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2012届高考英语考前冲刺特训资料汇编(六).单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1As we all know,his ability _ his father won him the job in that company,so he is respected by everyone there.Arather thanBother thanCmore than Das well as解析:rather than意为“而不是”;other than意为“除之外;不同,不同于”;more than意为“多于,不只是”;as well as意为“又,和,及”。句意:他凭本事而非他父亲在那个公司赢得这一职位,于是他受到了大家的尊敬。故选A。答案:A2Mary said that once _ him you would like him and make friends with him.Ameet Bto meetCmeeting Dmet解析:once后接从句时,若从句的主语与主句的主语一致,则将从句的主语省略,同时将谓语动词变为相应的非谓语动词。此处指句子主语发出的动作,故用动词的ing形式。答案:C3Mother said that Mike could eat two of ten oranges and that the rest _ left for Tom and Betty.Awere BwasCbe Dbeing解析:the rest作主语时,要看它所替代名词的数,当所替代的名词是单数或不可数名词时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;而此处指十个橘子中除两个以外所剩余的部分,为复数,于是选A。答案:A4He suggested us _ here for Mr.Li,our math teacher.Ashould wait BwaitedCto wait Dwaiting解析:suggest的后接v.ing形式,suggest(sb.)doing sth.,于是选D。答案:D5The head teacher said _ broke the rules would be punished.Athe student BwhoeverCthe one Dwho解析:根据句子结构可知,宾语从句中缺少主语,要用连接代词,故排除A、C两项;whoever表示强调,指任何一个,而who暗含不确定的意思,于是选B。答案:B6He was asked to _ his class making a speech at the school opening ceremony.Arepresent Bstand for Cexpress Dshow解析:选项A多用于指实物代表,如代表某人参加会议等;而选项B多用于抽象物体的代表;选项C意为“表达”;选项D意为“表明”等。根据语境,此处指代表全班同学,于是选A。答案:A7Jack told us that his class _ sixtyfour students.Amade up Bmade ofCconsisted of Dconsisted in解析:选项B、D的意思与句子意思不符,故排除;选项A指部分组成整体;而选项C表示整体由部分组成。根据句子意思可知选C。答案:C8It was _ 7:30 that he _ home yesterday,so his parents were very worried.Auntil;not got Bnot until;gotCuntil;didnt get Ddidnt until;got解析:对not.until.中的until.部分进行强调时,要将not移到until前,于是选B。答案:B9It was _ that everyone like to read it.Aa so interesting story Bso an interesting storyCa story so interesting Dso interesting a story解析:这类句型的结构为:such a(n)adj.n.或soadj.a(n)n.,于是选D。答案:D10He didnt come to school yesterday _ that he was ill.Abecause BforCin Dif解析:in thatbecause,意为“因为,由于”,故选C。答案:C11Do you know that Yuan Longping is known as _ father of hybrid rice(杂交水稻)?A/ BtheCa Dan解析:father of hybrid rice表示一种身份,而不是具体的某个人,前面不用冠词。答案:A12She told us what she bought yesterday _ a few apples and some clothing.Ais BareCwas Dwere解析:当what引导的主语从句作主语时,若表语为复数,谓语动词用复数形式。答案:D13He said that we should protect the ancient civilization from _.Alosing BlostCbeing lost Dto lose解析:正确结构为protect.from doing。由于ancient civilization与lost之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,要用被动语态,于是选C。答案:C14The way of life he was used to _ when he came to study in America.Achange BchangedCchanging Dbeing changed解析:由于he was used to为定语从句,修饰the way of life,因此句子缺少谓语,故选B。答案:B15He said that he didnt know _ to deal with the matter.Awhat BwhenCwhere Dhow解析:对方式进行提问时要用how。答案:D.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“Im going to make you attractive,”said Mika Hill, gazing at the bald _16_ of the woman who was sitting before her. The woman once had long, _17_ ,dark hair. But alopecia(秃头症) _18_ her with just a little of it,and a shaken selfimage. Hill,a wig(假发)maker,was about to change that.At 30, Hill knows from experience how a woman feels when she _19_ her hair. Her own hair fell out several years ago _20_ lack of iron after giving birth.“I cried when I washed it,cried when I combed it,and cried when I looked into the _21_ ,”she says. Then she bought a wig. “It was too small,” she says,“but my _22_ went up dramatically.”Hill,a former US.Navy electronics technician,enrolled(注册)in a wigmaking _23_ in New York. Back her home in the Atlanta suburb, the mother of two children started making custom (定制的) wigs that she planned to _24_ for $300 to $800 each.But many of her customers with alopecia and cancer couldnt _25_ that much,and their health insurance often didnt _26_ the cost. So Hill started giving the wigs away, eventually spending $10,000 of her own money on supplies and marketing. Last year,she and her friend Lita Warren _27_ Pink Barrette, a nonprofit organization that has _28_ about 60 wigs worth $30,000 to poor women. Hill pays _29_ the donations with profits from her other custom products. _30_ , she and her husband have also spent much of their savings keeping the organization running.Hills clients cant thank her enough. Elyssa Montoya, a 34yearold Georgia businesswoman with alopecia,was too _31_ to be seen in public with her _32_ thinning hair.“I didnt feel I could show my bald head outside. Thanks to Mika, I now have beautiful curly hair,and feel _33_ about myself again.”“Seeing their selfconfidence _34_ after they try on their wigs,”says Hill,“brings _35_ to my eyes. This is a mission for meand a most rewarding one.”【语篇解读】米克希尔为失去头发的女性制作假发,不仅使她们恢复原来的美丽,也让她们提高了自信心,她认为这是她所做的最有意义的事情。16A.headBfaceCnose Dhair解析:由第一段第三句But alopecia.结合bald一词意为“光秃的”,此处应选A。答案:A17A.light BthickClittle Dugly解析:根据前后句可知,这位女士过去曾有一头长长的、浓密的黑发,但是后来因为秃头症,头上仅存很少的头发,前后形成鲜明对比。与该空相并列的是两个形容词,用来描述好的发质,因此B项,thick“浓密的”,符合句意。答案:B18A.combined BdestroyedCleft Dprovided解析:leave在此处意为“剩下,留下”,此句意为:秃头症使她只剩下了一点头发,影响了她的形象。答案:C19A.washes BchangesCloses Ddyes解析:本句为所在段落的主题句。下文谈几年前希尔脱发后的感受。根据本段中的第二句Her own hair fell out several years ago _20_ lack of iron after giving birth.可知,希尔的头发几年前脱落了,由此可以推断,本段第一句说的是女性失去头发后的感受,故用lose符合语境。答案:C20A.thanks to Bexcept forCas for Ddue to解析:缺少铁元素是造成脱发的原因。due to归因于,由于;thanks to“多亏了,归功于”,多指好的事情,放在此处不符合语境。except for除了;as for至于,关于。答案:D21A.picture BwaterCsky Dmirror解析:look into the mirror照镜子。此句意为:我(希尔)在洗头、梳头、照镜子时因自己的头发少而难过、哭泣。答案:D22A.confidence BbeliefCpower Dimage解析:结合最后一段第一句中的selfconfidence一词和上一句所述的脱发之后的女性精神遭遇巨大打击可知,此句意为:(戴上假发后)我的信心显著增加了。答案:A23A.lecture BfactoryCcourse Dclub解析:由本段中的Back her home in the Atlanta suburb.可知,作者是注册了学习制作假发的课程,然后回到家后开始制作假发。course在此句中意为“课程”,符合本句语境。答案:C24A.sell BchargeCrent Dorder解析:由文章第四段的前两句可知,希尔本想通过制作假发来挣钱,但是生病的人都没有这么多的钱,所以她后来开始赠送假发。用sell符合语境。答案:A25A.supply BappreciateCallow Dafford解析:许多患了秃头症或癌症的人买不起假发,这也为下面作者开始赠送假发作铺垫。答案:D26A.recover BcoverCadmit Dcontain解析:cover包括,包含,够费用;recover恢复;admit承认;contain“含有”,强调全部包含。本句句意:医疗保险并不包括买假发的费用,故用cover符合句意。答案:B27A.set up Bput upCset down Dput down解析:由后面的organization可知,表示建立组织机构要用set up;put up“张贴,搭起,建起”,多指一些临时性的建筑设施;set down记下,写下;put down写下,扑灭,镇压。答案:A28A.donated BimportedCtransferred Dsupported解析:根据第五段中第一句29空后的the donations可知答案为A。此句句意:去年,她和朋友丽塔华伦成立了一个非营利性组织Pink Barrette。该组织已经向贫困的妇女捐赠了约60套假发,价值3万美元。答案:A29A.up BoffCback Dfor解析:“支付”要用pay for。pay up付清全部欠款;pay off偿清,还清,付出的努力获得成功或得到回报;pay back偿还。答案:D30A.Moreover BThereforeCInstead DOtherwise解析:由上句他们利用其他产品的利润来支付假发的费用,本句句意:她和丈夫也用他们自己的积蓄来维持这个组织的运行。这两个句子之间为递进关系,故要用moreover除此之外。答案:A31A.embarrassed BcautiousCthoughtful Dangry解析:本句描述的是Elyssa Montoya在患了秃头症后在公共场合的感受,用embarrassed符合语境。cautious谨慎的;thoughtful体贴的,关心的,想的周到的;angry“生气的”,均不符合故事语境。答案:A32A.hardly BbadlyCheavily Dlargely解析:badly在句中为程度副词,意为“非常,很”,说明Elyssa Montoya的头发很少;hardly几乎不;heavily很多,大量地;largely在很大程度上地,主要地。答案:B33A.frightened BstrangeCgrateful Dgood解析:本句描述Elyssa Montoya戴上假发后的感受,由I now have beautiful curly hair.可知,她的假发非常漂亮,因此她才有了信心,自我感觉非常好,即feel good about myself。frightened害怕的;strange奇怪的,陌生的;grateful“感激的”,这三项均不符合故事语境。答案:D34A.build BexchangeCimprove Doccur解析:由故事中的but my _22_ went up dramatically和I now have beautiful curly hair,and feel _33_ about myself again两句可知,假发可以提高女性的自信心,故用improve,符合语境。答案:C35A.doubts BtearsCfears Djoys解析:该句描述希尔在帮助了那些脱发女性后的激动心情,用tears一词表达因激动而落泪。答案:B.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Is early childhood education really necessary?Early childhood education primarily focuses on learning through playing to develop the childs physical,sensory,communicational and social development.Early childhood education has become a concern of the government,who pushes poor children to be formally trained before they are old enough for kindergarten.There are good reasons for the government to push early childhood education.Studies have shown that orphaned children who did not receive good care and education become developmentally delayed causing failure in school,and even in life.Further studies show that poor children who take part in Head Start programs are more prepared for school,less likely to end up in Special Education classes,and are less likely to receive public help or go to jail.There are also negative parts to putting a child in formal education programs too early.Time Magazine Online explains that “the younger the child is,the less his chances of catching up with firstgrade work.”I have personally witnessed many children of my generation who went to Head Start programs become frustrated and bored with school before they finished high school.Yet parents have been sure that the earlier the child starts school,the better off he or she is,so they push to start children earlier.Actually while early formal education of poor children does show great gains in the early elementary years,studies also show that this head start is really a “false start”,as the gains are lost in middle and high school years.It seems that environment is a bigger factor on lifes success than early education.Head Start programs have not achieved its original goal in closing the achievement gap in poor and middle school children.Perhaps it is time to find other ways to close that gap.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。早期教育的重点通常是通过玩耍来学习,从而实现体力、感觉、交流和社会化的发展。政府十分关注早期教育,并创造条件,让孩子在上幼儿园之前就接受正规的培养和训练。但是许多研究表明早期教育对孩子的成长、学习及发展存在着一系列的负面影响。 36The government values the early childhood education in order to _.Adevelop the childrens communicationBhelp the children to learn by playingCget the children prepared for the kindergartenDtrain the children formally and regularly解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Early childhood education has become a concern of the government,who pushes poor children to be formally trained before they are old enough for kindergarten.”可知,政府重视早期教育是为了让孩子们为入学做好准备。答案:C37According to the studies,_.Achildren with good early education may have a rich lifeBthe orphaned children are usually unhappy in their lifeCchildren without early education can do well at schoolDHead Start programs are helpful to the poor children解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Further studies show that poor children who take part in Head Start programs are more prepared for school,less likely to end up in Special Education classes,and are less likely to receive public help or go to jail.”说明了Head Start programs对poor children有帮助作用。答案:D38The explanation of Time Magazine Online suggests that _.Athe early childhood education is helpless to the childs gradeBit is good for the young children to receive early educationCthe early education can help the children follow the gradeDthe younger the children are,the more clever they will be解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“explains that the younger the child is,the less his chances of catching up with firstgrade work”可知,网上时代杂志认为早期教育对学生没有什么帮助作用。答案:A39The underlined word “frustrated” in Paragraph 3 means _.AdissatisfiedBunsuccessfulCdisappointed Ddishonest解析:词义猜测题。根据上下文的意思,该词意为“不成功的”,联系下文中的“bored with school before they finished high school”,以及结合文章对早期教育的利弊分析可以推知。答案:B40The main idea of the last passage is that _.Athe early childhood education is very necessaryBHead Start programs have helped the children a lotCenvironment is the most important to lifes successDbetter ways should be found to help the poor children解析:主旨大意题。通过正反两方面的对比和分析,在最后一段中指出了环境因素对孩子们的成功来说比早期教育更重要,所以要寻找更好的帮助孩子学习和进步的方法。答案:D

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