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新目标七年级下Unit 7 知识点归纳与复习单元知识清单一、重点单词: 1. h 头发2. t l 高的3. h ght 高度 4. th n 瘦的5. h vy 重的6. b ld 体格 7. l ke 像8. ways 总是9. c pt n 队长 10. t m 队11. p p lar 受欢迎的12. b t 一点儿 13. j ke 笑话14. n ver 从不15. st p 停止 16. br n 棕色的17. p son 人18. gl ss 眼镜 19. l k 外表20. r m mber 记住21. p p 流行音乐 22. sing 歌手23. s 说24. n b dy 没有人二、必会短语: 1. look 看起来像2. medium 中等个 3. medium 中等体形4. a little 一点儿 5. jokes 开玩笑6. pop 流行歌手 7. not any more 不再 三、应知语法和句式: 1. 询问人的外表用what look like,如:他长的什么样子? does he ? 2. a little bit 的同义词是: 3. stop doing 停止正在做的事,如:停止交谈 stop 4. remember to do sth 记住要做的事,如:请记住把书给我带来。 Please remember the book me. 5. think 的否定转移现象,如:我认为他不是那么好。 I think he so great. 6. nobody是不定代词,作主语时用做单数,如:没有人认识我。 Nobody me. 知识点 1 词语运用. 根据句意和首字母完成下列单词。1. Can you tell me where she lives? -Sorry, I cant r her address. 2. David wants to join the basketball t . 3. What does he do? -He is a s . His songs(歌曲) are very popular. 4. Miss Wang is medium b . 5. Dont play a j on me. 6. The girls h is black and long. 7. I am h and I want to be thin. 8. Some people dont like his new l . 9. Peter has straight hair, but Bob has c hair. 10. She is a g girl. We all like her. .根据汉语提示及句意完成句子。1. John is the (队长) of the school band. 2. Im (总是) at home in the evening. 3. “ (决不) be late for school,” my mother often says to me.4. What color is your T-shirt? -Its (棕色的). 5. Who is the first (人) to swim across the Qiongzhou Channel (琼州海峡)?6. Alice has (金黄色的) hair. 7. My mother is _(中等) build.8. The rock singer has a new _(外表). He wears glasses and he has long hair now.9. Theyre (属于) medium height. 10. Tina Brown (留有胡须). . 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Jimmy says he wants to be a (sing). 2. My father is thin and medium (high). 3. Stop (talk). My grandma is sleeping. 4. What (do) your mother look like? 5. Nobody (wait) for you now. 6. She (not have) long hair. 7. The old man likes wearing (glass). 8. Jane (wear) a beautiful red skirt. 9. Johnny (say) he likes Ruth. 10. Please remember (bring) your photos to school. . 用适当的词填写。1. Xiao Ming is a funny boy; he likes to tell and makes his classmates laugh. 2. Xu Qian has lots of friends, and he always his friends names. 3. Liu Dehua is a very singer, and he has many fans. 4. Huang Meng is good at English. He never speaking English in class. 5. Please remember to “Hello” to your parents. 6. She good-looking but shes a little bit quiet. 7. The man isnt tall, he is medium . 8. The girls is black and long. 9. A nurse is a who looks after the patients (病人) in a hospital. 10. His hair is not straight, but . 知识点2 语法演练. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. My shirt is brown. (对画线部分提问) is your shirt? 2. I think Dean is at home. (改为否定句) I think Dean at school. 3. My grandma doesnt stop talking all day. (改为同义句) My grandma talking all day. 4. Theyre medium height. (对画线部分提问) they like?5. He has long curly hair. (改为否定句) He long curly hair. . 找出错误并改正。1. He has medium height. A B C D2. Shes kind heavy and shy. A B C D 3. Mr Black has an beard. A B C D 4. What does your friend looks like? A B C D5. He likes reading and play chess. A B C D. 连词成句。1. always, dress, a, she, red, wears .2. Class Five, have, I , new, in, friend, a .3. mother, does , like, your, look ,what ?4. has, he, tall, short, hair, is, and .5. build, he, medium, of, is ?知识点3 综合能力. 根据图片内容完成答语。1. Does he have long hair? - . 2. Is the boy very thin? - . 3. What does the girl look like? - hair. 4. Is the girl tall or short? - . 5. What is the girl wearing? - . . 完成下列对话,使对话意义完整,每空一词。A: Do you know we have a new teacher and two new students this term (学期)?B: Really? What 1 the new teacher look 2 ?A: He is an old man. He 3 no hair.B: Does he 4 glasses?A: Yes. He is not good-looking, but he is very kind.B: What about your 5 classmates? What 6 they look like?A: They are twins. They are 7 America. They 8 medium height. Theyre not heavy or thin. They 9 curly hair.B: Whats the 10 of their hair?A: Well, they have blonde hair. They are good-looking. . 阅读下面短文,用方框中的单词的适当形式填入文中的空白处。medium, curly, straight, black, heavy, long, glasses, look Johnny Dean is my mothers favorite rock singer. He always wears funny 1 and he has 2 hair. He is 3 height. Mother thinks hes very cool but I dont like his 4 . His music isnt great. I like Gloria Green. She wins the Pop Singer of the Year Award. She has 5 hair. Its very 6 . Shes a little 7 . I like her new songs. They 8 very exciting. I think she is very 9 . She doesnt 10 glasses. 第七单元综合质量检测试卷题号总分得分(测试时间:50 分钟 测试总分:80分)I. 单项选择。(15分) ( ) 1. My sister is not tall or short. She is . A. medium heightB. medium buildC. tallD. short( ) 2. Lucy never stops . A. talksB. talkC. talkingD. to talk ( ) 3. Nobody why he is late. A. knowsB. knowC. knowingD. is know ( ) 4. Tom likes to jokes. A. sayB. tellC. talkD. speak ( ) 5. Do you know that boy with . A. blonde hairB. blonde hairsC. a blonde hairD. no hairs ( ) 6. Mary is , but shes quiet.A. a good-looking; a bitB. good-looking; a littleC. a good-looking; a bit ofD. good-looking; a bit of ( ) 7. Please look this picture, Mike. The boy in it looks you very much. A. at; likeB. like; likeC. at; likesD. like; at ( ) 8. I he her.A. think; knowB. dont think; knowC. dont think; knowsD. think; isnt know ( ) 9. He tall and he a medium build. A. has; isB. is; hasC. is; isD. has; has ( ) 10. -Which is your teacher? -The one glasses over his eyes is. A. wearsB. wearC. withD. has ( ) 11. Why didnt you “Hello” to Jim in the street this morning, Mike?-I nearly cant know him because he has a new look.A. speaksB. talkC. sayD. says( ) 12. I like and tennis very much.A. reading; playingB. reading; to play theC. to read; playingD. to read; to play the( ) 13. Susan has .A. beautiful long black hairB. long black beautiful hairC. beautiful black long hairD. black beautiful long hair ( ) 14. (河南中考题)Ms Lin is very popular among the students.Yes. Her classes are _ lively and interesting.A. always B. sometimes C .hardlyD. never( ) 15. (淄博中考题) What does Mary look like? _. A. Shes well B. Shes tall C. Shes a doctor D. She likes dancingII. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(10分)1. 她看上去像她的妈妈。 She her mother. 2. 他的叔叔是一个个子高高的,头发金黄色的人。 His uncle is a man blonde hair. 3. Dean不再留胡须了。 Dean have a beard . 4. 王林是篮球队的队长。 Wang Lin is the basketball team.5. 她长得好看,但有点矮。 She is , but shes short. III. 完型填空。(10分)Dear Li Lei,Thank you 1 your last letter. Id like to tell you 2 a good friend of mine. His name is Derek. He will visit China next week, but he knows 3 about the country. Can you 4 him at the airport? Look, here is a picture of him. He is medium height and 5 short, curly, brown hair. He has medium build and two blue eyes. On the day he arrives, he will 6 a T-shirt and black trousers. He doesnt wear glasses. He can 7 English and a little Chinese. He likes 8 jokes. He never stops 9 . Maybe you will make friends 10 him soon!Could you help me look after him? Thanks a lot!( ) 1. A. toB. aboutC. forD. in( ) 2. A. withB. aboutC. forD. like ( ) 3. A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything ( ) 4. A. lookB. look atC. watchD. meet ( ) 5. A. hasB. haveC. withD. and ( ) 6. A. withB. hasC. wearD. in ( ) 7. A. sayB. speakC. tellD. tall ( ) 8. A. tellB. speakC. to tellD. to speak ( ) 9. A. talkB. talkingC. to talkD. talks ( ) 10. A. withB. toC. forD. in IV. 阅读理解。 (20分) A A man has two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is good-looking, but the girl is not. Today they find a mirror (镜子) and for the first time they see what they look like. The boy is very happy and says to his sister, “How cool I am! I look much nicer than you!” The girl doesnt like what her brother says and gives him a push(推). “Go away! she says. Their father sees this thing. He goes up to them and says to the boy, “You must always be good as well as look good.” Then to the girl, he says, “My dear, if you help everyone, everyone will love you. It will not matter(与无关) that you are not as good-looking as your brother. It is better to be good than to be good-looking.”( ) 1. What do they find today?A. A book.B. A mirror.C. Two pens.D. Apples.( ) 2. Is the boy happy or sad when he sees himself in the mirror?A. Yes, he is happy.B. No, he is sad.C. He is happy. D. He is sad. ( ) 3. How does the girl feel when she hears her brother says that is good-looking?A. She is unhappy.B. She is exciting.C. She is relaxing.D. She is friendly.( ) 4. If you help everyone, everyone will you. A. helpB. laugh atC. loveD. look at ( ) 5. “It is better to be good than to be good-looking” means in Chinese.A. 做的好不如长的好。B. 长的好不如做的好。C. 做事要做的更好。D. 长的好一切都好。BDear friends,My name is Frank. I am from America. Here is a picture of my class. We are in Class Three, Grade Nine. The name of our school is St. Johns High School. We are learning Chinese in our school. Our Chinese teachers name is Joy Wang. Can you see her in the picture?You can see my friends in the picture, too. Jimmy is tall and has black hair. He is good at playing basketball. He is on the school team. May is short and is wearing a yellow dress. She is good at math. Sandra has long hair. She can speak French. Sally is a black girl. She has short hair. She likes swimming. She is on the swimming team. I like music. Can you find me? Im the boy with glasses. Maria is new here. She is from Hong Kong. She has black hair and black eyes. She speaks English well, and she is very good at computer. Nick is big. He has small eyes. He is fun. He can play football. Send (送) me a picture of your class and tell me abut your friends! Yours, Frank ( ) 6. What grade is Frank in? A. Six.B. Seven.C. Eight.D. Nine. ( ) 7. What does Joy Wang teach? A. Chinese.B. English.C. Math.D. French.( ) 8. has long hair and can speak French. A. JimmyB. NickC. MariaD. Sandra ( ) 9. are on the school team.A. Maria and NickB. Sandra and SallyC. Jimmy and SallyD. May and Sandra ( ) 10. Frank is a boy .A. with long hairB. from Hong KongC. in a yellow dressD. with glasses V. 根据短文内容填入适当的词。(10分)I have a pen pal. He is from the USA. 1 uncle is Mr Green. There is an interesting story about Mr Green. I am sure you will like it.A lot of boys and girls in America often 2 the same kind of clothes and have long 3 . One day, Mr Green goes for a walk in a 4 in New York. When he is tired, he sits 5 a chair in the park to have a rest. There 6 another person on the chair. A young person is standing a few meters away from the 7 .“Oh!” Mr Green 8 to the person next to him. “Do you see the person with the beautiful clothes and long hair? Is it a 9 or a girl?”“A boy,” says the person on the chair. “He is my son.”“Oh!” says Mr Green. “Sorry, I dont know you are his 10 .”“Im not,” says the person. “Im his father.”VI. 书面表达。 (15分) 请根据下面的介绍,以“My friend” 为题,把你的朋友Scott 介绍给大家,词数60左右。Name: ScottBirthday: June 21st Nationality: AmericaLook: tall, medium build, brown hair Character: kind, friendlyHobbies: singing, reading, playing sports My friend 第七单元知识点归纳与复习. 1. remember 2. team 3. singer 4. build 5. joke 6. hair 7. heavy 8. look 9. curly 10. good-looking . 1. captain 2. always 3. Never 4. brown 5. person 6. blonde 7. medium 8. look 9. of 10. has a beard . 1. singer 2. height 3. talking 4. does 5. is waiting 6. doesnt have 7. glasses 8. wears 9. says 10. to bring . 1. jokes 2. remember 3. popular 4. stops 5. say 6. is 7. height 8. hair 9. person 10. curly . 1. What color 2. dont; is 3. never stops 4. What do; look 5. doesnt have . 1. B改为is. 2. B改为kind of. 3. C改为a. 4. C改为look. 5. C改为playing. . 1. She always wears a red dress. 2. I have a new friend in Class Five. 3. What does your mother look like?4. He is tall and has short hair.5. He is of medium build. 1. No, he doesnt.2. Yes, he is. 3. She has long hair. 4. She is short.5. She is wearing glasses. 1. does 2. like 3. has 4. wear 5. new 6. do 7. from 8. are 9. have 10. color X. 1. glasses 2. curly 3. medium 4. look 5. straight 6. long 7. heavy 8. sound 9. cool 10. wear 第七单元综合质量检测试卷 I. 1. A 上文说到了not tall or short “不高也不矮”,那就是中等个。medium height是“中等个”的意思。medium build是“中等体形”,不胖也不瘦。2. C 句意是“Lucy从不停止说话”,要表达“停止正在做的事”用stop doing sth,所以选talking。3. A 句意是“没有人知道他为什么迟到。” Nobody是不定代词,不定代词做主语时,看做第三人称单数,所以动词要用单三形式knows。4. B tell jokes “开玩笑”,是固定搭配。句意是“Tom喜欢开玩笑。”5. A 句意是“你认识哪个金发男孩吗?”,hair是不可数名词,所以blonde hairs,a blonde hair,no hairs都是错误的。6. B good-looking“漂亮的”是形容词,前面不用a,所以A和C两个答案是错的。a bit of “一点”是用来修饰不可数名词的,不能用来修饰形容词。quiet“文静的”是形容词,所以D答案是错的。a little “一点”既可修饰不可数名词,又可修饰形容词,所以B答案是对的。7. A 句意是“请看这张图画,图里的那个男孩看起来非常像你。”look at “看”,是固定搭配。look like “看起来像”,是固定搭配,like此处是介词“像一样”。8. C 本题考查的是think的否定转移现象。句意是“我认为他不认识她”,当think的从句是否定意义时,要将否定词放在think的前面。9. B 句意是“他是高个,他有一个中等体形”,is“是”,后面跟形容词,has“有”,后面跟名词。10. C 句意是“那个戴眼镜的人是我的老师”。本空要求用一个介词,因为句中已经有了一个动词is,不应该再出现动词wear了。11. C 前面有了didnt,后面就应该用动词原形了,因此排除了A和D。say hello to sb “向打招呼”,是固定搭配。句意是“Mike,今天早晨在大街上为什么不向Jim打招呼呢?”12. A 本题考查的是两个动作是并列关系,应该前后一致。play tennis “打网球”是固定搭配,中间不应该再加the。13. B 本题考查多个形容词的位置。排列顺序的原则是:限定词+性质形容词+形状形容词+颜色形容词+产地形容词+用途形容词+名词。14. A 句意是“- Ms Lin在学生中很受欢迎。 - 是的,她的课总是生动有趣。” sometimes“有时”,hardly“几乎不”,never“从不”,显然都不符合句意。15. B 问句What does Mary look like “Mary看起来像什么样子”,是用来询问人的外表的。Shes well“她身体很好”,Shes a doctor“她是医生”,She likes dancing“她喜欢跳舞”,这三个答案,显然与问句不符。II. 1. looks like 2. tall; with 3. doesnt; any more 4. the captain of 5. good-looking; a little bit III. 15 CBADA 610 CBCBAIV. 15 BCACB 610 DADCDV. 1. His 2. wear 3. hair 4. park 5. on 6. is 7. chair 8. says 9. boy 10. motherVI. My friend I have a friend. His name is Scott. He lives in America. We often talk on the phone. His birthday is June 21st. He is tall with brown hair. He is not heavy or thin. He is medium build. He is very kind and friendly. Everyone likes him. He likes singing, reading and playing sports. He often walks with his father in the park.


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