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重大版小学英语三年级下Unit 2 In the classroomlesson one教学目标:1看图听音,理解课文内容,模仿正确的语音语调。2能用英语交流信息“你叫?我叫”等等。3学会歌曲My name is Wendy,能按节奏诵读字母儿歌。教学内容1语言要点:学习本课对话“My name is Yang Ming. Call me Mr. Yang, Please.”、“May I have your name, please?”。2.字母学习:Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii。3.交流要点:May I have your name, please?My name is Yang Ming. Call me Mr. Yang, please.教学重点、难点1.运用句型:May I have your name? My name is?2.学习字母Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii的正确发音,分清大小写字母。教学过程:Warm-up:1.Lets sing: A merry day.2.Greetings:Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you again.The class: Nice to see you too, teacher! Revision1.Show the picture and read the words: pen, pencil, rubber, ruler.2, Sentences: Look, I have a new hat.Oh, Its beautiful! I like it. Presentation:1.Look and listen1) 教师引导学生看图听音,回答问题。Who are these pupils? Theyre Stanley, Lu Hua, Lucy and Gao Wendi.Where are they? Theyre in the classroom.(教师此时引导学生注意classroom这个新词) Is this the new teacher? Yes.Whats his name? Yang Ming.What do the pupils call him? Mr. Yang.2)听课文录音,反复播放,直到学生熟悉为止。教师再领读几遍。3)操练。A. T : May I have your name? S1: My name is. S1: (ask S2) May I have your name? S2: My name is. ( One by one)B. Practice in pairs.2. Listen and say1)听录音学说话。2) Introduce the picture.3) Practice游戏:击鼓传花。 请一个学生敲鼓,敲鼓的学生须背对其他人; 1015个学生排成一个圆圈; 鼓声停时,花传到谁手上,谁对其右手边的同学说:“May I have your name, please?” 被问到的同学回答:“My name is” 鼓声再次响起,游戏继续进行。 大多数学生回答后,另换一批学生参加游戏。 3. Your time to act角色表演。情景:一天上午,树林里来了一只金毛猴。林中别的猴子立刻围了上去,纷纷向他问候,表示友好。A: Good morning, Im Jimmy. May I have your name?B: My name is Tony.C: Welcome, Tony.B:(扩展一句)Thank you ,Nice to meet you.Practice:三人一组表演对话,对话中用上自己的名字。4.Childrens gardenLets sing听录音,学歌曲。注意name中的m因须闭嘴。教师带领学生一边诵读儿歌,一边用双手击拍,让学生掌握儿歌的韵律和节奏。双手对拍摊开击拍大腿对拍摊开击拍大腿;两人拍花掌。5.Summary. Lesson TwoTeaching Aims;1.Ss can understand ,listen ,say and read the following sentences:(1)May I have your pen?Sure. Here it is./ Sorry, I dont have a pen.(2)Thank you. You are welcome.2.Ss can understand .listen and do: (1) Look at the blackboard. (2) May I come in ? Yes ,please.3.Ss can look ,listen and act for Part1 and Part 3Teaching Key Ponts:(1)May I have your pen?Sure. Here it is./ Sorry, I dont have a pen.(2)Thank you. Your are welcome.Teaching Aids:(1) Pictures for pen ,ruler,pencilbox,eraser.(2) A tape .Teaching StepsStep1 Warmup1.Sing the song My Name Is Wendy together.2.Lets Chant:F, G, H, I ,f , g , h , I, I ts a butterflu Standing on a pie. 3.Ask and answer:T: May I have your name?tPupil1: My name is Lin Tao.Pupil 1: (to Pupil 2) May I have your name?Pupil 2: My name is Wang Qin Step2 LeadinginT:(教师表现出很着急的样子)W here is my pen ? I cant find my pen . T: Then say to one pupil:May I have your pen?And help the pupil to answerSure, here it is .Step3 P renstation/ Practice1. Study the new sentences:May I have your pen ?Sure, here it is./Sorry, I dont have a pen.Thank you.You are welcome.2.Look and listen.Have the students look at the pictures . listen to the tape and read after it some times,and try to understand the dialogue.3.Listen and say(1)H ave the class read P art 2 in pairs.(2)Ask some pairs to read it befor class.4.Your time to act(1)Have the class act it in groups.(2)Ask some groups to act it befor class, and see which group is the bestStep 4 Childrens garden1 Lets play.Rules: H ave the class write the numbers in the box freely. when they hear the number that the teacher read , they the number.If they have three on a line ,they say Bingo. At last see who has the best ,who is the winner.2 Lets do.Teacher says and the class do Homework1 Listen to the tape and read after the recordings.2. Review Lesson One. Lesson Three教学目标1、听、说、读、写本单元词语。2、能正确书写字母Ff、Gg、Hh、Ii。3、了解复活节的有关知识。教学内容1、词语学习:window, door, blackboard, chalk, crayon, ink, brush, classroom.2、复习词汇:pen, pencil, pencil-box, ruler, rubber3、语言点复习:A) May I have your name, please?B) May I have your pen?4、字母书写的笔画顺序及格式。5、歌曲教学重点、难点1、单词的正确读音。2、单词与图画之间的意义联系。3、学习书写字母Ff、Gg、Hh、Ii。教学用具1、本单元词汇图片。2、本单元字母卡片。3、蜡笔。4、磁带、录音机。教学建议Step 1 Revision1. Sing the song My Name Is Wendy 唱歌的时候,适当地运用手势、动作或拍打节奏。2. Lets chant 用手跟着节奏拍打桌子。Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and learnA)Use the word cards to teach the new words. 把单词板书在黑板上。B) PracticeT: Is this a window?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Is this a chalk?Ss:No, it isnt. Its a crayon.Practise in pairs.C) Play a game Game 1:“唱反调”。游戏规则:老师读单词,学生跟着读。但是,但老师大声读的时候,学生只做口型;当老师做口型的时候,学生大声读。可以分组进行比赛。 Game 2:扔球。游戏规则:把学生分成两个组,每组每次一名学生站在固定的位置,把球扔向黑板上的单词。如果球扔中了单词,学生就读该单词,正确了加一分。D) Listen and point 看谁反应快The teacher reads and the students point.E)Listen and do 老师和学生配合完成。eg. May I have a red crayon? Sure, here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.2. Look and link 学生首先独立完成,然后检查。3. Listen and tick听录音,选出正确答案。第一遍听,第二遍边听边选答案,第三遍检查。4. Trace and copyThe teacher writes down the letters on the blackboard and the students copy the letters.Step 3 Consolidation1. Miss Liu says: Work with your friends.2. Miss Liu asks: Do you know? 教师讲解复活节的相关知识。Step 4 Homework1. Read the words.2. Copy the letters in your exercise books.


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