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高中定语从句汇总讲解学案英语谚语欣赏1. He who knows nothing but pretends to know everything is indeed a good-for nothing.不懂装懂,一事无成.2. Its the first step that costs.千里之行,始于足下3. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. 甘当小绵羊,迟早要喂狼.定语从句相关考点1、关系代词和关系副词的选取;2、定语从句与主谓一致;3、关系代词的省略问题;4、介词+which/whom中介词的正确选用;5、that 与 which; who 与 whom; who与 that;as与which之间的选取;6、定语从句与强调句型; 7、双重定语从句;8、way 后面的定语从句 9、 the same()that/as such(.)as soas (such()that结果状语从句 sothat) Step 1 Leading-in (导入)用下划线标出下文中定语或定语从句。He is a clever student. He is a student who is good at English. He lives in a small village. His grandfather lived there before. I know a girl who lives in the village too. Her name is Wang Fang. Wang Fangs father is a farmer. He is a hard-working farmer.Step 2 语法讲解一、 定语从句的定义及相关术语1定语从句又称_性从句,用来修饰某一_词或_词,一般紧跟在被修饰词的后面。 2. 定语从句的要素:_ 和 _;被定语从句修饰的词为先行词,先行词常为_或_; 3. 关系词及其功能:引导定语从句的词为关系词,分为_和_; 关系词通常有三个功能:引导句子;代替先行词;在定语从句中担当一个成分。关系代词有:_;在句中充当_、_、_。 关系副词有:_;在句中充当_。4.分类:限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句二、定语从句解题三步法:第一:找出先行词;第二:看先行词在定语从句中的语法功能(做主语、宾语、定语或状语);第三:选择合适的关系词。三、怎样运用关系代词和关系副词I、如果先行词是表示人的词,作主语时多用who,作宾语时多用whom或that(此时可以省略);如果先行词是表示物的词,无论作主语、宾语都可用which或that,作宾语时可以省略。 但在非限制性定语从句或介词之后,不能用that,只能用which.例如:1). Yesterday I met Mr Li_ told me the whole matter.2). I cant find the book _is borrowed from the library.3). Players _ keep warm exercises before the match play much better than those _ dont.4). This is the classroom in _we study. 5). Do you know the man _ is selling fruits near our school?6). I want to chat with the girl _you were speaking to just now.7). A letter _ is written in pencil is difficult to read. 8). Do you know the gentleman _ spoke just now?9). The book _ I bought yesterday is very interesting.10). The factory in _his father works is far from here.II. 关系代词whose作既指人又指物,在从句中作定语,译成“人的,物的”. 注意:whose=先行词的所有格 whose + N.= the +N. + of which / whom= of which / whom + the +N. 例如: The girl, _father is a lawyer, is good at spoken English. The girl, _father of _ is a lawyer, is good at spoken English. The girl, of whom _ _ is a lawyer, is good at spoken English.a. We lived in the hotel room, _door faced south. b. We lived in the hotel room, _ _ faced south.c. We lived in the hotel room, _faced south. 1). This is the desk _are broken. A. legs of which B. whose legs C. that D. which 2). He lives in the room, the windows _faces to the south. A. of whose B. of that C. of which D. whoseIII. 如果表示先行词的一部分如何时,指物就用of which,指人就用of whom,即some,any, several, each, two(数词),all, both等加of which或of whom.例如: The committee consists of 20 members, 5 _ are women. The book contains 50 poems, most_ were written in 1930s. They had a sentence; the meaning _ was completely beyond them. He has three sons, all _died in the war. A. of them B. of which C. of whom D. which注意:定语从句与并列句的区别定语从句与并列句的主要区别在于:并列句有像and,but,so等并列连词或两个句子用分号连接,这时就不能再用引导定语从句的关系词了。Mr. Li has three daughters,none of _ is an engineer Mr. Li has three daughters,but none of _ is a dancerIV. 如果先行词是such, so, the same 或被such, so, the same所修饰时,关系词用as.例如: 1).We will only discuss such problems _ have something to do with our own interests.2).Dont do such things _ you are not sure about.3).This is the same village _you visited when you were very young.注意: as在从句中作宾语时不可省略。如例3)。V、先行词是表示地点(如:place, school, factory),时间(如:time, day, week, tear, month,),原因(reason)的名词或含有地点,时间,原因意义的抽象名词,若在从句中作状语,用where(表示地点), when(表示时间), why(表示原因),相当于相应的介词+which;若在从句中作主语、宾语、表语,要用that或which。例如:1.)This is the room _ he lives. 2.) I can see the playground _they do sports3.) I still remember the year _I joined the Party. 4.) I still remember the day _ I joined the Party. 5.) I still remember the hour _ the rocket was launched6.) This is the reason _he was killed7.) This is the town _I spent my childhood.8.) The library _ you visited yesterday was built in 1990.9.) Ill never forget the day _ we first met in the park.10.) Ill never forget the time _ I spent with you.11.) This is the reason _ I didnt come here.12.) The reason _ she gave was not true.思考?在定语从句中如何正确判断与使用介词?Task : 尝试用“介词+关系代词”填写下列句子1. Is this the house _ _ Shakespeare was born?2. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ _ she could turn for help.3. Her bag ,_ she put all her money, has been stolen.4. This is the ring _ she spent 1000 dollars.5. Xiao Wang ,_ I went to the concert, enjoyed himself very much.方法1.看定语从句中动词或形容词与介词的搭配1. The girl for whom he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.2. He is the man on whom I think you can depend .3. He referred to some reference books with which I am not very familiar.方法2.看从句中的动词或动词词组与先行词的搭配1. He made a hole in the wall, through which he could see what was going on outside the house.2. The librarian with whom I just shook hands works heart and soul.方法3、根据先行词判断,所用的介词与先行词搭配1. The rate at which wild animals are being destroyed has increased.2. This is our classroom ,in the front of(在前面)which there is a teachers desk.小结:介词放在关系代词之前时,关系代词只能用_或_; 介词的选择要视先行词、句意及与动词的搭配而定。VI. which,as 也可引导一个非限制性定语从句,代表整个主句所表达的内容(即把整个主句看成是先行词)。Which译成“这一点” ; as译成“正如”. which 引导的定语从句只置于所限制的 句子后;as 位置较灵活,也就是说as可置于所限制的句子前面;插在句子中或放在句子后。如:1. He was late again, which made his teacher very angry.2. Jack, as you know, is an honest man. 或Jack is an honest man , as you know.或As you know, Jack is an honest man.注意: as 的这种用法通常出现在一些固定短语之中如: 1as has been said before 如上所述 2as may be imagined 正如可以想象出来的那样 3as is well known 众所周知 4as was expected 正如预料的那样 5as has been already pointed out正如已经指出的那样 6as we all can see 正如我们都会看到的那样 VII. 只能用that, 不用 which. 1.先行词为不定代词everything, nothing ,anything, little, much, all, none Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen. 2.先行词被both, all, every, no, any, little, much, some修饰时 There is no difficulty (that) we cant smooth away. 3. 先行词被the only,the very,the last 修饰时 He is the only person that I want to see now. 4 先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词修饰时。 This is the best book (that) Ive ever read.5. 先行词同时指人和指物时 We talked about the things and persons that we saw then. 6.当主句是以who或which 开头的特殊疑问句 Which is the car that hit the boy? Who was the man that she danced with? 7.主句是there be 结构,修饰其主语的定语从句用that There is a book on the desk that belongs to Frank. 但若主语是人,引导词只能用who, whom There is a person who wants to see you.8.当关系代词在从句中作表语时Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.相关练习1. He did all / everything _he could to help me.2. This is the very thing _ I am after.3. We talked about the men and the things _ we remembered at school.4. He is the only man _ can do the work.5. This is the first thing _ I want to say.6. He is the finest man _ I have ever worked with.7. Who is the man _ spoke to you at the gate.8. Which is the star _ is nearest to the earth.VIII. 只能使用which的情况。1、非限制性定语从句中。eg. Mary has a book, which is very precious.2、在介词之后。eg. This is a house in which lives an old man.IX. 个别先行词1. the way 为先行词时 当从句缺少主语、宾语或表语时,引导词用that/ which, 当引导词作从句宾语时可省略; 当从句不缺少主语、宾语或表语时,引导词用that/ which/ 不填2. 当先行词为point, situation, position, scene, stage, activity, case时,且从句缺少状语时用where.3. 当先行词为occasion, 且从句缺少状语时用when.练习:1). The way _ she teaches English is interesting.A. 不填 B. in that C. which D. of which2). She tried every way _she could find to solve the problem.A.不填 B. in that C. which D. of which3). He suggested that we should solve the problem in a way _ was peaceful.A. 不填 B. in that C. which D. of which4.) Can you imagine a situation_ you can use the word?5.) I can think many cases_ students obviously know a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay.6)、The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point _he can walk correctly and safely.7)、There are few occasions _ members are confused or uncertain of their roles.8)I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisions of my own. A. Which B. whereC. how D. why9.) Today, well discuss a number of cases_ beginners of English fail to use the language properly. A.which B.as C.why D.where 10.) Its helpful to put children in a situation_ they can see themselves differently. A. that B. which C.when D. where 11.) Occasions are quite rare _ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.A. who B. which C. why D. when12.) The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point _he can walk correctly and safely.13.) I think you have got to the point _a change is needed, or you would fail.14.) I think you have got to the point_ is important.15.) Government reports, legal papers and most business letters are the main situations _ English is used.16.) Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ hes likely to lose control of the plane.17.) Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he must pay much attention to.四、定语从句的注意事项1、 定语从句必须要有被修饰的先行词比较:1.) Is this the school _you visited last year?A. that B. where C. which D. the one2.) Is this school _you visited last year?A. that B. where C. which D. the one3.) Is this the school _ you study?A. that B. where C. which D. the one 2. 定语从句的谓语动词,应当与先行词在人称和数上保持一致.例如:1.) I , who_ your friend, will help you at any time.A. be B. am C. are D. was2.) He is the only one of the workers in the factory _ever been given a medal.A. who has B. who have C. that have D. whom has3.) He is one of the workers in the factory _ever been given a medal.A. who has B. who have C. that have D. whom has3. 插入语问题I think you should ring Tom, who (Im afraid) will not come.He bought a coat, which (I think )is very expensive. 4. 分隔式定语从句- 找准先行词Days are gone when we could swim in the clever river near our house.There is a man outside the door who wants to see you. 五、定语从句与其易混淆句型巧区分定语从句是高中阶段的重点语法项目之一。因此,同学们有必要全面弄清其用法。定语从句从句型上讲,它与六种句式相似,十分容易混淆。为了帮助同学们分清定语从句与这六种句型的差异,现将其分类例析如下。 一、定语从句与并列句 1用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 Mr. Li has three daughters,none of _ is an engineer Mr. Li has three daughters,but none of _ is a dancer Mr. Li has three daughters; _ are doctors 2定语从句与并列句的主要区别在于:_二、定语从句与地点状语从句 1用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 Rice doesnt grow well _ there is not enough water I still remember the farm _ my parents worked ten years ago 2定语从句与地点状语从句的主要区别在于:_ 三、定语从句与强调句 1用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 It is on the morning of May 1st _ I met Liang Wei at the airport It is the factory _ Mr Wang works 2定语从句与强调句的主要区别在于: _四、定语从句与结果状语从句(这里只讨论the sameasthat和suchasthat两种情况):1用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 I have the same computer _ you have She is such a kind and funny girl _ all of us like to make friends with her 2定语从句与结果状语从句的主要区别在于: _五、定语从句与习惯句型 1用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 It is the first time _ she has been in Shanghai It was the time _ Chinese people had a hard life 2这里小题是一个习惯句型,其结构为:_故填_,其意为:_。小题the time是_,其后是_,故填 _。 六、定语从句与单句 1用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 The mother told the lazy boy to work,_ didnt help The mother told the lazy boy to work_ didnt help 2含有定语从句的复合句与两个单句的主要区别在于:_七、定语从句与同位语从句 1用一个恰当的词完成下列句子,使之完整与正确。 The news _ we picked up from his informal conversation is true. The news _ Mr. Li will teach us English next semester is true. 2定语从句与同位语从句的主要区别在于: _对应练习:定语从句和同位语从句、强调句、状语从句的区别练习题Fill in the blanks with a proper word:1. Mary is no longer the girl _ she used to be.2. Mary is no longer _ she used to be.3. Kunming is no longer the city _ it was ten years ago.4. Kunming is no longer _ it was ten years ago.5. All _ is needed is a supply of oil.6. _ is needed is a supply of oil.7. Everything _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.8. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.9. Last night I dreamed a dream _ I passed the entrance examination.10. The dream _ I dreamed last night was very funny.11. Was it during the Second World _ he died?12. It was the hour _ the place was full of job-hunters.13. It was at the theater _ Lincoln was murdered.14. It was the theater _ Lincoln was murdered.15. She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.16. She heard a terrible noise. _ brought her heart into her mouth.17. Is this the museum _ I visited last week?18. Is this museum _ I visited last week?19. Im one of the boys who _ never late for school.20. Im the one of the boys who _ never late for school.21. Last night I took a taxi, and _ took me home.22. Last night I took a taxi, _ took me home.23. Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _ didnt help.24. It was raining hard, _ kept us from playing football.25. I often thought of my childhood, _ I lived on a farm.26. I often thought of my childhood, _ I spent on a farm.27. This is the place _ Chairman Mao was born.28. This is the place _ we are going to visit.29. Toms father works at the factory _ makes shoes.30. August is the month _ comes after July, before September.31. Make a mark _ you have any questions.32. Make a mark at the place _ you have any questions.33. We shall go _ working conditions are difficult.34. We shall go to the place _ working conditions are difficult. 定语从句练习一1 试一试:观察下列几组简单句,并试着写出定语从句。I know the woman. The woman is come from France. _He loves the dog. His mother bought the dog for him._This is the soldier. The soldier saved the boys life. _ He was friendly to the stranger. He met the stranger in the street. _Lilly bought the book. The books cover is pink. _The boy studies hard. The boys father is a doctor. _This is the school. My mother works in the school. _I still remember that day. You left for Beijing on that day. _Could you explain the reason? You were late for the reason. _I will never forget the time. I spent the time with my grandparents. _二:用适当的关系词填空:1. I still remember the night _I first came to the house.2. Ill never forget the day_ we met each other last week.3. Mr. Black is going to Beijing in October, _is the best season there.4. I will never forget the days _I spent with your family.5. Ill never forget the last day_ we spent together.6. This is the school _I used to study.7. Do you still remember the place_ we visited last week?8. Do you still remember the place_ we visited the painting exhibition?9. Have you ever been to Hangzhou, _is famous for the West Lake?10. Have you ever bee to Hang Zhou, _lies the West Lake?11. Tom will go to Shanghai, _live his two brothers.12. I live in Beijing, _is the capital of China.13. There was a time _there were slaves in the USA.14. It is the third time _you have made the same mistake.15. It was in the street _I met John yesterday.16. It was about 600 years ago_the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.17. The moment _I saw you, I recognized(认出)you.18. This is the very novel about_weve talked so much.19. This is the way_he did it.20. Who is the student _was late for school today?21. Who _knows him wants to make friends with him?22. She loves playing soccer is very popular in the UK.23. He lives in the room_window faces to the south.24. The park is a very quiet place you can have e rest.25. This is Mr. John for_son I brought a book yesterday.26. This is Mr. John for_I bought a book yesterday.27. This is the hour_the place is always full of women and children.28. And there is one point _Id like your advice.29. Winter is the time of year_the days are short and nights are long.30. I hope you will find this valley a beautiful place_you may spend your weekend.定语从句强化训练二1. Is there a bar around _I can have something to eat?A. that B. what C. which D. where2. The house, _ was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired. A. the roof o

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