said to him.As she banged on their neighbors back door, she could hear a child crying in fear. Without stopping to think, Rhona lifted the large doorstop and smashed it through a glass panel, put her hand in and turned the key which opened the door.Through the smoke she saw a drying screen hung with white washing and she grabbed at as many of the damp clothes as she could on her way past towards the stairs. Halfway up she met Mr Parker carrying the baby and she hurriedly gave him some wet towels before doing the same for Mrs Parker who was behind him leading two-year-old Clare by the hand.“Crouch down as low as you can,” Rhona directed them as she took the childs other hand. Within a matter of seconds the family was safely outside.66. Rhona woke up early in the morning because_.A. her mother called her for an emergencyB. she heard a baby crying in fear downstairsC. she smelt something burning in the airD. the alarm clock rang as she set it67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Rhona, together with her brother, Graeme, went to the Parkers rescue.B. The Parkers escaped from the burning house together.C. Rhona broke into the house by back door after smashing the glass panel.D. Rhona covered her mouth with the damp clothes before entering the Parkers.68. According to the article, Rhona can be best described as _.A. alert and timid B. courageous and stressedC. panic and sympathetic D. decisive and responsive69. It can be inferred that when the fire broke out, _.A. The Parkers were at a loss what to doB. Rhona had a good knowledge of survival skillsC. Rhona showed the Parkers a safe fire escapeD. Rhonas parents helped to save the scared childrenSection BDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.牛刀小试ABeing a normal, healthy nineteen-year-old, Rhona was in the habit of falling asleep the moment her head touched her pillow and not wakening up again until her mother called her at seven-thirty. When she awoke that morning in the grey light of early dawn, she had no idea what had disturbed her. Then she imagined, or thought she imagined, a faint smell of smoke around her nostrils (鼻孔). What was strange, though, was the very fact that she was wide awake and, according to her bedside clock, it was only a quarter to four.She sat up, listening, alert. There was definitely a smell of burning. Rising quickly, she crossed to the window and opened it quietly, thinking it would be the remains of some garden bonfire. But it wasnt. She saw smoke and flames billowing out of a downstairs window next door.Barefoot and in pyjamas, she ran first to her parents room, opening their door to call, Mum! Dad! Theres a fire next door!Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialled 999 and gave her name and address in clear, brief tones. By the time she had finished, Graeme, her elder brother, was coming running downstairs.“You go to their front door, Ill go to the back,” she said to him.As she banged on their neighbors back door, she could hear a child crying in fear. Without stopping to think, Rhona lifted the large doorstop and smashed it through a glass panel, put her hand in and turned the key which opened the door.Through the smoke she saw a drying screen hung with white washing and she grabbed at as many of the damp clothes as she could on her way past towards the stairs. Halfway up she met Mr Parker carrying the baby and she hurriedly gave him some wet towels before doing the same for Mrs Parker who was behind him leading two-year-old Clare by the hand.“Crouch down as low as you can,” Rhona directed them as she took the childs other hand. Within a matter of seconds the family was safely outside.66. Rhona woke up early in the morning because_.A. her mother called her for an emergencyB. she heard a baby crying in fear downstairsC. she smelt something burning in the airD. the alarm clock rang as she set it67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Rhona, together with her brother, Graeme, went to the Parkers rescue.B. The Parkers escaped from the burning house together.C. Rhona broke into the house by back door after smashing the glass panel.D. Rhona covered her mouth with the damp clothes before entering the Parkers.68. According to the article, Rhona can be best described as _.A. alert and timid B. courageous and stressedC. panic and sympathetic D. decisive and responsive69. It can be inferred that when the fire broke out, _.A. The Parkers were at a loss what to doB. Rhona had a good knowledge of survival skillsC. Rhona showed the Parkers a safe fire escapeD. Rhonas parents helped to save the scared children真相大白66-69 CDDB名师把脉本次浦东新区一模卷A篇属于简单的社会生活类记叙文,主要记叙了女主人公Rhona 半夜发现隔壁邻居家着火,并且非常灵敏的报警以及救人的过程。文章思路清晰,可大致分为三个部分。第一部分是第一段,介绍了主人公Rhona的大致情况,年龄,身体状况以及她有良好的睡眠质量。第二部分是第二到四段,描写了她是怎么发现隔壁起火的。第三部分是第五到最后一段,描述了她如何把邻居Parker一家人从火灾中救出的过程和细节。文章与题目难度不大,仍旧属于基础型文章。步步为赢第66题为细节题,题目关键词是woke up early,锁定第一段最后两句话:Then she imagined, or thought she imagined, a faint smell of smoke around her nostrils (鼻孔). What was strange, though, was the very fact that she was wide awake and, according to her bedside clock, it was only a quarter to four. 这句话和选项C. she smelt something burning in the air.不谋而合。第67题为细节题,同学们要看清楚,是选出错误的一项。文章第六段中“You go to their front door, Ill go to the back,” she said to him.这句话符合选项A。文章最后一句话Within a matter of seconds the family was safely outside.符合选项B,Parker一家都被救出来了。文章第七段As she banged on their neighbors back door, she could hear a child crying in fear. Without stopping to think, Rhona lifted the large doorstop and smashed it through a glass panel,符合选项C。而选项D中原文并没有提及。所以D正确。第68题为推断题,是一道综合理解题,这题我们可以用排除法。选项A中timid,解释为胆小的,文章主人公救人,是大胆的。选项B中stressed,解释为紧张的,文章主人公在救人时表现的非常从容,没有丝毫紧张。选项C中panic,解释为恐慌的,同样主人公并没有任何恐慌,她从头到尾都是果断的,反应迅速的。所以D选项正确。第69题为推断题,当火灾发生时,发生了什么情况?选项A中说Parker一家不知所措,文章提到了Parker一家其实是按照主人公所指示的一步一步逃离火灾现场,并没有不知所谓,所以选项A错误。选项C中说主人公指引Parker一家去了火灾安全通道,文中也没有提及有这个通道的存在,所以选项B错误。选项D中说主人公的父母帮助Parker一家救出了受到惊吓的孩子们,文中在救人环节并没有提到主人公的父母,所以选项D错误。再来看选项C,主人公在生存技巧方面的知识非常丰富,正好点中文章的主题,Rhona有丰富的逃生技巧以及一颗勇敢的心。

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