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九年级英语复习非谓语动词 二 人教四年制 同步教育信息 一 本周教学内容 复习非谓语动词 二 二 重 难点 二 动词 ing 形式 1 动词 ing 形式的时态和语态 主动语态 被动语态 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done 2 动词 ing 的句法作用 从性质上讲 动词的 ing 形式相当于名词 形容词 副词 因此 它在句中可用作主 语 表语 定语 宾语 状语和宾语补足语 1 作主语 动词 ing 作主语通常表示一种抽象的动作概念 即泛指某种行为或动作 如 Eating too much is bad for your health 吃得太多对身体健康有害 Travelling abroad can widen one s outlook 出国旅行会扩大人的视野 注意 动词 ing 有自己的逻辑主语时 用所有格形式来表示 如 His coming made us happy 他的到来使我们很高兴 在 It is no good no use doing It is fun interesting doing 句型中 it 为形式主语 动词的 ing 形式为真正的主语 习惯上不把它放于句首 如 It s no good waiting for another hour 再等一个小时也没用 It s no use talking with him about it 和他谈这件事是没用的 2 作表语 His hobby is collecting stamps 他的爱好是集邮 My favourite sport is playing table tennis 我最喜欢的运动是乒乓球 注意 不要把作表语的动词 ing 形式与进行时态相混淆 动词 ing 形式作表语表示主 语的某种特征 而进行时态则表示正在进行的动作 试比较 Her job is teaching 她的工作是教书 teaching 是表语 She is teaching there now 她正在那儿上课 is teaching 是现在进行时态 3 作定语 This is a reading room a room for reading 这是一个阅览室 I will buy a pair of running shoes a pair of shoes for running 我要买一双跑鞋 4 作宾语 在某些动词如 suggest finish avoid stop can t help mind 在乎 admit advise deny enjoy postpone delay practise excuse pardon miss 错过 等后面必须用动词 ing 形式作为宾语 如 I can t help laughing 我禁不住笑了起来 He enjoys watching TV plays 他喜欢看电视剧 注意 有些动词如 love like begin start continue 等后 既可接动名词作宾语 也 可接不定式作宾语 有时两种结构的意义差别不大 5 作宾语补足语 动词 ing 形式用作宾语补足语 常用在 see hear notice watch keep find feel get have 等动词之后 与一个名词或代词构成复合宾语 其中宾语和宾语补足语是主谓关系 如 He kept me waiting for a long time 他让我等了很长时间 注意 在 see hear feel watch notice 等动词之后 既可用动词 ing 形式也可用 不 带 to 的 动词不定式作宾语补足语 如用动词 ing 形式 通常表示动作正在进行 用动词 不定式 则表示 或强调 动作从开始到结束的全过程 6 用于独立主格结构 动词 ing 也可以用于独立主格结构 由 主格名词或代词 动词 ing 构成 表示时间 条件 原因 伴随情况等 如 The clock striking eight they began working 时钟敲了 8 下 他们就开始工作 表示 时间 The weather being fine we went for a walk 由于天气好 我们出去散散步 表示原因 Time permitting we ll come to see you 如果时间允许 我们就来看你 表示条件 也可由 with without 宾语 ing 分词 构成独立主格结构 表示伴随情况 如 You must not sit with your feet pointing at another person 坐着时不要把脚朝着别人 3 部分动词可接动词 ing 作宾语 也可接动词不定式作宾语 但意思不同 如 1 remember doing sth 记得过去做过的一件事 remember to do sth 记得要去做某事 2 regret doing sth 对过去做过的事情后悔 regret to do sth 对还没做或正在做的事情的后悔 3 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情 stop to do sth 停止什么然后去做另一件事情 4 forget doing sth 忘记曾做过某事 forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 5 try doing sth 尝试着按另一种方法做某事 try to do sth 设法做某事 6 mean doing sth 意味着 意思是 mean to do sth 打算 想要 三 分词 1 分词的基本形式和特征 分词分为现在分词和过去分词两种 分词可用作形容词和副词 在句子中充当定语 状语 宾语补足语和表语 现在分词由 动词原形 ing 构成 过去分词的基本形式是 动词原形 ed 但也 可以有不规则的形式 2 分词的句法作用 1 作定语 如 This is an exciting news 这是一则令人兴奋的新闻 I like dishes cooked by my mother 我喜欢吃妈妈做的菜 2 作表语 如 The film is very moving 这部电影很感人 现在分词 He was surprised to hear the news 听到那消息他很吃惊 过去分词 3 作宾语补足语 如 I saw her watching TV last night 我昨晚看见她看电视 She had her bike repaired 她修自行车了 4 作主语补足语 当分词作宾语补足语的句子变为被动语态时 分词就变成了主语补足语 如 Sorry have kept you waiting for a long time 对不起 让您久等了 The radio was found stolen 我们发现收音机被偷了 过去分词 5 作状语 如 While reading the letter While he was reading the letter he smiled from time to time 看信时 他不时地微笑 现在分词 I like to read books written by scientists books which were written by scientists 我喜欢科学家写的书 过去分词 3 一些与动词 ing 形式有关的短语 1 表示有目的 有意识地进行练习或训练某项技能 do some v ing 如 do some reading 读读书 do some running 跑跑步 do some writing 练练字 2 表示做一些笼统 不具体指明的事 do some v ing 如 do some shopping 去商店买东西 不指明买哪样具体的东西 do some washing 洗东西 do some cooking 做饭 do some cleaning 扫除 do some sewing 缝纫 3 go v ing 形式 大部分表示从事运动 消谴或娱乐活动 如 go dancing 去跳舞 go swimming 去游泳 go skating 去滑冰 go skiing 去滑雪 go shooting 去射击 go boating 去划船 go fishing 去钓鱼 go hunting 去打猎 go riding 去骑马 go walking 去散步 go running 去跑步 go sailing 去航海 模拟试题 答题时间 60 分钟 1 Mr Green told the children like that A not play B don t play C not to play D to not play 2 Excuse me Would you please tell me buy a digital camera A what to B where to C what I can D where can I 3 I didn t go to bed until I finished my homework A to do B doing C did D do 4 We kept that ball to each other and they began to get angry A to pass B passing C pass D past 5 What s wrong with Tom He s got a bad headache And the doctor asked him in bed for several days A to stay B not stay C stays D not stays 6 The speaker told such a good joke that he made all of us A laughing B laughed C laugh D to laugh 7 I saw him basketball with Jack an hour ago A plays B to play C played D play 8 Lin Tao was seen the desks in the classroom yesterday afternoon A cleaned B to clean C clean D cleans 9 Everyone looked at him He hardly knew A to say what B what to say C say what D says what 10 Do you have anything for yourself A say B says C saying D to say 11 They couldn t decide which hotel A to stay B was to stay at C to stay at D they would stay 12 Lily finished the book yesterday A read B reading C to read D reads 13 Have you finished the book Not yet I ll try it to you before Friday A reading returning B to read to return C reading to return D to read returning 14 Many people watched the boys the mountain at that time A climb B climbing C to climb D climbed 15 They reached the railway station too late the train A to catch B caught C catch D to catching 16 is necessary for every student to study English well A That B This C It D Its 17 Look Do you know the boy next to your teacher A who sits B sits C to sit D sitting 18 I m sorry told you about it A to have not B to not have C not to have D not having 19 You d better come to my home tomorrow because to show you some of my best stamps A I will like B I shall like C I like D I d like 20 Do you feel like or shall we go by bus I prefer to walk but we have a taxi for time is short A walking to take B to walk take C walking taken D to walk took 21 How long to finish the work A you will take B will you take C it will take you D will it take you 22 Our task is the job in three weeks A finishing B finished C to be finished D to finish 23 I didn t know the book A where could I buy B where could buy C where to bought D where to buy 24 When can I go out to play football Mum Finish your homework first or I won t let you A to go out B go out C going out D will go out 25 When I was walking in the street I saw a plane over my head A flies B flying C flew D to fly 26 Though Tom missed many lessons he tried hard fall behind A not B not to C to D to not 27 The woman told her son in that deep lake A doesn t swim B didn t swim C to not swim D not to swim 28 Every day I spend two hours my homework A finishing to do B finishing doing C to finish to do D to finish doing 29 The window is broken Try to who broke it A find out B find C look D look for 30 A policeman saw a thief a girl s mobile phone in the bus and caught him at once A to steal B stealing C stole D stolen 31 The students of our class will spend our summer holiday in Guilin but we haven t decided A what to buy B where to spend C how to go D which to choose 32 Lily is often heard in her bedroom A sing B sings C to sing D sang 33 After the P E class the teacher offered us something A drink B drinking C drunk D to drink 34 Father was made for them more than ten hours a day A work B to work C working D worked 35 I am feeling cold Would you mind the window A open B close C opening D closing 36 Do you know At 8 00 a m A who to talk with B when to have a meeting C what to do next D where to go swimming 37 How can I improve my spoken English You have to practise as much as you can A speak B speaking C spoken D to speak 38 There is much homework by the students A to do B to be done C being done D which to be done 39 I like but I don t like right now A singing to sing B to sing singing C singing singing D to sing to sing 40 You d better him about that A don t tell B not tell C to not tell D not to tell 41 How did you make the child while he was crying A smile B to smile C smiles D smiled 42 Has Jack finished his homework yet I ve no idea but he it the whole afternoon A would do B was doing C did D had done 43 Jim s father said to him I hope you what I you to buy A didn t forget told B not to forget have told C won t forget have told D haven t forgotten will tell 44 I don t know if his uncle I think he if it doesn t rain A will come comes B will come will come C comes comes D comes will come 45 The supermarket is far from Mary s house So she only once a week A goes shopping B has been there C was shopping D has gone there 46 Teresa didn t come to school this morning because she had her teeth A filling B filled C to fill D fill 47 Have your parents told you this afternoon Yes We ll go to visit the Science Museum A to go where B how to do C what to do D to do what 48 I m sure our football team will the team from No 3 Middle School A win B fail C lose D beat 49 How do you go to work every day I on my bicycle A ride B drive C take D walk 50 What a nice bag But she only thirty dollars for it A cost B took C spent D paid 51 I want to this book for a month A borrow B keep C lend D get 52 The woman hasn t heard from her son for several months It her a lot A interests B moves C worries D pleases 53 He is kind and always his help to others A receives B brings C takes D offers 54 Can I the novel to read during the summer vocation Yes but you mustn t it to others A lend borrow B borrow return C lend return D borrow lend 55 You ll a warm welcome when you get there A accept B receive C have D make 56 My father smoking when he heard the medical report A gave in B gave out C gave off D gave up 57 The bottle is broken We must who broke it A find out B find C look for D look 58 carefully and you ll what the teacher said A Listen to hear B Listen hear C Hear listen to D Hear listen 59 Tom please help me the picture on the wall A put up B put on C put off D put into 60 Jean is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to there are no mistakes A look for B make sure C find out D think about 61 All of us felt tired so we stopped to have a rest A a few B a little C few D little 62 When I see him I ll tell him everything about it A late B later C latest D lately 63 The old man doesn t feel when he is left A lonely alone B alone lonely C lonely lonely D alone alone 64 I use my car for going to work A most B mostly C almost D nearly 65 Hello Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight I m sorry I can t Mother won t me to go out in the evening A let B allow C offer D ask 66 all your things Tom I hate them here and there OK Mum A Put up B Put on C Put down D Put away 67 After years of hard work his dream in the end A came out B came true C came over D came up 68 I m Helen Have you seen her A looking up B looking after C looking at D looking for 69 A lot meetings were because of the dangerous disease A taken off B put off C turned off D set off 70 The children planted more trees and flowers after they Greener China A joined B took part in C became D were 试题答案 1 5 CBBBA 6 10 CDBBD 11 15 CBCBA 16 20 CDCDA 21 25 DDDBB 26 30 BDBAB 31 35 CCDBD 36 40 BBBAB 41 45 ABCBA 46 50 BCDAD 51 55 BCDDB 56 60 DABAB 61 65 BBABB 66 70 DBDBA 试题分析 6 选 C 用到使役动词 make sb do 用不带 to 的不定式作宾补 另外注意被动还原 to 8 选 B 此题考查在主动语态中加不带 to 的不定式做宾补的动词 在被动中要还原 to 33 选 D 不定式在名词或代词后作定语与被修饰词构成动宾关系 35 选 D mind 介宾 要加 v ing 形式作宾语 46 选 B 考查短语 have sth done 使某事得以完成 的用法 51 选 B 注意句中如有 for 一段时间 就必须用持续性动词 借书 用 keep 表示 持续的状态


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