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METS写作应注意的问题(1)关于字数:三级120词。(2)关于分段(3)关于时态 (4)关于Comma Splice A complete sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. If you want to join two sentences, you cannot just use a comma. So the use of a comma in place of a period, a semi-colon, a colon or a dash in English writing is called the comma splice or the comma fault. This rule in English is quite different from that of Chinese. In Chinese we can use the comma to separate two Chinese sentences- “很快要下雨了,我们得作好准备。” But in English we cannot do so. We cannot use the comma to separate the two sentences: “It will be raining soon, we must get ready.” One more example, 大学一年级学生的平均年龄是18岁或19岁,有些人小一两岁。(The average age of a college freshman is 18 or 19; some may be a year or two younger.) In this case, we should use either a semicolon or a period. The following is another typical example of comma splice error, and four ways are given to correct it.We are not allowed to think for ourselves, that privilege is reserved for administrators.Four ways to correct the error: (1) , for (2) ; (3) , because (4) . That(5)连接词:first, second, finally, in addition, moreover, whats more, on the one hand, on the other; A, B, and C. In the past several years, indication of titles2、几种形式的范文(1) 布告、通知、海报等 Notice Dr. Emily Meats, Professor of Nursing Science, Dean of the School of Nursing, Pittsburgh State University, author of Professional English for Nurses, “Prevention and Care of Common diseases,” “The Basic Theory in Nursing Skills,” “A Study on Professional Nursing, 20 Years On,” New Perspectives on Nursing Management, and many others, will be delivering a speech on her latest research for safety and infection control in the Lecture Hall, Students Activity Center, at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 8, 2008. All Welcome!(2) 图表描述 图表的分类:条形图(柱状图bar chart)、曲线图(line graph)、统计表 (table)、扇形图(饼状图、圆形图pie chart)等。 图表作文的写法:* 总提句:用一句话概括说明图表研究的对象、研究的时间段、研究的地点等。总题句可以对题目作适当改写,不能照抄原题,以免有抄袭之嫌;但也不能改变原题的意思,以免走题。时态用一般现在时;常用句型:This chart (graph, table, diagram, figure) shows (indicates, illustrates, describes, presents,gives) the number of, the percentage of, that, etc.* 主体段(主体部分):根据字数要求写若干句,描述图中主要的信息点(数据),注意涵盖趋势的最高值、最低值及某个时段的趋势。在有比较的图表中,既要作单方面的描述,更要注重双方的比较(如范文A)。至于时态,对标示了过去年月的图表,描述时通常用过去时态;而未标明过去时间的,则用现在时。常用句型:Group 1: According to the chart, As can be seen from the table, It can be seen from the graph that, We can see from the figure that, etc. Group 2: The number (percentage) ofincreased (rose, grew, climbed; decreased, dropped, fell, reduced) fromin June toin December. The number remained steady (stable) from June to December at about The figures peaked (reached the highest point; reached the lowest point, reached the bottom, bottomed out) in December at 20%.* 结尾句(结尾段)写出总体趋势,得出结论。若字数够了,这部分也可忽略不写。 要注意的是,图表作文只需对图表所提供的信息加以客观的、准确的描述,无须对这些信息进行评论,不要表达个人情感、观点,无需添加个人色彩。因此,I think, In my opinion, 等都是画蛇添足之词。 关于图表作文的评分,建议重点仍应放在文字上,只要考生描述的信息基本准确,字数够了,那就以文字为重,而不在乎是否遗漏了哪个信息。 图表作文范文A. The chart below shows the percentage of male and female smokers in Britain between 1970 and 1990. Write a passage describing the information contained in the chart.1970 1980 1990 908070605040302010 0MenWomenSample passage This chart shows the percentage of male and female smokers in Britain during the period between 1970 and 1990. From the chart we can see that the percentage of male smokers dropped gradually from 90% in 1970 to 80% in 1980 and then sharply to 50% in 1990. On the other hand, the percentage of female smokers increased gradually from 30% in 1970 to 50% in 1990. It is interesting to point out that, in the 20 years from 1970 to 1990, the number of male smokers was towards a decrease while that of the female smokers was on the rise, at the rate of 10% increase each ten years. As a result the two figures became the same in 1990, both being 50%. B. The graph below shows the number of registered nurses (in millions) in China from 1960 to 1990. Write a report describing the information shown in the graph.60y 62y 64y 66y 68y 70y 72y 74y 76y 78y 80y 82y 84y 86y 88y 90y121008642 0Sample passage This figure shows the number of full-time registered nurses in China between 1960 and 1990. According to the figure, the number of registered nurses from 1960 to 1962 decreased sharply from about 5 million to about 2 million. This decreasing trend, however, was followed by a rapid increase over the next three years. The number dropped again from 1964 to 1965 and then went up gradually until 1976 when there was a leveling off of the number (when the number remained steady / when there was hardly any change in the number of) for the next ten years at about 8 million. The years between 1986 and 1990 saw a sharp rise in the number of registered nurses. Although there were fluctuations in the number of nurses from 1960 to 1990, the trend was towards an increase.(3) 议论文、辩论文 这类体裁的作文要遵循三个原则: 1、开头要观点鲜明,直截了当; 2、中间段落(或中间部分)要提出2到3个论据对全文观点予以证明。3、结尾以不同的措词重述、呼应主题;Topic: Discuss induced abortion.Sample passageIn my opinion, induced abortion has many negative effects and should be controlled. Firstly, the great pain and huge loss of blood will certainly affect womens health. It usually takes at least one week for their recovery. In addition, women who have had several abortions may suffer from natural abortion and, therefore, lose the right to be mothers. Secondly, abortion is inhumane. In most cases, women are forced to have abortions, and to some extent, abortion is a kind of murder in a different form. Thirdly, abortion provides excuses to irresponsible sex. Many abortion cases are the result of indecent sexual relationships and may damage public morality.In conclusion, we should control abortion; only under necessary circumstances (e.g. deformed embryo) do we take abortion so as to protect womens rights and insure social development.2009年上半年Mets 作文例文Unit One写作园地1)写作辅导目前为止,我们已学习了一些基本的英语句型,无疑,掌握这些句型,对于英文写作是很有帮助。但是,符合句型的句子也不一定是好的句子。下面我们要在三级辅导材料部分中,通过实例分析来讲解初学英语写作的人经常出现的一些问题。请看下例:Yesterday Tom had his hand burnt, and he could not find his lecture notes anywhere.这句句子有问题,但问题不在于语法或句型,而在于这句句子表达了两个联系不甚紧密的思想,给人一种莫名其妙的感觉,没有逻辑性。注意下列规则:用一句句子表达联系紧密的思想;用两句或更多的句子表达相关但联系不甚紧密的思想。根据这条规则,我们可以修改上句如下:Unfortunately all day yesterday, Xiao Li not only had his hand burnt, but also lost his lecture notes.说明:采用not onlybut also,两个思想的关系就变得清楚了。同时增加unfortunately一词,起到了概括的作用。由此可见,掌握一定的写作技巧有多重要。2) WritingFinish a patient report on his admission information within 130 words based on the following table. Patient admission formPatient name: Sandy DarkInitial complains: weepy & crying for 2 daysAge: 32 monthsGender: femaleSigns & symptoms: Temp: 41.2C , rash on neck and shoulders, excessive mucus in nose and throat, difficulty breathing, vomit once every another hourPossible problems: Dehydration.Nursing instructions: Encourage to drink much fluid, give a lukewarm sponge bath, wear light bedclothesAnswer:Sandy Dark is a 32-month-old girl. She was brought to the hospital by her parents. The baby is found to have been weepy and crying for the last two days. The physical examination shows that the girl is running a high temperature of 41.2C. She has excessive mucus in her nose and throat. Large spots of rash are found round her neck and shoulders. Her parents said they found the baby have difficulty in breath. She is vomiting once every another hour at home. According to the history and assessment, the baby is likely to be under the condition of dehydration. Major nursing instructions for her are given as follow. The girl should be encouraged to have much drink. A lukewarm sponge bath is favored for the baby. During daytime the baby only needs to wear light bedclothes.Unit Two写作园地1)写作辅导我们在上一课中学习了一条重要的写作技巧:用一句句子表达联系紧密的思想;用两句或更多的句子表达相关但联系不甚紧密的思想。本课,我们介绍另一条规则:不要用并列连词将主要思想句和从属思想句连接起来。请看下句:The patient didnt come and we were worried.从句子结构角度看,使用and连词表明,两个思想是同等重要的。虽然我们有理由相信worried是因为the patient didnt come造成的,但却无法肯定,因为至少从结构上无法看出这一点。因此有理由,加上从属连词,作出如下改动:We were worried because the patient didnt come这样一改,两个思想之间的关系就变得清晰起来,因为它呈现出清晰的因果关系。一般说来,“并列”表示“对等”,即具有同样价值,同等重要性或同样的地位;而“从属”则表示“不对等”,即一个思想从属于另一个思想。英语中并列连词不多,主要有:and,but,or,so,however,for,either or,bothand,not only but also等。常见的从属连词有after,as soon as,while,since,until,although, if,though, because, unless, lest, so that, than, as if等。2)WritingHere is the general information about menorrhagia. Organize it by your own into a paragraph of about 130 words.Menorrhagia:Definition: excessive menstrual flowPrimary symptom: bleedingComplications: infection, anemiaCause: endocrine, emotional disturbance, tumor, inflammatory disease, endometriosisDiagnosis: upon examination & menstrual historyTreatment: upon cause, blood transfusion, iron, hysterectomy, etc Answer: Menorrhagia is defined to be the excessive menstrual flow. It is a commonly seen disorder of the female reproductive system. The primary symptom of the disease is virginal bleeding. It can also bring some complications such as infection and anemia. Menorrhagia has a complicated etiology. Common causes are endocrine and emotional disturbances. Other cases may be due to tumor, inflammatory diseases or endometriosis. In order to find the cause for the disease so as to get to the right diagnosis, doctors have to carefully examine the patient physically and learn about the patients menstrual history. Patients with menorrhagia are treated differently according to their primary cause. Some patients may need to receive blood transfusion when found to have anemia. Iron is also among the list of medication for this patient group. Some are going to have hysterectomy.Unit Three写作园地1)写作辅导在本课中,我们学习写作第三条规则:不要将主要思想放在从属地位。在写作过程中,决定哪个思想是主要的,哪个是从属的,完全取决于你所要强调的侧面。例如,同样的内容我们可以写成下面两句话:While he was still at college, his father died.When his father died, he was still at college.第一句突出了“他父亲去世”这个事实;第二句却强调了“他父亲去世时他还在上大学”这一事实。另外,我们在确定哪个思想较为重要时应注意符合常理。例如:I happened to glance at the ground, noticing a watch at my foot.上句显然违反了常理。因为,相比之下,“发现手表”一事更为重要。 因此,改写为下句较为妥当:Happening to glance at the ground; I noticed a watch at my foot.2)WritingBed 18, Stewed Sign, 88, admitted for head injury after a serious fall, unconscious for 72 hours. Potential problems: risk of dehydration, risk of weight loss and risk of pressure ulcer.Write a report of the case and give your nursing care goals to each problem. (within 130 words)Answer:The patient Stewed Sign is on Bed 18. He is 88. The patient was admitted due to head injury after a serious fall. He has been unconscious for 72 hours. According to the nursing assessment, the patient has several potential nursing problems including risk of dehydration, risk of weight loss and risk of pressure ulcer. In order to prevent dehydration the patient should maintain regular fluid intake. A normal frequency of bowel movement and urine elimination should be maintained as well. In order to prevent the problem of weight loss, the patient should have body weight monitored and all efforts should be made to maintain the weight at the same level on admission. In order to prevent the problem of pressure ulcers, the patient should always keep clean skin and untangled hair. Unit Four写作园地1)写作辅导本课要跟大家谈谈第三个写作技巧:避免写“小学生写作”式的句子。这个技巧与前几节课讲的技巧有联系,我们可以结合起来一起学习。所谓“小学生写作式”(Primer Style)的句子,指的是一连串结构相似,呆板而短小的简单句。这样的句子使所有的动作或思想呈现出同等的重要性,因而给人以一种单调而幼稚的感觉。 请看下例:Franz Mesmer was a physician. He was from Germany. He invented hypnotism. Hypnotism was invented in the eighteenth century.以上四句话都采用最常应用的“主语+谓语”的结构,句子呆板而短小,是典型的“小学生写作式”句子。我们尝试改写成;Franz Mesmer was a physician from Germany. He invented hypnotism in the eighteenth century. 或:Franz Mesmer was a physician from Germany, who invented hypnotism in the eighteenth century. 或:Franz Mesmer, a physician from Germany, invented hypnotism in the eighteenth century.这样写,4句变成了2句或1句,不仅简练,主要思想与次要思想也层次分明了。2)Writing Here is a case of head injury. Write a new patient report based on the information below. (within 130 words)Bon Jones, male, 10, sent by the ambulanceAdmission reason: fall off from bike, head injured, unconscious for 3 minutesRecords before hospitalization: get confused and vomit after injury, loss memory of how to get help from ambulance, headache allover on the ambulance Examination: full movement in both eyes, 6-cm ragged laceration below the hairline, no other injury be foundDiagnosis: head laceration, 20 minutes of PTANursing assessment: active, not clear but alert, no apparent problems besides injuryAnswer:The patient Bon Jones is 10 years old. He was sent to the hospital by the ambulance. The boy fell off from bike and had his head injured. He was unconscious for 3 minutes. According to the records on the ambulance, the boy was confused and vomited after the injury. He could not remember how he got on to the ambulance. The body complained of a overall headache when he was on the ambulance. The physical examination in the hospital shows full movement in both of his eyes. There is a 6-com ragged laceration below his hairline but no other injury is found. His medical diagnosis is head laceration with a 20-minutes-of PTA. According to the nursing assessment, the boy is active now. He is not quite clear but is alert. No other problems apparent are found. Unit Five写作园地1)写作辅导 要写效果好的句子,除了采用前几课介绍的技巧外,我们还可以采用加强句子语气的规则:主要思想放在句末。英语在其长期的发展过程中,形成了一种相对固定的语序,因此,英语句子的意义重心也相对固定。这就是所谓的“句末重心(end focus)”。效果好的句子往往把重要思想放到句末才出现,这种句子体现了英文的这种特点。如果句中先出现较重要的思想,然后再出现次要的思想,这样的句子就显得松散,不太符合英文的行文特点。请比较下面两句:His doctor insisted that he should take a good rest after he suffered such an ordeal.His doctor insisted that he, after suffering such an ordeal, should take a good rest.显然第二句要比第一句效果好,因为句中重要的思想直到句末才出现,体现了英文的行文特点。而第一句,尽管句式没有错,但重点似乎放在了并不那么重要的细节上,这与本句所要表达的意思不相吻合。2)Writing Read the nursing document below and write a case summary of about 130 words:Bed 13Bernard HangerMedial diagnosis: Cerebrovascular accident with right-sided hemiplegiaProblems:Goals:Nursing intervention:Overweight: 95 kg (15 kg overweight)Lose weight 3 kg per monthLimit daily diet within 1000 caloriesExpressive aphasiaSpeaking intelligiblyEncourage to read aloud;Teach lip and tongue exercisesAnswer:The patient on bed 13 is Bernard Hanger. He was admitted to the hospital for the diagnosis of cerebrovascular accident with right-sided hemiplegia. According to the nursing assessment, the patient is found to have two major problems. The first is overweight. He weights 90 kg, which exceeds a 15 kg over the proper body weight for his build. A plan to lose 3 kg every month is suggested. The nurse controls the daily diet within 100 calories so as to fulfill the plan. Another problem is expressive aphasia. In order to help the patient to recover and be able to speak intelligibly, the nurse encourages the patient to read aloud every day and also teaches him to do some lip and tongue exercises.2009年下半年Mets 三级作文例文Unit One Write a paragraph on Nursing Home based on the following key words (130 words):Long-term care facility, rehabilitation, the elderly, ADL, meet the needs of, nurse, dominent role, basic nursing care, malnutrition, dehydration, chronic diseases, health maintianence, disease prevention, symptom management, self-careAnswer:A nursing home is one kind of long-term care facilities in our society. It is a special place for the elderly and mainly focuses on rehabilitation care. In the nursing home, health care workers help the residents with activities of daily living and meet their physicial, emotional and social needs. Nursing homes operates a little different from other kinds of health care facilities. In a nursing home, it is the nurses who take thedominent role as most residnets there require basic nursing care rather than medical treatments. The major tasks for nurses may be dealing with malnutrition and dehydration rather than medication administration. Most elderly residents have more thanone chronic diseases. Therefore nurses in nursing homes play an important role in health maintainence and disease prevention. They are responsible for sumptom management and self-care assistance. Unit TwoYou are a community nurse receiving a group of elderly people asking for information about diabetes. Prepare an information sheet on the disease for public health education covering definition, signs and symptoms, risk factors and prevention related to the disease. (within 130 words):Key words: chronic, insulin, blood sugar, urine output, water consumption, weight loss, vision damage, infection, genetics, obesity, smoking, exercise, dietAnswer:Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in our society. It is characterized by insulin secretion defect and high blood sugar level. The disease may have sets of signs and symptoms including excessive urine output, thirst, increased water consumption, weight loss and increased appetite. Severe patients may suffer vision damage and skin infection.Many factors have been proved related to the disease, including genetics, ethnic groups, birth weight, metabolic syndrome, obesity, specific lifestyle and smoking. However, much can be done to prevent the disease. Establish a balanced diet and keep away from excessive sugar and fat intake will do much good to you. Furthermore, regular physical exercise and keeping fit are also of great help in preventing diabetes and other kinds of chronic diseases. Last but not least, smoking do great harm and must be quit. Unit ThreeA young mother in the your department is wondering whether to give breastfeeding to her baby. You as a nurse is responsible for her nursing care. She just requier some information on the benefits of breastfeeding from you to help her make the decision. Prepare a brief report on the topic. (within 130 words)Key words: nutrition, proportion, safe, availbility, inexpensive, milkpowder, growth and development, immune fuction, recover, breast cancerAnswer:Breastfeeding is the natural way of feeding and does much good the infant. First of all, human breast milk contains much nutrition that is sufficient to meet the infants needs of growth and development. The proportion of fat, protein and suger perfectly matches with the infants physical condition. It also facilitates the infant in establishing and enhancing the immune function. Furthermore, breastfeeding is safe. There is few allergic reactions reported in infant feeding with brest milk. it is available at any time and can be very efficient. Compared with milkpowders, human breast milk is inexpensive and affordable for most families. Besides, breastfeeding also do good to the mother. By breastfeeding, the mother will recover much more quickly from the delivery. And it has been proved that breastfeeding is also helpful to decrease the risk of breast cancer in women. Unit FourYou are invited to attend to give a public health club in a college. The students ask you to give an introduction of AIDS. Please finish a brief report on the disease. (within 130 words)Key words: HIV, sexual transmitted, immune system, infection, sexual contact, contaminated blood, mother-to-child transmission, vaccine, preventionAnswer:AIDS is the short form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is one of the most important sexual transmitted diseases and mainly attacks our immune system. Human immonodeficiency virus (HIV) is responsible for the disease. The virus may hide in the human body for many years without any manifestation. However, eventually the victim with a currputed immune system will suffer all kinds of infection and develop severe


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