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暑期 初二提高班 语法易错题 单选题1.Mrs.Smith has a cute baby.It often smiles at people_.A friendly B lovely C happily D lively2.Im going to be late late for work.Therere _ bus on this route.A too few B too little C too many D too much3.Youd better have your hair cut;its getting _.A too much long B much too long C long too much D too long much4.Wed better wait _ more minutes.I think Jeff will come soon.A a few B few C a little D little5.If there were no examinations,we should have _ at school.A the happiest time B a more happier time C much happiest time D a much happier time6.Hold the book _ please,for I cant see the words in it clearly.A more closer B more closely C closely D closer7.As you are not feeling well,youd better _ to school. A wont go B not go C not to go D dont go8.I feel it an honour _ to speak here.A to be asked B to ask C having asked D asked9.The funny story made us _.A laugh B laughing C to laugh D laughed 10.No one enjoys _ at.A laughing B to laugh C being laughed D to be laughed11The problem is worth _.A discussing B discuss C being discussed Ddiscussed12.They are considering_ before the prices go up.A of buying the house B with buying the house C buying the house D to by the house13.What did you see just now? I saw two _ doctors _out of the house.A women ,come B woman,came C woman,coming D women,to come14Stone had his workers _all day long. A work B worked C working D to work15.Why are you late? My bike broke down.I had it _.A repaired B repairs C repair D repairing16.We kept _ the ball to each other,and they began to get angry.A to pass B passing C pass D past17.Its no use _ to get a bargain these days.A to expect B expecting C wanting D waited18.Who do you think youd like _ with you ,a boy or a girl?A to let to go B letting to go C to let go D let go19.In _Marx began to learn Russian. A a 1870 B the 1870 C the 1870s D his 187020.Im so tired after _ walk.A three hours B three hours C three hours D three hour21.The old professor still works hard though he is _.A in his sixty B in his sixties C in sixties D in the sixty22.We _for Tom at ten last Sunday.He often kept us _.A were waiting,waiting B were waiting,wait C waited,waiting D waited,wait23.He is tired.He _ a lot of work this morning .A does B was doing C did D is doing24.While mother _ some washing,I _ a kite for Kate.A did,made B was doing ,made C was cooking ,was making D did,was making25.I have two TV set ,but_ of them is in good condition.A both B none C neither D every26.The old men has _ friends.So he often feels lonely.A few B a few C little D a little27._ of you three men is kind enough to help you.A All B Any C Either D Every参考答案1.C. smile为动词,用副词修饰,选项中除了happily外,其余都是形容词。这些以ly结尾的形容词很容易被同学们误认作副词,另还有daily,lonely,motherly等,一定要牢记。2.A. 此题关键弄清句意,route意为线路,即在公交线路上车少导致“我”迟到。3.B.考察much too 和too much 辨析。Much too 意为“太”,修饰形容词或副词;too much 意为“多”。4.C. 修饰比较级的副词及短语有much,a lot ,a little , a bit, even ,far,选项只有C 符合。5.D.首先判断此题为有考试和没有考试两者的比较,用比较级,另要明确happy的比较级形式为happier,最后要知道修饰比较级的副词有哪些,只有much符合,最后辨析选项选出D。6.D. close与closely均有副词词性,但作副词时,close指具体的近,closely指抽象的近,如关系亲密的。此题句意为具体的近。7.B.很多同学不知道youd better是哪个结构的缩写you had better , 最好做某事,had better 为具有情态动词特征的短语,后接动词原形。8.A.此句中it为形式宾语,真正宾语为后部分to do 不定式,及to ask ,另根据句意,此处应为被要求在此处发言 ,to do不定式转换为被动,即to be asked.同学们,句意的理解是很重要的,你们说对吗?9.A. make 为使役动词,make sb do.10.C.enjoy 后接动名词,但此句句意应为“没有人喜欢被嘲笑”,很多同学们没有发现隐藏在句意中的被动语态,选成了A。11.A. sth be worth doing ,为固定搭配,即“某事是值得被做的”,主语是物,本身就有被动含义,因此不选C。12.C.consider 后接动名词,未固定搭配,此题需要同学们牢记哪些动词后接动名词做宾语,只要能记住,此题就很容易攻克了。13.A.woman doctors变复数为women doctors, 另come为瞬间动词,因此只能用see sb do这一结构。14.C.此题需要区分have的两个结构,have sb do 和have sb doing.前者指让某人做某事这一事实,不强调这件事持续或正在进行;后者强调让某人持续做了多久或正在做。此句中有一重要时间标志“all day long”,暗示此处强调让工人一整天持续做某事,应使用have sb doing 一结构。15.A.此题区分have的两个结构,have sth doing 和have sth done .前者为使某事保持某种状态,后者为使某事被做。此处自行车为被修。16.B.keep doing sth ,为固定搭配,意为持续做某事,类似的还有keep on doing sth ,即 keep 和keep on 后接动词都要用doing。17.B.固定句型 its no use/no good /fun/a waste of time +doing.同时,此句中 get a bargain意为“买到便宜货”,句意为“别指望在这几天买到便宜货”,指望,期盼,选择expecting.18.C. would like后接to do 不定式,另let 为使役动词,let sb do .19.C.年代表达法,一定要把结构掌握好,in +the +xxx0s/xxx0s。介词用in,冠词the不能省略。20.B.距离可用时间的所有格表示。三小时表达应为 three hours,其所有格应直接加“”.21.B.表某人不确定年龄时:in ones+几十的复数。22.A.第一空所在句子中,时间标志词at ten last Sunday为过去的时刻,应用过去进行时。第二空keep sb doing sth ,固定搭配,意为“让某人持续做某事”。23.D.this morning 为过去的时间,是一般过去式的标志词,用一般过去式。同学们,学了过去进行时,就容易与最简单的一般过去式混淆,一定要充分理解过去进行时的两个定义:过去某一时刻或某一时间段正在发生的事。24.C.此题很多同学没有注意到make kite 也为延续性动作,因此第二个空出错率很高。延续性动作,符合使用进行时的条件,用was making.25.C.根据two判定出范围是两者,又根据谓语动词is,选出C。26.A.few,几乎没有,a few ,很少,两者都修饰可数名词;little,几乎没有,a little ,很少,两者都修饰不可数名词。Friend 为可数名词,有根据句意,可知他几乎没朋友,选A。27.D.根据范围,三者,排除C。根据谓语动词is排除all.此处做主语,every为形容词,不能做主语,any在此做代词,指任何一个人。


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