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外研版(三起)小学六年级英语第七册Module 1 The Great Wall一 判断1 . Daming is visit America .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 : B2 . He and his cousin are in New York .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A3 . Thats a picture of Beijing .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A4 . Tell me more about the Great Wall . 与 Its about fourteen million people . 中的about 意思一致。A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 : B5 . west , south , north , the West Lake 同属一类词A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 : B二 选择 (选出划线部分发音与其他三个不同的一项)1 . A . more B . work C . four D . tall 答案 : B2 . A . postcard B . home C . lost D . know 答案 :C3 . A . t eacher B . these C . great D . beef 答案 :C4 . A . cow B . how C . about D . touch 答案 :D5 . A . dress B . draw C . a d dress 答案 :CUnit 2 New York is in the east of America .一 选择 1 . Thats a (明信片) of Beijing .A . picture B . postcard C . paper 答案 : B2 . New York is in the (东部)of America .A . middle B . east C . west 答案 : B3 . Tell me (更多) about Jinan .A . more B . longer C . bigger 答案 :A4 . Its about 2 (千米) .A . kilometre B . kilometres C . metre 答案 : B5 . (长城)A . The Great Wall B . the Great wall C . the Great Wall 答案 :C二 判断1 . how long 提问多长A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A2 . how many 提问多少A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A3 . how much 提问多少 与how many完全相同A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 : B4 . 6700用英语表示为six thousands seven hundredsA . 正确 B . 错误 答案 : B5 . What colour is the Chinese flag ? Its red and yellow .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A金玉良言The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃(捷足先登)。Module 2Unit 1 Chinatown in America 一 选择 (找出与其他三个不同类的一项)1 . A . postcard B . post office C .magazine D . dictionary 答案 :B 2 . A .shop B . restaurant C. orange D . store 答案 :C3 . A . sing B . send C . dance D . there 答案 :D4 . A . sometimes B. together C . often D . always 答案 :B5 . A . bamboo B . CDROM C . CD D . computer 答案 :A二 判断1 . Tell me something about Beijing .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A2 . Tell me more about Canada .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A3 . How long is it ? Yes , it is .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B4 . What are you doing ? Im send an email .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B5 . Theres a Chinatown in New York .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :AUnit 2 Postcards from China 一 判断1 . the changjiang River A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B2 . the Tiananmen SquareA . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A3 . the West Lake A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A4 . the Huangshan mountainA . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B5 . the Huang RiverA . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A二 选择1 . There a Chinatown in America .A . is B . are C . am 答案 :A2 . There lots of Chinese shops there .A . is B . am C . are 答案 :C3 . There a teachers desk and 40 studentsdesks in the classroom .A . is B . are C . am 答案 :A4 . What are you ? I am an email to my family .A . doing sends B . doing sending C . does sending 答案 :B5 . I miss my hometown .A. must B . do C . very 答案 :B金玉良言A friend is easier lost than found .得朋友难 , 失朋友易 。Module 3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby .一 选择 选出画线部分发音不同于其他三个的一项1 . A . some B . hobby C . got D . from 答案 :A2 . A . stamp B . Canada C . man D . flag 答案 :B3 . A .right B . n i ght C . like D . big 答案 :D4 . A . weather B . many C. have D . letter 答案 :C5 . A . t eacher B . these C . great D . beef 答案 :C二 判断1 . This stamp is about China .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B2 . I like Collect stamps .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B3 . Is there a letter to me ?A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B4 . Have you got any stamps from China ?A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A5 . These are some stamps from China .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :AUnit 2 Ive got a hobby .一 判断1 . I have got a letter from my classmate yesterday .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B2 . I had got lots of stamps .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B3 . Lingling has got lots of stamps .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A4 . Have got you any stamps ?A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :B5 . Playing computer games and looking at stars are my hobbies.A . 正确 B . 错误 答案 :A二 选择1 . Are there stamps from Canada ?A . another B . some C . any 答案 :C2 . Have you any new dollsA . got B . get C . getting 答案 :A3 . Tom , here is a letter you your mother .A . to from B . for from C . of from 答案 :B4 . My hobby is stamps .A . collect B . collect ing C . like collect ing 答案 :B5 . Please show me picture .A . some B . other C . another 答案 :C 金玉良言A good book is a good friend .好书如挚友 。Module 4Unit 1 Happy Thanksgiving !一 判断画线部分发音是否相同1 . day today play Monday A . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B2 . soup football book good A . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B3 . fly sky family my A . 相同 B . 不同 答案:B4 . rope snow home boat A . 相同 B . 不同 答案:A 5 . hobby got fromA . 相同 B . 不同 答案:A 二 选择1 . Can you tell more America festivals ?A . me about B . I for C . my on 答案:A2 . Whats your festival ? The Dragon Boat Festival . can go to see the Dragon Boat race .A . like Me B . hobby Our C . favourite We 答案:C3 . Thats nice .A . hears B . listens C . sounds 答案:C4 . He gives to the children on Christmas Day .A . friends B . presents C . food 答案:B5 . We always have a meal on Thanksgiving .A . special B . nice C . small 答案:AUnit 2 Whats your favourite festival ?一 选择 (找错误)1 . What do you do in Flag Day ? A B C D 答案:C2 . Whos books are these ? A B C D 答案:A3 . Thanksgivings is my favourite festival . A B C D 答案:A4 . lucy want to go home by bike . A B C D 答案:B5 . Lets see what we can do . A B C D 答案:A二 判断1 . I am I and you are you .A .正确 B .错误 答案:B2 . We say “thankyou” for our teachers .A .正确 B .错误 答案:A3 . What does her do on Thanksgiving Day ?A .正确 B .错误 答案:B4 . Does your mother like sing ?A .正确 B .错误 答案:B5 . I want to take a photo .A .正确 B .错误 答案:A金玉良言When you are in Rome , do as the Romans do .入乡随俗 。Module 5 Unit 1 Pleased to meet you !一 判断1 . Nice to meet you ! (见到你真高兴)A .正确 B .错误 答案:A2 . I can say some English .A .正确 B .错误 答案:B3 . Daming is from China .A .正确 B .错误 答案:A4 . This is my dress in China .A .正确 B .错误 答案:A5 . You speak very good English .A .正确 B .错误 答案:A二 选择1 . Pleased to you .A . look B . write C . meet 答案:C2 . I am to be your pen friend .A . nice B . fine C . pleased 答案:C3 . I can speak English .A . many B . some C . any 答案:B4 . Can you be my Chinese ?A . pen friend B . pens friend 答案:A5 . I China . I Beijing .A . from B . come from live in C . come from stay 答案:BUnit 2 Pen Friends 一 选择 选出不同类的一项1 . A . New York B . New Year C . Christmas 答案:A2 . A . dinner B . foot C . lunch 答案:B3 . A .he B .you C . our 答案:C4 . A . mine B . wash C . wear 答案:A5 . A .tomorrow B . yesterday C . day 答案:C二 判断1 . Can you speak English ?A .正确 B .错误 答案:A2 . I can write to your friend .A .正确 B .错误 答案:B3 . I like football and resding .A .正确 B .错误 答案:A4 . Who can be your friend ?A .正确 B .错误 答案:A5 . He cant writes French .A .正确 B .错误 答案:B金玉良言Every dog has his day .谁都有得意的时候 。外研版(三起)六年级第七册Module15综合试题笔试部分一、根据括号内的词语和句子前后的意思来补充。1.These (明信片)_are great . 2.Tell me _(更多)about the Great Wall.3. 发一封电子邮件 _ 4. 元宵节_5. 思念中国_ 6. the tianan men square _7.成为我的笔友_ 8.by bike_ 9. 在加拿大的唐人街_ 10.西湖 _二. 选择词填空,并把正确答案写在题中横线上,注意大小写.A. has got Bhave got Cthere are Dthere is 1. some beautiful squares in Dalian .2. a book and a pen on her desk .3.They a lovely dog .4.She some photos .5.The desk four legs .三.用单词的适当形式填空。1 . Who can(is)yourpenfriend.2 . Their(name)areSamandAmy.3 . Ican(speak)English.4 . Icanwrite(stories)inEnglish.5 . Ilike(draw).四 选择填空。1 . ( )Icanspeak English.A.someB.anyC.a2 . ( )Can I write your friengs?A .forB .toC .give3 . ( )Who can your pen friend?A. isB . areC. be五.用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Daming ( visit ) America now . 2. ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .3.China and Japan ( be ) in the east and Mexico ( be )in the south.4. you ( miss ) China ? Sometimes .5. We ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .6.They ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .7.Girls like ( dance ) and ( play ) football is boys hobby .8.Lets ( go ) to Chinatown now .六. 情景交际:根据情境从下面的选项中选择适当的句子完成对话,并将相应句子的序号写在题目中横线上。Daming: Look at this postcard . Its a picture of the Great Wall .Simon : Daming: Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .Simon : Wow !Daming: Tell me something about New York . Simon : Its very big . Its got eight million people .Daming:That is big .Simon : Daming: Its got about fourteen million people .Simon : Daming:Yes, I have . Simon :Yes , I do. They are very great !AHow big is it ? BHow long is it ? CHow big is Beijing ? DDo you like them ? EHave you got postcards of Beijing ?七. 阅读理解 (1) Jack and Li Xuan are good friends. On Sunday they are in Li Xuans room . Li Xuans room is very clean and tidy .There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk . On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books .Beside the desk there is a bed .On the wall there is a phone of Li Xuans family . True (T) or False (F)( ) 1. Jack and Jane are good friends.( ) 2. Li Xuans room is clean but not tidy.( ) 3 .There are no windows in Li Xuans room.( ) 4 .There is a chair and a table in Li Xuans room.(2) . Poor Man!Look at this man. What is he doing? Hes carrying a very big box. The box is full of(充满) big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I dont think so. Why not? Because(因为) the box is too full(满) and too heavy(重). Look! Whats wrong? He drops the box. Poor man!Exercises:a .Read Fcarefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False beside the statements.( )1. The box is not very big.( )2. The box is full of apples.( )3. He puts the apples in the bag.( )4. He can carry the box home.b .Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions.( )1. What is the man doing? He is _. A. eating some apples B. carrying a box C. riding a bike D. making a box( )2. Whats in the box? A. Some books. B. Some bikes. C. Some apples. D. Some boxes.( )3. Can he carry the box? A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is.C. No, he cant. D. No, he isnt.( )4. Is the box full or empty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.C. Its empty. D. Its full.( 3) . Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.Exercises:a .Read carefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False beside the statements.( )1. Kates hometown is in England.( )2. Her father is not a doctor.( )3. Her school is not far from her home.( )4. There arent any lessons from Monday to Friday.b .Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions.( )1. Kate is_.A. a new student B. a Chinese girlC. a doctor D. a driver( )2. kate can _.A. speak a lot of Chinese B. speak English wellC. speak a little Japanese D. speak little English( )3. Kate often studies_.A. from Monday to Friday B. in BeijingC. on Saturdays and Sundays D. at home( )4. Her parents _.A. are working in a school B. have classes on MondaysC. often play games with Kate D. are doctors金玉良言A cat may look at the king .人人平等 。外研版(三起)六年级第七册Module15综合试题笔试部分答案一 1 . postcards 2 . more 3 . send an email 4 . Lantern Festival 5 . miss china 6 . 天安门广场 7 . to be my pen friend 8 . 乘自行车 9 . a Chinatown in Canada 10 . the West Lake 二 1 . C 2 . D 3 . B 4 . A 5 . A三 1 . be 2 . names 3 . speak 4 . stories 5 . drawing四 1 . A 2 . B 3 . C五 1 . is visiting 2 . Tell 3 . are is 4 . Do miss 5 . are going to go 6 . collected 7 . dancing playing 8 . go六 B A C E D七 ( 1 ) 1 . T 2 . F 3 . F 4 . F ( 2 ) a 1 . F 2 . T 3 . F 4 . F b 1 . B 2 . C 3 . C 4 . D ( 3 ) a 1 . F 2 . F 3 . T 4 . F b 1 .A 2 .B 3 .A 4. D Module 6 Unit 1 A Postcard from New York 一 . 选择1 . Ive got a piano , I can play it well.A . and B . but C . or D . so 答案 : A2 . I want to go swimming , Ive got a cold .A . and B . but C . or D . so 答案 :B3 . Ive got some chopsticks , but they are to use .A . easy B . nice C . good D . difficult 答案 : D4 . Amy has got a pet cat , and she often it .A . play with B . plays for C . play for D . plays with 答案 : D5 . We come from London in England ,so we are all .A . England B . London C . English D . Chinese 答案 :C二 判断画线部分的发音是否相同1 . fl y kite live 相同A .正确 B .错误 答案:B2 . visit will milk 相同A .正确 B .错误 答案:A 3 . fork park warm 相同 A .正确 B .错误 答案:B4 . want what China 相同A .正确 B .错误 答案:B5 . collect hobby someday 相同A .正确 B .错误 答案:BUnit 2 Ive got some stamps from China .一 选择 找出同一类的单词1 . Fench Chinese JapaneseA . newspaper B . fork C . our D .English 答案:D2 . magazine cartoon book storybookA . newspaper B . fork C . our D .English 答案:A3 . his her theirA . newspaper B . fork C . our D .English 答案:C4 . knife spoon chopsticksA .fork B . fork C . our D .English 答案:A5 . stamp letter email A .fork B . fork C . postcard D .English 答案:C二 判断 下列翻译或句子是否正确1 . The Great Wall is about six thousand seven hundred kilometres .长城大约6700米长 。A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:B2 . H ave you got any stamps from China ?你有中国的邮票吗 ?A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:A3 . She has got a beautiful stamp .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:A4 . I want go swimming .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:B5 . Sam has got a Chinese kite and we fly them in the park .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:B金玉良言Better late than never .迟做总比不做好 。(亡羊补牢,为时不晚)Module 7Unit 1 I dont believe it !一 判断1 . It eats 12 hours a day .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:B2 . Look this picture .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:B3 . Do snakes like music ?A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:A4 . It think the flute is another snake !A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:B5 . What a interesting book .A . 正确 B . 错误 答案:B二 选择1 . Cats like bamboo .A . did B . doesnt C . dont 答案:C2 . It fishes sleep with


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