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高中英语语法第一章 名词一、名词的分类类别解释专有名词表示人、地方、组织机构或事物的专有的名词,如Asia, Britain, Christmas, the Great Wall等。普通名词可数个体名词表示个别人或事物的名词,如actor, flag, card等。集体名词表示若干人或事物的总称,如army, class, family等。不可数物质名词表示物质或材料的名称,如ash, bread, cotton, money等。抽象名词表示性质、行为、状态或情感等抽象概念的名称,如anger.二、名词的所有格名词作定语修饰另一个名词,表示所有关系,称为所有格。其词形变化有三种:s, of和双重属格。1、 表示有生命的东西的名词或表示时间、空间、距离、价格、重量等名词的所有格*观察:an hours drive, Students reading room, Jim and Bobs desk, go to the barbers 规律:_ _2、 表示无生命的东西的名词所有格(少数有生命的名词也可):a/an/the+sth.+of+sth.*填空:中国的地图_ 一个七岁的男孩_ 我的一个旧朋友_3、 复合名词或名词短语的所有格*意思辨析: Hus room and Lis, Hu and Lis room不同之处:_三、名词的数上面提到,普通名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。简单来说,可数名词是可以直接用数次来修饰的名词,而不可数名词必须用“数词+名词(量词)+of”才能表示他们的数量。*请将以下名词改成其复数形式:apple_ box_ boss_ brush_ coach_ baby_ knife_ half_ belief_ handkerchief_ potato_ radio_ foot_ fish_ Chinese_ sheep_ Yuan(元)_ deer_ child_ mouse_ ox_ penny(便士)_ bacterium(细菌)_ medium(新闻媒介)_ phenomenon(现象)_ looker-on(旁观者)_ passer-by(过路人)_ grown-up(成年人)_ go-between(中间人)_ a man waiter_ a gentleman lawyer_ *记一记:1、只有复数形式的名词clothes, compasses(圆规), cross-roads(十字路口), clippers(指甲钳), jeans, gloves, spectacles(眼镜), pants, socks, scissors, sleepers(拖鞋)等。2、做不可数名词时表示抽象或物质,做可数名词是表具体事物beauty美a beauty美人 character性格a character人物 duck鸭肉a duck鸭子 exercise锻炼an exercise练习 room空间a room房间 iron铁an iron电熨斗 word消息a word词、话 will意志a will遗嘱 failure失败a failure失败的人 success成功a success成功的人(事)3、单、复数形式意思不同的名词Custom风俗customs关税,海关 green绿色greens蔬、青菜 people人们peoples民族 time时间times时代,次数 wood木头woods树林 necessity必要性necessities必需品4、看起来不可数,可加a/an转换为个体名词的名词a business一家公司 a pity令人惋惜的事 a pleasure一件乐事 a knowledge一门知识a voice一种声音 a walk一次步行 a rest一次休息 a help一个帮手5、常用不可数名词advice, baggage, luggage, courage, fun, furniture, peace, housework, health, wealth, strength, progress, rubbish, traffic, truth.四、表示名词数、量、单位的词语常用单位词接不可数article(件),piece, sheet, bar, drop, loaf/cake/block(块), bottle, head, glass, ton接复数可数Set, row(排), line, pair, group, team, crowd, suit(套)五、巩固习题(一)高考题回放1. Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within_ of little children.A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance2. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_.A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind3. I am sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty_ of direction.A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense4. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has_ all over the country.A. companies B. branches C. organizations D. business5. My_ of this weekends activity is to go out with some good friends.A. idea B. opinion C. mind D. thought(二)常用易混名词对比辨析练习1. a) Harry Potter handed_ of wine to his good friend. b)Harry Potter put on his_ to read the novel.A. glass B. glasses C. a piece of glass D. a glass2. a) China has been making _ for two thousand years. b)Two thousand_ were sent round the town.A. paper B. a paper C. papers D. the paper3. a) Id like to have_ with you, Dr. Yang. b)He often has_ with his wife, for she always tells lies.A. word B. a word C. words D. the word4. a)His uncle was out of_ last year. b)The_ his uncle wrote last year sells well.A. work B. a work C. works D. working5. a) _ dormitory isnt large but its nice to live in. b) _dormitories arent large but theyre in our school.A. Robs and Bob B. Rob and Bob C. Robs and Bobs D. Rob and Bobs6. a)There are thirty-three_ students in our class. b)There are twenty-three_ teachers in our school.A. boy B. man C. boys D. men附:语法填空练习 One Sunday morning in August I went to a local music festival. I left it early because I had an appointment 1._(late) that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 2. _ the bus arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man 3. _(sit) at the front. He 4. _(pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be 5. _(mental) disabled.Behind him were other people to 6. _ he was trying to talk, but after some minutes 7. _ walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed.I didnt want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didnt like leaving him 8. _his own either.After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had 9. _ amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.Im glad I made the choice. It made 10. _ of us feel good.语法填空技巧笔记:练习答案二、(2)the map of China a boy of seven an old friend of mine (3)各自的房间 共有的房间三、名词的数Apples boxes bosses brushes coaches babies knives halves beliefs handkerchiefs/ves potatoes radios feet fish Chinese sheep Yuan deer children mice oxen pence bacteria media phenomena lookers-on passers-by grown-ups go-betweene two men waiters two gentlemen lawyers五、巩固习题(一)B C D B A(二)DB AC BC AC DC AD语法填空答案:1.later 2.until 3.sitting 4.was pretending 5.mentally 6.whom 7.they 8.on 9.an 10.both附:高中英语必修五U1单词练习_n.特征;特性 _ n.受害者 _ v.建设_n.镭 _ v.吸收 _ v.捐献_n.画家;油漆匠 _ v.怀疑 _除之外_提出(词组) _ n.询问 _ n.烟火_adj.科学的 _ n.附近 _ n.建设_v.结束 _ adj.严重的 _ n.图表_n.结论 _ n.线索 _ adj.有创造力的_得出结论(词组) _ n.泵 _ adj.合作的_v.分析 _剑桥大街 _ adj.积极的_v.传染 _v.预见 _对严格的_v.传染的 _v.调查 _尼古拉.哥白尼_adj.霍乱 _n.调查 _adj.革命的_v.打败 _v.责备 _ n.移动_adj.熟练的 _v.污染 _讲得通(词组)_v.照顾 _n.柄 _adj.向后的_n.医生 _ n.微生物 _n.圈_v.暴露 _连接 _ adv.私下的_使显露(词组) _将和联系或连接起来 _v.(使)旋转_adj.致命的 _ n.宣布 _n.明亮_n.治愈 _ n.确信 _ adj.热情的_n.爆发 _ v.命令 _ adj.小心的_n.挑战 _ adj.有责任的 _ v.拒绝 _ n.宇宙


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