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冀教版小学英语第二册 Lesson 2 Meat、Chicken And Fish 教学目标 1、 知识方面:(1)正确的听、说、口头运用单词meat、chicken、 fish 。 (2)正确的听、说、口头运用数字eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourtee、fifteen。(3)能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good. 。 2、 能力方面:通过图片,词语和对话理解句子所表达的意思,并能口头运 用句子表达自己的感情;能听懂简单的指令和要求做出适当的反应。 3、情感态度和价值观:关注学生情感,保持学生学习英语的兴趣,为学生营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。 教学重点和难点:本课的八个单词和句子。 教具:录音机和磁带,课件,教师用卡片和本课主题图的张贴画,奖励用的小笑脸和实物。 学具:学生用小卡片。 Step 1、(1)Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ? (2)师生同唱“ONE, TWO,TIE MY SHOE”,(可以跟录音边做动作边唱) (3) 复习单词food ,eat ,drink,举起词汇卡片,让学生说出这些单词。 Step 2、引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生看图:学生可以说出一些熟悉的食物的名称(比如bananas, apples, pears, grapes).What is Danny saying?引出Danny的话:This foodis good ! 说明good是一个我们可以用来描述食品的词。如果喜欢某种食物,我们就说Good food!或者This is good food!引出本课要学的有关饮食的内容。(板书课题:Lesson 2 Meat、Chicken And Fish) Step 3、用课件出示meat,放音。学生模仿读音,找同学领读,分组读。依次学习 chicken、 fish。(同时将张贴画贴在黑板上并板书)鼓励发音不标准的学生多读几遍,至读音标准。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至读熟。 Step 4、播放录音,让他们指着书上的小图画看书跟读。 Step 5、Game:(1)Quickly answer.(快速抢答) (2)Guessing words.(猜单词) Step 6、Practice in group(小组之内组长组织练习上面游戏)。Lesson 3 Would you like some soup ? Step 7、Demonstrate:eleven和twelve.课件出示十一个苹果,当学生数到ten的时候,教师接着说eleven,并让学生跟自己一起说. 依次学习(twelve,thirteen, thirteen、fourteen、fifteen将标有数字的张贴画挂在黑板上) Step 8、为了便于记忆解释为什么后面数字的结尾都有“teen”。播放录音,让学生看书跟读,同时还可以用手指来表示所说的数字。 Step 9、Drill:让全班学生跟老师一起数到11,然后让他们自己接着往下数,反复练习twelve,thirteen, thirteen、fourteen、fifteen. 教师举着1到15不同数目的物品(例如彩笔),让学生数数。采用多种形式全班练习,利用小卡片组长组织练习,直至掌握为止。表现好的小组奖励小笑脸。 Step 9、小组讨论对本课内容总结汇报,完成活动手册,练习完成写单词的部分。 _ 丰润区第三小学 吴跃芹 Teaching aims : 1.Enable the students to understand and say these words : noodles dumplings soup rice 2. Understand and learn to ask and answer : Would you like some ? Yes, please./ No, thanks. Teaching aids : computers, radio, pictures Teaching Procedure Step 1 Warm-up /Revision (1) Lets chant. OK? Table food , table food, Im hungry. I want to eat. Table food,table food, Im thirsty. I want to drink. Table food, table food, Lets eat. Lets drink. (2) Play a game : Race and Write the numbers (from one to fifteen ) (3) Make a dialoge using the food pictures they have: A: Im hungry. I want to eat fish/chicken/meat. What about you ? B:Im hungry,too.I want to eat Step 2 Presentation (1) Says: I have much food. They are delicious.Mmmgood! Do you want to eat .OK? Lets eat. Lets learn. (2) Show the pictures: noodle ,dumplings, soup, rice Let them read after you several times. (3) Ask : Whats your favourite food, noodles,dumplings,soup or rice? (4) Play a guessing game:Guess, whats this? If you are right,the picture is for you. OK? (5) Present the dialoge by using computer and say: Today Jenny comes Li Mings house for supper. What do they eat? Lets look. Then let them act it out. (6) Says: Do you want to be a host? How to treat your little guest. Look carefully.Present the dialogue of number 2. Explain “some more ”.Then let the students say after the tape or computer. Step 3 Practice (1) Practise the dialoge in three: A: Would you like some ? B: Yes, please./No, thanks. A: Are you hungry now? B: No. (2) Act it out. At last you may find out which is the best gust. Give them some flowers. Step 4 Assessment (1) To have an interview with their families and friends using the dialogue we have learned. (2) Draw and write down the food you like.Lesson 4:Vegetables and Fruit 教学设计 丰润区西实验小学 文玉 教学目标: 1、 知识方面:说、认识、口头运用下列词汇:vegetables,fruit,morning,afternoon,evening. 能够表达自己对各种食物的喜好、需求:I likeI dont like 2、 能力方面:(1)能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用,如谈论自己对各种食物的喜好、需求。(2)帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。 3、 情感、态度、价值观方面:关注学生的喜好、需求,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 教具准备: 各种食物卡片或实物,录音机,多媒体课件,学生自制的食物小卡片。 重点、难点分析: 说、认识、口头运用vegetables,fruit,表达自己对各种食物的喜好、需求是本课的重点。第二部分Morning,afternoon or evening?内容多、句子长,是本课的难点。 教学过程: Part 1:Greeting 激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围 Part 2:Warming-up Lets chant. Food 开饭了,食品摆了一满桌, rice rice 米饭,米饭rice喷喷香, noodles noodles 面条,面条noodles细又长, dumplings dumplings 饺子,饺子dumplings包大馅, fish fish 鱼儿,鱼儿fish鲜又鲜, 最后来碗soup,Hmmmgood! 琅琅上口的歌谣,帮助学生记忆所学食物,调动积极性 Part 3:Review T:(手拿相应食物卡片)Would you like some ? S:Yes,please.No,thanks. (如果学生回答Yes,please.教师带着动作、表情说likes并将食物卡片送给学生以示鼓励。如果学生回答No,thanks.教师带着动作、表情说doesnt like) 情境对话不仅复习了前面所学,而且适当的渗透like、dislike,为新授做准备 Part 4:New Concepts 1、 用图片或实物学习vegetables,fruit. 直观、形象,便于学生理解、记忆 2、 用动作和食物卡片来演示:I likeI dont like 举起一张食物卡片,微笑着点头,边假装吃卡片上的食物,边说I like 表演I dont like教师应做出摇头、皱眉、把卡片推到一边等动作。 丰富的表情、动作帮助学生理解I likeI dont like有利于形象记忆 3、 操练I likeI dont like 教师做示范,手拿相应的食物卡片,带着动作、表情说I likeI dont likeWhat about?之后,这名同学表演I likeI dont likeWhat about?指名另一名同学表演,依次传递。 大量操练,学以致用,训练学生的听说能力 4、 游戏:Are you hungry? T:(教师手拿若干食物卡片或实物) Are you hungry? S:(带着动作、表情) Yes, I m hungry. I want to eat. / No. T:(手拿相应的食物卡片) Rice. OK? S: Yes , I like rice./ No ,I dont like rice. T:(如果学生回答Yes , 教师把食物卡片送给学生) Here you are . S: Thank you . T: Youre welcome . T:(如果学生回答No ,教师继续推荐食物) Chicken.OK ? S: Yes . / No . 这个游戏也可让学生与学生之间用自制的食物小卡片来做。 游戏调动了学生的积极性,让学生从中体验了成功,感受了乐趣,巩固了所学知识 5、教科书L4N1 听录音,看书跟读。 听录音是学生接触地道英语的好机会,这个步骤一定不能省略 6、利用形象、生动的肢体语言及多媒体课件学习本课的难点第二部分:Morning, afternoon or evening? 播放录音,让学生看书跟读。然后提问,检查学生的理解情况。例如:What does Jenny do in the morning?In the afternoon?In the evening? 多媒体课件集声音、图像、动画、文字于一体,图、文、声并茂,使课堂教学变得更加直观形象、生动有趣,帮助学生理解本课难点,降低了教学难度,保护了学习兴趣 7、旧曲新唱,用The family in our house 的曲调,唱I get up in the morning, 帮助学生进一步理解、巩固本课的难点。8、Homework: 让学生学习Jenny,晚上睡觉前跟爸爸、妈妈说Good night,并教爸爸、妈妈说Sweet dreams. 让学生回家“教”父母说英语,满足了学生的心理需求,使他们体验了成功,获得了成就感,学以致用 Part 5:Class Closing 做活动手册L4N1 第1题,在四线三格中写单词vegetables、fruit,并画出自己最喜欢的蔬菜、水果。第二册Lesson 4:Vegetables and Fruit。看这篇设计的一点点感想:在英语教学中,注重学生的听说读,听,能听懂录音和教师的课上用语/说,能口头运用学过的单词、句子/读,能看着课文,准确、完整、流利的读课文。 就这篇设计来说,我觉得本篇设计很好,这几方面都着重的开发了,也对这课有了侧重点,(就是第二部分)但是,师生对话太多,能不能多采取几种方式,比如说:师生对话、生生对话、小组对话等多形式的教学,那样更能增强学生对学习英语的兴趣了! Lesson5Breakfast Lunch and Supper 丰润区(西)实验小学 刘小光 教学目标: 1、知识方面: (1) 能正确的说、认识和口头运用下列单词:breakfast lunch supper (2) 能够向他人介绍自己最喜欢的食物,并在生活中灵活运用: My favourite food is _. 2、能力方面: 能把所学单词、句子运用到日常生活之中,做到学以致用。如在向他人介绍自己最喜爱的食物,和父母一起讨论彼此喜爱的食物 、情感、态度、价值观: 通过创设真实生活情境,使课堂成为一个大家庭,用温馨、轻松、愉快的方式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 。让每个孩子感知英语的特有的魅力,通过努力,体验成功! 教学重难点: (1)My favourite food is _. (2)breakfast lunch supper 学会向别人介绍自己的喜好,同时学会去了解别人的喜好,并做到实际生活中的灵活运用。 教具准备: 多媒体课件、幻灯片、各种食物的大挂图(彩色)、录音机、学生自带的食物或模型、食物的卡片 教学过程: Part1:Greetings! (师生互相问候)师生问候,使课堂气氛温馨,拉近师生距离。 Part2:Warming-up Sing a song:I get up in the moring (见L4中歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,使孩子们情绪高涨,主动投入到学习中。) Part3:Review 出示幻灯片:利用食物的大挂图或学生自己带的食物,复习上节课所学知识,让学生介绍自己喜欢吃什么不喜欢吃什么,并通过动作表情来让别人对自己的喜好一目了然。很好的做到温故知新! I like_. (微笑,点头) I dont like_.(皱眉,摇头) Part4:New Concepts ()做游戏Colour Point (出示食物大挂图)利用食物大挂图中颜色,做此游戏。Point to red ,point to blue用已学过的知识,让更多的孩子有展示自己的机会。然后自然的导出以前所作游戏。 T: Whats your favourite colour? S1:Blue.Whats your favourite colour? S2:Red.Whats your favourite colour? 适当的几组游戏,师生互动,生生互动,自然导入My Favourite Food的新授。 ()T: Whats your favourite food? (从上一游戏自然导入,同时举起一种食物,或指向大挂图,向全班发问,并微笑点头。语调中Favourite food要有所突出,应起孩子们的注意现在游戏有所变化了!) S3:My favourite food is _.(举起自己的食物或指大挂图) T:Good!My Favourite Food Say it ,please. 全班读数遍。 ()依照My favourite colour接着做My favourite food的游戏,学生可以走到大挂图前,也可以展示自己带来的食物,向别人介绍自己Favourite Food.让游戏涉及到更多的学生,让英语课堂人人都有机会。 S4:My favourite food is _. Whats your favourite food? S5:My favourite food is _. Whats your favourite food? ()T:我们都有自己喜欢的食物,让我们去看一看,Whats LiMings favourite food?播放多媒体课件,看卡通片,并跟读课文。翻译delicious,good并说明delicious比good更进一步. (栩栩如生的卡通片把枯燥无味的课本知识变得形象直观,把需要老师用很多语言来表达的东西轻而易举的表现出来。) ()操练:学生利用食物或卡片小组之间合作做游戏。 S6:Do you like_? S7:Yes,I like_/No,I dont like _(微笑或皱眉) S8:Whats your favourite food? S9:My favourite food is _.(做兴高采烈状) 评选最佳小组,奖励小画贴。让孩子自己做评委,更公平。 ()利用多媒体课件,学习第二部分:breakfast,lunch, supper 放光盘,并让学生观察图片,理解breakfast, lunch, supper的含义,并跟读几遍。 用P11页第二部分的内容做歌词,教授歌曲。 采用曲调为This is the way we walk to school的曲调。 (老歌新唱,降低了学习的难度,使孩子们学得更快,掌握起来格外的容易,孩子们就更愿意学了。) Part5:Class-Closing ()做活动手册学生自我检测本课所学。 让学生了解自己在课堂上的所得和不足,以便及时的进行自我提高和更正。使孩子们能不断进步。 ()唱歌结束课堂 Sing an english song 整堂课在轻松愉快的歌曲中结束,让每个孩子在歌声中都期待着下一英语课的到来。Lesson5Breakfast Lunch and Supper这课的教学设计中注重了学生说的练习和学生兴趣、情趣的发展,但是忽略了小学三年级的实际掌握情况,如breakfast这个单词,学生就有好多的掌握不了,尤其是rea的发音和fa的发音的准确性。他们的理解和接受新知识的能力是很强的,但是他们的遗忘单词的概率也是很大的。所以教师在讲解和课上应多注意学生的发音。 还有一个就是:favourite的发音,虽然在上一册书中学过这个单词,那时不是重点掌握的,现在应加深学生的认识! Lesson 7 Whats for Lunch ? 丰润区燕山路小学:于丽华 一、教学目标: 1、 知识方面: 练习并能认读、掌握、灵活运用下列词汇:sandwich, milk, juice,能够认识和运用 dessert, cookies, ice cream, cake.四个单词。 2、 能力方面: ()能唱本课英文歌曲Its time for lunch. ()能在日常口语交流中灵活运用所学到的词汇。 ()了解西方饮食文化,介绍西方午餐 、情感、态度、价值观: 通过创设情境激发学生学习的兴趣,通过具体的实物(图片)来吸引学生的注意力,通过角色扮演来调动学生的积极参与性,通过歌曲的替换练唱来减轻单词的难度。 二、教具准备: 单词图片、教学挂图,录音机、白纸(每人一张) 三、教学过程: Part 1 :Revision 1. sing a song Noodles, dumplings, rice, meat, Rice, meat, rice, meat. Noodles, dumplings, rice, meat, I want to eat. Soup, milk, water, juice, Water, juice, water, juice, Soup, milk, water, juice. I want to drink. 2.Greeting : T:Hello,everyone! S:Hello,Miss T:How are you,today? S:Im fine ,thanks.And you? T:Im very well,Thank you!Would you like some tea? S1:Yes,please,Id like some tea.(Give the card to the sudent)T:Would you like meat /fish/chicken/apples/grapes/oranges.? S2:Yes, please(Tell him/her to ask anther one) S2:Would you like S3:Yes, please. Part 2.New Concepts 1 Discuss the big picture on the blackboard ,It shows a typical school lunch in Canada .Explain that this student has brought his lunch from home . 2.Answer the questions: a. Where does this student eat for lunch. b. What does he eat for lunch? c. What does he drink for lunch? (If the student dont know the words , they can say it in Chinese ) 3、 利用食物卡片学习sandwich, milk, juice, cookies, ice cream, cake, 4、 利用学过的句型“I like .” “I dont like.” “Do you like.?” 大量操练Whats for lunch? Whats for dessert? 5、 教师示范后,学生分小组练习。 6、 小组成员进行对话演示。 Part 3.Song: “Its time for lunch.” 1.T: Do you like these food? Ss: Yes! T: Lets sing it out.OK? Ss: OK! T:Are you ready ? Ss: Yes! 2.Listen to the radio 3.Learn to sing 4.分角色演唱(男女唱、小组唱) Part 4.Practise 学生画出他们最喜欢的饭菜,告诉他们在每幅画上标出每顿饭的名称(breakfast, lunch, supper)。为了增加对学生的挑战,可以让学生用英语标上他们所画的其它东西,(如table或具体的食物的名称),在教室里展览他们的作业。 Part 5 .Class ClosingLesson 8 Again, please . 金桥双语实验小学 刘晓娜 一. 教学内容 义务教育课程标准实验教科书Student Book 2 - Lesson 8 Again, please ! 二 教学目标 1 认知目标 A 灵活运用下列单词:breakfast, lunch, supper, chicken,dumplings, fish, fruit, juice, meat, noodles, rice, soup, vegetables, drink, eat, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, hungry, thirsty, morning, afternoon and evening. B: 准确流利的朗读课文, 模仿课文编对话 。 C: 掌握下列句型:(1) Do you like ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (2) Whats for breakfast/ lunch? 2. 思想情感目标 A 通过所学单词及对话,把所学知识融汇到实际交往中,从而激发积极的学习情感。 B 运用小组合作练习对话,强化合作意识,以及与他人进行友好的交际。 3智力发展目标 A:在学习、运用本单元知识的过程中,培养发散思维、创造思维的能力。 B:通过对话、小组练习、交流,从而提高自学能力。 Teaching plan Step 1 : Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, teacher! T: Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you , too! T: Lets sing a song . ( Stand up, sit down , and showus eleven) Step 2 : The food we have learned. Let the students guess what I have ate for my breakfast . S1: Milk and bread ? T: No! S2: Sandwich ? T: No! S3: Cake and porridge ? T: Yes ! You are clever ! ( A small gift for him / her ) Let the students guess what I have ate for lunch . S1: Rice and meat ? T: No! S2: Dumplings ? T: Yes, thats right !( A small gift for him /her ) Let the students say what they want to eat for supper. S1: Milk and bread . S2: Noodles Encourage the students to say the “ food” we have learned . Divide the students in to groups , practice the dialogue. Step 4 : Do you like fish / meat ? Yes , I do . / No , I dont . First I ask the students “ Do you like ?” and the students answer “ Yes ,I do / No , I dont .” Then let the class ask me “ Do you like ?” and I answer “ Yes , I do , / No , I dont . Two students in a pair, practice this dialogue: A: Do you like ? B: Yes ,I do./No, I dont. Step 5 : A game . Ask one student come to the front .She/ He will draw a picture according to the word that I told her/ him quietly. When she / he is drawing , others guess the word . Say the word loudly . Step 6 : A song “ Its time for lunch ”Lesson9 Lets Eat! Lets Drink! 丰润区第三小学 冯杰 Teaching aims: 1. The students work toward mastering (saying ,recognizing and using orally) this vocabulary: apple, banana, grapes, melon, orange, strawberry. 2 . They practice and can recognize these words: pop, milk, juice, water. 3 . They can understand and respond to the important sentences: Would you like some +n. ? Yes, please! / No, thanks. Teaching aids: computer, videotapes, radio, objects, cards. Teaching plan: Step 1: Class Opening and Review First greet the students with the familiar phrases: T: Hello! Everybody! S: Hello! Miss Feng! T: How are you today? S: Fine, thanks. And you? T: Im very well. How do you feel? S: Im happy. How do you feel? T; Im happy, too. Second review the important words in Unit 1. Such as : morning, afternoon, evening.breakfast, lunch, supper. (With the teachers cards.) Ask the students “What do they eat for there meals? ” In order to review too much food. Third sing the song “Its time for lunch.” With the audiotape. Step 2 : New concepts Do you want to know some more food? Ok , lets continue to learn L 9. 1. Whats this? A: Read the words many times. Let the students find the rule (just through the 26 letters). Review 26 letters. B: Now lets continue to learn some delicious fruit. Pick out the objects show to the students. Ask them “Are they delicious? Do you want to eat? If you want to please study well . I will sand out the fruit to you .” C: Ask “what coulor are the fruit ? ” D: Play the audiotape . Pick out any fruit to see if they master the words well . 2. How many? Frist review the numbers from 115. Then learn the sentence structure : bottles of + n.(milk , juice ,etc.) Find out the volunteers to answer the questions . If they answer well please clap hands for three times. Ok now , “Are you tired ? ” Have a rest. Lets plat a game-If you are happy. 3. Would you like some tea? A: Present the dialogue of this part by using the computer .Explain the important sentences. (Just as teaching aim 3.) B: Play the audiotape for part 2 , 3 . C: Ask the students to prepare dialogues like this: A: Good morning ! B: Morning ! How do you feel? A: Im hungry . B: Would you like some dumpings? A: yes, please . Id like some bananas , too. B: Here you are. A: Thanks. D: Ask the volunteers to act it out in front of the whole class. Encourge the students with - Excellent! / Well done!/ Wonderful! Step 3: Class closing Deal with the Activity Book. Lesson10教学设计 金桥双语实验小学 刘艳菊 一, 教学内容 Learning English book2 Lesson10 In the Restaurant Part1 二, 设计理念 (实验稿)要求教师在授课过程中改变过去重视语法的讲解与传授,而忽视了对学生综合语言实际运用能力的培养,提高学生自主学习的能力,通过多样的教学形式,努力倡导学生的积极参与,让学生在学习过程中促进语言实际运用的能力. 三, 教学目标 1,知识方面: 能听懂、会说并灵活掌握数字:Sixteentwenty 单词:bowl-bowls plate-plates glass-glasses spoon-spoons cup-cups 2,能力方面:能灵活运用数字以及本课单词。 3,情感态度价值观:运用多种教学手段如做游戏、创设情境等以激发学生学习英语的积极性,并力争能够让学生人人参与,通过鼓励、表扬来让学生有成就感,对自己充满信心。 四,教学重难点 数字的听、说以及区分。 五, 教具准备 1, 数字的张贴画,画面应有11到20英语数字单词和阿拉伯数字(或者表示实物数目的图画) 2, 一个碗,一个玻璃杯,一个盘子,一把匙子和一个杯子。 六,教学过程 Greeting 唱“The number song” 复习数字1到15 1, 把数字分别写在不同的纸上,举着纸和学生一个一个的数着读,然后再举着纸让学生们自己读,把顺序打乱让学生们念出数字单词。 2, 游戏 用下面的顺序数数合拍手复习由1至15 1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-3,1-2-4,1-2-5,1-2-6,1-2-7,1-2-8,1-2-9,1-2-10,1-2-11,1-2-12,1-2-13,1-2-14,1-2-15。 在复习数字过程中将thirteen,fourteen,fifteen写在黑板上,让学生发现这三个单词的相同点。(都有teen) 提供数字six,让学生在six的基础上加字母组成单词16(sixteen)。其它数字以此类推;17(seventeen),19(nineteen) 强调18(eighteen)是去掉一个“t” 出示two twenty 让学生想一想怎么记住twenty这个单词.(变o为en再加ty)Lesson 11 Pizza and Hamburgers 教学目标: 1知识发面:能够认读、掌握、灵活运用hamburger、French fries、 pizza、pop四个单词。能够理解、应答和运用下列句子: What would you like? /Id like_and_. 2能力方面:(1)能把所学单词运用到日常口语交流当中,在适当的情境当中能灵活运用,如:在商店买食物,在快餐店买东西等等。 (2)了解西方饮食文化,介绍西式快餐。 3情感、态度、价值观:通过创设情境激发学生学习兴趣,通过具体的西式快餐实物来吸引学生的注意力,通过角色扮演来调动学生的积极参与性。 教具准备:快餐店大挂图、服务员服装、单词图片(条件允许可准备快餐实物),汉堡包、薯条、比萨饼、汽水实物。 教学过程: Part1.Chant: Part2.Greeting: T:Hello,everyone! S:Hello,Miss T:How are you,today? S:Im fine ,thanks.And you? T:Im very well,Thank you!Would you like some tea? S1:Yes,please,Id like some tea.(Give the card to the sudent)T:Would you like meat /fish/chicken/apples/grapes/oranges.? S2:Yes, please(Tell him/her to ask anther one) S2:Would you like S3:Yes, please. Part3.New Concepts T:Would you like some a sandwich? S1:Yes,please,Id like a sandwich.(Tell him/her to ask anther one) . T:What would you like ?(hold up two or more than two pictures) S3:Id like . T:Would you like a humburger? S3/S4/S5/S6:Yes ,please. T:Who can read it? S4:Humburger. S5/S6/S7.:Hamburger(可采取生领生读、小组读、男生领女生读、女生领男生读) T:What would you like ? Pizza or a bottle of pop ? S:Id like some pizza/pop . T:OK.Here you are .Can you read it again ? S:Pizza/pop . T:OK . Together .T:I have some delicious food . Who want to taste it ? 请一位自告奋勇的同学到前面来品尝,通过品尝猜一猜是什么?允许同学用汉语说出名称。 T:reading with the same ways. (注:教师应适时给予表扬和鼓励。) Part 3. Drill : “Guess”请一位自告奋勇的学生到前面,教师把新单词图片放在他头上,下面同学问: “ What would you like ?” 上面的同学回答:“Id like a humburger .”充分练习四个新授单词 Part4.Role-play: Open your book , turn to page 22 . Listen and read two times . Play a game :创设情境,在讲台前布置成快餐店形式,由老师扮演售货员,穿上售货员衣服,请2-3位同学到店里买东西。然后师生转换角色。 Part5.Class closing Finish the“ everyday practice”Lesson 12教学设计 金桥双语实验小学 王亚静 教学内容: 1 what is it ? donut , hot dog you are welcome look ,Danny , donuts My favourite,May I have one ? Sure ,thanks , You are welcome 二 教学目的与要求 1 能听懂,会说本篇对话 2 能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话 3 能掌握单词 donut , hot dog 三 教学准备:实物 ,录音机,电脑,图片 四教学过程: step1: revision ( 用实物)s =student t =teacher T: what is it ? S : It is French fries T: would you like french-fries ?


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