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M11. 两个汉堡 two hamburgers2. 一个热狗 a hot dog3. 三份可乐 three colas4. 13美元25美分 thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents5. 多少钱 how much6. 享用你的饭吧,用餐愉快 enjoy your meal7. 进来 come in8. 坐下 have a seat9. 吃你最喜欢的菜 have your favourite dish词形变化:1. hamburger (复数) hamburgers2. cent (复数) cents3. here (对应词) there4. here (同音词) hearM21. 去野餐 have a picnic2. 在公园 in the park3. 在12点半 at half past twelve4. 绕湖散步 walk around the lake5. 去那棵树下面 go under that tree6. 去公园 go to the park7. 今天下午 this afternoon8. 和玩 play with9. 在我的房间休息 rest in my room10. 晚饭后 after dinner11. 下棋 play chess12. 去睡觉 go to bed词形变化:1. these (对应词) those2. duck(复数) ducks3. noise (形容词) noisy4.eat (现在分词) eating5.snow (形容词) snowy6. rain (现在分词) raining7. sun (形容词) sunny8. rain (形容词) rainy9. wind (形容词) windy10. hot (反义词) cold11. warm (反义词) coolM31. 度过非常有趣的一天 have a very funny day2. 在周六 on Saturday3. 发送一些照片 send some photos4. 在中国 in China5. 在树上唱歌 sing in the trees6. 看着 look at7. 看起来很饿 look hungry8. 在水里游泳 swim in the water 9. 堆雪人 make a snowman10. 在火车上 on the train11. 朝外看 look out of 12. 在树下面 under the tree13. 穿一件雨衣 wear a raincoat14. 在水里跳 jump in the water15. 上山 go up the hill 16. 下山 go down the hill17. 来到车站 come to the station18. 在海上 on the sea19. 午夜 the middle of the night20. 在空中 in the sky词形变化:1. fun (形容词) funny2. send (现在分词) sending3.photo (复数) photos4. photo (近义词) picture5. miss (三单) misses6. write (同音词) right7. rain (现在分词) raining8. shine (现在分词) shining9. sing (现在分词) singing10. eat (现在分词) eating11. swim (现在分词) swimming12. wear (现在分词) wearing 13. wear (同音词) where14. come (现在分词) coming15. sad (副词) sadly16. sad ( 反义词) happy17. say (三单) says18. say (过去式) saidM41. 在超市 at the supermarket2. 买东西 buy things3. 举行一个生日派对 have a birthday party4. 帮助我 help me5. 制作一张生日卡片 make a birthday card6. 小心 be careful7. 飘走 fly away8. 从楼梯上掉下来 fall down the stairs9. 一团糟 what a mess10. 捡起,拾起 pick up11. 打电话 talk on the phone12. 努力干某事 try to do sth.13. 上公共汽车 get on the bus14. 下公共汽车 get off the bus15. 开公共汽车 drive the bus16. 坐下 sit down17. 站起 stand up18. 走向黑板 walk to the blackboard19. 写他的名字 write his name词形变化:1. buy (现在分词) buying2. make (现在分词) making3. carry (三单) carries4. carry (过去式) carried5. carry (现在分词) carrying6. dear (同音词) deer7. fall (现在分词) falling8. balloon (复数) balloons9. fly (现在分词) flying 10. fly (三单) flies11. they (宾格) them12. try (现在分词) trying13. sit (现在分词) sitting14. write (现在分词) writing15. drive (名词) driver16. drive (现在分词) drivingM51. 吹小号 play the trumpet2. 进来 come in3. 大声地唱 sing loudly4. 过一个极棒的生日 have a great birthday5. 开始 start to6. 吃晚饭 eat dinner7. 跟她的朋友讲话 talk to her friend 8. 骑自行车 ride a bike/ ride bikes9. 开始下雨 start to rain10. 开始下雪 start to snow 11. 做操 do exercises12. 变热 get hot13. 变得太热 get too hot14. 在公园散步 walk in the park15. 看电视 watch TV16. 听音乐 listen to music17. 挥手说再见 wave to say goodbye18. 在高处 high up19. 大声喊出,叫出 call out20. 变黑,天黑 get dark21. 吃一个冰激凌 have an ice cream22. 醒来 wake up23. 从我的梦中醒来 wake up from my dream24. 放风筝 fly kites/ fly a kite词形变化:1. have (现在分词) having2. play (现在分词) playing3. stop (三单) stops4. ring (现在分词) ringing5. come (三单) comes6. sing (现在分词) singing7. loud (副词) loudly8. loud (对应词) quiet9. hear (同音词) here10. laugh (反义词) cry11. laugh (现在分词) laughing12. start (现在分词) starting13. wave (现在分词) waving14. get (现在分词) getting15. ride (现在分词) ridingM61. be back/come back 回来2. buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物3. a book about America 一本关于美国的书4. look interesting 看起来有趣5. play baseball 打棒球6. give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 (give to. 给.)7. a baseball team 一个棒球队8. baseball caps 棒球帽9. American spaceship 美国的宇宙飞船10.Chinese spaceship 中国的宇宙飞船11. take into space 把带入太空12.send into space 把发送到太空13.the first animal 第一个动物14. about space travel 关于太空旅行15. put in 把放入16. go away 走开17. in the basket 在篮子里18. buy flowers for my mum 给我的妈妈买花词形变化:1.America (形容词) American2. China (形容词) Chinese3. Russia (形容词) Russian4. buy (过去式) bought5. take (过去式) took6. send (过去式) sent7. say (过去式) said8. put (过去式) put9. ride (过去式)rode10. eat(过去式)ate11. am/is (过去式) was12. are (过去式) were13. see (过去式)saw14. play (过去式) played15. drink (过去式) drank16. watch(过去式) watched17. go(过去式)went18. win (过去式) wonM71. in October 在10月2. fly into space 飞入太空3. Chinas first man 中国第一个人4. be from / come from 来自5. become a pilot 成为一个飞行员6. become a taikonaut 成为一个宇航员7. twenty-one hours 21个小时8. spend twentyone hours 度过21个小时9. make a video 制作一盘录像10. space travel 太空旅行11. eight years old 八岁12. be proud of 为感到骄傲,以为豪13. in space在太空14. Jiuquan Space Centre 酒泉卫星发射中心15. come back to China 回到中国16. fly to Beijing 飞向北京17. that day 那天18. go to the airport 去机场19. go home 回家20. look up at the spaceship 抬头看着宇宙飞船21. make a loud sound 发出响亮的声音22. shake ones hand 与某人握手词形变化:1. Oct. (全写) October2. fly (过去式) flew3. one (序数词) first4. became (原形) become5. come (过去式) came6. hour (同音词) our7. hours (同音词) ours8. see (过去式) saw9. see (同音词) sea10. son (同音词) sun11. is (过去式) was12. spend (过去式) spent13. come (过去式) came14. see (过去式) saw15. eat (过去式) ate16. travel (过去式) travelled17. meet (过去式) met18. meet (同音词) meat19. inside (对应词) outside20. loud (副词) loudly21. make (过去式) made 22. fly (过去式) flew23. go (过去式) went24. tall (对应词) short25. happy (对应词) sad26. cm (全写) centimetreM81.be born 出生2. in America 在美国3. as a small child 是一个小孩的时候4. become blind and deaf 失明和失聪5. draw letters in her hand 在她的手里写字母6. learn to speak 学会说话7. learn to read 学会阅读8. a book about oneself 一本自传书9. a book about herself 一本她的自传书10. all over the world 全世界11. live to be 活到12. a model for blind people 一个盲人的榜样13. in the picture 在图片里14. a school for blind children 一个盲人学校15. sit on a wall 坐在墙上16. put together 把放在一起,组合词形变化:1. America (形容词) American2. small (反义词) big/large3. child (复数) children4. became (原形) become5. could (原形) can 6. see (过去式) saw7. hear (过去式) heard8. had (原形) have9. drew (原形) draw10. letter (复数) letters11. learn (过去式) learned12. learn (近义词) study13. speak (过去式) spoke14. read (过去式) read15. write (过去式) wrote16. write (同音词) right17. she (反身代词) herself18. live (过去式) lived19. France (形容词) French20. one (序数词) first21. one (同音词) won22. sit (过去式) sat23. horse (复数) horses24. man (复数) menM91. have a baseball team 组建一支棒球队2. on your heads 在你们的头上3. these cups 这些杯子4. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人干某事5. make mistakes 犯错误6. lots of mistakes 许多错误7. in my bag 在我的包里8. baseball caps 棒球帽9. its easy to 10. wear a raincoat 穿一件雨衣11. wear a coat 穿一件大衣12. go to the theatre 去剧院13. go swimming 去游泳14. look down 向下看,俯视15. go into space 进入太空16. throw out of 把扔出17. be afraid of 害怕18. sit under the tree 坐在树下词形变化:1 laugh (现在分词) laughing2 funny (名词) fun3 cup (复数) cups4 head (复数) heads5 say (过去式) said6 bring (过去式) brought7 these (对应词) those8 these (单数) this9 cap (复数) caps10. want (过去式) wanted11 .England (形容词) English12. China (形容词) Chinese13. get (过去式) got14. wear (同音词) where15. rain (形容词) rainy16. hat (近义词) cap17. dress (复数) dresses18. hot (反义词) cold19. under (反义词) on20. sit (现在分词) sitting21. sit (过去式) satM101.middle school 中学2. this September 今年九月3. study physics 学习物理4. study Chemistry 学习化学5. study History 学习历史6. start a new school 开始一个新的学校7. speak Chinese 说汉语8. lots of children 很多孩子9. learn Chinese 学习汉语10. practise English 练习英语11. write lots of emails 写许多电子邮件12. miss you 想念你们13. speak to sb. 跟某人讲话14. write in English 用英语写15. by bus 乘坐公共汽车16. walk to school 步行去学校17. its time to 到的时候了词形变化1. this (对应词) that2. this (复数) these3. study (近义词) learn4. new (反义词) old5. child (复数) children6. write (同音词) right7. miss (三单) misses8. miss (过去式) missed9. always (反义词) never10. by (同音词) buy11. end (反义词) start


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