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小学五年级英语上学期期末测试题 姓名 等级 一、 选出不同类的单词。10%( )1、A.met B.arrive C.lost( ) 2. A.run B.walk C.fast( )3. A. fantastic B. use Ctake( ) 4. A. apples B.bananas C.cheese( )5. A.tired B.play C.sad二|单项选择。(20%)( )1.I want to buy ice cream for my sister. A.a B. an C.the( )2.Yesterday I my bag.I feel sad. A.lose B.lost C.losed( )3.I went to Jinan . A.at two hours B.for two hours C.for two hour( )4.Dont in the class. Aclimb Bclimbing C.climbed( )5.There four children.But there one bottle of water. A.are, is B.is , are C. are, isn,t( )6.- bananas do you want? -Six,please. A.How much B.How many C.What( )7.We get up six oclock every morning. A.for B.to C.at( )8.-Can Tom jump high? - A.Yes,I can. B.Yes,I cant. C.Yes,he can.( )9.Its raining.I cant go out to play. So I feel .A.sad B.bored C.angry( )10.Lingling likes in the playground. A.skip B.skiping C.skipping三、选择配伍。(20%)( )1.When did you buy this book? A. At five oclock.( )2.What did you do at the weekend? B. I went to the park.( )3.Where did you go yesterday? C. Last week.( )4.Are you feeling angry? D. I did my homework.( )5.What time are you going to go home? E. Yes,I am.( )6.Can we have a dog ? F. No,I dont.( )7.Do you walk to school? G. Thats ok.( )8.How well do you play football? H. Two kilos( )9.Im sorry. I.No,we cant.( )10.How many eggs do you want? J. I cant play it at all.四、补全对话,把正确答案的序号写在横线上。(10%)AAre there many people in the supermarket? B. Ok. C. Where did you go? D. Seven oclock.E. I bought some juice and two story books.A:Hello,John. B:I went to the supermarket.A:What did you buy? B: A: B:Yes,there are many people.because today is weekend.A:What time did you get up? B: A:Oh,but I get up late.Now lets go home together(一起).B: 五、 阅读短文,选择真确答案,并把答案序号写在括号内。(10%) Peter is seven years old.He is in Grade(年级)Two this year.He likes to watch football games(比赛)very much.He knows when and where there is going to be a football game.Now Peter is having lunch.He is very happy,because there is going to be a nice football game on TV at four this afternoon.He wants to watch it very much.But he is going to have an English class.He thinks hard.And then he has an idea(主意).“Hello,Ms Black,”Peter says to his teacher on the telephone(在电话中), “Peter is ill(生病)in bed.He wants to ask for (要求)half a days leave(离开).” “Oh,Im sorry to hear that,”says Ms Black. “But who is that?” “Its my father ,Ms Black.”( )1.Peter is A.a pupil B.a teacher C.a football player(运动员)( )2.Peter is going to be in next year(明年). A.Grade One B.Grade Two C.Grade Three( )3.Peter likes very much. A.having English class B.watching football games C.telephoning his teacher( )4.What time is going to be a football game that afternoon? A.At two oclock B.At four oclock C.At seven oclock( )5.Who telephones(打电话)to Ms Black? A.Peter B.Peters father C.Ms Black六根据实际情况回答问题。(10%)1.How do you go to school? _2. What time does your school start? _.3.Can you run fast?_4.Did you have an ice cream yesterday?_5. How many children are there ?_七、小作文:My friend(20%)提示:可以介绍朋友的喜好,或者朋友做过的有意义的事,也可以用 can ,cant描述朋友的能力等。(不少于50个单词)


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