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英语(快乐英语) 课题:评价试题 共1课时 撰稿 古塔区保二小学 温暖审稿 王金海录入 尹航I.听力部分(20分)一、Listen and choose听音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)1.a cat b bike2.a Sundayb Saturday3.a dollb ball4.a leg b neck5.a pearb chair二、Listen and fill in the blanks. 听音,填空。(5分)1.Whats _ name?2.What class _ _ in?3.We have a _ class today.4.Im from _.三、Listen and answer.听音,并按你的实际情况回答。(10分)1._2._3._4._5._II.笔试部分(80分)一、Look and write.将正确的单词写在横线上。(8分)1.y n a d u s 2.o p i a n 3.i l v o n i 4.c i m s u 5.e n c i s c e 6.S u d n a y 7.C i h s e n e 8.d o M n a y 二、Read and choose.(选择填空)(10分)1.Where are you _? A.from B.on C.outD.at2.Im in _.A.class oneB.class OneC.Class oneD.Class One 3.-Can you speak English?-_.A.No, I dont. B.Yes, I can.C.Good ieda. D.OK.4.-What _ is today?-Today i Thursday.A.dayB.date C.time D.today5.-Thank you very much.-_.A.All right. B.OK.C.My pleasure. D.No.三、Make a sentence.连词成句(18分)1.you What are class in _?2.go the classroom to Lets. _.3.We an English have today class _.4.play ping-pong we Shall _?5.that Whats over there _?6.class What you do have _?四、Read and number.读一读,排序.(20分)1.()My name is Takuya.()Hi! Whats your name?()Im from Japan. What about you?()Where are you from?()Im from England.2.()Me, too. Oh, its 9:10. Time for our English class.()Today is Tuesday. We have an English class today.()Great! I like English.()OK.()Yeah! Lets go to the classroom.五、Read the card and finish the introduction.看图片,然后完成自我介绍。(6分)Name: Wang HongAge: 10Class: 2Grade: 4City: DalianCountry: ChinaHello! Im Wang Hong. Im _ years old. Im _ Class _, _ 4. Im in _, _.六、Read and judge. 读读,判断句子正误,对的写T,错的写F。(共16分)Hello! My name is Wu Yan. Im a student in Guang Ming Primary School. Im in Class 4, Grade 2. My English teacher is Miss Zhang. Shes beautiful. THere are 40 students in my class. There are 24 boys and 16 girls. We study hard. PE is my favorite subject(科目).I have a new friend. Her name is Mary. Shes from England. She is 10 years old. She is very cute.(可爱).()1.Im Mary.()2.Im a teacher of Guang Ming Primary School.()3.Im in Class 2, Guade 4.()4.Miss Zhang is my English teacher.()5.Therere 24 girls in my class.()6.I have a new friend.()7.Mary is my new friend.()8.Mary is from England.参考答案I.听力部分一、Number 1 cat;number 2 Saturday;number 3 doll;number 4 neck;number 5 chair二、1.Whats your name?2.What class are you in?3.We have a music class today.4.Im from China.三、1.Whats is your favorite class?2.Do you have many friends?3.Do you like computer games?4.Where are you from?5.Whats your name?II.笔试部分一、1.Sunday2.piano3.violin4.music5.science6.Sunday7.Chinese8.Monday二、1.A2.D3.B4.A5.C三、1.What class are you in?2.Lets go to the classroom.3.We have an English class today.4.Shall we play ping-pong?5.Whats that over there?6.What class do you have?四、1.(2) (1) (4) (3) (5)2.(3) (1) (2) (5) (4)五、Hello! Im Wang Hong. Im 10 years old. Im in Class 2, Grade 4. Im in Dalian, China.六、1.(F) 2.(F) 3.(F) 4.(T) 5.(F) 6.(T) 7.(T) 8.(T)Class: Name: ( )1. Good morning! !A.Morning ! B.Hello ! C.Hi !( )2. Nice to see you again ! .A.How are you ? B.Nice to see you , too . C.How do you do ?( )3.Good night,mom ! A.Night ! B.Good night ! C.Good evening .( )4.How do you do ? A.How are you ? B.Fine,thanks . C.How do you do ?( )5.How many story books do you have ? A.I have 10. B.I can see 10. C.Thirty yuan.( )6.Do you have new teachers? A.Yes,we do . B.Yes,we dont. C.Yes,we have .( )7.Whos your art teacher ? A.Mr Zhu. B.Miss Zhu. C.Hes tall.( )8.Whats he like? A.Hes tall and strong . B.Yes,he is. C.Mr Zhu.( )9.Is your English teacher young? A.No,she isnt. B.Yes,she is . C.No,she is.( )10. ? Her name is Chen Jie.A.Whats your name ? B.Whats she name ? C.Whats her name ?( )11. ? I like Chinese,math and English.A.What classes do you like? B.What do you like? C.What are you like ?( )12. ? We have English and P.E.A.What do you have on Mondays ? B.What do you have ?C.What do you have on Monday?( )13. ? Its Monday.A.What is it today ? B.What day is it today ? C.What day is today ?( )14. ? I watch TV and do my homework.A.What do you do ? B.What do you do in Mondays? C.What do you do on Sundays ?( )15.May I have a look ? A.Sure.Here you are . B.Look ! C.Here you are .( )16.Our math teacher is Canada.A.from B.in C.at ( )17.I three new teachers.A.has B.am C.have( )18.Whats Chinese teacher like ?A.you B.your C.youre( )19.My P.E.teacher is thin.A.too B.so C.very ( )20.There are days in a week.A.six B.seven C.eight ( )21.There are month(月)in a year(年).A.ten B.eleven C.twelve( )22.I often watch TV Saturday .A.on B.in C.at ( )23.I like P.E. I dont lime music.A.but B.and C.so( )24.This is apple. It is red apple.A.a , a B.an,an C.an, a( )25.What do you like ?A.classes B.class C.classs六年级英语测试题Class: Name: ( )1. How are you ? A.Fine,thanks. B.Yes,it is. C.How are you ?( )2. Nice to meet you ! A.Fine,thank you. B.OK. C.Nice to meet you ,too !( )3. How do you go to school ? A.I go to Canada by plane. B.I go to school by bike. C.What about you ?( )4. How do you go to the USA ? A.I usually go to school by bus. B.I go to England by ship. C.I go by plane.( )5. ? My home is near the post office.A. Where is your home ? B.OK. C.See you then!( )6. See you at 2 oclock. A.See you then ! B.The fifth floor. C.Its easy.( )7. ? You can go by the No.15 bus.A.Its not far. B. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? C.Sure.( )8. Where is the hospital? A.Next to the cinema. B.Thank you . C.Youre welcome.( )9. Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ? A.Yes,there is . B.No,its not far. C.Its near the post office.( )10.? ? Its near the post office.A.Yes,there is . B.No,its not far. C. Where is the library? ( )11. ? Its next to the hospital. A. Where is the cinema ,please ? B.Is it far ? C.Go straight.( )12. How can I get to the hospital ? A.Its next to the hospital. B.You can go by the No.201 bus. C.Thank you.( )13.Thank you . A.Thank you . B.OK. C.Youre welcome.( )14. How can I get to the museum? A.Go straight.Then turn left. B.Thank you . C.Its east of the cinema .( )15. Where is the post office ? A.Go straight.Then turn left. B.Thank you . C.Its east of the cinema .( )16. What are you going to do this evening ? A.Im going to the cinema . B.I go to school on foot. C.Yes,it is.( )17. Is it far ? A.No,it is . B.Yes , it is . C.Yes,it isnt.( )18. do you go to school ?A.What B.Where C.How( )19. I go to school bike.A.on B. by C.get( )20. Can I go foot ?A.by B.at C.on( )21.How can I to the post office ?A.near B. get C.for( )22. me.A. Excuse B. How C.next ( )23. birthday to you !A. After B.Happy C.First( )24. The hospital is the left.A. at B.in C.on ( )25. is the bookstore ?A.Where B.How C.When 四年级英语测试题Class: Name: ( )1.Good afternoon ! A.Hello! B.Hi ! C.Afternoon !( )2.Nice to see you again ! A.How are you ? B.Hello ! C.Nice to see you , too.( )3.Good night,moom ! A.Good evening ! B.Good night ! C.Night !( )4.How are you ? A.Fine,thank you . B.I am 10. C.Nine .( )5.How do you do ? A.Fine ,Thank you . B.How are you ? C.How do you do ?( )6.How old are you ? A.How are you ? B.I am 11. C.I have 11.( )7. ? I have 23.A.How many books do you have ? B.How many books can you see?C.How many book do you have ?( )8. ? I can see 6.A.How many lights do you have ? B.How many lights can you see ?C.How many light can you see ?( )9.May I have a look ? A.Sure.Here you are . B.Look! C.Sure.Here are you .( )10. ? 50 yuan. A.How much is this schoolbag ? B.How many is this schoolbag ?C.How much are this schoolbag ?( )11.Wheres my seat ? A.Its near the door. B.Its on the door. C.Its under the door.( )12.Lets clean the desks and chairs. A.All right ! B.Hello ! C.Its nice .( )13.Whats this ? A.There is a board . B.Its a bee. C.Its bee.( )14. ? My name is Mike.A.Here are you ? B.Whats your name ? C.How do you do ?( )15.Whos the inventor of paper ? A.Chinese people. B.Oh! Great ! C.Hello!( )16.I a student. You a teacher.A.am ,am B.are, are C.am, are ( )17.This a boy.His name Zhang Peng.A.is, is B.am , is C.is , are ( )18.Let clean the fish bowl.A.I B. me C.my ( )19.This is apple.It is red apple .A.an ,an B.a, a C.an, a( )20.We a new classroom.A.are B.have C.has( )21.There a bee in our classroom.A. is B.are C.am( )22. have a new schoolbag. schoolbag is heavy.A.I , my B.I ,My C.My , I ( )23.Put your English book your head.A.at B.in C.on ( )24.There many books in the desk.A.am B.is C.are ( )25.How many do you have ? A.pencil B.pencils C.pencils.三年级英语测试题Class: Name: ( )1.当向别人打招呼时,应该说:A.Hello. B.Good morning .( )2.How are you ? 的正确答语是:A.name B.Im fine,thank you .( )3.当想知道别人的名字时,应该说:A.Whats your name ? B.See you.( )4.字母K的小写是:A.k B.( )5.Nice to meet you 的意思是:A.见到你很高兴。 B.你好吗?( )6.向别人告别时,应该说:A.Good bye! B.Hi.( )7.Jenny is a A.boy B.girl( )8.Li Ming is a A.boy B.girl( )9.Jenny lives in A.Canada. B.China.( )10.字母P的大写是:A.P B.q( )11.当向别人说谢谢时,应该说:A.Nice to meet you . B.See you later.( )12.早上好的正确答语是:A.Good morning . B.See you later.( )13.Whats this ? Its a A.desk B.book( )14.This is a A.teacher B.Danny ( )15.This is a boy.Whats name ?A.his B.her

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