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新课标高中英语词汇系列练习题(十)1. 单项选择:1) We want to rent a bus which can 40 people for our trip to Beijing.A. load B. hold C. fill D. host2) Li Lei wanted to tell her everything, but something made him _. A. hold up B. hold back C. hold on D. hold out3) Washington, a state in the United States, was named _ one of the greatest American presidents. A. in favour of B. in the hope of C. in honour of D. by means of4) The young man went there _ a job with a higher pay. A. with the purpose of finding B. in the hope of finding C. hoping to find D. all of the above5) The committee is discussing the problem right now. it will _ have been solved by the end of next week. A. eagerly B. hopefully C. hurriedly D. gradually6) - Michael was late for Mr. Smiths oral class this morning. - _? As far as I know, he never came late to class. A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for7) _, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late is he B. No matter how he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is8) If you_ your belief, you promise to succeed eventually.A. hug B. stick up for C. keep up with D. hold up9) Zhang Jiajie is well-known for its_ area of forest and beautiful natural scenery.A. big B. huge C. great D. hopeful 10) Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _ his leg.A. damaged B. hurt C. hit D. struck11) My _ of this weekends activity is going out with some good friends.A. idea B. opinion C. idiom D. thought12) The computer will _ your fingerprints before it allows you to enter the building. A. tell B. realize C. identify D. imagine13) Dont _ your carelessness. It may lead to serious problems. A. improve B. keep C. impress D. ignore 14) Look at the trouble I am in. _ I had followed your advice.A. Only if B. If only C. But for D. As long as15) - My children are always arguing. - _.A. Just ignore them B. Thats right C. Are you sure D. How old is the boy16) Can you imagine _ across the big desert? A. Tom going B. Tom goes C. Tom is going D. Tom to go17) The policemen went into action _ they heard the alarm.A. suddenly B. hurriedly C. quickly D. immediately18) - How was Roberts cooking? - Oh, pretty good. I was quite .A. admired B. interested C. impressed D. inspired19) -You look beautiful _ the red skirt.-Thank you, and it surely looks wonderful _ you.A. on, in B. in; on C. with; with D. at, at20) The serious _ along the border increased our fears of the war. A. accident B. affair C.incident D. event 21) - How come a simple meal like this cost so much?- We have _ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke. A. increased B. included C. contained D. charged22) He stays at home every day without a job, but he gets good _. A. wage B. pay C. salary D. income23) One of the consequences of our planets being warming up is a(n) _ in the number of natural disasters.A. result B. increase C. reason D. income24) The research results seem to _ a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health, but more work must be done to test it.A. indicate B. analyze C.identify D. prove25) Being always excellent at his _, he can easily find a new _. A. job; work B. jobs; work C. work; job D. works; job 26) The bell _ the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion. A.indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interrupting C. indicating; interrupted D. indicated; interrupted 27) Have you got any new _ about the results of the exam? A. news B. ideas C. notices D. information 28) The managing director of our company is in charge of this office, so all the other employees are _ him. A. junior to B. junior of C. junior from D. junior towards 29) The _ the bell rang, the teacher walked into the classroom. A. immediately B. hurriedly C. hardly D. instant30) Violence on TV may turn out to be a strong _ on some young people. A. impression B. expression C. influence D. influential31) Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _ known for his plays. A. the best B. more C. better D. the most 32) The manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on. A. to be informed B. on informing C. informed D. informing33) We insisted the girl _ the job, but the boss insisted that we _ to her.A. didnt fit; offered B. wasnt fit for; offer C. wasnt fit; offered D. be unfit for; offer34) Always read the _on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions35) The international agreement, encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on February 27.A. intending to B. inspired to C. intended to D. inspiring to 36) Im sorry, Henry. It wasnt my _ to cause a quarrel between you and Tony. A. meaning B. instruction C. intention D. attention37) -Is there anything_ in todays newspaper?-Yes. Two places_ have just been opened to the public in Xian.A. of interest; of interest B. interesting; of interestsC. interested; interesting D. interesting; of interesting38) The doctors mistakes in _ can lead to the death of the patient. A. judgement B. survey C. information D. resolution39) If you cant come tomorrow, well _have to hold the meeting next week. A. yet B. even C. rather D. just40) As Senior 3 students, it is the most important to a good state of mind in face of failure.A. keep up B. keep on C. keep out D. keep off41) One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basic word formation. A. / B. the C. a D. one 2. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空:indicate invent intention improve inspire interval initial junior nterrupt ignore1) _ to behave as if you had not heard or seen someone or something2) _ to make something better, or to become better3) _ to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true4) _ happening at the beginning5) _ to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something6) _ a plan or desire to do something7) _ to stop someone from continuing what they are saying or doing8) _ the period of time between two events, activities etc9) _ to make, design, or think of a new type of thing10) _ having a low rank in an organization or profession 3.选用下列词的适当形式填空:Part 1how home hope however hobby hungry hopeless hostess honor honestly1) His _ include reading, cooking, and enjoying drama; he enjoys doing many things.2) As the mountains beyond our village are becoming greener and greener, they have become _ to a large amount of wild life.3) - What do you think of last nights lecture?- _ speaking, I thought it was rather boring.4) The soldiers brave deeds brought him _ and glory.5) When asked whether there was any _ of saving the patient, the doctor said firmly that there was.6) Mark became _ because he could not see any ship except endless water.7) The job of an air _ is to serve food and drink to passengers on a plane.8) Please tell me _ you would like to have your coffee - black or white.9) If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _ great it is.10) Is it lunch time yet? Im getting _.Part 2idiom idea humor identity illegal importance impossible hurricane ill knowledge11) He is a man full of a sense of _ and what he says never fails to please us.12) There are strong winds and heavy rain in a _.13) Candy and toys are a childs _ of happiness, while a grown ups is quite different.14) Only when your _ has been checked, will you be allowed in.15) The more _ students have about the school, the easier it will be for them to adapt to the new environment.16) To “be hard up” is an English _ meaning “to lack money”.17) She is unlucky, and shes always suffering _ luck one after another.18) It is _ to sell tobacco to someone under 16.19) A scientist in China made another wonderful discovery recently about human genes (基因), which I think is of great _ to science.20) To hold back the wheel of history is _.Part 3independent institute industry income injury initial innocent injured instant impression kindergarten 21) When it comes to job interviews, first _ are important.22) With such a small _, a great many workers in the factory cant get enough to eat.23) Robert aimed to be _ of his parents by the time he was twenty.24) Heavy _ was concentrated in the north of the country.25) Now children are taken good care of in the _.26) After shed overcome her _ shyness, she became very friendly27) He was charged with murder but found _ later and he went out of the police station with his head held high.28) After the fight, a caretaker (管理员) found that a young man was seriously _ so he telephoned for an ambulance immediately.29) Hold on, please. Hell be back in an _. 30) He graduated from a famous foreign language _.Part 4insurance instruction irrigation intelligence instrument inviting interval interest intention jewellry key junior justice31) Taken according to the _, the medicine will have a positive effect on the childs disease.32) The piano is a sweet musical _.33) People without _ had to pay for their own repairs.34) He equals me in strength but not in _.35) Li Ping has decided to go abroad for further education with the _ of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns.36) Tom sounds very much _ in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage it.(07安徽)37) They held the meeting for the common _ of the Third World.38) At the end of every sentence, teacher will give us a ten-second _ to wirte down what we have heard. 39) The food was so _ that the child couldnt help tasting it.40) _ is needed to make crops grow in dry regions.41) She wore so much _ that she seemed to be covered in gold.42) He is a _ member of the committee; he hasnt much experience. 43) The run-away criminal was finally brought to _.44) The _ to solving the problem between the company and the customers is to meet the demand made by the customers.4.选用下列动词的适当形式填空:Part 1inspire hold honor involve host kick joke imagine ignore import 1) The evening party the children are looking forward to will be this evening.2) His noble example _ the rest of us to greater efforts.3) There is a new problem in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved .4) September 10th, Teachers Day in China is to _ the teachers the glorious profession in the world.5) Nowadays many young people get into the habit of smoking in public and cant _ it.6) As is well known, China has successfully won the right to _ the 2008 Olympic Games.7) - You have made a lot of mistakes in the exam.- You must be _ I checked it several times.8) When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she _ me and walked on.9) You cant _ that a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady.10) The government has an interest in _ scientific equipment from foreign countries.Part 2judge impress increase improve include insert inspect indicate inform insist11) What _ me most was that they never lose heart.12) To _ their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English.13) The cost of the hotel room doesnt usually _ that of breakfast.14) Since the operation, the player has taken more exercise to _ his strength.15) Statistics _ that unemployment has caused over 70 percent of low-income residents to live in poverty.16) David apologized for his not being able to _ me of the change in the plan.17) I _ the key in the lock, but it wouldnt work. That wasnt the key to the lock. 18) The boy _ that he hadnt stolen the money and he be set free at once.19) The Queen accompanied President Hu Jintao in _ a Guard of Honour (仪仗队).20) _ to be the top winner in the contest, Tom felt as if he were on the top of the world.Part 3join interrupt insure intend interview introduce instruct 21) A computer only does what you have _ it to do.22) Insurance companies usually dont _ old people.23) -I thought you were coming back from Shanghai next week. -Oh, I had _ to stay there for one more week, but I changed my mind.24) There was a second knock at the door. It was the second time I had been _ that evening.25) As a former president, his views are treated with respect when he is _.26) After the new technique was _, the factory produced twice as many cars in 2007 as the one before.27) You may go ahead, I will _ you in five minutes.5.选用下列短语及词组的适当形式填空:Part 1hold on to hold out hold back hold to hold up in honor of hope for mke oneself at home hunt for how come 1) The sad news came as a shock, but she struggled to _ her tears.2) We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _ it. It might be valuable. (NMET 02)3) Our government shows great concern to people who suffer earthquake and promises that food supply will _ till they rebuild their home and lead a normal life.4) What a pity! I have missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was _ _ in the traffic jam.5) Ive always _ the belief that the more people have, the more they want.6) _ yourselves _. Would you like a cup of coffee?7) The club was named after a very popular football star _ his contributions to the country.8) Liam decided to ignore the warning and just _ the best.9) He is on time for everything. _ he was late for the meeting yesterday?10) On their arraval at the beach the kids were _ shells Part 2if only if anything have an idea of in a hurry keep sb. inform of be intended for judge by just as keep on insist on 11) I think you were _. You are wearing your sweater inside out.12) He _ good _ the examination result when he saw his daughters face.13) Joe isnt a bad boy, _, he is a pretty good one.14) The schoolgirl could be a pretty one _ she paid more attention to her manners and clothes.15) We are _ of what is happening in the world by reading newspapers and watching television.16) Against the advice from his friends, he _ driving alone at the rush hour.17) The film Harry Potter IV _ children above 12 and adults for it contains horror and violence18) - _ a number of the cars, there are not many people in the club. -I think so. People would stay at home in such bad weather19) _ sound travels through the air in waves, so electricity travels through the air in what we call radio waves.20) If she doesnt tell him the truth now, hell simply _ asking her until she does.Part 3keep away from keep off keep back keep on keep up keep to join inkeepout keep an eye on keep up with knock down knock into knock into 21) At the end of some songs that everyones familiar with, then they can _.22) The boss _ $40 from my salary without any good reason, which made me very angry.23) The only way to get your weight down is _ all the fattening foods. 24) Whatever happens, you should _ what you have started until youre completely successful.25) I am sure Mike will come on time. He is a man of his word and will _ his promises.26) The officer told the soldiers to _ their spirits when they were on the point of giving up.27) Julie is one of those women who always _the latest fashion.28) _on the stove in case the coffee boils.29) _ by a car, he spent a week in the hospital30) He was in such a hurry that he almost _ the headmaster.31) If you buy more than ten, they _ 20 pence _ off the price.32) Close the door please so that we can _ the cold _.6. 选用下列词的适当形式填空:ice attention manage increase make weigh outside without1) Friendship is like money; easier _ than kept. 2) Mary kept _ herself to see how much heavier she was getting. 3) Having sat for about half an hour without talking to each other, the man finally broke the _. 4) -You could have turned to the soldiers for help.-Yes, but we hoped to have _ it on our own. Who would think we would fail?5) The three students went swimming in the river _ their teachers knowledge. And one of them almost drowned. 6) A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners _ until he reaches the end of the story.7) If city noises are not kept from _, people will have to shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.8) He likes to carry out his own plans independent of _influence.7.翻译:1) He said he was sorry _ (让我们等) outside for so long a time.2) _ (你的建议没有被忽视),It is still under discussion.3) You _ (难以想象他们多么激动) when they heard the news that the Chinese team won.4) 我们被她的表演所打动。 _. 5) 如果情况没有好转,就必须做一些变化。 _. 6) 你的观点不会影响我的决定。 _.7)你们既然作了这样的允诺,就必须履行。_.8)孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。_.9) 人口的增加将会引起种种社会问题。_.10) The words of my teacher left a lasting impression on my mind and I am still influenced. _.11) Internet has lots of advantages. It keeps us informed about the latest news and also provides entertainment for the on-line-goers._. 12) This law is intended to reduce the number of accidents caused by children running across the road when they got off the bus.


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