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进口汽车维修技术缩略语词典*C Degrees Celsius 摄氏度*F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车*N* Neutral Position 空档*P* *PARK*Position P档,停车档*P* *PARK* Position P(驻车)档位置O2 Oxygen 氧气2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向 A A A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培 *电流表 *提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch 空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor 空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner Temperature Sensor Override Valve 空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Valve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control 辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control 自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve 辅助空气控制阀 AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers 美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump 辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure 外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System 吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AAV Anti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator 空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control Valve 空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center 在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline 掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABS American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局Abs Absolute 绝对的ABS Visc Absolute Viscosity 绝对粘度ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve 空气旁通电磁阀ABV *Anti Backfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve *防止逆火阀 *空气旁通阀ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro *交流电 *后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay 空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch 空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay 空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode 空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost Valve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid 酸AC Analogue Computer 模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control 自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch 自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch 空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control 电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude Compensation Carb *附件 *高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter Valve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear 自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise, Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle 加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge 承认ACKV Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner 空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication 自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials 高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure 空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel 辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System 气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening 检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator 执行器Actv Active 活动的ACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut Valve 断气阀ACV Armored Command Vehicle 装甲指挥车ACV Air Control Valve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator 气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加 *补充ADECS Automotive Diesel Electronic Control System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance 提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEA Automotive Electrical Association (US) 美国汽车电气协会AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association (US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会AESC American Engineering Standards Committee 美国工程标准委员会AETS Automatic Engine Test System 发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio 混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel 辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled 空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig / Heater Function Select Switch 空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check Valve 空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction 二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor 二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal 空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check Valve 空气单向阀 AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter Valve 空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index 抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link 诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting and Locking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator 交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient 周围的AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management Valve 空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier 放大器Amp Ampere 安培AN Above-Named 上述的AN Annual 年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System 活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter 噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna 天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control 自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission 超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control 自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude 美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经.批准,批准人Approx Approximation 近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association(US) 美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief Valve 空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水 *水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal 加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle 装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AS American Standard 美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer 自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America 美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer 空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module 安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief Valve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant 辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction Valve 进气阀ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Air Temperature 空气温度AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数AT Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位AT Automatic Transmission 自动变速器AT. Air Tight 气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere 大气.周围情况.大气压ATC Automatic Temperature Control 自动温度控制ATC After Top Center 在上止点后ATC Automatic Temperature Control 温度自动控制器ATC Automatic Timing Corrector 自动正时器ATDC After Top Dead Center 在上止点后ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油Atm Atmosphere 气压ATM Automatic Transmission 自动变速箱ATM Actuator Test Modes 测试模式ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶装置ATS Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ATS Automatic Train Stopper 自动列车停止装置ATT Attenuation 减少,阻尼ATV Above the Throttle Valve 在节气门上方ATX Automatic Transaxle 带自动变速器的前轮驱动AUTO Automatic 自动的Aux Auxiliary 辅助的AV Air Valve 空气阀Avg Average 平均值AVOM Analog Volt-Ohm Meter 指针式三用电表AVSV Air Vent Solenoid Valve 通气电磁阀AWD Air Warning Device 空气警示装置AWD All Wheel Drive 四轮驱动AWP Average Working Pressure 平均工作压力AWP Awaiting Parts 维修用备件AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle 自动变速箱超速器AZS Automatic Zero Set 自动调零 B B B-pillar B柱B B-post B柱B+ Battery Positive Voltage 电瓶正电压B/P EGR Back Pressure Transducer EGR 负压传感器B/P Backpressure 背压B/S Bore-to-Stroke Ratio 缸径行程比B/S Bill of Sale 出售清单B/U Back-Up 备用,倒车(灯)BA (cylinder)Bore Area 气缸孔面积BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离BAC By-Pass Air Control 旁通空气控制BACV Bypath Air Control Valve 旁通控气阀BANK1 Injector Bank #1 第1排喷油咀BANK2 Injector Bank #2 第2排喷油咀BANK3 Injector Bank #3 第3排喷油咀BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure 大气绝对压力Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor 大气绝对压力传感器BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力Baro Barometric 大气BARO. Barometric 气压(计)Batt Battery 电瓶 电池BAV Bleed Air Valve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)BCV Boost Control Valve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木)BCV Booster Control Valve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown Voltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK


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