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【北京市东城区2014高考英语调研检测题】书面表达(共两节,35分)第一节(15分)你的美国朋友William下个月即将来北京。请根据以下提示给他写信,告知他到达当日的安排。1. 你去机场接机。2. 送他去酒店。3. 晚上欢迎他来你家共进晚餐。注意:1. 词数不少于50。 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 邮件的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。Dear William, _ Yours Joe【参考答案】第一节(15分)一、评分原则:1本题总分为15分,按4个档次给分。2评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言质量初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。3评分时应考虑:内容是否充实,交际是否得体,语言是否准确。 4拼写、标点符号或书写影响内容表达时,应视其影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。5词数少于50,从总分中减去1分。二、各档次的给分范围和要求:第一档(13分15分)完全完成了试题规定的任务。内容完整,条理清楚;交际得体,表达时充分考虑到了交际的需求;体现出较强 的语言运用能力。完全达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(9分12分)基本完成了试题规定的任务。内容、条理和交际等方面基本符合要求;所用语法和词汇满足了任务的要求;语法或用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。基本达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(4分8分)未恰当完成试题规定的任务。内容不完整;所用词汇有限,语法或用词方面的错误影响了对所写内容 的理解。未能清楚地传达信息。第四档(1分3分)未完成试题规定的任务。写了少量相关信息;语法或用词方面错误较多,严重影响了对所写内容的理解。0分未能传达任何信息;所写内容与要求无关。三、Possible version Dear William, Im so happy that youre coming to Beijing next month. Ill go to the airport to meet you on the day you arrive. After that, Ill send you to the hotel. You can have a rest there after the long flight. My parents and I will be very happy if you can come over to our house for dinner that evening. Its a long time since we last met. I cant wait to see you! Yours Li Hua 【北京市东城区2014高考英语调研检测题】假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华。下面四幅图描述了发生在你上学路上的一件事,请根据图片的先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文。词数不少于60。 _【参考答案】第二节(20分)一、评分原则:1本题总分为20分,按5个档次给分。 2评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言质量初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。3评分时应考虑:内容要点的完整性、上下文的连贯、词汇和句式的多样性及语言的准确性。4拼写、标点符号或书写影响内容表达时,应视其影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。5词数少于60,从总分中减去1分。二、内容要点:1.看到一个外国人在打车 2.外国人和出租车司机交流有困难 3.上前帮助翻译 4. 外国人和出租车司机表示感谢三、各档次的给分范围和要求:第一档(18分20分)完全完成了试题规定的任务。覆盖了所有内容要点;运用了多样的句式和丰富的词汇;语法或用词方面有个别错误,但为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致;体现了较强的语言运用能力;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所写内容连贯、结构紧凑。完全达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(15分17分)完全完成了试题规定的任务。覆盖了所有内容要点;运用的句式和词汇能满足任务要求;语法和用词基本准确,少许错误主要为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致;使用了简单的语句间连接成分,所写内容连贯。达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(12分14分)基本完成了试题规定的任务。覆盖了内容要点;运用的句式和词汇基本满足任务要求;语法和用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。基本达到了预期的写作目的。第四档(6分11分)未恰当完成试题规定的任务。漏掉或未描述清楚主要内容;所用句式和词汇有限;语法或用词方面的错误影响了对所写内容的理解。未能清楚地传达信息。第五档(1分5分)未完成试题规定的任务。明显遗漏主要内容;句式单调、词汇贫乏;语法或用词方面错误较多,严重影响了对所写内容的理解。 0分未能传达任何信息;所写内容与要求无关。四、One possible version I was walking to school the other day when I saw a foreigner standing by the roadside. A taxi passed by. He stopped it and told the driver where he wanted to go in English. However, the driver didnt understand English. Both of them had no idea what to do. Seeing that they had difficulty in communicating with each other, I went up to help. After the foreigner told me his destination, I interpreted for him and told the driver where the foreigner was going. Problem was solved and the foreigner got in the taxi. Both of them thanked me for my help.阅读理解。阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A MENTORING(导师制) program is giving life changing opportunities to Banbury youth.Young Inspirations was founded two years ago to provide mentoring sessions for students and unemployed young adults aged 11 to 21.Alex Goldberg,the programs founder,said:“We set up Young Inspirations because we wanted to give young people experiences which will potentially be life changing and broaden their outlook.”“We try to create work experience opportunities that will really make a difference to our youth.For example,weve secured internships(实习) with worldfamous firms such as Honda.”“At a time of funding cutbacks where schools are finding it more and more difficult to offer this kind of mentoring,it is extremely important that these opportunities are available both to help youth with their school work and grades and to give them opportunities which may help shape their futures.” Kieran Hepburn,14,is one of a group of Banbury youth who has benefited from the program so far.In October the Banbury School pupil was accompanied by Young Inspirations staff to Paris where he was an observer at the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) International Youth Forum(论坛)The event was held for young people from around the world,to seek their views on how the future of youth and education should look.Kieran joined several hundred observers mostly in their 20s and was the only UK school pupil to attend the event.Kieran thinks the trip was a life changing experience.“Before we left I didnt quite know what to make of it but when we got there we didnt stop,it was amazing,” he said,“We went to three or four hours of debates each day and then did something cultural each afternoon.”The main theme of the forum was how youth can drive change in political and public life.It dealt with issues(问题) such as drug abuse,violence and unemployment.Kieran said:“It has really helped me to improve my confidence and social skills as well as my school grades and I was voted most improved pupil at school in August.”The Young Inspirations mentoring sessions take place each Friday in Banbury.For details visit www.younginspirations.com.1The Young Inspirations mentoring program aims to _.Atrain staff for worldfamous firmsBoffer job opportunities to young adultsCprovide youth with unique experiencesDequip the unemployed with different skills解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“We set up Young Inspirations because we wanted to give young people experiences.”可知目的是给青年提供独特的经历。答案C2According to Alex Goldberg,it is difficult for schools to offer the mentoring due to _.Athe lack of support from firmsBthe cultural differencesCthe effect of unemploymentDthe shortage of money解析推理判断题。由第五段中的“funding cutbacks”(削减资金)可知,缺乏资金给导师制的发展带来了困难。答案D3We can learn from the passage that _.Athe visit to the United Kingdom was amazingBKieran has made great progress in many aspectsCthe youth have found a way to solve their problemsDthe mentoring sessions are held every day except Friday解析推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段中的“It has really helped me to improve my confidence and social skills as well as my school grades and I was voted most improved pupil at school in August.”可知Kieran在很多方面取得了进步。故选B项。答案B4What would be the best title for the passage?AAlex Goldberg,Founder of Young InspirationsBYoung People Find a World of OpportunityCKieran,Banbury School Pupil to ParisDDebates Help Youth with Their Grades解析标题归纳题。本文主要就Alex Goldberg创建了导师制,给青年人提供了了解社会、获得社会经验的机会,最后这个项目扩大到国际范围,给青年人改变自己和社会的机会。所以正确答案为B。答案B阅读理解。Tim Richter and his wife, Linda, had taught for over 30 years near Buffalo, New Yorkhe in computers, she in special education. “Teaching means everything to us,” Tim would say. In April 1998, he learned he would need a heart operation. It was the kind of news that leads to some serious thinking about lifes purpose. Not long after the surgery, Tim saw a brochure describing Imagination Library, a program started by Dolly Parton s foundation (基金会) that mailed a book every month to children from birth to age five in the singers home town of Sevier, Tennessee.“I thought, maybe Linda and I could do something like this when we retire,” Tim recalls. He placed the brochure on his desk, “as a reminder.”Five years later, now retired and with that brochure still on the desk, Tim clicked on imagination library.com. The program had been opened up to partners who could take advantage of book and postage discounts.The quality of the books was of great concern to the Richters. Rather than sign up online, they went to Dollywood for a looksee. “We didnt want to give the children rubbish,” says Linda. The booksreviewed each year by teachers, literacy specialists, and Dollywood board membersincluded classics such as Ezra Jack Keatss The Snowy Day and newer books like Anna Dewdneys Llama Llama series. Satisfied, the couple set up the Richter Family Foundation and got to work. Since 2004, they have shipped more than 12,200 books to preschoolers in their area. Megan Williams, a mother of four, is more than appreciative: “This program introduces us to books Ive never heard of .”The Richters spend about $400 a month sending books to 200 children. “Some people sit there and wait to die,” says Tim. “Others get as busy as they can in the time they have left.”本文讲述了Tim心脏手术后,对人生的目标有严肃认真的思考,术后,参加Dolly Parton的基金会,并与妻子Linda成立了Richter家庭基金会,每月花400美元给学龄前儿童买书。4What led Tim to think seriously about the meaning of life?AHis health problem.BHis love for teaching.CThe influence of his wife.DThe news from the Web.答案:A。细节理解题。根据短文第一段第二句话“In April.leads to some serious thinking about lifes purpose”可知A项正确。5What did Tim want to do after learning about Imagination Library?AGive out brochures.BDo something similar.CWrite books for children.DRetire from being a teacher.答案:B。细节理解题。根据短文第二段第二句话“I thought,maybe Linda and I could do something like this when we retire”可知B项正确。6According to the text, Dolly Parton is _.A. a wellknown surgeonB. a mother of a fouryearoldC. a singer born in Tennessee D. a computer programmer答案:C。细节理解题。根据短文第二段第一句话“.a program started by Dolly Partons foundation that mailed a book to children from birth to age five in the singers home town of sevier,Tenneasea”中的singer可知C项正确。7Why did the Richters go to Dollywood?A. To avoid signing up online.B. To meet Dollywood board members.C. To make sure the books were the newest.D. To see if the books were of good quality.答案:D。细节理解题。根据短文倒数第三段第一、二句话可知,书的质量是Richter夫妇关心的问题。因此他们没有在网上报名,而是亲自去多莉坞看看。因此可知D项正确。8What can we learn from Tims words in the last paragraph?A. He needs more money to help the children.B. He wonders why some people are so busy.C. He tries to save those waiting to die.D. He considers his efforts worthwhile.答案:D。推理判断题。Tim最后说:有些人坐着等死,而另一些人在剩余的时间内尽可能的忙碌。由上文可知,Richter夫妇对自己所做的事情很满意,并且其他人也非常感激,由此可推出D项正确。阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Only three local students won Chinese Blog (博客) Competition. And 15 of the 18 awards went to students from China. 170 students task:to get a fully-designed blog up and running, complete with many postings based on a theme of choiceall written in Chinese. Themes ranged from local opinionssuch as the usage of Singlish, education and whether Singapore can be a cultural centreto food blogs. The entries were judged on language proficiency (熟练程度) and the quality of writing, as well as the design and level of exchanging ideas with readers. Academics from the National University of Singapore and the SIM University, IT experts, and a journalist from Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore made up the judges. In the end, only three Singaporean students made it to the award listthe rest of the awards were swept up by students from China. No surprise,” said Mr. Chow Yaw Long, 37, teacher-in-charge from Innova Junior College, which organized the event. “Although the topics were local subjects, the foreign students were generally better in terms of the content of the posts and their grasp of the Chinese language.”One of the three local students winning the first prize in the Best Language Award was blogger Christina Gao, 19, from the Saint Andrews Junior College, who spared no effort in researching for and writing her blog. Each entry took her between five and seven days to produce, complete with pictures and even podcasts (播客). Her advice for bloggers is:Be responsible. Some bloggers out there only seek to blame the authorities and other bloggers,” said Miss Gao, “I think they lack responsibilities and there is no value to their posts.”1. The competition was organized by.A. the National University of Singapore B. Chinese newspaper Lianhe ZaobaoC. Innova Junior College D. the Saint Andrews Junior College2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Chinese students won most of the awards.B. Not all the themes were about local subjects.C. The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.D. The judges were from universities in Singapore and China.3. What Miss Gao said suggests that.A. she likes to blame the authorities B. she has a sense of responsibilityC. she thinks highly of the others blogs D. she loves to read valuable posts4. The passage is mainly about.A. how Chinese students won the awards in the competitionB. why bloggers should take responsibility for their blogsC. how Miss Gao won the first prize in the competitionD. what the result of the competition was【参考答案】1-4 、CABD


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