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Module 2 p r nt k n k n ba skitb l pi n u tenis teibl tenis raid h s welk m nt n n l f kt ri h u tel ju ni v siti h spit l fis d kt w k m nid sekr t ri t f ut u f mili h 情态动词综合练习 单项选择 1 I get there on time today No you needn t A Can B May C Must D Should 2 May I talk about it with anyone I like No you A shouldn t B mustn t C needn t D don t have to 3 A teacher do every exercise but a pupil must A mayn t B needn t C can t D mustn t 4 Must we finish copying all these articles this morning No you A mustn t B haven t C not have to D don t have to 5 I have a word with the teacher sir A Will B Would C May D Should 6 I smoke here No you mustn t A Can B May C Must D Need 7 I visit Lucy on Sunday Mum Yes you A Must can B May may C Need need D May need 8 He finish his homework on time A need not to B doesn t need C needs to D needs 9 Neither he nor his children able to play table tennis A can be B could C is D are 10 We laugh at others A shouldn t B may not C needn t D can t 11 May I go now No you You stay here A needn t have to B needn t must C mustn t have to D mustn t has to 12 Man reach the moon or any other star in the universe now but we get there years ago A can couldn t B are able to weren t able to C must needn t D can had to 13 What I do for you means I help you A can Must B shall Need C can Can D will Shall 14 May I use your camera this Sunday No you A needn t B may not C won t D mustn t 15 I like to go to the cinema with mother on Saturday evening A will B shall C would D can 16 They do well in the exam A can be able to B be able to C can able to D are able to 17 You go and see a doctor at once because you ve got a fever A can B must C could D would 18 Can you speak Japanese No I A mustn t B can t C needn t D may not 19 Shall I get one more cake for you Dad Thanks but you I ve had enough A may not B must not C can t D needn t 20 I take this one A May B Will C Are D Do 21 The children play football on the road A can t B can C mustn t D must 22 You be late for school again next time A mustn t B needn t C don t have to D don t need to 23 Must I do my homework at once No you A needn t B mustn t C can t D may not 24 His arm is all right He go and see the doctor A has not to B don t have to C haven t to D doesn t have to 25 I take the newspaper away No you mustn t You read it only here A Must can B May can C Need must D Must must 26 Excuse me you please pass me that cup A Do B Should C Would D Must 27 you like to have another try A Could B Will C Would D Do 28 Would you like to go boating with us Yes A I d like B I want C I d like to D I do 29 You to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do A needn t to come B don t need come C don t need coming D needn t come 30 Need we do this job now Yes A you need B you should C you must D you can 达标测试 我夯基 我达标 词汇 A 考考你的判断力 你能猜出他们的工作场所和职业吗 试试看 1 My mother is a doctor She works in a h 2 My father is a teacher He works in a s 3 My brother is a worker He works in a f 4 My parents work on a farm So they are f 5 My little sister studies at a school So she is a s B 把下列词组译成相应的英语或汉语 6 骑自行车 7 play football 8 弹钢琴 9 play table tennis 10 骑马 11 说英语 句型转换 1 Lily can play the piano 改为否定句 Lily the piano 2 Little Mary can play basketball 改为一般疑问句 little Mary basketball 3 They are from the Beijing International School 对画线部分提问 they 4 Can Betty speak English 作肯定回答 she 5 Can Tony and Nick swim 作否定回答 No 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 这是大明的妈妈 Daming s 2 我母亲是北京一所大学的英语教师 My mother is at in Beijing 3 这是玲玲的父母 Lingling s 4 他是饭店经理吗 a 5 你父亲是干什么的 is your father s 单句改错 1 my name is betty and i m from america 2 these are my friends 3 she can t play basketball 4 She is american and she s a secretary in china 5 these american teachers can speak chinese 我综合 我发展 单项选择 1 2006 重庆初中升高中 Is this your son s sweater No is on the chair behind the desk A He B Him C She D His 2 How do you ball A say B spell C listen 3 Is this her watch A No it is B Yes it isn t C No it isn t 4 Can you spell the word A Sorry I can t B Yes I can t C No I can 5 Is he English Yes he is A a B C the 6 are good friends A I and Amy B Amy and I C Amy 7 2006 辽宁锦州 Is this your dictionary Jack Yes it s Thank you for help me find it A mines B heres C his D yours 8 Thanks A Thanks B Thank you C That s all right 9 You speak Chinese well A Thanks you B Thank C Thank you 10 is this in English It is a A What s apple B What egg C What ruler 11 Who they Oh they my parents A is is B are are C are am D in are 12 These my father and mother A are B is C am D be 13 My father is a teacher the Beijing International School A in B on C at D between 14 My mother is English teacher A a B an C the D 15 My parents are factory A teachers B farmers C workers D officers 阅读理解 A Can you tell me A father asks his son How many letters are there in the alphabet I don t know says his son His father says You don t know You are in school for many years and you don t know how many letters there are in the alphabet He is very angry His son says No But let me ask you a question Dad You often go to the post office please tell me how many letters there are in the post office 根据短文内容判断句子正 T 误 F 1 From this story we know the son is good at English 2 The son studies at school over 超过 one year 3 The father gets angry because his son is not polite 有礼貌 to him 4 The father knows how many letters there are in the post office 5 There are twenty six letters in the alphabet B Hello My name is Linda I am a Chinese girl I am eight I have many friends in my class Mary is my best friend How old is she She is eight too This is her cat Its name is Dick Can you spell Dick Yes it s D I C K She and I like it very much 根据短文内容判断句子正 T 误 F 6 Linda is an English girl 7 Her best friend is Mary 8 Mary is a student too 9 Dick is a dog s name 10 Linda and Mary like Dick very much 书面表达 同学们 你能用英语简单地介绍一下你的家庭成员的职业吗 我们等着你的杰作


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