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个 性 化 辅 导 教 案授课时间:2012-11-24备课时间:2012-11-20年级:六年级 课时:2小时课题:学生姓名:教研老师:谢文娟教学目标巩固练习难点重点语法知识的运用 (一)单元测试卷 一、下面每小题有三个单词,你能找出每小题中与众不同的那一个吗?请你把这个“捣乱分子”的序号填在前面的括号里吧。(每题1分,共5分)( )1.A.singer B.artist C.computer ( )2.A.hospital B.salesperson C.cleaner ( )3.A.comic book B.TV show C.magazine ( )4.A.plane B.library C.subway ( )5.A.post office B.cinema C.engineer二、写出下面图片上人物的职业。(每题1分,共5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.s_ 2.a_ 3.p_ 4.TV r_ 5.c_三、英语单词和汉语单词都在找自己的好朋友。请你选出下列单词的汉语或者英语形式吧。( )1.writer A.写字 B.作家 C.正确的( )2.accountant A.旅游者 B.收集 C.会计( )3.女演员 A.act B.actor C.actress( )4.show A.表演 B.给 C.矮的( )5.在哪里 A.what B.where C.which四、你有一双“火眼金睛”吗?从ABC三个选项中选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。( )1. Toms mother is_ actress.A. a B.an C.不填 ( )2.Tim is going to_ a policeman. A.do B.be C.work( )3.- What_your sister _? -She is an accountant. A.does; do B.is; doing C.did; do( )4. I often help my father_ the flowers. A.watering B.water C.waters ( )5.This is my living room. I enjoy_ in it. A.read B.reading C.to read5、 将这些不讲究秩序的单词排列成句。注意横线后的标点哦!1.your, what, do, does ,uncle_?2.where,your, mother,does, work_?3.go, work, how, does, mother, to,your_?4.pictures, drawing, Tom, enjoys,_.5.by, my, brother, to, subway, goes,school_.六.选择适当的词填入下列句子中:()can, lessons, actress, tourist, zoo, designs, takes, hard, uncle, motor.1. She cars.2. If you like drawing and math, you be an engineer.3. She often helps find their way.4. She goes to work by bike.5. I teach .6. They work every day for us.8. This is my .9. He me to school.10. Shes an on TV七,按要求变化下列各句:()1.My brother is a reporter.(对划线部分提问) does your brother ?2.He works in a car company. (对划线部分提问) does he ?3.I often go to school by subway(对划线部分提问). you often go to school?4.He is Xiao Mings father. (对划线部分提问) is ?5.My mother teaches English. (对划线部分提问) does your mother ?八.找答句:()( )1.What does your father do?( )2.What does your mother do?( )3.What does your aunt do?( )4.How does Amys mother go to work?( )5.Does she go to work by bus?( )6.Is he going to play table tennis next week?( )7.Are you going to swim this afternoon?( )8.How does Sam go to school?( )9.Whats your hobby?( )10.Do you like drawing pictures?A.Yes,I am.B.She goes to work by bike.C.Hes an accountant.D.Yes,she does.E.I like playing the violin.F.Shes an English teacher.G.My aunt is a doctor.H.No,he isnt.I.She goes to school on foot.J.No,I dont. I like watching TV.九、从ABCDE中选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上。(每题2分,共10分)A.How does she go to work? B.This is my mother. C.What does she do? D.He is a worker. E.Where does he work?Sarah:Whos this woman in the picture? Chen: _Sarah:_Chen:She is a TV reporter.Sarah:Cool!_Chen:She goes to work by bus.Sarah:What does your father do?Chen: _Sarah:_Chen:He works in a car factory.十、阅读理解.根据下面短文内容选择正确答案。(每题2分,共10分)This is a picture of my uncle.He likes math . He works in a bank.He helps the bank use their money well.He likes working with numbers. He goes to work by car,but sometimes he walks.My aunt is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures.She works in a big company.She designs computers. She goes to work by bus.( )1.What does my uncle like? A.He likes math. B.He likes drawing pictures. C.He likes computers.( )2.How does my uncle go to work? A.By car. B.By bus. C.By bike.( )3.Where does my aunt work? A.In a bank. B.In a car factory. C.In a computer company.( )4.Who likes working with numbers? A. My uncle. B. My aunt. C.My uncle and aunt.( )5.What does my uncle do? A.He is a teacher. B.He is an engineer. C.He is an accountant.八、作文。请你用一段话介绍一下你父母的职业、工作地点以及上班交通方式等方面的情况。(书写整洁规范2分,内容正确有条理8分,共10分) (二)时态练习练习卷1、 用所给词的适当形式填空:1He_swimming in the river every day in summer. (go)2.It_you are right. ( seem )3.Look, the children_ basketball on the playground. ( play )4.He_to the radio when I came in, ( listen )5.It is very cold .I think it_ . ( rain )6. I need some paper . I_ some for you . ( bring )7.I cant find my pen . Who_it ? ( take )2、 选择最佳答案填空( )8.Listen ! Someone_in the next room .A.cried B.crying C.is crying D.has cried ( )9.The teacher told us that the sun_bigger than the earth.A. is B. was C. has been D.will be( )10.He often_his clothes on Sundays.A. washing B. washes C. has washed D. wash( )11.Im Chinese. Where_from?A. do you comeB. you are comingC. you comeD. are you coming( )12.May_to school.A. never walksB. is never walkingC. walk never D. never is walking( )13.It_ hard when I left my house .A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. will rain( )14. Dont talk so loudly . Your father_.A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. had slept( )15.Maths, one of the most important subjects, _always interested him.A. has B. have C. are D. is ( )16.Next month_twenty five.A. has my sister B. my sister will be C. my sister shall have D. my sister is going to be( )17.You_her again in a few weeks.A. will see B. have seen C. had seen D. have been seen( )18.The old man said that light_faster than sound.A. went B. will go C. travels D. will travel 三、完型填空:根据短文内容,选最佳答案。A woman lived in a small village. Her husband was a 1 , but he had only a small farm. He couldnt get enough crops for his family. When spring came, they had 2 to eat. One winter, the man found a job in a town far away from his village. Before he 3 . he said to his wife, “Please take good care of the children when I am 4 . The work is heavy, but I can get some money. Then Ill bring some 5 to you and our children. Dont worry about me. I shall often 6 you. After that, the woman got a 7 from her husband every month. But as soon as she got it, she 8 to hide it in the box. She was 9 someone could see them.“You cant read,” one of her friends said, “Why dont you ask someone to read them for you?” “ 10 !” said the woman. My husband will read them for me when he comes back.”1. A.farmer B. doctor C. solider D. driver2. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing3. A. slept B. left C. went home D. ran away4. A. ill B. in C. away D. free5. A. clothes B. shoes C. skirts D. food6. A. read for B. write to C. hear fromD. look after7. A. letter B. box C. newspaper D. book8. A. wanted B. hoped C. hurried D. remembered9. A. afraid B. sorry C. sure D. glad10. A. All right B. Thats right C. It doesnt matter D. Be careful四、阅读理解 Walt DisneyHave you heard of Mickey Mouse? Maybe you have, but what do you know about his creator, Walt Disney?Walt Disney was born in Chicago in the United States in 1901. He had three brothers and one sister. When he was a boy, Walt loved to draw pictures. He felt happy when people said his pictures were good. After school, Walt took extra classes in drawing cartoons.When he was young, Walt had a lot of different jobs. He sold newspapers, and he worked on a train, too. In 1923, he moved to Hollywood to make cartoons. At first, no one wanted to hear about his films. He was very poor. But later, his films became very popular.In 1940, he built his own film studio . The studio made more than 100 films . Some were cartoons, and others used real actors and actresses.He died on December 15th, 1966, but people still remember him and his cartoons.( )1.Where was Walt Disney born?A.He was born in Chicago in the United StatesB.He was born in England.C.He was born in France.( ) 2. When did Walt Disney die?A.He died on December 15th, 1966.B.He died on December 15th, 1956.C.He died on December 13th, 1966.( )3. Why did Walt Disney moved to Hollywood?A.Because he liked there.B.Because he went to there to make cartoons.C.Because his family moved there.( )4. What did Walt Disney like to do when he was a boy?A.He liked to play football.B.He liked to listen to music.C.He liked to draw pictures.( )5. When did Walt Disney build his own film studio?A.Walt Disney built his own film studio in 1940.B.Walt Disney built his own film studio in 1942C.Walt Disney built his own film studio in 1840.课后作业见教学过程组长签名家长或学生阅读签字教师课后赏识评价本节课教学计划完成情况:照常完成 提前完成 延后完成 学生的课堂表现:很积极 比较积极 不能接受 学生上次作业完成的情况:数量_% 完成质量_分 存在问题_


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