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4B短语句子Unit1.Our school subjects 1. 课文必须要掌握的词组1.welcome back to 2.our new timetable 3.what subjects 4.go to the playground 2. 全面掌握必须要掌握的词组 1.what lessons 2. this morning 3. this afternoon 4.make a cake 5.my school subjects 6.at school 3.其它单词 school Art Chinese English Maths Music PE Science fun Monday4.重点句型与交际用语 1.Welcome back to school. 2.A: Nice to see you,Miss Li. B: Nice to see you too. 3.A: What subjects do you like,Wang Bing? B:I like Chinese and Maths. 4.A: What about you,Yang Ling? B: I like English.Its fun. 5.A:Oh!Its time for PE.B: Lets go to the playground. Unit2.After school 1. 课文必须要掌握的词组1. play table tennis 2.what day 3.a football match 4.have a swimming lesson 5.on Saturday 6.after school2.全面掌握必须要掌握的词组 1.get up 2.every day 3.其它单词Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday today when 4.重点句型与交际用语1.A:What day is it today? B:Its Wednesday.2. A:What lessons do you have? B:I have Chinese and Maths.3. A: When do you get up every day? B:I get up at five.4. What a pity!5. All right.Unit3.My day 1. 课文必须要掌握的词组1.at night 2.go to school 3.at seven forty 4. have four lessons 5.have lunch 6.in the morning 7. in the afternoon 8.play football 9.go home10. do my homework 11.have dinner 12.watch TV13.go to bed 13. 2.全面掌握必须要掌握的词组 1.in the evening 2.have breakfast 3.over there4.a big cake 3.其它单词usually 4. 重点句型与交际用语1. A: When do you get up in the morning? B:I get up at seven. Unit4.Drawing in the park 1. 课文必须要掌握的词组1. draw some pictures 2.see a tree and some flowers3.on the river 2.全面掌握必须要掌握的词组1.make a salad 2.play basketball 3.make a cake 4.in this big box 5.have a look 6.on the lake7.in the tree 8.draw them/it3.其它单词boat hill lake drawing park easy difficult try again 4.重点句型与交际用语1. A:Lets draw some pictures here. B: Good idea!2. A:What can you see over there? B:I can see a tree and some flowers.3. Well done.4. A:Can you draw it? B: Its difficult,but I can try.5. Its great fun.Unit5.Seasons 1. 课文必须要掌握的词组1. in spring/summer/autumn/winter 2.fly kites 3. go boating/swimming/climbing/ skating 4.eat ice creams 5.have picnics 6.make snowmen 2.全面掌握必须要掌握的词组1.a fine day 2.whose bag 3.on a sunny day 3.其它单词warm hot cool cold hey4. 重点句型与交际用语1. In spring, it is warm.2. We go boating.3. We like spring.4. Heres your jacket.Unit6.Whose dress is this? 1. 课文必须要掌握的词组1. my dress 2.too short/long 3.try this 4. go to the party 5.all right 6.so big/beautiful 7.whose gloves 8.my cousins 2.全面掌握必须要掌握的词组1.eat fish 2.by the lake3.其它单词coat shirt sweater jeans shorts trousers move hand hurt4. 重点句型与交际用语1. A:Whose sweaters are these, Su Yang? B:Theyre my fathers.2.A:Whose dress is this,Helen? B:Its my cousins.3. Guess!4. Youre wrong./Youre right.5. Whats the matter?6. I think so.Unit7.Whats the matter? 1. 课文必须要掌握的词组1.have a pie 2.have some water 2.全面掌握必须要掌握的词组1.some water 2.take this pill 3.a hot dog3.其它单词happy hungry ill sad thirsty tired dear4. 重点句型与交际用语1. Come and have a pie,Taotao.2. Im not hungry. Im thirsty.3. A:Can I have some water,Mum? B:Here you are. A:Thank you,Mum.4. A:Whats the matter,Taotao? Are you ill? B:No, but Im tired. I want to go to bed.5. This is Mrs Fox speaking.6. A:Are you all right,Bobby? B:Im hungry,Mum.Unit8.How are you? 1.课文必须要掌握的词组1.speak to 2.come to school 3.have a cold and a fever2.全面掌握必须要掌握的词组1.have a cough 2.for the fox 3.in the box4.go and see Doctor Wu 3.其它单词 headache hear 4.重点句型与交际用语1. A:Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.May I speak to Miss Li? B:Hello,Yang Ling.This is Miss Li.2. A:Im sorry to hear that.Take care,Yang Ling. B:Thank you,Miss Li.3. A:How are you now? B:Im fine, thank you.4. A:See you tomorrow,Yang Ling. B:See you,Miss Li.5. Not so good.6. See you soon.

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