高中英语 Unit 21《Human Biology》课件2 北师大版选修7

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高中英语 Unit 21《Human Biology》课件2 北师大版选修7_第3页
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Module 7 Unit 21 Human Biology,重点单词,1digest vt.消化;领会,领悟 【精讲拓展】 digest food 消化食物 digest the important points 领会要点 have a good /poor digestion 消化能力强/弱 the digestive system 消化系统 news digest 新闻摘要,【典型例句】 As carbohydrates are digested,the body turns them into sugar and starch. 机体消化碳水化合物,并把它们转化成糖和淀粉。美国传统 Cheese doesnt digest easily.乳酪不易消化。朗文当代 It took me some time to digest what I had heard. 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。朗文当代 He has a good digestion.他的消化力很强。朗文当代 Reporters must digest facts quickly in order to write their stories. 记者必须迅速弄清事实以便写报道。美国传统,即学即用,完成句子 读书不思考就像吃东西不消化。 Reading without reflecting is like eating without _. 油腻食物对你的消化系统有害。 The rich food is bad for your _ system. 答案:digesting digestive,2tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 【精讲拓展】 (1)tolerate (sb./ones) doing sth.容忍(某人)做某事 (2)be tolerant of /towards sb./sth.容忍某人/某事 (3)have no tolerance for jokes of any kind 容不得开任何玩笑 (4)the tolerable levels of pollution可接受的污染程度,警示误区 (1)tolerate常用于否定句。 (2)tolerate后接动名词,但不接不定式。 【典型例句】 I wont tolerate your bad manners any longer. 我再也不能忍受你那种恶劣的态度了。朗文当代 Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold. 许多老年人对寒冷的忍受力很差。朗文当代 Try and show some tolerance. 努力表现得宽容些。朗文当代,【词语辨析】 abide/bear/endure/stand/tolerate 都可表示“忍受”的意义,但用法有所不同。 (1)在疑问和表示极不喜欢的否定句中,abide,bear,stand和endure均与can 连用,但endure只用于表示非常严肃的事情。 I cant abide/bear/stand black coffee.我喝不了浓的咖啡。 I cant endure talking to people who are racists . 与那些种族主义分子交谈,我可真受不了。 (2)表示忍受肉体上的痛苦也可用bear,endure和 stand,而endure 则指忍受长时间的痛苦。如: He bore /stood the pain as long as he could. 他尽可能长时间地忍着疼痛。 She had endured great pain for a number of years. 她已忍受了好几年极大的痛苦。 (3)表示容忍人或某行为用tolerate, 但它不能用于表示痛苦。如 I wont tolerate your rudeness.我不会容忍你的粗暴无礼。,即学即用,用所给单词的适当形式填空 I cant tolerate my son _(talk) at table. Perhaps you need to be more _(tolerate) of your neighbours. 答案:talking tolerant,3. doubtful adj.怀疑的,不肯定的 【精讲拓展】 be doubtful about对怀疑的 be doubtful whether/if.怀疑是否 in doubt 不肯定,不确定 without doubt 无疑,确定 I dont doubt that.我确信 I doubt whether/if.我怀疑 Theres no doubt that.毫无疑问,【典型例句】 He says he can do it,but Im rather doubtful(about it) 他说他能干这事,但我(对此)颇为怀疑。朗文当代 Im doubtful whether she will agree to this. 我不能肯定她是否会同意这点。朗文当代 I doubt if /whether we will make a profit out of it. 我认为我们不大可能从此事中获利。朗文当代 I doubt that well arrive on time. 我看我们可能无法准时到达。美国传统,【词语辨析】 doubt/wonder (1)doubt 指对其后所述的事实表示“怀疑,不相信”,后面可接名词或代词作其宾语;也可接宾语从句。接从句时,其肯定句一般接 whether或 if引导的从句;否定句和疑问句一般接 that 引导的从句。 I doubt if he will come 我怀疑他是否会来。 Do you doubt that he will come ? 你怀疑他会来吗? I dont doubt that it will rain today.我相信今天会下雨。 (2)wonder 表达“感到奇怪时”,其后接that从句、不定式等;当表达“想知道”时,其后接if或whether或why,when,where等词引导的从句。 Do you wonder that she speaks French so well?她法语讲得这么好,你觉得奇怪吗? I wonder whether he has come.我想知道他来了没有。,There is no doubt _ John will come on time. Aif Bwhy Cthat Dhow 解析:考查同位语从句。句意为:毫无疑问约翰会按时到 达。There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”,故答案为C。 答案:C,4oppose vt.反对 【精讲拓展】 (1)oppose A against/to B把 A与 B相对照或相比 (2)oppose oneself to反对 (3)opposed adj.相反的,对立的 (4)sb.be opposed to sth./doing sth.某人反对做某事 (5)as opposed to与相对;与成对比 (6)opposite adj.相对的,对面的n.对立的人(或物);对立面 警示误区:在be opposed to词组中,to为介词,后跟名词、 代词或动名词。,【典型例句】 The President opposes giving military aid to this country. 总统反对向该国提供军事援助。朗文当代 We are opposed to the use of pesticides. 我们反对使用杀虫剂。美国传统 This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory. 这是一本讲商业实务,而不是讲理论的书。朗文当代 Black is the opposite of white. 与白色相反的是黑色。朗文当代,【词语辨析】 oppose/object/resist oppose,object 和 resist 三者都含“反对”的意思。 (1)oppose 为及物动词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对”,着重指动作,尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。如 The father opposed his sons marriage.父亲反对儿子的婚事。 (2)object常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”,着重指“个人厌烦”和“提出反对意见”,为不及物动词,后常与to连用。如 I objected to his plan.我反对他的计划。 (3)resist 指“积极地反抗、对抗,用武力阻止的前进”。如 The villagers were resisting the enemy.村民们正在抵抗敌人。,即学即用,翻译句子 我将反对改变这个法规。 _ 该国无力抵抗侵略。 _ 答案:I will oppose changing the law./I will object to changing the law. The nation was unable to resist the invasion.,5contradict vt.与(其他事物)相矛盾;反驳,否认,顶嘴 【精讲拓展】 contradict sth.同矛盾/抵触 contradict sb.反驳某人 in contradiction to与互相矛盾 cotradictory statements矛盾说法,【典型例句】 If you contradict me once more,youre fired. 你再顶撞我一次,我就解雇你朗文当代 The witness gave information that contradicted previous testimony. 这位证人提供的信息与之前的证言不符。美国传统 Its a contradiction to say you support the government but would not vote for it in an election. 你说你支持政府,但又在选举中不投客观存在的票,这是自相矛盾的。朗文当代 Your behaviour is in (direct) contradiction to your principles. 你的行为与你的原则互相矛盾。朗文当代,即学即用,翻译句子 他不敢顶撞他的父母。 _ 他们的短期重点和长期目标互相矛盾。 _ 答案:He didnt dare to contradict his parents. Their shortterm priorities are in direct contradiction to their longterm goals.,6complicated adj.复杂的 【精讲拓展】 (1)complicate v使复杂 (2)to complicate matters further(插入语)使事情更难办的 是 (3)complication n复杂化;(使复杂的)因素 (4)add a further complication to给增加困难,【典型例句】 These new rules have complicated the tax system even further. 这些新规定使税收制度更加复杂。剑桥高阶 Its rather complicated to explain,but Ill try. 这事解释起来相当复杂,不过我试试吧。朗文当代 There are six candidates and,to complicate matters still further,every voter has four votes. 有六名侯选人,使事情更为复杂化的是,每个选民可以投四个人的票。朗文当代 If any complications arise,let me know and Ill help. 如果发生什么麻烦事,告诉我一声,我会帮忙的。剑桥高阶,【词语辨析】 comlex/complicated (1)complex指“包含许多尤其是不同的部分,因而比较难懂或难解释的”。 This is a complex problem.这是一个复杂的问题。 (2)complicated 指“各部分相互交错而变得错综复杂”。 The story is extremely complicated. 这个故事情节特别错综复杂。,即学即用,完成句子 Thats a really _ machine. Plans for the release of political prisoners _ _ by a fresh outbreak of terrorist activity. 答案:complicated were complicated,7seek vt.寻求;设法,试图 【精讲拓展】 (1)seek (for) sth./sb.寻找某物/某人 (2)seek in vain for sth.寻找某物徒劳无功 (3)seek employment求职 (4)seek advice/help/permission/approval from sb.询问某 人的意见/寻求某人的帮助/征求某人的许可/同意 (5)seek to do sth.设法做某事 (6)seek ones fortune外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡 (7)seek sb./sth.out挑选出;物色,【词语辨析】 seek/look for/search/hunt for (1)seek 一般用于抽象意义,有时也表示渴望得到某一具体的东西,是比较正式的书面用法。可构成seek for,seek after等短语,作“寻找,设法得到”等讲。其后可接动词不定式,此时表示“试图,企图”。 They seek information from various sources. 他们从各种来源收集信息。 (2)look for强调找的过程。 He is looking for his dictionary bought yesterday. 他在找昨天买的那本词典。 (3)search 通常指对某处、某地进行搜查或搜索;对象为人时指“搜身”。常接for构成短语search for,作“寻找;搜寻”讲,其对象多为人或物,如找矿,找资料,找文件,找工作等。它强调寻找的行为,不着重结果。 The police searched him but nothing was found on him. 警方搜了他的身,但什么也没找到。 They are searching for the missing child. 他们正在寻找那个失踪的孩子。,(4)hunt for指竭力搜寻,其搜寻对象往往是某种迫切需要的东西或人。 This is just the thing I am hunting form. 这正是我在找的东西。 Theyve been hunting for you everywhere. 他们一直在到处找你。 (5)find 通常强调找的结果,其后可跟名词,复合结构或that从句。 find fault“挑剔”,为固定搭配。 Use your head,and then youll find a way. 开动脑筋,就会有办法的。 He found his home village unchanged. 他发现家乡还是老样子。 (6)find out指通过观察、调查、询问等方式找出(原因等),或发现(秘密、错误等)情况,其后一般跟名词、代词或从句。 Have you found out his address?你查到他的住址了吗? Please find out when the train leaves. 请打听一下火车什么时候开。,【典型例句】 We are earnestly seeking after the truth. 我们在认真地寻找真理。朗文当代 The travelers sought shelter from the rain. 旅行者在找地方躲雨。朗文当代 You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter. 在这件事情上你应征求你律师的意见。朗文当代 While he was at the library,Steve decided to seek out some information on accommodation in the area. 史蒂夫在图书馆的时候,决定查找一些有关该地区住宿的信息。剑桥高阶,即学即用,He wondered whether he chose to make a further study abroad or found a stable job,so he _ advice from his parents. Aseeked Blistened Clooked for Dtried finding 解析:“寻求建议”用seek advice表示。B项中listen为不 及物动词,要加to可表示“听取”;C项中look for意为“寻 找”,不符合语境;D项中try finding改为try to find即可 选,意为“试图寻找。” 答案:A,8.prohibit vt.禁止;阻止 【精讲拓展】 prohibit.from doing sth.禁止做某事 prohibit smoking禁止吸烟 prohibition against selling drugs禁止卖毒品的法令 stop/prevent.(from)doing sth.禁止做某事 keep.from doing sth.禁止做某事 【典型例句】 We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours. 工作时间内我们不得喝酒。朗文当代 The price prohibited us from buying it. 这东西价钱太高,我们买不起。朗文当代 Environmental groups want a total prohibition on the dumping of nuclear waste. 环保组织要求彻底禁止倾倒核废料。朗文当代 The environmental group is demanding a complete prohibition against the hunting of whales. 该环保组织要求彻底禁止捕猎鲸鱼。剑桥高阶,即学即用,翻译句子 办公楼内禁止抽烟。 _ 这机器价格昂贵,很难普及使用。 _ 答案:Smoking is prohibited in the office building. The high cost of the machine prohibits it from being widespread.,9identify vt.确认,认出;找到,发现 【精讲拓展】 identify sb./sth.(as sb./sth.)确认,鉴定 identify oneself透露身份 identify the problem areas找问题所在 identify what is wrong with.弄清问题(弊端) identify with sb.与某人产生共鸣;谅解;同情 be identified with与关系紧密 identify sth.with sth.认为某物等同于,【词语辨析】 identify/recognize (1)词义和搭配 identify vt.认出;识别;鉴定(后接sth.与with连用)认为同一;(后接sb.与with 连用)与有关系;(常与with连用)同情;理解 recognize vt.(常与as 连用)认识;认出 ;辨认;承认;认可;认识到;公认;赏识 (2)表示词义不同 recognize侧重于认出某人的结果。而identify有仔细辨别的意思,强调过程。 The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.标记模糊不清,难以识别。 recognize an old acquaintance认出一位老相识,【典型例句】 She was asked to identify the criminal. 她被要求辨认罪犯。朗文当代 She identified herself to the police as the driver of the vehicle. 她向警察确认自己是这辆汽车的驾驶员。朗文当代 Reading this book,we can identify with the main character. 阅读这本书,我们会发现自己与书中主人公有同感。朗文当代 Many football fans are unfairly identified with violent behaviour. 许多足球迷被不公正地与暴力行为相提并论。剑桥高阶,即学即用,完成句子 她认出袭击她的人。 She was able to _ _ _. 迄今为止他们还没有找到公司的买主。 As yet they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 你不应该认为财富就等于幸福。 You should not _ wealth _ happiness. 答案:identify her attacker have not identified a buyer for the company identify;with,10foresee vt.预见 【精讲拓展】 foresee(sth./that/whclause)预知 foreseeable risks/consequences可预料的危险/后果 in/for the foreseeable future在可预见的未来 foresight n预见,先见之明;深谋远虑 foretell(foresee的同义词)预言,预测 【典型例句】 I dont foresee any difficulities so long as we keep within budget. 只要我们不超出预算,我看不出会有什么困难。剑桥高阶 He foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather. 他预知他的旅行将会受恶劣天气的耽误。朗文当代,Its impossible to foresee whether shell be well enough to come home from hospital next month. 现在还无法预知下个月她是否可以康复出院。朗文当代 The house certainly needs a new roof , but we cant afford one in the foreseeable future 这座房子确实需要换新屋顶但在可预见的将来我们没有足够的钱. He had the foresight to invest his money carefully. 他深谋远虑,投资谨慎。,即学即用,用foresee的适当形式填空 He _ that prices would drop next year. The statue will remain in the museum for the _ future. 答案:foresaw foreseeable,11temporary adj.临时的,短暂的 【精讲拓展】 a temporary job一项临时工作 a temporary speaker临时演讲者 be temporarily unavailable暂时得不到 警示误区:temporary的反义词为permanent adj.“永久 的,持久的”。,【典型例句】 Students often find temporary jobs during their summer holidays. 学生们常常在暑假打临时工。朗文当代 We apologize for the temporary inconvenience caused by these building works. 对于建筑施工造成的短期不便,我们谨致歉意。朗文当代 Her position is being filled for now by a temporary person. 她的职位暂时由一位临时工作人员顶替。美国传统 The daily flight to Dallas has been temporarily suspended. 每天飞往达拉斯的航班暂停。朗文当代,即学即用,翻译句子 半数以上的职员是临时雇员。 _ 她是临时在这儿工作。 _ 答案:More than half of the staff are temporary. Shes only working here temporarily.,21,21,12.decline vt.下降;婉拒,婉言谢绝 【精讲拓展】 decline steadily持续下降 decline an offer婉拒提议 decline to do sth.婉拒做某事 decline n下降,减少 a decline in.在的方面的减少 fall/go into a decline不景气 in declineon the decline在下降,在衰退 declining adj.越来越少的;越来越差的 警示误区:decline作“婉言谢绝”讲时,不能用人作宾 语。即不能说成I declined him.或He was declined。,【典型例句】 His influence declined as he grew older. 随着年龄的增长,他的影响力降低了。 I asked them home for a snack,but they declined. 我请他们来家里吃顿便饭,他们谢绝了。美国传统 The official at first declined to make a statememt,but later she agreed. 这位官员起初拒绝发表声明,但后来她又同意了。朗文当代 The birthrate is on the decline.出生率在下降。朗文当代 There has been a sharp decline in profits this year. 今年的利润大幅度下降。朗文当代,【词语辨析】 refuse/decline/reject/turn down (1)上述动词或短语皆指“拒绝”,指不去做别人要求你所做的事或不接受别人提供的某物。但拒绝不同的事物要用不同的动词。 refuse/decline an invitation拒绝邀请 refuse permission拒绝批准 decline/reject/turn down a suggestion拒绝一项建议 refuse/decline/reject/turn down an offer拒绝提议或报价 reject/turn down a plan/a proposal拒绝一个计划或建议 (2)decline比refuse更礼貌些,而且口气不很坚决。 I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。 The prisoner refused to give his name.那个囚犯拒绝说出他的姓名。 (3)用decline表示用言辞拒绝,而reject或refuse则不一定用言辞表示。 The horse rejected/refused the apple.这匹马不肯吃苹果。 The minister declined to comment on the rumours. 部长拒绝对那些传言发表评论。,即学即用,翻译句子 他对电脑游戏的兴趣开始减退。 _ 他婉言谢绝了我的邀请。 _ 答案: His interest in computer games is now in decline. He declined my invitation.,22,23,22,23,13submit vt.提交 【精讲拓展】 submit sth.to sth.将提交给 submit oneself to sth.自愿服从 submit to sth.忍受 submit to.向认输/屈服 make a submission to.向作出陈述 in submission投降 警示误区:在submit.to词组中,to为介词。 【典型例句】 He was losing the fight but he would not submit.他正节节败 退,但是他并不服输。朗文当代 We are submitting the proposal to the committee for their approval. 我们把建议提交委员会审批。朗文当代,They submitted themselves to his judgment. 他们服从他的判决。美国传统 June the third is the last date for submission of entries for the competition. 6月3日是提交参赛表格的最后期限。朗文当代 He expects his wife to be meek and submissive. 他期望妻子温顺而且完全听他摆布。朗文当代,即学即用,完成句子 我把试卷交给主考老师。 I _ my papers _ the examiner. 我听从你的明智的判断。 I _ _your superior judgement. 答案: submitted;to submit to,24,24,25,25,重点短语,1at random随便地,随意地 【精讲拓展】 (1)random adj.胡乱的,任意的,随机的 (2)a random sample of voters随机抽样挑出的投票者 (3)the random killing of innocent people对无辜者的随意杀戮 (4)randomly selected/distributed随意挑选的/任意分配的 (5)an element of randomness to the situation 形势的不稳定因素 【典型例句】 The people for the experiment were chosen completely at random. 用来作实验的人完全是随意挑选的。朗文当代 He fired a few random shots.他乱放了几枪。朗文当代 The books were randomly arranged on the shelves. 书被胡乱地放在书架上。美国传统,即学即用,He opened the book _ and started reading. Ain vain Bfull of faith Cat once Dat random 解析:本题考查介词短语辨析。句意为:他随意地打开一本书就开始读起来。in vain“徒然”;full of faith“满怀信心”;at once“立刻”;at random“随便地,随意地”。根据句意,答案为D。 答案:D He was not listening and made a _ answer to the teachers question. Arandom Bcareful Cstrict Dat random 解析:本题考查词义辨析。句意为:他没听讲,对教师的问题乱答一通。random意为“胡乱的,随便的”;careful“仔细的,认真的”;strict“严格的”;at random为介词短语“随意地,随便地”。根据句意,答案为A。 答案:A,26,27,2stop sth.in its tracks终止,消灭 【精讲拓展1】 stop n&v.停止 come to a stop停止,停下来 put a stop to sth.停止运动,停下 stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 警示误区:注意stop to do sth.与stop doing sth.的区别。如: He stopped to listen.他停下来听。 He stopped listening.他不再听了。,【典型例句】 They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the bull charging towards them. 他们看到公牛向他们冲来时,猛地站住了。朗文当代 Her parents are trying to stop me seeing her. 她父母企图阻止我见她。朗文当代 Stop by if youre in town. 如果你在城里就过来坐坐。美国传统 Work on the project has come to a stop. 该工程的施工已经停下来了。朗文当代 The new law put a stop to all the tax evasion that had been going on. 新法律制止了一直存在的各种偷税漏税活动。朗文当代,即学即用,单句改错 If the paper factories go on putting the waste water into the river,the fish will be stop in their tracks._ They stopped to work and went to have lunch._ 答案: stopstopped to workworking 【精讲拓展2】 (1)track v跟踪n.踪迹,跑道,车辙 (2)track down追踪到,追查到 (3)on the track of跟踪 (4)keep/lose track of sb./sth.与保持/失去联系;了解/不 了解的动态;掌握/失去的线索 (5)track the plane by radar用雷达追踪那架飞机,28,28,29,29,【典型例句】 The dog tracked the wolf to its lair. 狗追踪那匹狼一直到它的巢穴。 I finally managed to track down the book you wanted in a shop near the station. 我在车站附近的一家书店里终于找到了你想要的那本书。 Police are on the track of a gang that has robbed five post offices in the last month. 警察正在追踪过去一个月里抢劫了五家邮局的一帮匪徒。,即学即用,He tries hard to keep _ the two pandas:Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan. A touch of Btrack of Cthe track Dthe track of 解析:keep track of.“了解的动态;跟踪的进展”,所以答案为B。 答案:B,30,重点句型,1Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months,with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old,the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history.西班牙流感在18个月内使多达5 千万人丧命,并且发病的倾向为:年轻力壮的而不是老 年人容易发病,它被认为是历史上最严重的流行性传染 病。 【精讲拓展】 (1)be believed to do sth.“被认为是”,当主语为某物 或某人时,后用动词不定式作主语补足语。,(2)具有相同用法的动词有:hope,report,think,suggest,order,require,suppose,know,say等 (3)此种用法可转换为下列句型: Its believed that从句 Sb./Sth.is believed to do sth. Its said that the book has been translated into French.People say that the book has been translated into French.The book is said to have been translated into French. 据说那本书已经被译成法语。 警示误区:Its suggested /required/demanded that从句中,that从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should 动词原形,should可以省略。,【典型例句】 The banks are widely believed to be planning a cut in interest rates. 人们普遍认为银行正在计划降低利率。朗文当代 Hes said to be the richest man in the world. 据说他是世界上的头号富翁。朗文当代 The government is thought to be planning an election in June. 据认为政府正计划在六月举行大选。朗文当代 He is reported to have been seen in Brighton. 据说有人在布赖顿见到他了。朗文当代 All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都要交验车票。朗文当代,即学即用,His sister is said _ in the supermarket when she was doing shopping there yesterday. Ato be badly treated Bbadly treating Cbeing badly treated Dto have been badly treated 解析:考查sb.be said to have done 结构,意为“据说某人已经做过某事”;并且his sister 与 treat 为逻辑上的动宾关系。 答案:D,31,2When he went to the doctor that day,he could not have known what was about to happen to him.当那天他去看 病时,他一定不知道什么事将会发生在他身上。 【精讲拓展】 (1)could not have done sth.“过去一定没有做某事”,是 对过去发生的行为进行推测。 (2)can/could have done sth.表示对过去发生的行为的怀 疑和不肯定,通常用于否定句和疑问句中。 (3)could have done sth.可用于肯定句,表示“可能已 经”之意。此外,还可以表示过去本来能够实现却没 有实现的可能性,含有遗憾的意思,意为“本来可 以”。 (4)must have done sth.表示对过去已经发生的行为进行 推测,意为“想必/准是/一定做了某事”。,(5)may /might have done sth.表示对过去已经发生的行为的推测,意为“也许/或许已经(没有)”。一般只用于肯定句或否定句中(在否定句中表示“可能不”,不用于疑问句。用might则表示语气更加不肯定。) (6)should /ought to have done sth.用于肯定句时,表示“过去本该做某事,而实际上未做”;用于否定句时,则表示“过去不该做某事反而做了”。 (7)neednt have done sth.表示过去做了其实不必做的事,可译为“本可不必,满可以不”等。 (8)would rather have done sth.表示“当时宁愿做某事”,其否定式 would rather not have done sth.表达相反的含义,两者都表示“后悔”之意。 (9)would like/ love to have done sth.表示过去愿意做某事,但未做成。 (10)would have done sth.“原想”表示原本并不期望发生,而事实上已经发生的事。,【典型例句】 We couldnt have picked a worse day for the picnicit rained nonstop. 我们挑选去野餐的日子挑选得再遭不过了那天雨一直下个不停。朗文当代 In my view,this accident could have been prevented. 依我看,这次事故本来是可以避免的。朗文当代 Theres nobody herethey must have all gone home. 这里一个人也没有他们必定全都回家了。朗文当代 You neednt have told him the news;he knew it already. 你本来不必告诉他那消息,他早就知道了。朗文当代 He oughtnt to have said that (but he did) 他就不该说那些话。朗文当代,即学即用,My cats really fat. You _ have given her so much food. Awouldnt Bcouldnt Cshouldnt Dmustnt 解析:本题考查情态动词should have过去分词的用法。句意为:我的猫真肥。你本来不该给她如此多的食物。should not have done sth.表示本不应该做,而事实上做了。根据句意,答案为C。 答案:C,32,3.Ben Johnson would still be in the 100 meters world record holder if he had not been caught taking drugs in the 1988 Olympics. 【精讲拓展】 该句中if 引导的错综条件句,属虚拟语气的一种。其结构是: if从句谓语用had done(过去完成时)假设过去的情况;主句谓 语用would / could /might do,讲述现在的情况。,【典型例句】 He would not stand here talking to you if he had died in the car accident. 他要是已经在车祸中死了的话,他就不会站在这儿跟你说话了。(事实:他在车祸中没死,现在在跟你说话) If you had finished your homework yesterday,you could go out to play now. 要是你昨天就把作业做完的话,现在不就可以出去玩了吗?(事实:昨天没把作业做完,现在不能出去玩),即学即用,If you _ my advice,you would not feel sorry now. Afollowed Bhad followed Cwas following Dwould follow 解析:本题考查if引导的错综条件句。句意:如果你当初听我的建议的话,你现在就不会后悔了。(事实:当初没有听我的建议,所以现在后悔了。) 答案:B,33,4Many people fear it could be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists who studied tissue from the bodies of people who died of the 1918 Spanish Flu proved that Bird Flu is a modern adaptation of the same virus. 【精讲拓展】 这是一个较为复杂的句子。结构分析:as引导时间状语 从句,“当时候”。在该从句中scientists.proved.是 主句;其中又含有两个定语从句和一个宾语从句。 (1)who studied tissue from the bodies of people是定语从 句,修饰先行词scientists。 (2)who died of the 1918 Spani


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