高一英语课件:Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》英汉对照(山东专用外研版必修1)

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高一英语课件:Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》英汉对照(山东专用外研版必修1)_第1页
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高一英语课件:Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》英汉对照(山东专用外研版必修1)_第2页
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高一英语课件:Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》英汉对照(山东专用外研版必修1)_第3页
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My First Ride on a Train My name is Alice Thompson.I come from Sydney,Australia and Im 18 years old.Recently I had my first ride on a longdistance train.And what a ride!A friend and I travelled on the famous Ghan train.We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs,right in the middle of Australia,more than four thousand kilometres away.We spent two days and nights on the train.,The train was wonderful and the food was great.We ate great meals cooked by experts!For the first few hundred kilometres of the journey,the scenery was very colourful.There were fields and the soil was dark red.After that,it was desert.The sun shone,there was no wind and there were no clouds in the sky.Suddenly,it looked like a place from another time.We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.,The train was comfortable and the people were nice.During the day,I sat and looked out of the window,and sometimes talked to other passengers.I read books and listened to my Chinese cassettes (Im studying Chinese at school)One night,at about midnight,I watched the night sky for about an hour.The stars shone like diamonds.,Why is the train called the Ghan?A long time ago,Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country.They tried riding horses,but the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.A hundred and fifty years ago,they brought some camels from Afghanistan.Ghan is short for Afghanistan.,Camels were much better than horses for travelling a long distance.For many years,trained camels carried food and other supplies,and returned with wool and other products. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.Then the government built a new railway line,so they didnt need the camels any more.In 1925,they passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem.In 1935,the police in a town shot 153 camels in one day.,我第一次坐火车 我叫艾丽斯汤姆逊。我来自澳大利亚的悉尼,今年18岁。最近我乘火车进行了我的第一次长途旅行。多精彩的旅行啊!朋友和我乘坐著名的阿富汗火车旅行。我们在悉尼上车(get on),在澳大利亚中部的艾丽斯斯普林斯下车(get off),行程四千多千米。我们坐了两天两夜的火车。,火车很豪华,饭菜很可口。我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹饪大师(expert)们做的!旅程(journey)的前几百千米风景(scenery)优美。有一片片的原野,土壤(soil)是暗红色的。之后,全是沙漠(desert)。太阳高照,没有一丝风,天空也没有云彩。突然,我们好像来到了另一个时代的一个地方。我们看到了建于一百多年前的被遗弃的(abandoned)农场。,火车很舒适,车上的人们也很友好。在白天,我坐着看窗外,有时和别的旅客说说话。我读读书,听听中文录音带(cassette)(我现在在学校学中文)。有一个晚上,大约在半夜(midnight),差不多有整整一个小时我都在注视夜空。星星像钻石(diamond)般闪闪发光。,为什么这列火车被称为阿富汗?很久以前,澳大利亚人需要一种途径去国家中部。他们尝试过骑马,但马不喜欢炎热的天气和沙地。150年前,他们从阿富汗买来一些骆驼(camel)。Ghan是阿富汗的缩写(be short for)。,骆驼比马更适合长途跋涉。多年来,受过训练(train)的骆驼运出食物和其他的供应品,然后运回羊毛及其他产品(product)。 阿富汗人和他们的骆驼这样运货一直持续到20世纪20年代。后来政府修建了一条新铁路线,因此他们不再(not.any more)需要骆驼了。1925年,他们通过了一项法律,规定如果这些动物成了麻烦,允许人们射杀(shoot)它们。1935年,一个城镇的警察在一天之内就射杀了153头骆驼。,The Maglevthe Fastest Train in the World The fastest train in the world,the Transrapid Maglev,runs between Shanghais Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in downtown Shanghai.Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour,the train can complete the 30kilometre journey in eight minutes.,Maglev means “magnetically levitated”The Transrapid Maglev is the worlds first highspeed train using magnetic levitation technology.Magnetically levitated trains travel in a vacuum between two magnets.There are no rails and no noise.They travel very fast and they use less energy.,On December 31,2002,Premier Zhu Rongji and the German chancellor attended the opening ceremony of the train service.Both leaders took the train to Pudong Airport. On November 12,2003,the Maglev reached a speed of 501 kilometres per hour on the track between Longyang Station and Pudong,a new world record speed for a train.,磁悬浮列车世界上最快的列车 世界上最快的列车超速磁悬浮列车,奔驰在上海浦东机场和上海市商业区的(downtown)龙阳车站之间。列车以每小时四百多千米的速度前进,能在8分钟内完成30千米的路程。,磁悬浮的意思是“磁力悬浮”。超速磁悬浮列车是世界上第一列使用磁悬浮技术的高速列车。磁悬浮列车是在两块磁铁间的真空(vacuum)中行驶。既无铁轨(rail),又无噪音。它们速度很快,而且能量消耗较少。,2002年12月31日,朱镕基总理和德国总理参加了通车开幕式(opening ceremony)。两位领导人乘坐着这列车去了浦东机场。 2003年11月12日,这列磁悬浮列车在龙阳车站和浦东之间(track轨道)速度达到了每小时501千米,创造了列车时速世界新纪录。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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