牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit 4 Growing up单元测试(二)B卷.doc

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牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit 4 Growing up单元测试(二)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据句意及中文提示填写单词。 (共3题;共7分)1. (1分)My sister _ (参加) a concert last night and came back very late. 2. (1分)It is very difficult for such young children to_(清除) the deep snow in the school. 3. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)Which month is hotter, _(十月) or September?(2)This is Johnsons _(第二十) birthday.(3)I buy a nice _(礼物) for my best friend.(4)We have many great _(特色菜) in the restaurant.(5)It was such a _(惊奇) that he couldnt deal with it.二、 用before, after, when, while, s (共3题;共11分)4. (5分)用括号内的单词或短语填空,并将正确答案填在横线上,使短文意思完整、通顺。ever since, mostly, appears, hometown, some dayDo you have any family members or friends who live abroad? Now many people come to China to look for the roots of their families. They_come from the United States, Canada, England and Germany. Mrs. Sun is a Chinese woman, and she has lived abroad for fifty years. Her father is a Chinese farmer. He died when Mrs. Sun was only seven years old. She was taken by her uncle to America and has lived abroad _.She is a famous singer now in America. Every time she_in public, thousands of her fans never miss the chance to see her. She often says she is in search of her ancestors roots. She has never forgotten her_. She hopes that she will be able to go back to her hometown_and visit some other relatives.5. (3分)用before, after, when, while, since, until, as soon as或whenever填空。(1)Eddie was sleeping _ Millie was reading a magazine.(2)Ill tell her about it _ she comes back.(3)Youd better eat less food _ you go to bed.6. (3分)用before, after, when, while, since, until, as soon as或whenever填空。(1)I didnt believe he could drive _ he told me.(2)Ill call you _ she leaves.(3)Dont be nervous _ you have a test.三、 用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。introduce, compare, memory, fetch, touristAs we know, there are many beautiful places in China, such as Hong Kong, Harbin. They attract a lot of people at home and abroad. But its hard for _to choose where they can go. You can tell them _Guide to China, which _China in detail. If they have no chance to go through the book, you may show them advertisements for traveling, then after _, they can decide where to go. They will have a good trip and take photos in _of it.四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)8. (2分)My cousin is _, Next Monday is her _ birthday. A . nine; ninthB . nine; ninthC . nine; nineD . ninth; ninth9. (2分)I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health.Yes. I agree _ you.A . to; toB . with; toC . at; withD . for;with10. (2分)It is said that children in South Korea have to hike and walk through mountains at night their military(军事的) training. Really? So their training is much harder than ours.A . afterB . sinceC . duringD . before11. (2分)What are you going to _ the money you have got? A . do withB . doing withC . deals withD . deal with12. (2分)Im _ in the _ news. A . interesting; excitingB . interesting; excitedC . interested; excitingD . interested; excited13. (2分) the winter in Harbin is rather cold, the city is still attractive to the visitors throughout the world.A . AlthoughB . ButC . So14. (2分)Would you like to go shopping with me?_But Im busy preparing for my test.A . Dont mention it.B . Id love to.C . Thats all rightD . My pleasure15. (2分) What is our head teacher like, do you know? Oh, he is very kind _ he looks very serious.A . becauseB . thoughC . ifD . when16. (2分)Mr Smith is popular with the students _ he always makes his class interesting. A . untilB . whileC . because17. (2分) You won the first prize in the Physics competition. _. I made several terrible mistakes.A . I think soB . You must be jokingC . You are welcomeD . It doesnt matter五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)完形填空 Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. It is my 1day in the school. My first name is Jenny. My family 2is Green. Im 3Class Two. My phone number is 886 068. There are 4people in my family: nay parents, my two brothers and I. My brothers and I are 5. We are in the same school. Look, 6my good friend. 7name is Sally. She is 8English girl. She is in Class 9too. 10are in the classroom. We are talking happily.(1)A . first B . last C . middle D . good (2)A . colour B . name C . number D . sport (3)A . in B . at C . of D . on (4)A . four B . three C . five D . two (5)A . friends B . sons C . students D . boys (6)A . this is B . these are C . those are D . he is (7)A . His B . Her C . Shes D . Hes (8)A . a B . an C . the D . / (9)A . One B . Two C . Three D . Four (10)A . Sally and me B . I and Sally C . Sally and I D . They 六、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共6分)19. (6分)阅读理解School news (June 8th, Friday)School trip: Students in Junior Two had a great time during the school trip last Friday. They went to Ocean Park by bus. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the bus after the trip. They had a good time there.Japanese visitors: Thirteen visitors from Japan arrived at our school on June 4th. They visited our school and enjoyed the weekend party with teachers and students.Basketball world: The school basketball match will be held tomorrow. Both Team Five and Team One hope to be the champion(冠军). Who do you think will win?Talent show: There will be a talent show in our school on June 15th. Lots of students will show their talents by singing, dancing and playing the instruments at the central hall.(1)The players in Team Five and Team One will take part in the . A . talent showB . school tripC . basketball matchD . weekend party(2)According to the news, the talent show will be on . A . MondayB . FridayC . WednesdayD . Thursday(3)From the news we know that . A . Thirteen visitors from Japan arrived at our school on Monday, June 4th.B . On June 10th, the students can have a basketball match.C . The students didnt clean the bus after the trip.D . The students cant sing at the talent show.七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)任务型阅读THE HISTORY OF LIVING IN SPACESpace travel is nothing new. The first spacecraft with a human on board blasted into space In 1961. since then, people have not only been travelling to space, but many of them have also lived there for extended periods.FoodAll the meals on space stations are put together on Earth and sent to the space station, along with the astronauts, by space shuttle. Because the food has to last a long time (sometimes up to three months), a lot of it has to be preserved by dehydration or canning.The space station does not have a freezer to preserve food, but It does have a cool room to keep fruit and vegetables fresh.Astronauts also eat many other foods such as cereals, cereal bars, nuts and dried fruit that do not need any special preparation.EatingAstronauts have a set timetable each day. This tells them when to do everything, including when to have their meals. At meal preparation time, they start getting their food ready, which often includes adding water to re-hydrate the dehydrated foods.Without the help of gravity, sitting down to eat can be tricky. Astronauts sometimes have to strap themselves and their food into place. Because of lack of gravity, astronauts cannot use ground salt and pepper, and all drinks must be taken from bottles. They also have to be careful that crumbs do not fly off and get stuck in vents and instrument panels.(1)What does the space station have to keep fruit and vegetables fresh? (Fewer than 7 words)_(2)How do people send the food to the space station?_(3)What tells astronauts when to do everything about eating?_(4)Astronauts can use ground salt and pepper, cant they?_(5)Why should astronauts be extremely careful while theyre eating ?_八、 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。 (共1题;共16分)21. (16分)根据汉语提示完成句子。(1)你每天都会面对许多问题,但这些问题终究是会解决的。You _a lot of problems everyday but they will be solved in the end.(2)这种办法会帮助你更容易了解他。This way will _you to _him _.(3)那儿有许多人,他们的确能帮到你。There are a lot of people there. _can _help you.(4)模仿演员的语音语调也不失为一种好的语言学习方法。_actors _and intonation is really a good languagelearning _.(5)通过这种方式,你一定会成功的。_, you are _be successful.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 根据句意及中文提示填写单词。 (共3题;共7分)1-1、2-1、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、二、 用before, after, when, while, s (共3题;共11分)4-1、5-1、5-2、5-3、6-1、6-2、6-3、三、 用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。 (共1题;共5分)7-1、四、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)18-1、六、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共6分)19-1、19-2、19-3、七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、八、 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。 (共1题;共16分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、

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