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Unit7What sthehighestmountainintheworld 第八课时SelfCheck 一 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词 1 Weallknowthat 油 andwaterdonotmix 2 Thereisa 巨大的 stoneontheroad andwecan tmoveit 3 Icouldn tfallasleeplastnightandIwas allnight 4 Therearesevencontinents 大洲 andfour intheworld 5 Henevergivesuphisdream Heworkshardeverydayto it oil huge awake oceans achieve 二 根据句意 选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空 protect bamboo important include tourist6 Howmuch doesanadultpandaeataday 7 Sixpeopleagreedwithme Lisa 8 Littlechildrenshouldliveunderthe oftheirparents 9 Therearelotsof visitingtheGreatWalleveryyear 10 Apandakeeperistellingthestudentsaboutthe ofsavingendangeredanimals bamboo including protection tourists importance 三 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 每空词数不限 11 Thismanweighs 许多倍 morethanthatboy 12 Theythoughtthat 不多于 300peoplewouldjointheclub 13 XiaoMing 走路时撞着 atreeonhiswaytoschoolyesterday 14 Someanimalsare 处于危险中 now Everyoneshouldplayapartinsavingthem 15 Qomolangmais 最高的山 intheworld 16 Whenweare 面对 difficulties weshouldnotgiveupeasily manytimes upto walkedinto indanger thehighestmountain inthefaceof 四 单项选择 17 Whichcountryhasthebiggest intheworld China ofcourse It smorethan1 3billion A areaB populationC riverD mountain18 Whichisyoursister oneofthegirls A TallB TallerC TallestD Thetallest19 Ibelieveyouwill ingettingintoagooduniversityifyoukeepstudyinghard A developB succeedC realizeD allow B D B 20 Thereisabiglakeinourschool Doyouknow itis Iguessabout60meters A howbigB howfarC howhighD howdeep21 Theblueshirtis moreexpensivethantheblackone 易错题 A alotB afewC veryD many22 Jane doyoulikeeatingchicken Yes that smyfavorite Nothingcanbe Ithink A deliciousB moredeliciousC mostdeliciousD themostdelicious D A B 五 情景交际 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话 A Hello Lingling Whatareyoudoing B 23 A Whatkindofcompetition B 24 Thefirstprizeis Mydreamvacation A Really Ifyouwinfirstprize youcangoonyourdreamvacation yes B Yeah IcangotoEgypt 埃及 toseethepyramids 金字塔 A Oh Ivisitedthepyramidslastyear They rewonderful 25 B Yeah That samazing 26 Doyouknow A Yes theybuiltthemastheirtombs 陵墓 B A E D B HowmanypyramidsarethereinEgypt A Morethaneighty 27 B Oh itistheonlyoneoftheSevenWondersoftheAncientWorldstillinexistence 存在 A Awritingcompetition B I mwritingarticlesforacompetition C AndthePyramidofKhufuisthelargestofall D Whydidtheancientemperorsbuildpyramids E They reoneoftheoldestandgreatestman madeobjectsintheworld C


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