高一英语外研版必修1 Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》课件

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高一英语外研版必修1 Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》课件_第1页
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Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighborhood listening and vocabulary & writing Pengzhou high school Liuyu,IAnalysis of teaching materials The content in Module 4 is mainly about making the Ss pay more attention to their communities and homes by Social Surveying, in order to develop students awareness of home-loving and social responsibility. In this module, there are two short pieces of listening material about neighborhood committee, which is closely related to the topic of the module, and a writing passage about differences between countryside and cities.,IIAnalysis of Ss Situation Students in Senior One have just stepped into new school, and they have strong curiosity and desire for new things. Their passion for new things is the advantage of students learning. But students have different basis of English, whats more, requirements for English in senior are different from those in junior, so Ss must adjust it. At the same time, teachers should give them necessary guidance and attention.,IIITeaching aims in this period Knowledge & skills: Listening: 1. Learn some new words and numbers , catch them in listening and get necessary information. 2 .Catch numbers in the listening and know how to read them 3. Understand conversation or passages similar to those in this module.,IIITeaching aims in this period Knowledge & skills: Speaking: introduce your neighborhood and talk about its function with the words in listening. Writing: Use “and or “but” correctly in the sentences and passages.,IIITeaching aims in this period Feelings, attitude Develop their sense of social responsibility by guiding the students to focus on community development. .,IV Important and difficult points in this period Teaching important point: to improve the Ss listening and speaking ability. Teaching difficult point: to make a brief description on Ss own home or their neighbourhood committee. V Teaching method: Task-based teaching method.,Look at the words in the box. They are from the listening material you will hear. Are you familiar with them? If not, please pick them out.,neighborhood committee organization join club unemployed survey information household population occupation professional manual worker,Words in red are new words in module 4,Task 1,Divide the new words into two groups,Word formation: unemployed organization occupation professional Guess the meaning according to the context: neighborhood committee survey manual household,Word formation,employ (v),employed (adj),unemployed,eg: Jack was fired last week and he is unemployed now.,organize (V) occupy (v) profession (n),organization (n),occupation (n),professional (adj),Train the students to guess the meanings of words with two methods.,guess the meaning according to the context Eg:1. I am teacher, so I am an intellectual worker, while Tom carries boxes at the station, so he is a manual worker.,2.A recent survey showed that 70% of people were in favor of the plan. 3.My household is made up of father , mother and I , that is to say, my family consists of father , mother and I .,It will be easier for students to guess the meaning if there is a synonym or antonym of the new word in the sentence.,According to the words, what do you think the passage is about? Write down your answers.,(Ask two students to speak out their answers.),Task 2,Listening,The passage is about a neighborhood group.,Listen to Part 1 of the passage. Were your predictions about the passage correct?,During this course, remind the students to catch the new words in the table and get the main idea of the conversation.,After listening, ask two students to give the answers. Then check the answers. (the teachers comments),Task 3 Listen to Part 2 and complete the chart. (guide them to pay attention to how to read numbers. Its a good preparation for module 5 because well learn how to read numbers in the next module),2,800,517,378,1400,Ask two students to write down their answers on the blackboard. The one who writes faster will be the winner. Check the answer with the whole class.,Mr yang works for an _ called _.His job is to _ the neighborhood. For example, they started _ for children and theyve begun _, where people watch the_ . The streets are_ as a result.,look after,a holiday club,a neighborhood watch,Safer,organization,Neighborhood committe,Task 4 listen to part 1 again. fill in the blanks (pick out some sentences from the listening materials to make ready for speaking.),Streets and houses,Read the passage together with the answers, remind the students to pay more attention to the words they have filled, which is a good preparation for next part.,Task 5 Speaking ( an important part of this period. language input output),Work in groups. Share your opinions with each other about the neighborhood committee in your area. Your talk may include the following questions. Group work: talk about the committee. ( 5 members a group. One as the team-leader, one to take notes. Then choose one to give reports.),Q:1) Do you have a committee in your area? How many people work for it? What kind of work do they do? 2) Is the committee helpful? How have they helped people? 3) Would you like to be on the committee to help others when you are older? 4) Have you helped people in your neighborhood? What have you done? Give one or two examples.,(the questions are too general , change them into detailed questions to make speaking easier.),Then show some pictures about committee to help the students. (During this period, the teacher can give the students some help),Hold Celebrations.,Medical examinations,Educate teenagers,Family activities,Physical exercise,Arts activities,Talk show: suppose you are attending the talk show day day up. Talk with Wanghan about your neighborhood committee. (three groups),Comments: good job! Point out some good sentence patterns.,One sample (it contains new words in the table),The neighbourhood committee is an organization to help households in residential areas both in cities and towns. With the help of local governments, the neighbourhood committees take care of peoples daily life, such as population control, and employment .And it also solves problems in occupation and security as well. But according to the survey, there are usually many retired workers who volunteer to serve their neighbours. They consider it as their professional work, but sometimes they are too old to offer help.,Look at the words and and but used in this sample.,Ask several students to draw a conclusion about and and but,And: to provide similar information. (also) But: to express different idea or even the opposite one.,Task 6 writing,1. Work hard, _ youll catch up with others. 2. We bought Granny a present, _ she didnt like it. 3. The boy is only ten, _ he can do something himself. 4. He is rich, _ he isnt happy. 5. Mr. Zhang felt very tired, _ he needed a good rest. 6. I know him _ I cant remember his name. 7. People think we look the same, _ I can see that were different.,Fill in the blanks with and or but.,and,but,but,but,and,but,but,There is a short passage in the textbook. Complete the paragraph with and or but.,Finish the exercise individually. Then read the passage together with their answers. Check the answer with the whole class.,Cities are exciting, interesting places to live, (1)and I have always enjoyed living in them, as there is so much to do (2)and see. There are museums, cinemas, theatres, art galleries, parks, coffee bars, clubs(3)and many other places where people can meet(4)and exchange ideas. (5) But there are times when I need the peace (6)andquiet of the countryside. Cities are interesting,(7)and they can be beautiful, (8)But they are never beautiful in the way that the countryside is beautiful. By this I mean that they do not have the beauty of nature, trees(9)and hills, lakes(10)and streams. I love cities,(11)but there are times when I need to get out into the countryside(12)andget away from the noise, the dirt(13)and the people. I think that there are many people who feel the same way.,What is the main idea?,homework,Choose a topic among my first day at school, my new teachers , my first ride on a train, to write a short essay with “and” and “but” or other conjunctions.( however, whats more, so, although etc.),To review the first three modules and help the students know how to use conjunctions in their writings.,Thank you!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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