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初中英语常考词汇及其词形变化一、 基数词与序数词。1. one-first once 2. two-second twice 3. three-third 4. five-fifth 5. eight-eighth 6. nine-ninth 7. ten-tenth 8. twelve-twelfth 9. twenty-twentieth10.twenty-onetwenty-first11.thirty-twothirty-second12.forty-fiveforty-fifthTip:另外,请同学们重视所有基数词与序数词的拼写。 二、 常考的名词单复数。man-men woman-women child-children mouse-micetooth-teeth foot-feet mouse-mice hero-heroestomato-tomatoes potato-potatoesfish-fishdeer-deer sheep-sheepleaf-leaveslife-lives knife-knives thief-thieveswolf-wolves wife-wives myself-ourselvesyourself-yourselvesherself-themselveshimself- themselvesitself-themselvesscarf-scarves/scarfsgiraffe-giraffes kangaroo-kangaroos Englishman-Englishmen German-Germans American-Americans Frenchman-FrenchmenChinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese Vietnamese-Vietnamese 三、 常考的国家名与某国人(的)/某国的/某国语(的)。America-American Canada-Canadian India-IndianItaly-Italian Japan-Japanese Vietnam-Vietnamese China-Chinese Korea-Korean Brazil-BrazilianGermany-German Switzerland-Swiss Britain-BritishScotland-Scottish Ireland-Irish Spain-SpanishEngland-English-Englishman France-French-FrenchmanAustralia-AustralianRussia-RussianMexico-MexicanEgypt-EgyptianAsia-AsianAfrica-AfricanEurope-European四、 常考的兼类词或多义词。1. hard adj. 困难的;艰苦的 live a hard life Its hard workadv. 困难地;艰苦地;重地 Its raining hard Hes working hardhardly adv. 几乎不 I could hardly catch any word he said. I have hardly any time to do that.2. watch n. 手表 Whats the time by your watch? v. 观看 watch a movie3. sound n.声音 Can you hear the sound of the wind outside?link-V.听起来 Sounds interesting!4. smell vt. 闻;嗅 Smell it carefully, it seems to be bad. link-V.闻起来 It smells nice. n.气味;味道 It gave out a terrible smell.5. taste vt. 尝 品尝 Can I taste it? link-V.尝起来 It tastes good. cn. 味道 It has a nice taste.un. 品位;鉴赏 Different people have different taste about clothes.6. look vi. 看 Look, here comes the bus. Look at the blackboard carefully. link-v. 看起来 She looks younger than she is. n. 看;看一看 Have a look at this new type of cars.7. get vi. 到达 How can I get there? vt. 得到 I got an opportunity of studying abroad. link-v. 变得 Its getting late.8. turn vi. 转;翻; 转身 turn left/right vt. 拧;扭;旋转 turn it on turn it off link-v. 变得 Her face turned white at the news. n. 轮次;秩序 take turns to sth. do sth. in turn9. go vi.1) 走;去 go to the cinema 2) 消失 Everything has gone. link-v. 变得;成为 The meat in the fridge has gone bad. n. 约定 Its a go. 一言为定。10. chicken cn. 小鸡 There are many chickens on the farm. uc. 鸡肉 He usually has chicken and rice for supper.11. fish cn. 鱼;鱼类 I keep 5 fish as pets. All kinds of fishes could be seen in the river in the past. uc. 鱼肉 My favorite food is fish. 12. plant cn. 植物 Plants are really important for our lives. vt. 种植;栽种 Many more trees have been planted on the hill.13. plan vi. 计划;打算 I am planning to take a trip to our capital city Beijing. She is planning on going to America for further study. vt. 计划;打算 You should plan your time well. n. 计划;打算 Good plan!14. answer vi. 回答 He didnt answer. vt. 回答 Who can answer this question? n. 回答 the answer to the question15. reply vi. 回复;答复;回应 He didnt replay to my letter. n. 回复;答复;回应 I knocked at the door, but theres no reply.16. address n. 1)地址 Do you have a email address?2)演讲;演说 He made an address which moved lots of people at the get-together. vt. 写/编地址;发表演讲;发表演说 address a speech.17. travel vi. 旅行 Why not consider tavel(l)ing to Paris for your next vacation? n. 旅行 He is on a travel to Shanghai.18. trip vi. 旅行 I dont like to trip far. n. 旅行 go on a school trip19. wish vt. 希望;祝愿 Wish you happy! Wish you a nice vacation! Wish you success! vi. 希望 I wish to meet her again. n. 希望;祝愿 Best wishes to you! With best wishes!20. hope vt. 希望 I hope (that) you can help me with my English. vi. 希望 He hopes to be a successful doctor. n. 希望 There is still hope to save his eyes.21. sleep vi. 睡觉 Did you sleep well last night? n. 睡觉 Have a good sleep!Tip: 学会使用asleep & sleepy22. walk vi. 步行 I like walking to school better than riding a bike. n. 步行 have a walk23. drive vi. 驾驶;开车 Who can drive? vt. 1)驾驶;开车;开车送(人) Can you drive a car? She drove me to work today.2)驱使;迫使; That drove her mad. n. 驾车旅行;开车行程 two hours drive24. ride vt. 搭乘;乘坐;骑 ride a bicycle/horse n. 搭乘;乘坐;骑 get/offer/give sb. a ride go for a ride five hours car ride The bike ride takes about 20 minutes.25. kind n. 种类 all kinds of a new kind of adj. 善良的 a kind teacherTip: kind of 有点儿26. right n. 1)右边 turn right on the right take a right2)权力 We should hold on to the right of dreaming. adj. 1)右边的 your right hand2)正确的 Is the answer right?3)恰当的 behave in the right way He is the right man for this job. adv. 1)直;径直;完全;立即 go right home take you right there 2)正确地 Do it right next time.27. left. adj.1)左边的 on the left side of the street2)剩余的 Theres only 3 minutes left. n.左边 on the left turn left take a leftv. (vi./vt. leave的过去式) They left for Guangzhou two hours ago.28. work n. 工作 What hard work it is? vi. 工作;起作用 Does the medicine work?29. straight adj.直的;笔直的 straight hair a straight street adv. 1)直直地;笔直地 walk straight along this road 2)直接;径直;立即 I usually go straight home after work.30. long adj.长的;长时间的 a long way a long time ago adv.长期地;长久地 Ive waited for you for long.31. high adj. 高的 Mother is afraid of high places. adv. 高 He jumps the highest in the class. highly adv.高度地 We all speak/think highly of the brave boy.32. clean adj.干净的 a clean classroom vt. 打扫 clean the class room33. empty adj.空的 an empty bottlevt.清空;腾空;倒空 empty your disk empty the fridge before going out34. far adj. 远的 a far place adv. 远;远远地 He lives far from his company35. report vt. 报告 Its reported that twenty more workers were saved. n. 报告 make a report36. outside adv. 在外边 They usually eat outside in the day. prep. 在的外边 outside the school gate adj. 外边的 the outside world37. inside adv.在里边 It is a game that can be played inside. prep. 在里边 inside the house adj. 里边的 inside floor38. face n. 脸;面子;表情 lose face make faces vt. 面对;面临 face the challenge bravely face lots of problems face the sea/lake39. change n. 变化;改变 There have been great changes in that place since the earthquake. vi. 变化;改变 People sure change. vt. 变化;改变 change it into a bird40. challenge n. 挑战 Just regard your problems as challenges! vt. 挑战 She challenged me to play chess with her.41. color n. 颜色 clothes in all colors vt. 染色;给上色 color it brown42. study n. 1)学业;学习 pay more attention to your study2)研究 scientific studies vt. 学习;研究 study it carefully43. shop n. 商店 a clothes shop vi.购物;买东西 Did you shop yesterday? Go shopping vt. 购物;买东西 He shop some food for himself44. experiment n. 实验;试验 do an experiment vi. 实验;试验 You should experiment with your new idea.45. experience un. 经验 lots of experience of teaching Englishcn. 经历 Can you tell me about your experiences in the last vacation?vt. 经验;经历;体会 You can experience peaceful country life here.46. try n. 尝试 have a try vi. 尝试 Who would like to try? Try to do it! vt. 尝试;试着做 She is trying babysitting.48. attempt n. 尝试;企图 make an attempt to do sth. vt./vi. 尝试;企图 Dont attempt everything one time. attempt to do sth. attempt doing49. mind n.脑子;想法 make up ones mind to do sth. vi. 在乎;介意 I dont mind. vt. 在乎;介意 Would you mind not smoking here?50. early adj. 早的 Early birds catch the worms. adv. 早;早早地 go to bed early51. late adj. 晚的 She is late for school again adv. 晚;晚地 He got up late this morning. stay up late watching TV lately adv.近来;最近 What did you do lately?52. interest cn. 兴趣;爱好 I have two interestscollecting ancient coins and painting. uc. 兴趣 I have no interest in what you said. places of interest vt. 使感兴趣 It interested me a lot.53. worry vt. 使担忧;使担心 You know what worries me. It worries me a lot. vi. 担心;担忧 Dont worry. n. 担心;忧虑 No worry. I have too many worries.54. influence n. 影响 have a good influence on sb. vt. 影响 My father influences me a lot.55. smile n. 微笑 with a smile on ones face vi. 微笑 He smiled but didnt say anything.56. show n. 表演;上映;展览 A new movie is on show. The flowers are just for show. vt. 把出示给某人看 show me your ticket, please. 57. boat n. 船 in a boat vi. 划船 Lets go boating.58. care n. 关心;爱护 take good care of sb. vi. 1)关心;爱护 care for care about vi./vt.在乎;介意 I dont care! They dont care who they are going to work with.59. free adj.自由的 免费的 a free day free concerts vt.使自由;释放 I freed the birds.60. love n. 爱;喜欢 show your love to others put your love to good use vt. 爱;喜欢 She loves pop music.61. dress n.1)(尤指妇女儿童的)衣服;服装; 2)女式长裙 She is wearing a dress. vt. 给穿衣 dress myself get dressed be well dressed vi. 穿衣 dress casually My parents dress casually on weekends.62. seat n. 座位 4000 seats vt. 让坐下;给安排坐位 They seated us in Row 2. All visitors are seated.63. crowd n. (一)群;(一)团/簇 ;人群 a crowd of people crowds of sheep/clouds vi. 拥挤;挤满 Dont crowd around me! vt. 塞满;挤满 They crowded the car with six people, including two kids.64. burn n. 烧伤 Running cold water is helpful to treat a small burn. vi. 烧伤;烤焦;燃烧 The house is burning. vt. 烧;烤;烧伤;烤焦 The sun burned my skin.65. cut n.切口 I can see a deep cut in his head. vt.砍;割;切 Cut up the fruit.66. help n. 帮助 Thanks for your help. vi. 帮助 Does it help (with your problem)? Can I do anything to help?vt. 帮助 Can I help you?67. guide n. 向导;指南;手册 buy a tour guide I want to be a tour guide when I am older. vt.向导;指引;带领 guide us out of the forest.68. lead n. 处于领先地位的人或事 I believe I can keep the lead. vt. 引导;领导(反义:词mislead误导)Its Mr. Wang who leads us to work hard on this work. adj. 处于领先地位的;领先的 a lead singer 69. hit n. 成功而轰动一时的事物 This song used to be a hit. a hit CD vt. 撞击;打击 The car nearly hit the boy.70. mark n. 标志;印记;分数 get high marks in the test. You are supposed to make marks while walking alone in the forest so that you wont get lost.vt. 做标记;批阅 The teacher is marking our papers.71. correct adj. 正确的;恰当的 a correct answer vt. 纠正;改正;订正 correct our mistakes72. test n. 考试;测试;测验 have/take a test a lab test vt. 考试;测试;测验 to test a machine73. exam n. 考试;测试;测验 have/take an exam vt. 考试;测试;测验 exam your English74. email n. 电子邮件 send/get an email vi. 发电子邮件 Can you email on a mobile phone? vt. 电子邮件给email your friends75. order n. 1)秩序 putin order 2)命令 follow/obey ones order break ones order3)点菜 May I have your order? Heres your order. vt. 1)命令 order sb. (not) to do sth.vi./vt. 点菜Can you order now? What did you order? Just eat what you have ordered.76. wonder n. 奇迹;奇观 The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. vt. 奇怪;怀疑;想知道 I wonder what I can do to help her.77. water n.水 polluted water pure water running water fresh water(淡水) vt.浇水;灌溉 water the plants water the fields78. milk n.牛奶 Most babies live on milk. vt.挤奶 Have you ever milked a cow on the farm?79. need n. 需要 It just meet your need. vi./vt. 需要 You dont need to come today. We need three more workers.80. lift n.电梯; 提升 We go up and down the building in a lift. vt.提起;举起 Who can lift the basket of apples onto the truck?81. hand n. 手 on your left hand n. 帮助 Can you lend me a hand? vi./vt. 交;递;给 Please hand in your papers now. hand it to me82. cross n. 叉;叉形物;十字架 She wears a beautiful cross round her neck. vt. 横穿 Be careful when you cross the street.Tip: across prep. trek across the desert run across China(横贯中国)83. rain n.雨 What heavy rain it is! There will be rain tomorrow? vi.下雨 It is raining hard/heavily outside now.84. snow n.雪 Many children like snow. vi 下雪 It hardly ever snows in Chengdu in winter. 85.sweet adj.甜的;糖的 The soup tastes kind of sweet.n. 糖果 I like sweets a lot86.support n.支持 Thank you for your support. I need your support. vt. 支持 I will always support you.87. aid n.帮助 offer sb. aid get aid from first-aid v. 帮助 He even aided his classmates.五、 常考的近义词。一) 名词noise/sound/voice family/home/house/room information/message end/ending advice/suggestion work/job 二) 形容词,副词,连词,介词等quick/quickly/fast/soon when/while round/around middle/mediumloud/loudly/aloud near/nearby/nearly across/through/past三) 动词say / speak / tell / talk; look (at) / see / watch / notice hope/wishlisten (to) / hear /hear of / hear about / hear from help/aidhit/beat/hurt/knock beat/win look for/ find / find out / discoverdiscover/invent/create六、 常考的形近词。except / expect expression / impression / pressure / permission fall-fell-fallen fill-filled-filled feel-felt-felt alone/lonely past/passlie-lay-lain lay-lain-lain fun/funny change/exchange/challenge七、 最常考的不规则动词。be leavebear lendbeat letbecome liebegin lightblowlosebreakmakebringmeanbuildmeetburnpaybuyputcatchreadchooserendcomeridecutringdorisedrawrundrinksaydriveseeeatsellfallsendfeedsetfeelshakefightshootfindshowfleeshutflysingforbidsinkforgetsitfreezesleepgetspeakgivespellgospendgrowstandhangstealhavesweephearswimhidetakeholdteachhurttellkeepthinkknowthrowlaywakeleadwearlearnwincostwritepreferstickmisleadoversleep八、 常考词形转换的词。1. luck-lucky-luckily-unlucky-unluckily Good luck! a lucky day/girl an unlucky experience2. noise-noisy-noisily make noise(s) a noisy boy do sth. noisily3. heavy-heavily What heavy rain it is! Its raining heavily4. strong-strongly I strongly believe in that he is strong enough to get over it.5. develop-developing-developed-development a developing/developed country6. confuse-confused-confusing I am confused by his confusing questions.7. lead-mislead-misleading a misleading advertisement8. choose-choice I cant decide which one to choose. You have to make a choice. 9. decide-decision decide to do sth. We should learn to make decisions for ourselves10. difficult-difficulty Its difficult for sb. to do sth. He worked out this math problem without any difficulty11. confident-confidence Confident people always have confidence in themselves.12. different-difference-differently be different formCan you tell the differences between these two cars?Tom thinks/feels differently.13. important-importance be important to the importance of14. mean-meaning-means What do you mean? transportation means (交通方式) I understand the meaning of the sentence.15. salt-salty The salt is not salty enough.16. scared-scary The little boy is scared by the scrary story.17. thrill-thrilled-thrilling a thrilling trip feel thrilled18. peace-peaceful-peacefully Now they are living peacefully in the peaceful countryside. We hope people in the world can live together in peace.19. use-useful-useless I dont know if its a useful book or a useless one.20. care-careful-carefully-careless-carelessly21. succeed-success-successful-successfully22. die-dying-dead-death a dying cat a dead cat His death makes everybody sad.23. health-healthy-healthily-unhealthy-unhealthily24. friend-friendly-friendship-friendliness Its the friendship that counts. A friendly smile25. serve-service Snacks are served in our hotel. Friendly service is their advantage.26. forget-unforgettable-forgetful a forgetful teacher an unforgettable day27. able-unable-disabled be able/unable to do sth. They provided the disabled boy with a job.28. honest (adj.)-honesty (un.)-dishonest (adj.)-dishonesty (un.) The dishonest boy used to be an honest good student. 29. like-dislike vt. I dislike milk, I cant stand it.30. like-unlike prep. Unlike you, I dont want to hang out now.31. know-known-unknown-knowledge-knowledgeable 32. wonder-wonderful-wonderfully a wonderful piece of music finish a task wonderfully33. beauty-beautiful-beautifully My daughter can play this piece of music beautifully.34. advertise-advertisement-advertising Advertising is a big business in the modern society.35. serious-seriously Anything serious? Yes, her left leg is seriously injured.36. athlete-athletic Almost all athletes have athletic bodies.37. surprise-surprising-surprised-surprisingly to ones surprise be surprised to do sth. do sth. surprisingly 38. amaze-amazing-amazed be amazed at sth. an amazing story39. collect-collection-collector The stamp collector has a big collection of stamps.40. translate- translation- translator The translator is doing some translation work.41. interview-interviewer An interviewer interviewed me on the radio program yesterday.42. report-reporter Its reported that I used to work as a reporter for 3 years. 43. help-helper-helpful-helpless The animal helper is really helpful to lonely helpless Ann.44. organize-organization-organizer-organized You can enjoy organized games here.45. like-alike-likely Lily and her mother are alike. Great men think alike. Do you think its likely(adv. 有可能) to rain?46.


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