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北京理工大学附中七年级第一学期期中考试基础知识一、挑出与三个划线字母读音不同的选项:16. A. meatB. readC. GreatD. cream17. A. classB. thankC. fatherD. grass18. A. reportB. sportC. short D. work从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。19. My sister Sue _ a new coat, but I .A. has, dontB. have. doesnt C. doesnt have, dontD. dont have, does20. Lets _. A. to play ping-pongB. playing ping-pongC. play the ping-pongD. play ping-pong21.- Are _ you teachers? - Yes, they are.A. thisB. thatC. theD. these22.-Is that you family photo? - _ .A. Yes, they are B. Yes, he isC. Yes, that isD. Yes, it is23.- Are those maps- Yes, _.A. those areB. they areC. theyreD. under, on24.- Where is my football ? - Its _ the table_ the floor.A. on, underB. on, onC. under, underD. under, on25. I often watch TV, _ this evening Im doing my homework.A. and B. but C. or D. in26. Do you know_ little boy with _ kite in his hand?A. Whose, me B. the, a C. a, a D. the, an27. _ pencil-box is it, Simon? Its_.A. Whose; meB. in; of; on C. on; of; of D. of; of; in28. There is a map _ China _ the wall _ our classroom.A. of, on, in B. in, of, on C. on, of, of D. of, of , in 29.I can see only one shoe. Where is_ one?A. anyB. otherC. the otherD. another30. June likes hamburgers but he _ like milk_ eggs.A. dont, and B. dont, orC. doesnt, andD. doesnt , or二、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的选项中,选能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。This is a girl, shes an English girl _ (31) name is Betty .She is twelve. She is in _ (32). She studies _ (33) in No. I Middle School, Mr.Zhou is her Chinese teacher. He teaches her Chinese very well. His _ (34) number _ (35) 6568555. He loves his students very much. Bettys father is an English teacher. He works in Beijing. He teaches us _ (36). He _ (37)to work on his bike. He _ (38) his students very much. _ (39). He is a good English _ (40)and good friend.31. A. HesB. HisC. ShesD. Her32.A. grade one, class fourB. class four, grade oneC. Grade One. Class Four D. Class Four, Grade One33. A. EnglishB. ChineseC. JapaneseD. American34. A. bikeB. carC.bus D. phone35. A. areB. be C. is D. am36. A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. American37. A. haveB. has C. goes D. go38. A. lovesB. doest likeC. doesnt loveD. like39. A. tooB. andC. butD. or40. A. boyB. girl C. student D. teacher三、阅读理解(共15分,每小题1分)阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。MAN:Good morning, sir! Can I help you?MRREAD: Yes, please. What would you like, Ann?ANN: A hamburger and some potato chips.MRREAD: Anything to drink?ANN: A glass of coke.MAN:With ice?ANN: Yes, thank you.MRREAD:Tom, what would you like?TOM:Im not hungry. Just a big glass of coke with ice, please.MRREAD:No food?TOM:No, What would you like, Dad?MRREAD: Id like some rice and fish, and a glass of coke with ice. 41. How many people are there in the dialogue?A. ThreeB. FourC. Five42.Where do you think conversation may happen(发生)?A. At schoolB. At homeC. In a restaurant. 43.What does Ann want to drink?A. Coke B. TeaC. Coffee.44.Does Tom want to eat something?A.Yes. B. No C. I dont know. 45.Mr, Read want to eat _.A. some potato chips B. a hamburger C. some rice and fish BA Chinese student goes to study English in England, His family name is “Sun”, It is the same word “sun”. We know English is a country, with bad weather. It is cloudy or misty. It often rains. When the student gets to London, a policeman, sees his passport. When he sees the students family name is “sun”, the policeman says to him. “You bring sun-shine to us .Welcome to London. We want you here.”Then he smiles.46. The Chinese student goes to London .A. to see his parentB. go see the policeman C. to study EnglishD. to see his teacher47. “Sun” is the students .A. given nameB. family name C. middle name D. passport48. English is a country with .A. sunshine B. sun C. snow D. bad weather49. The policeman smile because he .A. knows the studentB. is the students friendC. sees the sunD. likes the student very much50.The policeman says_ when he sees the student “Sun”.A. “Whats your name” B. “You are wanted here” C. “I dont know your given name ” D. “You are wanted in English”CPeople like to live in different places. Some like big cities because in a big they can go many big shops and buy all kinds of things. There are more and better job in a big city and they can get more money .And there are many cinemas and theatres in big cities .They can also go to the parks, zoos and museums on Sundays, Some people like to live in the country because they think there are too many cars, too many people in big cities, and they want to have more space, clean air and less noise. They can see a lot of farms, birds and flowers, too.51. When someonewants to get a better job and more money he may go to_. A. the countryB. a big cityC. a small townD. any city 52. Some people like to live in the village because they think .A. there are too many cars and people in a big city B. they dont like to go to the parks, zoos and museumsC. they want to have more space, clean air and less noiseD. both A and C 53. What do people in the country see most? .A. Farmers and their childrenB. Farms, trees, birds and flowersC. Too many cars and tractorsD. Nothing interesting to them 54. People like living in different places to .A. buy all kinds of thingsB. have a big house to live inC. get what they likes and wantD. get more quietness (宁静)55.Which is the title (标题)for this passage?A. The city life is quite different from the country life B. What do people like and wantC. The city people, the country people D. Different people, different interests (爱好)语言综合运用(共30分)一、任务型阅读。(共5分,每小题1分)There is a businessman(商人)in a town. His name is Tony. He has a big shop and he is good at business, He has a lot of money-Everybody in the town knows he is a clever businessman.One day a young man comes to the town. He asks Tony.“You are a good businessman. What is the secret(秘密)?”“The secret is this,” answers Tony, “we eat a lot of fish, and the fish is good for our brains(大脑),It makes us clever.”“I know,” says Tony , the young man “and what is the name of the fish?”“I dont know,” says Tony “but if you give me ten pounds (英镑),I can send you some.”The young man thinks that is a good idea .So he gives Tony ten pounds and tells him tells him his address(地址). Soon the young man meets Tony again.After about a month, the young man meets Tony again. “Thank you for the fish.” He says “but listen ,ten pounds is very expensive for just three fish. And after eating the fish. Feel(感觉)nothing in my brain.“Ah ,you see!”says Tony, “The fish is beginning(开始) to have an effect (作用). You are becoming(变)clever!”1. What is Tony good at ?_ 2How much is the three fish?_ 3. Does the young man become clever?_ 4. When does the young man Tony again?_ 5.Whats the young mans feeling(感觉)after eating the fish?_ 二根据首字母填写单词。(共5分,每小题1分)1.Is this your e _(橡皮)?2.My uncle s children are my c _(堂兄)。3.Ask and a _(回答)these questions.4.That music s _(听起来)good.5.Whats your favorite _(水果)?三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(共5分,每小题1分)1. Is that _ (she) sister?2. _ (do) your sister and brother like chicken?3. Those are _ (photo ).4. This is a boy _ (he) name is Wang Gang.5. Do you like _ (play) basketball?四根据中文提示完成句子。(共10分,每空1分)1你的电话号码是什么? Whats your _ ?2. 她是我妈妈的妹妹。 She is my _.3. 谢谢你的手表。 _ your watch.4. 让我们去玩网球吧!_ Play _ .5. 汤姆非常喜欢数学。 Tom likes math_. .五根据原文内容填空(共5分,每小题1分)Dear Zhang Fan. Im really _(1) about coming to China to stay with you. In your letter, you asked about the foods I like, Well, I like hamburgers very much. And my family eats every day. My parents like _ (2) but I cant _(3) them, How about you? I like noodles and potato chips. For dessert, I often have ice crcam. I know you dont have dessert after dinner at your home. I think Chinese people like to eat fruit. Right ? My favorite fruits are grapes and watermelon. My mother likes _(4) very much but I never eat them. My friends tell me you eat rice. Vegetables and every day in China. Is that right? I dont like rice. What food and drink _ (5) I have in China?Hope to see you next week.Yours.Robert. 六书面表达(10分)假设你在互联网上新结识了一位健友,请你根据表中他所提供的信息向你的同学做一个简要介绍。字数在60-80字左右。 NameJack BrownAge 12CityNew York ,USASchool Star SehoolHobbySinging, collecting stampsFamilyGrandparents, parents, two twin sistersFavorite colorBlue Favorite sport SkatingFavorite food ice cream


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