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八下期末作文总结有关你最喜欢的东西My favorite toy is . / I have had it for. / since. . gave it to me .I like the toy because its . Its special to me because.I think its .It makes me.When I feel lonely / have trouble, I always .As soon as I ., I will . Although.It has given me many sweet memories. Im lucky to have.范文1My favorite toy from childhood is a toy panda. I have had it since I was six years old. My mother gave it to me. I like the toy panda because its very lovely. Its special to me because its a birthday gift. I think its the best gift I have received so far. When I felt lonely, I always hugged it in my arms. As soon as I see it, it will make me remember my beautiful childhood. It has followed me for 8 years. It has given me many sweet memories. I am lucky to have the toy panda.范文2My favorite toy from childhood is a Barbie doll. I have had it since I was 8 years old. My best friend Jane gave it to me. As a birthday gift. I like the Barbie doll because its very cute and beautiful. It wears a red and white dress, a red had and red shoes. Its special to me because I will remember my friend as soon as I see it. I think its the best gift I have received so far. When I have trouble, I always talk to it. It makes me feel like seeing Jane. Barbie doll has stayed with me for 6 years. It has given me many sweet memories. I am lucky to have he Barbie doll.曾经去过某地Have you ever been to Beijing Zoo? If not, let me introduce it to you. Beijing Zoo is located in . Its large and beautiful.There are many animals in the zoo, such as.The animals are .Tourists can. In the zoo.If you go there, I am sure you will have a good/ great / wonderful time. 范文1Last Sunday, I went to Beijing Zoo with my parents. Have you ever been there? If you have never been there, let me tell you something about it. Beijing Zoo is in the northwest of Beijing. There are all kinds of animals, such as tigers, lions, elephants, and all kinds of birds in it. Many people go there, especially on weekends. The animals can go anywhere freely in the zoo. Its amazing! Tourists can eat and rest in the zoo. If you go there, Im sure you will have a wonderful time. I hope everyone will enjoy himself in Beijing Zoo!Come and have fun in the zoo. 范文2Have you ever been to Shanghai?I have been there once. I went there with my parents last Sunday. Shanghai is a city with a long history and wonderful culture. There are quite a lot of places of interest. First, we went to the Bund. Its one of the most popular places for visitors. When you walk along the Bund, you really enjoy yourself. Then, we went to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Its very beautiful and famous, and it is the highest tower in Asia. In the afternoon, we went to Yu Garden. Its also a good place to go. There are many gardens in it. In the evening, we went to the Peoples Square. Its really a wonderful place to have a good time, we were tired, but we were happy.最近所做的事Have you heard of / read / seen . yet? Do you know what it is about? If you havent heard of / read / seen . yet? Ill introduce it to you. I have just read . / it is written by .He is a . / he wrote .The story is about .It really . /I read it when I.The book makes me feel .I love the book very much . / I m sure you will like it. 范文1Have you ever heard of Mo Yan? Have you read his novel Red Sorghun yet? Do you know what its about? Now let me introduce it to you. Mo Yan is a famous writer. In 2012, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. I have just finished reading Red Sorghun. The story is about “ my grandfather and grandmothers love.” I will read it again when I have time. Its really good, so I cant put it down. The book makes me feel that life is so lively and free. It makes me love life better. I like the book very much. Im sure you will like it, too. 范文2Have you listened to the song Yesterday Once More? It was written by Richard Carpenter. Richard was a famous American musician. He has written a lot of beautiful songs in his life. Yesterday once more is one of the most famous songs. It is a piece of country music. I have listened to the song these days. When Im tired, Ill listen to the song. It makes me feel relaxed and brings me back to the good old days. I love this song very much. Im sure youll like it, too. 如何写保护动物的文章Do you know / like.? Have you seen . ? What do you think of . ? They are one kind of . Animals. They live in . They eat . They can .Some kinds of . are in danger because ./ Why are they endangered? Because they are . / they are in danger because. In order to / To protect them, we should . We should protect . from.I think people should / shouldnt .Besides, we must.范文1Saving Siberian Tigers (东北虎)Do you know the beautiful Siberian Tigers? Have you seen them in the zoos? I think the Siberian Tiger is one of the most popular animals that people like to see in the zoos. The reason is that they are strong and beautiful. But nowadays there are only 3000 or so Siberian tigers in the world, and the amount of them is decreasing. Why? Because many forests are cut down and they have no places to live in. In order to protect them. We should build more natural reserves. (自然保护区). Besides, we must make laws to stop people from hunting them. Lets try our best to save the strong and beautiful tigers. 范文2Pandas the national treasure Pandas are one of most beautiful animals. They are white and black. People in the world like pandas very much because they look very beautiful and cute. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. But now many bamboo trees are cut down (被砍倒 被动语态)and pandas have no places to live in, the number of the pandas is becoming less and less. At present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. The biggest nature park for pandas in China is in Sichuan. There is a research center for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to set free and more pandas can live in the wild again. 如何写故事 范文Once upon a time, there was a fox with her baby in the forest. One day, the baby was hungry and cried. Mother fox decided to get some food for her baby, so she went to a village. She got a chicken and hurried to her house. When she was near her house, the hunter came with a gun. Mother fox shouted to her baby, “its dangerous. Run quickly! At last, baby fox ran away but mother fox was shot.I think the mother fox is really great. She loves her baby very much. What great mothers love! Unit 11、单元主线.这一单元主要讨论health problems 和 accidents 同时 give advice因此需要知晓如何表达,例如ReasonHealth problems/AccidentsAdviceTalk too much/dont drink too much water have a sore throat Drink some hot water with honey作业:按照这个表格类型整理其他的health problems or accidents同时需要知道本单元的关于health problems or accidents的对话:例如:-Whats wrong/ the matter with you? -I have a fever/ cold/ cough/stomachache/sore back -What happened to you/whats wrong with you? -I fall down/ cut myself / hurt my leg.-Do you have a fever? Yes, I do/No, I dont/ I dont know.这三个是询问问题,前两个是特殊疑问句,后一个是一般疑问句。-What should I do? You should(写出具体的建议)-Should I do something? -Yes, you should / No, you shouldnt.这两个是给出建议。前两个是特殊疑问句,后一个是一般疑问句。2、作文Dear Gina,Im sorry to hear that you have a bad cold. Because of the bad weather, many people have had a bad cold. I think you should drink lots of water and wear more warm clothes. Youd better lie down and have a rest. Its best for you to go to see the doctor and take some medicine. You shouldnt go to school any more. Its important for you to keep healthy.I hope you will feel better soon.Yours,Mary3、知识点。作业:写出下列表述的汉语意思或例句。hurt 及物动词 hurt my finger/myself (受伤) 不及物动词 my leg hurts(疼痛)lielie-lay-lain-lying 躺lie-lied-lied-lying 撒谎 tell a lie 说谎 lie to sb. 对说谎go to/ see a doctor/dentist shout shout for / shout to /shout at on/by the side of the road taketake down take off take ones temperature take breaks take after take photos take risks take a walk take a shower take care oftake a deep breath take seriously take medicine take apart take over take inmovemove to(地点) move my neck move the old man onto the buswithout without doing without thinking twice getget off get on get a feeling get sb. sth. = get sth. for sb. get me a special trained dog = get a special trained dog for me get+adj. get popular/angry/upset get sb. adj. get the children excitedget+v-ed get killed/broken/lost/sunburned get into / get out of sth. get into trouble get out of the difficult situationget into a good university 拓展:get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 get doing 开始做某事have a heart problem 辨析take/bring/fetch/carry expect expect to do sth. / expect sb. to do sth. thanks to the passengers because of the accidents/kindnessthinkthink about think over think of 辨析hit an old man beat strike right away = at oncehave troubles/ problems /difficulties with sth. (in) doing sh.help 及物动词 help (to) do sth. help sb. to do sth. help sb. with sth. 不及物动词 help with sth. help out sb. help out around the house Fall fall down fall off fall asleep/illhave a serious accident free in my free time = in my spare time free my armscutcut in cut off cut down cut up cut out 作业:给出下列表达例子。usebe used to doing sth be used to do sth used to do sth/ didnt use to do sthfind find sb. prep find himself in dangerous situation find sb. doing find my sister looking through my things find sth. adj find it interesting =find it to be interesting find sth. n find it an interesting bookran out run out of the water has run out = I have run out of the water.save save his own life save the endangered animals save money readybe ready to do sth. /for sth. meanmean doing sth. means being in a difficult situation mean to do sth. mean to ask youcontrol be in control of ones life keep keep (on) doing sth. keep moving keep adj. keep healthy keep sth. adj. keep the classroom clean and tidy his love for peace the reason for being late telltell of the importance of making good decisions tell sb. sth. tell me the story tell sb. about sth. tell me about these problems 翻译:1、 他是一位对爬山感兴趣的美国人。2、 因为他不能使他的胳膊自由活动,因此他在那里呆了五天,并且希望有人能够找到他。但是他的水喝光了,他不知道他不得不做些事情来救自己的性命。3、 用他的左胳膊,他包扎了自己以使他不流太多的血。4、 她对爬山是如此的热爱以至于甚至在那个事故之后他还坚持爬山。5、 当他在犹他州爬山的时候,他发现他自己身处于一个危险的境地。6、 这意思是处于一个你无法摆脱的困难境地中。这本书讲述了做出正确决定和控制生命的重要性。Unit 2 1、单元主线:offer help 作业:写出不同的志愿活动的表达方式看望生病的孩子使他们振作起来在敬老院做志愿活动去教孩子帮助清扫公园帮助阻止饥饿在食物银行给无家可归的人分发食物在一个课外的学习项目里做志愿活动想出一个计划在动物医院工作在学校附近张贴海报并分发传单去告诉学生这个图书销售,并把从图书销售中挣到的钱分发给无家可归的人为城市公园清扫日制定计划给老年人读报照顾生病的动物建立组织去帮助残疾人作文Now more and more people are taking part in the volunteer activities. I would like to become a volunteer in a childrens home on Sundays. Ill help them clean their rooms. Ill give away some story-books to them and tell them stories. I like children, and Im good at singing and dancing. I speak English well and I can teach them English. From the activity, Ill be able to get some joys and improve myself. I am sure I will be a good volunteer.作业:写出下列表达相对应的汉语或英语意思givegive up smoking give away a gift give back the book give out the food give off give in volunteer volunteer at an animal hospital volunteer to do volunteer forlearn learn more about learn to do.get such a strong feeling of successget his future dream jobsatisfied/satisfying be satisfied about feel satisfied a satisfying answer see sb. do/doing(写出有类似用法的词语)the look of excitement at the age of fourIts hard work a car lover in his twenties help out the disabled peopledecide to do sth. decide the winner understand my words my parents are very understandingchange my life change the world have/lose interest in sth参加一个课外阅读项目的面试 学习阅读开始不同的旅程 忙于学习 给至少5所小学打电话 努力想出一些主意担心成绩 在他们空闲的时间 募集资金 暑假就要来临独自旅行 对我们的生活产生很大的影响盲人 对拥有一只狗的想法感到很兴奋接电话和搬东西对于我来说很难。 能够作业:给下列语法点举出列子。need 实义动词 need sth need to do sth 情态动词 need do sthlonely&alonelonely表语和定语只有形容词心灵上的孤独alone只能做表语形容词、副词客观上的“单独”train sb. to do sth. make it possible to do sth. the idea of imagine doing同时第二单元讲述不定式的用法作业:掌握不定式可以充当的句子成分,写出相对应的句子做主语 its adj/n for sb to do sth 做宾语 make it possible to do sth Expect(写出其他类似用法的动词)to do 做状语 to/in order to/ so as to do sth 写出不定式做表语和定语的例句表语:定语:Unit 3 单元主线:Make polite request and ask for permission 话题:家务活 housework or chores 发出请求 A: Could you please. ? B: Yes, sure./All right./No problem./Certainly.Sorry, I cant. I have to do.Sorry, I cant. I am doing.征询同意A: Could I/we do sth? B: Sure, you can. Sorry, you cant.作文Some students think that but other students disagree, they think 导入做不做家务的争论I think/agree that because its fair/unfair for children to do/ I think children should notbecause for example, they should because介绍自己是否赞同并给出原因总结论述,提出号召或倡议In a word/ in my opinion/ I hope/advise thatDear Sir or Madam, (Sir, Madam 首字母要大写)Some parents think its important and necessary for students to do chores. However, other parents disagree. They think its more important for students to study. Doing chores is a waste of time. So students should not do chores at home. I think students should share some chores with their parents. The reasons are as follow, first, doing chores can help students learn the idea of fairness. Everyone in the house should take part in keeping the house clean and tidy. Second, doing chores can help students know their parents better. Students will know how hard it is for their parents to go to work every day and take care of the family at the same time. Finally, doing chores can give students a chance to do some exercise. I think its good for their health.In a word, I strongly advise that students share some chores.Yours truly, Li Png 作业:写出下列表达的汉语或英语意思。at least finish watching this show 两个小时的电视对你足够了。妈妈随时会购物回来。 看到这个狼藉相当干净整洁 扔下书包我一坐下我妈妈就过来了 带这只狗去散步一直 帮忙做家务顶嘴 走开令他惊讶的是 惊讶地分享家务去有一个干净舒适的家我不是工程师,我也不是。我不会游泳,我也不会。你不应该抄作业,我也不应该。我昨晚没写作业呢,我也没有。hang out with stay out late stay up late pass me the salt = pass the salt to me borrow books from the library lend me some money = lend some money to me bring a tent 请及时回复我的邀请 理解neither用法Neither adj形容词 表示两者都不 放在单数名词的前面谓语动词用单数Neither student likes football.pron 代词 做主语或宾语-Which one do you like? Neither.She bought two toys, but neither can please him. Neither of us has been to London. 请列举both all 的用法作业:用下列句型或连词造句。a waste of timethere is no need fortodo not mind(mind doing sth./mind sb. doing sth.)spend time on in order to its not enough to the earlier the betterhave no idea how to doalso while instead since anywayuntil notuntil in my opinionso that sothat作业:写出例句provide provide sb. sth. = provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.offeroffer sb. Sth. = offer sth. to sb. offer to do sth. let/make/have sb. do sth. drop a drop of water grades dropped 成绩下滑 do part in doing sth. depend on sb. 依靠某人;信赖某人作业:观察下列单词的构词。independent independence silent silence important importancedifferent difference fair unfair fairness Unit 4 本单元主要是讲problems 以及相对应的advice 因此需要首先了解有哪些问题以及具体的解决方法;第二,了解具体的英语表述方法。作业: 结合笔记写出以下内容 Why not do问题 How/what about和父母的问题 句型 Lets do和家人的问题 解决方法 You should do和朋友的问题 You could do在学习方面的问题 Youd better do sth自己的问题 why dont you do Im sorry to hear that / its normal for a child to have such problems/ you said you /I really (dont) agree with you.作文概述问题 In my opinion / its important for a student to/ I think you should / you shouldnt / although/secondly, why dont you? / also, / I believe if you, they will 提出建议Im sure you can / I hope youll feel better soon / I hope things will work out提出祝愿 Dear Jim, Im sorry to hear that you have some problems. Its normal for teenagers to have such problems. You said you argued with your parents. I really dont agree with you. I think your parents are right. Its bad for your health to get on line until late at night.In my opinion, studying is the most important for a student. I think you should say sorry to your parents, because they really care for you. Secondly, why dont you sit down and talk to each other? You could tell them you will work hard, and you can get on line only on weekends. Also, you could do some other things in your free time, like reading books. I hope things work out. Yours truly, Jack.作业:写出下列表达的汉语意思wait that long talk about it on the phonesurprise him in surprise / to my surprise get on with my family relations between my parents fight a lot hang over my home refuse to do sth feel lonely and nervoushave more time for proper communication be strong in communicating with othersborrow my things without asking be worried about my gradescopy others homeworkas well get enough sleep get much stresscompete with my classmateshave after-school classesthese dayslearn exam skills a typical American family football training look through look over look into look down uponlook up look for look after look outits not a big dealhope things work out work out the problem he wakes up wake him up have a quick meal in my opinion childrens development compare A with B compare A to B cause many problemsas usual push the students hard 作业:给出具体的例句。continue to do sth 另一件事 continuous 连续不断的continual 频繁的(类比stop)doing sth 同一件事allow sb to do sth allow sb not to do sth allow doingargue with sb about sth return sth return to +地点cause 客观原因 reason 主观给出的原因perhaps = maybenotanymore 不再


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