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中考英语单词拼写答题技巧1. 通读全句,确定意思通读全句,根据前后内容判断该词意思,确保所填单词在逻辑意义上与整个句子一致1) Germany and France are _ countries.分析:德国和法国都是欧洲国家,所缺单词修饰名词countries,故填European。2) A good _ makes a good ending.2. 根据成分或结构,判断词性根据所拼单词在句中作的成分判断其词性。例如:1) Disabled people cant use their arms or legs _.2) In _ countries ,the most important holiday is Christmas .3) The letter “b”makes no _ in the word “climb”.3. 上下兼顾,判断单复数通读全句,根据上下意思判断名词的单复数。例如:1) The earth is one of the p_.2) Edison is one of the greatest _ in the world .4. 全面考虑,不忘大小写1) _ comes after summer.2) Tree Planting Day is on _ 12th .一、主要考点单词拼写考查点主要包括:名词变复数;名词、形容词、副词的相互转换;形容词和副词的比较等级;基数词和序数词;人称代词、名词所有格和物主代词及反身代词;动词变名词;动词的第三人称单数、过去式、过去分词和现在分词等。二、命题类型1. 推理型If you want to read quickly, you must use your eyes and _ not your mouth.分析:根据句意“如果你想阅读快,必须同时用眼和用脑,而不是用嘴”,由此确定横线处填 brain。2. 释义型A _ is a person who is employed to work in another persons house.分析: 受人雇佣,在别人家干活的人自然是“佣人”,所以填 servant。3. 对比型Its easier to spend money than _ money.分析:从句中的spend money可联想出由“花钱比挣钱容易”,对比的应该是earn money,故填 earn。4. 搭配型Water can _ into steam when it is heated.分析:水在被加热时会变成水蒸气。由固定搭配change into (变成)可知填change。5. 常识型Childrens Day is on _ 1st.分析:儿童节是六月一日,故填June。三、答题技巧与词形变化相关的语法基础知识有:(1) 名词单复数的相互转化,人称代词单复数的转化。(2) 名词变为所有格形式。(3) 人称代词主格与宾格之间的相互转化;物主代词的形容词性与名词性的相互转化;人称代词、物主代词与反身代词三者之间的相互转化。(4) 基数词与序数词的相互转化。(5) 形容词和副词的原级、比较级、最高级三级之间的转化。(6) 谓语动词的不同时态与语态的不同形式,如一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词后要加s或es。(7) 非谓语动词的不同形式。如在enjoy, finish及介词后要用动词的ing形式作宾语;在decide, want, would like等后要用to do作宾语;在句型ask / tell / would like / want sb to do sth中所用的to dos sth作宾补;而在句型let / make / have sb do sth中却用的是do sth 作宾补,等等。同步训练1.The elephant is the biggest _ on land .2.If you are thirsty , you can have something to _ .3.Fifteen and twenty-five is _.4.Therere not many differences_ American English and British English .5.Four fifteen is another way of saying a _past four .6.Teenagers under 18 should not be _ into Internet bars .7.Westerners eat with _ and forks instead of chopstick .8.Its too _ here . Please turn on the light .9.Were going on a hike . Why not come and_ us ?10.Dont _ about your son . Hell be well soon .11.Animals cant live _ air .12.The earth moves _ the sun .13.Beijing is the _of China .14.Old people should be spoken to _ .15.Words cant _ the beauty of the scene .16.You must ask for _ if you want to leave early .17._ he is fat , he still eats too much .18.You can get _ if you arent careful with the knives .19.He has a _ car because he cant walk .20.I thought the baby was _ , but he was awake .21.My old friend Brian _ me to accept a cigarette . It was more than I could bear .22.In the PE class , we usually have lots of _.23.I saw a cion on the ground and I _it up .24.What club do you _ to ?25._ is the eleventh month of the year.26. China is a country _ a long history.27. My _ are reading, singing and dancing.28.Julie was born in Japan, so she can speak _ well.29.In order to keep _, you should do more exercise.30.When I heard the funny story about Mark Twin, I couldnt help _.31.Dont open your books. Please keep them _.32.The car costs too much. Dont you have something _?33.September the _ is Teachers Day.34.Miss Smith put on her new coat and looked at _ in the mirror.35.The question is not difficult. You can work it out _.36.He is hungry now, for he hurried to school _ eating breskfast.37.Mum, the fish is dead and it _ bad.38.He wants to be a pilot when he _ up.39.Could you tell the _ of the word in Chinese? -Sorry. I dont know, either.40.There are many book _ in the school library.41.Sunday is the _ day of a week.42._ comes before November, but after September.43.The _ of Mount Tai is about 1,532 meters.44.Jim and Tom, the meal is ready. Help _ to it.45.The _ junk food you eat, the more heathy you are.46.We mustnt do anything _ the law.47.The clock _ him up on time every morning.48.I do mind _ to others with mouth full of food.49.Guangzhou lies in the _ of China.50.French fries in KFC are made of _.51.Which goes _, a train, a car or a plane? -A plane.52.Mr.Zhang teaches _ French, for he has no money to go to school.53.Please remind me _ the time and the place of the meeting.54.The mother was _ about her sick son.55. -Ill help you with your English. -_ very much.56.They got _ 2 years ago and they have a lovely son now.57.There is plenty of snow this _.58.Look at _ in the mirror. How dirty your face is!59.If you are _, theres some beef in the fridge.60._ permission, you cant touch anything there.61.Children _ on their parents for food and clothes.62.Teenagers enjoy _ bikes to the countryside themselves.63.Which is your favorite _, English or maths?64.Little Tom got to school _ than any other student for he got the key to the classroom.65.Dont _ water. Can you see the sign Save Water?66.There are four _ in an hour.67.The 2008 Olympic Games will be _ in Beijing.68.The trip by train is much cheaper and far more _ than by air.69.Tuesday is the _ day of a week.70.The best way to practise oral English is to _ it as much as possible.71.It is said that Sudan-1 (苏丹红-1) is bad for peoples_.72.Knives are used for _ meat, apples and so on.73.March 8th is _ day.74.Sea water is too salty for us to _.75.China is now getting everything _ for the coming Olympic Games.76.Change 1 satellite is now flying _ the moon.77.January is the first month of a year and December is the _ one.78.Nie Haisheng is one of the three astronaunts in China who have ever _ to space.79.How _ does a train go?-About 200 kilometers an hour.80.My uncle works in Shenzhen, which lies in the _ of China.81.The lion eats meat, but the cow likes eating _.82.Wed better not talk _ in public places.83.To our surprise, he escaped _ the big fire and was not hurt.84.Sometimes driving a car is not as fast as _ a bike in the rush hours.85._ it was raining, they were still working in the fields.86.“Take the boy to the _ quickly. Its dangerous here.” said the old man.87.Anyone who visits the museum will get a _ postcard. They neednt pay for it.88.Some students are often _ care of by their parents.89.The girl is too shy. She is afraid to introduce _ to us in class.90.The two pictures are not the same. There are six _ between them.91.China has been a _ of WTO since 2001.92.Hainan is in_China. Its warm in winter.93.Mrs Chen is very kind. She always _ us as her children.94.We can get a lot of _ easily from the Internet.95.This desk is _ of very good wood.96.The thin air can easily make people feel _.97.Mark tried his best to solve the problem all by _.98.Jimmy ran so _ that he missed the train.99.There are _ letters in the word “rat”.100.The medicine tastes very terrible, but it is really _ for the health.101.Beijing is in the _ of China.102.The _ plastic bags we use, the better the environment will be.103.Taiwan _ to China for ever.104.Look! A big plane is _ over our heads.


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