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课 时 教 案课 题Module 1 AlphabetUnit 1 Its the ABC song.教案序号1授课时间2013年2月23日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求 1.使学生能规范的读写26个字母;2、培养学生观察比较能力,提高学生的听力能力;3、培养学生学习谈论字母、读写字母的兴趣。教 点学 难重 点重点:使学生能规范的读写26个字母。难点:了解26个字母的发音规律,体会英汉两种语言字母在读写上的不同。教 准等具 备字母表、字母卡、挂图、磁带、录音机、课件。板书设计Module 1 Alphabet Unit 1 Its the ABC Song. what is your favourite song?” 教 学 设 计第1课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warm-up(5)1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.2. Sing a song: Hello,hello. 1. Greetings.2. Sing the song together.通过歌曲使学生进入英语学习状态。Step 2Lead-in(10)1. Review the songs we have learnt last term,(a). Good morning, Sam.(b). Please stand up.(c). Ten little fingers.(d). How old are you, Sam?(e). Whats this?2. T asks students:Whats your favourite sng?3. Lets listen to a song, its Ms Smarts favourite song.1. Think aboutthe songs withteacher together.2. Read the word for several times and understand the meaning.3. Listen to the song together.通过回忆上学期学过的歌曲引出本节课的目标语言,为新课做铺垫。教 学 设 计第1课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 3Presentation(15)1. Today well learn about the letters. 2. Show the picture about Alphabet, ask students to compare the forms of the letters.3. Listen to the tape and learn the ABC song.4. Teacher show the cards of letters, and teach students to read.1. Listen.2. Look at the picture, and compare with teacher.3. Learn the song by the tape.4. Read the letters one by one.通过歌曲和卡片等形式展示字母,使学生对字母有初步认识。Step 4Practice(10)1. Sing the song and point to the letters. 2.Tell students the first letter of the words.1. Sing the song and point to the letters.2. Listen to the teacher carefully.通过讲解使学生更深地了解字母的读法及写法。作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题1口头背诵26个字母,并练唱字母歌。2抄写26个字母,以唱Goodbye歌曲结束课。教 后 反 思本节课成功之处本节学习了26个字母的读法和写法不足之处少数学生有几个字母读错c,h,j课 时 教 案课 题Module 1 AlphabetUnit 1 Its the ABC song.教案序号2授课时间2013年2月23日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求1、知识目标:A、初步认识26个字母。会读会唱字母歌。B、掌握语言:Whats your favorite song .Its the ABC song .2、能力目标:提高学生英语口语水平,和运用英语的能力。教 点学 难重 点教学重点:A、初步认识26个字母。会读会唱字母歌。B、掌握语言:Whats your favorite song .Its the ABC song教学难点:Whats your favorite song .Its the ABC song。教 准等具 备头饰,录音机,字母卡片,单词缩写挂图,英、美、中国国旗、奖品等。板书设计Module1 Unit 1 AaBb Cc Dd Ee Ff G Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOoPp Qq Rr Ss TtUuVv Ww Xx Yy Zz 教 学 设 计第2课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Warmer(5)1Greet with the students.2Lets sing a song, ok? What song do you like?Greetsing a song通过歌曲使学生进入英语学习状态。Step2 Lead-in(5)Show the picture of Daming and ask: Who is it? Put Daming in front of me. Yes, Im Daming. I learn a new song, Lets sing for you.Daming引起学生兴趣Step3 New Lesson(20)1. Show the picture about Alphabet, ask students to compare the forms of the letters.2. Listen to the tape and learn the ABC song.3. Teacher show the cards of letters, and teach students to read.(Pay attention to the pronunciation.)1. Look at the picture, and compare with teacher.2. Learn the song by the tape.3. Read the letters one by one.通过歌曲和卡片等形式展示字母,使学生对字母有初步认识。教 学 设 计第2课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 5Play games(5)Consolidate the words by different games.Play games with the help of teacher.通过游戏形式使学生对英语学习充满兴趣。Step 6Summary(5)Encourage students to summarize what we have learnt in this class.Try to speack out the main idea in this lesson.鼓励学生总结本节课内容,加深印象。作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题1. Sing the ABC Song to your mother or father. 2. Sing the song to yourparents.教 后 反 思本节课成功之处本节复习了了26个字母的读法和写法不足之处书本上的手写体和印刷体少数学生分不清楚。课 时 教 案课 题Module 1 AlphabetUnit 2 My favourite toy is a car.教案序号3授课时间2013年2月23日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求 1、使学生能在图片的帮助下识别单词toy favourite car ship kite doll等,能运用My/your/his/her favouriet toy is a car.句型谈论自己和他人喜爱的物品。2、培养学习口头表达能力和看图说话能力。3、培养学生谈论自己和他人喜爱物品的兴趣。教 点学 难重 点教学重点:使学生能掌握有关玩具单词,能熟练地运用My/your/his/her favouriet toy is a car. 句型谈论自己和他人喜爱的物品。教学难点:在日常生活中运用所学语句,理解my your his her的用法教 准等具 备Tape-recorder Pictures Objects Word cards板书设计Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite toy is a computer game . ( Amy )My favourite toy is a car . ( Sam )My favourite toy is a kite . ( Tom ) My favourite toy is a ship. (Daming) 教 学 设 计第3课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warmer(5)T:Let the Ss read the chant.(My ,my我的,your, your, 你的,his ,his, 他的, her her 她的。) T:Tell the Ss toanswerthe questions .(Whats your/ her/his name ? )Ss:Chand and doSs Answer the questions.Ss:Make the sentences.通过chant和问答进行复习,为下面教学做准备。Step 2Look and read(15)T:Have the Ss look at the pictures . T:Teaches the new words . (ship car bus kite doll compute game )T:Let the Ss to make the sentences.e.g My favourite toy is acar.Ss:Repeat the word.Ss:Look and say.通过直观图片和实物,让学生观察描述,引起谈论自己喜爱玩具的兴趣,初步理解运用目标句型,培养学生口头表达能力和看图说话能力教 学 设 计第3课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 3Listen , point andsay. (10)T:Have the Ss listen to the tape and get them to answer the questions.T: Let the Ss look atthe book and get them to circle the releventwords.T:Tell the Ss to read the text.Ss: Listen and answer the questions. Ss:Look and circle . Ss:Listen and point.Ss:Point and read.Ss:Point and say .通过让学生先听录音,再看书进行听指圈画认读的活动,培养学生听的能力。Step 4Look and say.(10)T: Let the Ss look at the book .T:Get the Ss to describe each picture.e.gThis is Sam .His favourite is a car.Ss:Look and say.Ss:Point and say.先请几个男生和女生说自己喜爱的玩具和物品,再引导生进行转述,最后让学生看书转述课文,培养学生看图说话的能力,并将所学知识拓展运用。作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题Remember the new words.Ask your family or friends favourite toy and colour.教 后 反 思本节课成功之处学生真正认识了26个字母不足之处新单词掌握有困难,少数学生发音有困难,还要多加练习。课 时 教 案课 题Module 1 Alphabet Unit 2教案序号4授课时间2013年2月23日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求(1) MyHisHer favourite toy is a car.(2) Vocabulary: toy car ship doll computer game教 点学 难重 点Key points: My favourite toy isDifficult point: HisHerfavourite教 准等具 备Tape-recorder Pictures Objects Word cards板书设计namesthingscardollshipComputer gameKiteXiao wei 教 学 设 计第4课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: warm up (5)Sing the ABC Song and A RainbowSing the Song 通过歌曲使学生进入英语学习状态。Step2: Leading(5)Have the students draw a picture of the rainbow. Then ask: Whats your favourite colour?My favourite colour is通过回忆引出本节课的目标语言,为新课做铺垫。 Step 3: New Concepts(15).(1)Hold up some markers and choose one of them , Say: My favourite colour is write it on the blackboard. Choose three or four students , point to them, say: HisHer favourite colour is(2) Play the tape, (3)Explain toy, computer game, car, ship, and doll by drawing simple figures on the blackboard(4)Play the tape again.(5)Have the students introduce the contents of the text (1)students introduce their favourite colour by using this (2)the students listen and circle the new words, guess the meaning of them ucture.The students listen and repeatintroduce the contents of the text Choose three or four students , point to them, say: HisHer favourite colour isusing the structure This isHisHer favourite toy is第4课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 4: Practice(10)Have the students make a survey in groups. Each one would finish the form by Practicing asking and answering whats your favouriteStep 5listen and say,then chant(5)Play the tape. Help the students with the chantListen to the chant.summary作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题Remember the new words.Ask some questions about the song, colours, numbers their favourite.教 后 反 思本节课成功之处MyHisHer进一步练习。引巩固运用所学句型和单词,然后创设具体的情景,让学生自然转述他人喜爱的物品,再回到课文中转述课文中的人物喜爱的物品,最后进行拓展学习,巩固运用所学知识。符合学生的认知规律,易于学生学习掌握知识。不足之处课堂气氛不太活跃,由于本课句子过长,在叙述和朗读有困难,多示范,让学生学会如何断句,在叙述时,先放慢语速,待学生熟练后,再恢复到正常语速,尤其要注意favourite toy的发音。课 时 教 案课 题Module 2 Unit 1 theyre monkeys教案序号5授课时间2013年3月4日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求 1. Describe animals.2. Whats this? Its. Whatre they? Theyre教 点学 难重 点Whats this? Its .Whatre they? Theyre.教 准等具 备TV, Tape-recorder, pictures板书设计Whats this? Its .Whatre they? Theyre. 教 学 设 计第5课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图1. Warm-up5)Sing a songSing an action songActive the atmosphere2. presentation 20)1,animals party.Show some pictures and word cards.elephant,monkeys,lions.tiger,panda2,what are they?Point to the animals and ask what are they?Guess the animalsAnswer It is or they are Learn new wordsLearn the plura words.3.consolidation and extention 15Activity1,guess who am I?Do an action,ask what is this?Answer It is a .practice教 学 设 计第5课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图1,put up an English book,ask What is this?2,put up many books,ask what are they?AnswerPractice with the partenerspractice4Summary5Ask the students what we have learnt this class.Read the words and sentences together.conclusion作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题Read the new words and sentences.Pratice the dialogues with the parteners.教 后 反 思本节课成功之处充分学习了关于动物的单词。不足之处关于动物的对话单复数练习不足,需要进一步改进和练习。课 时 教 案课 题Unit 1 theyre monkey教案序号6授课时间2013年3月7日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求 New words: Fat thin big smallSetence form: what is this? What are they ?教 点学 难重 点Use the adjectives to describe the objects.教 准等具 备Pictures tape recorder 板书设计Unit1 they are monkeys.It is big.It is small. 教 学 设 计第6课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图1. warming up51,say hello and sing a song.Greeting and sing songActive the atmosphere.2. presentation20 1.which is large?draw a circle.teach new words big small2,which is fat?teach fat and thinGuess.Learn new words3. new teaching 101,Write the words and sentences on the blackboard , read and explain.Read and learn Sentence form教 学 设 计第6课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图2,listen to the tape and underline the new knowledge3,listen again and read follow it.Find the new knowledgeRead follow the tape/Learn the text4 practice and summary5Read the text Act it to the blacboard.Readactconclusion作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题Learn the new wordsAct the dialogue教 后 反 思本节课成功之处本课对fat thin big small进行了学习,我运用脸谱的游戏进行教学。用实物比较大小胖瘦,不足之处在进行课文教读时,要注意单复数的区别。课 时 教 案课 题MODULE 2 UNIT 2 That monkey is fat.教案序号7授课时间2013年3月7日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求 1、学习单词 tree,tall,short,thin,并能在图片上提示下识别这些单词;会用look at 这个词组。2、能够运用This tree is tall.That tree is short.这类语句说明事物的特征。3、3、学唱Old Macdonald has a zoo 歌曲。4、培养学生口头表达能力,看图描述能力。5、培养学生描述物品特征的兴趣和合作学习意识。教 点学 难重 点教学重点:使学生能熟练运用形容词描述物品的特征。教学难点:使学生灵活使用所学知识,能正确描述单个物品的特征和多个物品的共同特征,即能正确使用Its big . They are big语句。教 准等具 备图片,多媒体,录音机板书设计Unit2 That monkey is fatNew words: Important sentens tall This tree is tall short That tree is short thin This monkey is thin fat That monkey is fat 教 学 设 计第7课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warm up 5. 1、 师生共唱英语歌曲。2、 复习一些有关动物的单词和句型。师生共唱英语歌曲。复习有关动物的单词和句型。进入学习气氛2. Presentation201、通过呈现简单画一只瘦猴子引出单词thin 及句子。能过两本薄厚不同的书的对比引出THIN 的另一个含义。2、通过高矮不同的两棵树引出单词tree tall short及句子This tree is tall .That tree is short. 3、通过两支长短不同的铅笔引出short 的另一个意思。4、在男女生之间开展竞赛认读单词thin认读tall short及句子This tree is tall .That tree is short. 认知short 的另一个意思我说你指,我指你说等。掌握重点单词和句型3.listening56、听录音跟读课文练习听力教 学 设 计第7课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图4.Consolidation 51、说含有反义词的句子。2、多媒体创设动物园的情境。说含有反义词的句子。学生看着动物自由交流练习其反义词4 Summary5小结本课所学单词和句子回答本课所学单词和句子总结本课所学作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题1 听读录音20分钟.2 听录音制作下一节课的单词卡片。教 后 反 思本节课成功之处:学习单词 tree,tall,short,thin,并能在图片上提示下识别这些单词并能够运用This tree is tall.That tree is short.这类语句说明事物的特征。不足之处:学生口头表达能力,看图描述能力。还有待提高。课 时 教 案课 题Module2 Unit2 That monkey is fat教案序号8授课时间2013年3月7日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求 1知识目标:A听说读三会掌握单词tall short big small fat thin B掌握语言: Look at the trees.What are they ?They are .They are .2能力目标:提高学生英语口语水平,和运用英语的能力。教 点学 难重 点教学重点:A听说读三会掌握单词tall short big small fat thin B掌握语言: Look at the trees.This tree is tall .That tree is short .教学难点:掌握语言: Look at the trees. This tree is tall .That tree is short B 提高学生英语口语水平,和运用英语的能力。教 准等具 备录音机,课件 计算机板书设计Module2 Unit2Look at the trees /monkeysThis tree/monkey is That tree/monkey is . 教 学 设 计第8课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1:Warmer5look a picture of zoolook a picture of zoo引起学生学习兴趣Step 2:Revision10whats this ?-Its big .what are they ?-Theyre big /small.Its a tiger/ elephant.Theyre lions/monkeys.复习所学Step 3: Presentation15Look at the trees.This tree is tall.That tree is short. look at the monkeys. This monkey is thin . That monkey is fat.This tree is tall.That tree is short.This monkey is thin . That monkey is fat.锻炼学生自己说的能力教 学 设 计第8课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step :Listening51.Listen to the tape and point.2.Listen again 3.Reading after me.1. Listen to the tape and point.2.Listen again 3.Reading afterteacher.Step 5:Dills 51. the new words:look at / trees / tall /short / thin / fat2.the new sentences:Look at the trees.look at / trees / tall /short / thin / fatThis tree is tall.That tree is short.look at the monkeys.This monkey is thin That monkey is fat.作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题Write the words and sentences1. Recites the text.2. Sing English song教 后 反 思本节课成功之处不足之处课 时 教 案课 题Unit1 I like football.教案序号9授课时间2013年3月 14日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求1、学习新单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises2、学习新语言结构:I like football./ I dont like football./教 点学 难重 点I like及I dont like.的自如运用,及词组morning exercises的发音教 准等具 备音机、单词卡、CAI、 各种球类物品、熊猫头饰。板书设计Unit1 I like football. I like football basketball table tennis dont like morning exercises 教 学 设 计第9 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warming up:51. Greeting.2. Lets say a chant.(Module1)3. Lets review the words. Show the cards: panda, m, lion ,tiger, elephant, doll, car, ship1. Greeting.2. Lets say a chant.(Module1)3. Lets review the words.Activite the atmosphere2、New lesson: 101.I like pandas. I dont like tigers. Do you like pandas?学习like, dont like 课件出示单词,以及笑脸、哭脸学习like, dont likePreview2.I like pandas. And you? 3.出示足球:问学生Whats this ?Learn “football” 板书,连读三遍。出示课件:足球 Whats this ? 生回答后,出示笑脸,Ask: Can you say a sentence? Answer: I like football.再出示哭脸,Ask: Canyou say a sentenceAnswer: I dont like football.指几名学生说自己喜欢或不喜欢什么动物或玩具。Read the new wordsLets chant: Football, football, football, I like football.Football, football, football,Idont like football. 领读一遍,拍手齐说一遍。学习新单词教 学 设 计第9 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Do you like football?指几名学生说是否喜欢。检查学习情况。4.同样方法学习 basketball, table tennis. 检查方法可以有所变化5.出示课件(做操图):What are they doing? They are doing morning exercises. 学习morning exercises 重点读exercises 声音由低到高读,多读几遍。6.出示单词卡,巩固复习单词。练习 跟读 进行操练学习单词,检查学生的发音和掌握能力4Summing-up 5What have we learned in this lesson?Read and learnrewiew作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题Read the new text.Remember the key points: 教 后 反 思本节课成功之处在于1. 单词处理较扎实,学生对球类掌握牢固。2. 课后练习使知识与实际进行了很好的结合,也对知识进行了很好的拓展不足之处在于:句型掌握有待提高。课 时 教 案课 题Unit1 I like football.教案序号10授课时间2013年3月14日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求1、学习新单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises2、学习新语言结构:I like football./ I dont like football./教 点学 难重 点I like及I dont like.的自如运用,及词组morning exercises的发音教 准等具 备音机、单词卡、CAI、 各种球类物品、熊猫头饰。板书设计Unit1 I like football. I like football basketball table tennis dont like morning exercises 教 学 设 计第10 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warming up:51. Greeting.2. Lets say a chant.(Module1)3. Lets review the words. Show the cards: panda, m, lion ,tiger, elephant, doll, car, ship1. Greeting.2. Lets say a chant.(Module1)3. Lets review the words.Activite the atmosphere2、revision 101.I like pandas. I dont like tigers. Do you like pandas?学习like, dont like 课件出示单词,以及笑脸、哭脸复习like, dont likePreview3,learn the text201. Listen and think:( 教师请学生看CAI,看前提出问题)What does the panda like? What doesnt he like? Where is the panda? (板书模块题目)2. Look at your books, turn to page10, (板书单元题目)listen and point:Learn the text.Look at the book教 学 设 计第10 课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图3. Listen and repeat:4. Read after the teacher:Read the text5. Practice in pairs:6. Act:请学生戴上熊猫头饰,扮演熊猫,用I like. I dont like.来说明喜欢及不喜欢的运动。学习课文,检查学生的发音和掌握能力4Summing-up 5What have we learned in this lesson?Read the textrewiew作业布置(按学生情况分层次设计)知识巩固题拓展、延伸题Read the new text.Remember the key points and practice the dialogue教 后 反 思本节课成功之处在于3. 课文处理较扎实,学生对球类掌握牢固。4. 课后练习使知识与实际进行了很好的结合,也对知识进行了很好的拓展不足之处在于:实际操练掌握有待提高。课 时 教 案课 题Module 3 Unit 2 I dont like riding bikes.教案序号11授课时间2013年3月21日课 型New(教学目标)教学目标要求 1语言知识目标 能听、说、认、读单词swimming,skipping,riding bikes; 能读懂课文的句子。 2语言技能目标 能用I like和I dont like来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的体育运动。 3情感态度目标:通过有趣的课堂活动,激发学生的兴趣,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。教 点学 难重 点 1教学重点:单词swimming,skipping,riding bikes的认读;并能熟读课文的句子。 2教学难点:能根据个人的爱好,运用I like和I dont like来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的体育运动。教 准等具 备 CAI、单词卡片、实物、小贴纸板书设计Module3Unit 2 I skipping/swimming I dont riding bikes 教 学 设 计第11课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warming up and Revision51).Greetings 2).Saying a chant:Hello , boys and girls ! Please look at my cards 1). Greetings.2). Saying the words together.老师通过迅速出示自己制作的配有图画的单词卡片来复习上节课所学的四个新授单词(football / basketball / table tennis / morning exercises)Warm up the class.Step 2Presentation and practice151) Draw and say:Having two faces andputting it on the Bb say : Boys and girls , lets play a game ! Look at the happy / sad face it means Ss listen and say: I / I dont .Point and say:Listen and point.多种感官参与学习活动的设计符合低年级儿童的生理及心理特点,学习效果好。变换不一的操练形式,避免了学习语言时的枯燥、乏味感。教 学 设 计第11课 时教学环节及时间教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 3:Learning the text151). Do and say: do the actions of skipping /swimming / riding bikes ,getting them to mime and say. 2).Play the tape3).Asking them to pay more attention to the new words.4). Lead to read the text.1).Ss listen and point to the correct pi

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